ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68067 VOL.- VI , ISSUE- VI September  (Part-1) - 2021
Anthology The Research
Use of Information and Communication Technology in Research
Paper Id :  16081   Submission Date :  2021-09-02   Acceptance Date :  2021-09-20   Publication Date :  2021-09-25
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Khalida Akhtar
Associate Professor
Karamat Husain Muslim Girls PG College
Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh, India
The advancement of Science and Technology has made remarkable improvement in all fields of knowledge. In the field of research, drastic changes have been made. Use of Information and CommunicationTechnology has made research globally useful, this became possible only because of digital libraries. The paper highlights the use of ICT and EIS (Electronic Information Services) by the libraries thereby enriching research.
Keywords Research, Electronic, Information, Services, Information , Communication Technology, Digital, Library.
Information and Communication Technology means utilization of IT in its related fields to overcome the problems. Now we have reached at the age of Information revolution because of information explosion. Now research in any field cannot be imagined without the use of Information Technology. The information required by the researcher from any library in the world can be obtained using IT tools.Information Technology has made libraries from conventional to digital. One of the major supports to research is a good library service.Therefore, it is necessary for researches to know the developments in the field of Library Science.
Objective of study
1. To acquaint researchers of the developments in the field of library and information science which would help them to carry out good research in their field. 2. To study the impact of open access on research.
Review of Literature
EIS (Electronic Information Services) can be used by researchers in educational institutions. But often it is found that due to lack of facilities in the university users are unable to use it.For example, A study conducted by Ali, Naushad,2005 found that Boolean logic and truncation are the most often used search facilities by IIT Delhi, users. But due to lack ofprinting facilities, terminals and trained staff the users were discouraged from accessing the electronic information services.The study also found that about sixty percent of the users there found difficulties while browsing the e-information.It is therefore, necessary that the library personnel should be trained enough to guide the users.
Main Text

    1. Application of IT in making Libraries Digital-

      1.   Close system to open access 

      2.   Print on paper to digital information 

      3.   Print Journals to electronic Journals 

      4.   In library access to remote access 

      5.   Availability of information from library timing to 24X7 

      6.   Photocopies to digital formats 

      7.   Standalone Libraries to Information networks 

      8.   Real to virtual Libraries

    Information Technology is applied to the operation of libraries and Information centers to ensure that services are being delivered in timewith accuracy. (Madu,Chibuogwu, E.2008).

    Concept of E-Resource

    E-Resources are important resources for research and academic community and play a significant role in scholarly communication. E- resources are those resources which include documents in electronic format that can be accessed via internet and so on.Digital resources offer convenience of time and place, ability to search directory on text and ability to disseminate and share information. E-resources are of two types.

    Online E resources

    These are the resources which are under the control of a central computer as in a manufacturing process or experiment. It is connected to a computer or computer network. Some examples of e-resources are E-Journals, E-Books, online e-databases, E-zines, Electronic thesis & dissertation (ETD), In-house databases, E-images, E-music & sound collections. E-reference sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, glossaries, translators and virtual newspapers)
    Offline E-Resources

    Offline e-resources are those resources which are not under the control of a central computer as in a manufacturing process or experiment. It is not connected to a computer or computer network. Some of the offline e-resources are offline mail, offline media playing, offline browsing, CD-ROM, offline e-dictionary, subject guides.

    Impact of open access on Research

    Open access is a methodology to go through any document, images free of cost by internet. Many open accesssites are there for retrieving any information,research paper,booksin a second without wasting money or time. Open access publications are freely and permanently available online to anyone with an internet connection. Unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium are permitted, provided the author/editor is properly attributed.There are two types of open access (Raj Deepa,2015)

    Green Open Access

    In this the author can submit paper in self archive at the time of submission of the publication without peer reviewed, or peer reviewed journal publication or peer reviewed conference proceeding paper or monograph. The green open access makes the publication available freely with any publishing but it is not publishing itself.

    Gold Open Access

    In this pen access author or author institution can pay a fee to the publisher at publication time and publisher makes the material free at the point of access. 

    White literature are peer reviewed article and grey literature is preprint or internal know how material. There are two kinds of green open access repository, Thematic author deposits in a central repository used by community and maintained by appropriate institution where relevant material on a subject area are collected together. Example is arXiv.

    Advantages of open access:

    The main advantage is that open research provides availability of e-article on internet and makes easy access to the researcher and makes the article to have more citation and impact. Second advantage of open access is that it is possible to cross link any data sets and software used in producing the paper. It improves the research methodology and gives idea to the researcher to go in depth in validating the conclusion. Lack of access to subscription-based journals is a commonly cited problem for researchers in low-income countries. Open access can help provide scientists in such countries with the opportunity to participate in the international research community. Open access publications are freely available online to anyone, which maximizesthe visibility and thus the uptake and use ot the work published.Authors retain copyright, The use of a Creative

    Common Licence enables authors/editors to retain copyright to their work. Publications can be reused and redistributed as long as the original author is correctly attributed. High quality and rigorous peer review, open access publications run through the same peer review. Some main advantages of open access are as follows:

    1. Rapid publication:

    A streamlined and easy to use online submission and production process enables quick review, approval and publication.

    2. No space constraints:

    Publishing online means unlimited space for supplementary material including figures, extensive data and video footage.

    3. Compliance with open access mandates:

    Open access publications can comply with open mandates from funding sources or academic institutions in the fastest and easiest way. Final articles can be deposited into bibliographic databases and institutional repositories without any embargo periods.

    4. Citation tracking and inclusion in bibliographic databases

    Open access journals are tracked for impact factors and are deposited into bibliographic databases and institutional repositories without any embargo periods just as traditional journals. (Coyle, K.2002).  

    Open access resources

    There are many types of open access resources.They are open access publishers,directories,toolkits,portals and more.

    Directory of open access books (DOAB)

    It s a discovery service for peer reviewed books published under an open access license. DOAB provides a searchable index to the information about these books,with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository.

    Directory of open access Journals (DOAJ)

    This lists free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals covering all subjects and languages.

    Directory of open access resources (DOAR)

    The directory of open access resources aims to provide a comprehensive and authoritative list of academic open access repositories for end-users who wish to find particular archives or who wish to break down repositories by locale,content or other measures. Users can search for repositories by the following regions:Africa, Asia, Australasia, Carribbean, Central America, Europe, North America and South America.

    Global Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Search

    Central portal to search and locate electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) from universities around Central portal to search and locate Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) from universities around the world.

    Exciting new services launched by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) in July 2015. Once researchers have located the ETD’s of interest, they are able to access the original documents from the originating institutions.

    WorldWide is a global science gateway, providing one-stop searching of over 90 national and international scientific databases and portals from more than 70 countries. Users can search and translate 400 million pages of science and technology information. Resources available via WorldWide Science include DOAJ and all the Journals Online projets (JOLs)

    Information and communication technologies or Electronic Information Resources are the backbone in the advancement of research. Impact of technology has made easier the creation, storage, use, wider access, cost effectiveness anddissemination of electronic information. Thus, the benefits of research easily reach people and plagiarism is also easily detected and the original researches are carried out. Use of open access resources can cause impact on research only when the users are well trained in using it. It is therefore, necessary for all the researchers to learn the use of electronic information resources to be able to carryouta good research in their field.
    1. Ali, N. (2005), "The use of electronic resources at IIT Delhi Library: a study of search behaviours", The Electronic Library, Vol. 23 No. 6, pp. 691-700. 2. Coyle,K.(2002).Open source, open standards, Information Technology and Libraries21(1), pp.33-36 3. Edwards,J.(1997),“Electronic Journals: Problem or Panacea?” 4.,Retrieved 18 October 2020. 5. Madu,Chibuogwu,E.(2008),“Computerised Reference Source and Traditional Printed Reference Source: A Comparison of the old and the new in Library Services, Information Science and Technology for Library Schools in Africa” 6. Pandey, Purnima et al. (2015). e-Resources in Academic Libraries in e-environment. Role of libraries to educate downtrodden society in the present day scenario, Shrinkhala Publishing House,Faizabad.p.129 7. Raj, Deepa. (2015), “Impact of Open Access on Research.In Role of Libraries to educate downtrodden society in the presentday scenario.” (Ed.)K.L Mahawar.,Shrinkhala Publishing House, Faizabad,pp.200-202