ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68067 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- III June  - 2022
Anthology The Research
Microbiological Control of Rust Disease of Wheat Crop
Paper Id :  16166   Submission Date :  2022-06-01   Acceptance Date :  2022-06-21   Publication Date :  2022-06-25
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Shri Niwas
Associate Professor
Higher Education
Government Degree College, Kursanda Hathras
Hathras ,U.P., India
Effect of spores and metabolites of dominant phylloplane fungi on germination and growth of germ tubes of uredospores of Puccinia recondita tritici, causal agent of rust disease of wheat crop was studied in vitro. In general, the percentage of inhibition of uredospores germination and growth of germ tube were in an increasing magnitude with the increase in the concentrations of spores of phylloplane micro fungi in the uredospore suspension. Addition of extra cellular products of phylloplane micro fungi also caused inhibition of spore germination and germ tube growth of uredospores and growth and development of uredosori under in vitro and in vivo conditions respectively.
Keywords Phylloplane, micorfungi, Rust disease, Metabolites.
Despite growing awareness about environmental pollution, pesticides still dominate the measures of plant disease control. As a result of their indiscriminate use, a variety of agro – chemical is being introduced into the aerial and soil environment of plants. There is evidence that pesticides applied to leaves affect mineralization of elements, loss dry weight of liter and composition of fungal communities appearing in succession of decaying litter (Macauley, 1997; Campbell, 1985). Effects of pesticides on such natural processes should, therefore, affect the soil fertility, Substantial money of the world is being spent annually on the manufacture of agrochemicals to be used as pesticides and fertilizers.
Objective of study
This study is an attempt has been taken to assess the possibility of controlling wheat rust disease by non-target phylloplane microfungi of wheat plant.
Review of Literature
The use of pesticides in agriculture could provide little success in disease control. It is well known that some pathogens have acquired resistance to these chemicals. There are reports that application of chemicals, instead of providing any control, resulted in an increase in disease severity of some plants. thought such information are mostly on root diseases (Dekker, 1972; Fokkema et al, 1975), there is evidence for leaf disease also is evidence that delicate balance of composition, number and activities of phylloplane micro – organisms is considerably modified by the application of pesticides to leaf surface (Hislop, 1971; Dickinson, 1973; Sainger, 1982). Bollen and Scholten (1971) have shown that occurrence of benomy1 resistant Botrytis cinerea on sprayed cyclamen plants may be a consequence of the reduction of antagonistic Penicillium sp. Keeping in view the above,
Main Text

Isolation of spores of Non – target Phylloplane Fungi

Spores of non – target phyllloplane fungi were scrapped form the 10 – day – old culture, grown on sterile PDA slants. These spores 10- days old culture, grown on sterile PDA slants.

These spores along with mycelial fragment were mixed in sterile water. The mycelial fragments were removed by filtering the spore suspension through there layered cheesecloth. The spore concentration (2 x 105 spores cm-3)  was measured with the help of heamocytometer. This known concentration of spore suspension was taken as stock sample. Spore suspension of desired concentration was obtained by mixing the stock spore suspension and sterile water.

Formula for Preparation of Known concentration of Spores

S1V1                        =              S2V2 where,

S1                            =              concentration of spore suspension to e prepared,

V1                            =              Volume of spore suspension to be prepared,

S2                            =              concentration of stock spore suspension,

V2                            =              volume to be taken from stock spore suspension,

V1-V2                        =              volume of sterile water mixed with volume of V2.

Isolation of Metabolites of Non- target Phylloplane Fungi.

Teen species of fungi as said earlier were grown individually in liquid czapek, medium pH-6. Each 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask, containing 100 ml of the medium, was inoculated with 10- day-old disc of the test fungus grown on PDA. The fungus was allowed to grow for one week at 25+10C and incubated at room temperature for 5 weeks. During this time the flasks were shaken at regular intervals. The contents of each flask were filtered through what man No. 44 filter paper. The filtrate was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant contain fungal metabolites was collected in sterile test tubes for further experiments.

Isolation of Uredospores

The diseased leaf was suspended in Petri dishes containing sterile water. The leaf surface was scrached with the help of forcep and needle so as to collect the uredospores in the sterile water. The uredospores suspension was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 min. at 150C. The centrifugation process was carried by Remi-refrigerator centrifuge. The supernatant was discarded and 5ml of fresh sterile water was added to the pellet containing uredospores. By the help of Vortex mixer, homogenous spore suspension was obtained. The concentration or uredospores was fixed at 104 uredospores cm-3 with the help of heamocytometer. The study was made under sterile condition.

Interactions of Non-target Phylloplane Fungi and Pucinia recondita tritici (in vitro)    

Germination of rust uredospores of Puccinia recondita tritici was studies in vitro by hanging drop method. A sterile cavity slide was taken having petroleum jelly smear around the cavity. During, petroleum jelly smearing process care was taken to keep the cavity free from petroleum jelly contamination. A sterile cover slip with a drop of uredospore suspension (0.01 ml) was carefully placed on the cavity. The purpose of smearing the jelly was to keep the free space and cavity slide tight and also to check evaporation form spore suspension. Including control two sets of experiment were maintained during the trials. One set of experiment was made from the spores/metabolites and in second set, the uredospore suspension was mixed in liquia metabolites/spore suspension of individual non-target phylloplane fungi. The slides were incubated at 20+10C  for 24 hr and then examined under high power 40x compound light microscope for germination of uredospores. Length of germ-tube equal to the diameter of uredospore was taken as criteria of germination.

Germination of Uredospores in Spore Suspension of Non-target Phylloplane Fungi.

Know concentration of uredospores (104 uredospores cm-3) and spores of non-target fungi suspension (2 x 105 spores cm-3) were taken (v/v) and mixed as per the formula stated earlier so as to get final spore concentration of uredospores and individual phylloplane fungi in the ratio of 1:2, 1:5 and 1:2.  The sutdy of uredospores germination was made as started above.

Germination of Uredospores in Presence of Metabolites

The germination of uredospores was studied in presence of heat-treated (550C temp.) and unheated metabolites of individual phylloplane fungi. Measurement of germ tube length of uredospores was also made. Sterile liquid Czapek, medium was taken as control.

The percentage of inhibition of germination and the length of germ tube was calculated as the formula given below:


Interactions of Non-target phylloplane Fungi and Puccinia recondita tritici (in vivo)

Wheat seedlings were grown in controlled laboratory conditions. The 11 days old seedlings were transferred to field for further experiments. Excluding the control ten experimental plots (2 m x 2 m) were taken for seedlings plantation. Around 10-45 seedlings were planted in each plot and left for further growth. After the three weeks of seedlings plantation, the dilute detergent (10%) Triton 100 x was sprayed on the wheat plants. The purpose of dilution detergent spray was to make leaf surface free from dust particles if any. The plants were sprayed with uredospores suspension and metabolites of individual fungus. The plants on control plot were sprayed only with sterile water. Sufficient care was taken so as to make free the treatment plots from undesirable spore suspension contamination. This practice was carried out simply by covering the wheat plants with polythene bags while giving specific treatment to be a desired experimental plot.

Studies on Uredosori Development in Presence of Metabolites under Field Conditions

Desirable concentration (8 x 10cm-3) of uredospores suspension in fungal metabolite was prepared by using the formula cited earlier. After 45 hrs of the treatment, the polythene bags were removed from leaves to expose them to natural condition for 20 days. After 20 days the leaves were removed from the wheat plant and the number of uredosori was examined and calculated cm-2 leaf surface. The percentage inhibition of rust uredosori was calculated as follows:

Isolation of Non – target Phylloplane Fungi For the present studies 10 most common phylloplance fungi i.e. Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, A. luchuensis, A. niger, chaetomium globossum, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Drechslera australiensis, Fusarium moniliforme, Nigrospora sphaerica and Penicillium chrysogenum were selected to study their antagonistic nature with reference to rust diseases of wheat caused by Puccinia recondita tritici.
Result and Discussion

Data on effect of different concentrations of spores of phylloplane fungi on germination of uredospores of Puccinia recondita tritici has been computerized in Table – 1.
In general, the percentage of inhibition of uredospore germination increased with the increasing concentration of spores of phylloplane fungi in the uredospore suspension. However, maximum inhibition was seen with spores of Aspergillus niger in the uredospore suspension. This was followed by Chaetomium globossumDrechslera australiensis and Fusarium moniliforme that caused around 58% inhibition in uredospore germination. The remaining six phylloplane fungi also caused inhibition in uredospore germination but at lower magnitude. In this regard Nigrospora sphaericaCladosporium cladosporioides was noticed to be very much less affective as compared with the remaining phylloplane fungi.
In order to have insight in the inhibition of germination of uredospores by the association of different non-target phylloplane fungi, an attempt was made to know the effect of metabolites from non-target phylloplane fungi on uredospore germination. The results are presented in Table- 2. The metabolites extracted from Aspergilus niger, Chaetomium globossum, Drechslera australiensis and 

Fusarium moniliforme showed more or less same order of impact on germination of uredospores as given in Table- 1 However, metabolite of Aspergillus luchensis, was more innibitory as compared to its spores (Table-1). This could have been due to the effect of specific extra-cellular metabolite of Aspergillus luchuensis produced in the vegetative hyphae the late phase of the growth and development of mycelium (Whipps, 1987).
The most interesting part of the studies was the effect of mild heat treated metabolite on the germination of uredospores. The metabolite extracted from Aspergillus flavus, A.luchuensisA. niger, Cladosporium cladosporioides, 
Drechslera australiensis, Nigrospora sphaerica and Penicillium chrysogenum were relatively less inhibitory as compared to the mild heat-treated metabolites. This could have been due to the change in the structural configration of specific biomolecule (s) in response with mild-heat treatment. On the other hand, when the metabolite of Chaetomium globossum was treated with heat, its inhibitory action decreased. The magnitude of inhibition of extracellular products (metabolite) from Alternaria alternata and Fusarium moniliforme remained unchanged even after mild-heat treatment.
In order to further confirm the antagonistic effect of metabolites from phylloplane fungi on germ tube length of Puccinia recondita tritici, an additional attempt was also made and the results were given in the Table-3. The order of inhibittion of different metabolites was noticed to be more or less similar given in the Table- 2.
Table- 4 presents the pattern of uredosori development in vivo under the influence of metabolites from phylloplane fungi. The inhibitory effect of Penicillium chrysogenum was maximum under in vivo conditions. This was followed by Cheatomium globossum, Aspergillus, niger, Fusarium noniliforme, Aspergillus flavus, 

A. luchuensis, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Drechslera australiensis, 

Alternaria alternata and Nigrospora sphaerica. In general, the order of inhibitory effect of metabolites under in vivo condition was different from that of in vitro condition.

Table – 1
Effect of different concentration of spores of
phyllopane fungi on germination of uredospores of Puccinia recondita tritici in vitro.        

Test Fungi

Inhibition (%) of germination in different ratio of spores




Alternaria alternata




Aspergilus flavus




A. luchuensis




A. niger




Chaetomium globossum









Drechslera australiensia




Fusarium moniliforme




Nigrospora sphaerica




Fenicillium chrysogenum




* Calculated over germination (%) of uredospores (97.5) in control (Sterile water).
Table – 2
Effect of extra-cellular product (metabolites) of some phylloplane fungi grown in liquid Czapek’s medium on
germination of uredospore of Puccinia recondita tritici.

Test Fungi

Inhibition (%) of germination of uredospores Normal metabolite       Heat treated metabolite

Alternaria alternata



Aspergilus flavus



A. luchuensis



A. niger



Chaetomium globossum







Drechslera australiensi



Fusarium moniliforme



Nigrospora sphaerica



Penicillium chrysogenum



* Calculated over germination (%) of uredospores (98.3) in control (sterile Czapek’s medium).
Table – 3
Effect of metabolite on germ tube growth of uredospores ofPuccinia recondita tritici.

Test Fungi

Inhibition (%) of germ tube length

Alternaria alternata


Aspergilus flavus


A. luchuensis


A. niger


Chaetomium globossum





Drechslera australiensia


Fusarium moniliforme


Nigrospora sphaerica


Penicillium chrysogenum


* Calculated over germ tube length of uredospors (24.40 um) in control (sterile Czapek’s medium).

Table – 4
Effect of metabolites of selected phyllopane fungi on uredosori CM-2 leaf surface of wheat plants (in vivo)

Test Fungi

Inhibition (%) of germ tube length

Alternaria alternata


Aspergilus flavus


A. luchuensis


A. niger


Chaetomium globossum





Drechslera australiensia


Fusarium moniliforme


Nigrospora sphaerica


Penicillium chrysogenum


* Calculated over germ tube length of uredospors (24.40 um) in control (sterile Czapek’s medium).

Numerous antagonistic microorganisms with potential for biocontrol of diseases of wheat (Morgan, 1963; Steward and Hill, 1965 and other cultivated plants (Sinha, 1965; Henis and chet, 1975; Rai and Singh, 1980; Cook and Baker, 1983; Sharma, 1985; Paulitz et al, 1987) have been indentified during the recent past either in the laboratory or in greenhouse trials. This antagonistic nature of microorganisms due to direct or indirect effect of metabolites either in the form of specific inhibitor or as enzymes (Dennis and Webster, 1971; Elad et al, 1982,) is responsible for the lysis of the vegetative structure of pathogens (Elad et al, 1982;) Generally the enzymes are very much susceptible to temperature approaching boiling point of water. In this connection date on increase in inhibitory effect of heat treated metabolites rule out the possibility of any extraellular enzymatic effect on germination of uredospores as described earlier.
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