ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68067 VOL.- VI , ISSUE- XII March  - 2022
Anthology The Research
Economical Recipes For Nutritional Benefits of Human Being
Paper Id :  15902   Submission Date :  2022-03-09   Acceptance Date :  2022-03-11   Publication Date :  2022-03-25
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Anupama Kumari
Associate Professor
Home Science
Kanpur Vidhya Mandir Mahila Mahavidyalaya Swaroop Nagar Kanpur
Kanpur ,Uttar Pradesh, India
Pearl millet, also known as bajra is the most widely grown species of millets in the world. Bajra is the predominant crop and usually very popular in the state of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. in northern India. Its largely used as primarily food for human and birds also. In developed countries, its utilization patter is different where its use for alcoholic products such as beer making and food processing industry.
Keywords Economical, Nutritional.
Bajra is the most widely grown type of millet. Because of its tolerance to difficult growing conditions such as drought, low soil fertility and high temperature Bajra is used as main crop in northern India. It is also very high nutritional value. It is usually very popular in the States of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan in India. Bajra crop mainly winter season crop where people consumed in winter. The protein contains a high proportion of prolamine followed by the globulin and Albumins. Among the amino acids, tryptophan content is high and lysine is low. Bajra is rich in iron, Vitamin B, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin. Generally chapatis made from the fine flour are eaten with various vegetables as main dish. It has some medicinal properties when bread is eaten with honey in the morning. It is especially effective for bleeding piles, epilepsy, insomnia, impotency, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis. Excessive eating of these grains causes high uric acid deposits in the system. Therefore, persons with kidney and rheumatic diseases should use it with care. Pearl millet is highly nutritious, non-glutinous and like buckwheat and quinoa, is not an acid forming food so is soothing and easy to digest. In fact, it is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available and it is a warming grain so will help to heat the body in cold or rainy seasons and climates.
Objective of study
People suffering from celiac disease cannot tolerance gluten. Bajra being gluten free, becomes a very good food choice for these people. Bajra helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. This is due to the presence of phytic acid and niacin.
Review of Literature

Dahie, S. and Kapoor, A.C. (2005), Development, Nutritive content and shelf Life of home processed. Saikia, Aparupa (2011), Health Benefits & Uses of Pearl Millet (Bajra).

The study was conducted in Kanpur district, Six localities were selected. 300 women were selected, 50 from each locality. Dependent and independent variables such as age, education, income, development, B.P. crops etc. were used. The statistical tools such as rank, Cr were used.
Result and Discussion
Table-1, Distribution of respondents according to height

45.0 percent women respondents were having 150-155 cm height followed by 26.0 percent of women respondents belonged to 155-160 cm height, 16.7 percent of women respondents have 160-165 cm height, whereas, 6.3 per cent of respectively were belonged to 165 to 1170 cm height. The height is one factor that may contribute to heart disease risk and where people have control over their height.
Table 2 Knowledge about benefit of Bajra

Many people die in the world due to terrorist attack, wars and thousands of deaths occur every day due to uncertain global and local diseases. But we could have prevented by right diet and some changes in lifestyle and feeding habits. 

Table 3 Knowledge of women about nutrient content of Bajra 

(Figures in Parenthesis indicate Percentage of respective values)
69.3 per cent of urban women know that bajra is a good source of fiber followed by 67.3 percent of women know that bajra is a rich source of carbohydrate 61.3 percent of women have knowledge about bajra contains fat, calcium and sodium. About 30.0 per cent urban women have knowledge about nutrient content of bajra contains niacin, thiamin, magnesium and zinc.
Generally chapatis made from the fine flour are eaten with various vegetables as main dish. It has some medicinal properties when bread is eaten with honey in the morning. It is especially effective for bleeding piles, epilepsy, insomnia, impotency, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis. Excessive eating of these of grains causes high uric acid deposits in the system. Therefore, persons with kidney and rheumatic diseases should use it with care.
Suggestions for the future Study People suffering from celiac disease cannot tolerance gluten. Bajra being gluten free, becomes a very good food choice for these people.
Bajra helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. This is due to the presence of phytic acid and niacin.
1. Dahie, S. and Kapoor, A.C. (2005), Development, Nutritive content and shelf 2. Life of home processed. Journal of plant Foods for Kumar Nutrition, Vol. 45, PP. 331-342. 3. Salvin, J.L.; Lacobs, D. and Morquart. L. (2001) Grain Processing and nutrition, Cit. Rev. Biotech. 21: 49-66. 4. Internet 5. Self Study 6. Saikia, Aparupa (2011), "Health Benefits & Uses of Pearl Millet (Bajra)", 7. bajra:118070829#ixzzljbSV30sW. 8. Sawaya, W.N.; Khalil, J.K., and Safi, W.J. (2005). Nutrient content of pearl millet. Journal of Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 42 : 138-145.