Antifungal Properties of Some Plants Extracts Against Pathogenic Fungi in Fishes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paper Id :
16790 Submission Date :
2022-12-08 Acceptance Date :
2022-12-13 Publication Date :
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Abstract |
This entire research had a propose and that was to examine the anti-fungal activity present in plant extract which would treat any pathogenic fungi in fish. I went to numbers of research papers and made this research review by gathering all the information I could find about my topic. These experiments were conducted by taking different plant extracts obtained from plants root and introducing it to the pathogenic fish in laboratory condition by testing it at different temperature, concentration and time exposure. The chemical agents which were used were damaging the environment of the aquaculture and were a threat for entire aquatic organism. Hence, the plant extracts, which are organic and less harmful, were tested to replaces these antimicrobial chemical agents. The extracts obtained from plant were antimicrobial in nature and were much effective and were eco-friendly.
Keywords | Allyl isothiocyanates, Saprolegnia parasitica, Horseradish ectract, Antifungal properties, Phytofungitoxic | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction |
This topic contains number of researches about how the plant extracts have been proven more effective and beneficial over the time as compared to the chemical antifungal agents as they tend to affect the untargeted organisms and affect the aquatic life. The researchers tested plant extract in various conditions and concentration and observed that the plant extracts show great result and has less or absolutely no harm for the aquatic life. Plant extracts like horseradish etc. Proved to be quite successful in treating the s.parasitica in fish as compared to previous antifungal agent, malachite green was used. These antifungal chemical agents were either not used or completely banned under pharmaceutical affair law in many countries like japan, use etc. The plant extract treats not only pathogenic fungi but also helps in treatment of human diseases and skin care products likewise use of horseradish root in cosmetic industry. Due to toxicity level of this chemical agent like formalin the researchers decided to test these plant extracts which have been in existence since ancient time
Objective of study | To summarise in brief of recent development in treatment for pathogenic fungi in fishes.
Review of Literature | To
find the alternative of Malachite green an antifungal agent that has many
long-lasting drawbacks on fish. The horseradish root extract Armoraciarusticana which produces AIT
allyl isothiocyanates the main component if horseradish plant shows
antimicrobial activity being used as an antifungal agent against Saprolegniaparasiticaby itesting iit iin idifferent itemperature, iexposure itime iand iconcentration iof iAIT i(allyl iis ithiocyanates).Members iof ithe igenus iSaprolegnia icause iSaprolegniosis, ia disease ithat iis icharacterised iby ivisible iwhite ior igrey ipatches iof ifilamentous imycelium ion ithe ibody ior ifins iof ifreshwater ifish. iIt ican icause iserious idamage ito iother ifreshwater ifishes iif ino itreatment iis idone. iHorseradish iis ia iperennial iplant iof ithe ifamily iBrassicaceae ialso iused iin icosmetics ibecause iof iits iorganic iproperties. iHorseradish iroot iis irich iin ivitamin iC iand iB1, iminerals i(iron, ipotassium, icalcium iand imagnesium), iphytoncide iand iessential ioils, isinigrin iwhich ireleases ia ivolatile iaglycone i(allyl iisothiocyanate) iidentical iwith ithe iessence iof imustard iplant iwhich ibelongs ito isame ifamily. iSinigrin iis ithe imain icomponent ipresent iin ithe ihorseradish. iMalachite igreen, ian iantifungal iagent iwas iearlier iused ito itreat ithe ioomycetes iin ithe ifishes ibut iit ihas iresidual, icarcinogenic iand iteratogenic ieffects iwhich icaused ithe ibanning iof ithe iuse iof imalachite igreen iin imost ithe
iJapan,i USA,
ietc.i Horse
radish iconsistsi sinigrini whichi isi my
ros in asei enzymei complex ito ithei allyliisothiocyanates
iwhichi isi antimicrobiali effecti againsti Escherichiaicoli,i Listeriaimonocytogenes,iSalmonellaityphimurium,iandi Staphylococcusiaureus
iasi statedi in Khomvilai i2006.
iwerei done
ibyi Khomvilai i2006
itakingi differenti measures
iofi thei agariplugs
iandi the
ishowni asi such
celial igrowth.i This
iwasi thei second
idonei by
iKhomvilai ion
growthi by icomparing ithei two ibyi theiri colonyi diameter
iwithi onei beingi treated
ibyi AIT
itreatmenti (allyliisothiocyanates)
iandi otheri untreatedi controli using
ithei equation:i(colonyi diameter
iofi thei treatedi fungus)
iofi control)iX i100 i(%).iWhile
iini accounti ofi variancei Table
1 Colony diameter (mm) of saprolegnia parasiticaat
various incubation temperature
different letters on the upper right side of each colony diameter indicate a
significance difference between treatments (Duncan’s new multiple range test,
p<0.05) Source-Khomvilai
et al 2006 of the Duncan’s new
multiple range tests. The tests were compared, and the result of the latter
showed better result where the time was taken that was exposed to AIT. Table
2 Colony diameter (mm) of saprolegnia parasitica after allyl
isohiocynate (AIT) treatment at various combination of AIT concentration and
exposure time.
different letters on the upper right side of each colony diameter indicate a
significance difference between treatments (Duncan’s new multiple range test,
p<0.05) Source-
khomvilaiet al 2006 Table
3 showed Zoospore germination, germinated hyphae were observed on all the hemp
seeds of control but not on AIT. Hence, indicating that it was an alternative
for the malachite green. Zoospore
germination(+,positive, - , negative)saprolegnia parasitica after
allyl isohiocynate (AIT) treatments at
various combination of AIT concentration and exposure time. Table
symbol indicates one hemp seed and a groupof three symbols shown as experimental
dish with the three hemp seed. Source-
khomvilai et al 2006 The
test successfully showed that the Horseradish root extract works wonder and has
feweror no drawbacks compared to Malachite green. The AIT showed result faster
and better with the change of temperature. Horseradish extract can be used as an
antimicrobial agent due to its underlying activity of active sinigrin, AIT. The
extract taken was actively antimicrobial as suggested by Mori et al in
his experiment and the result showed positive effect of AIT on S. parasitica
which many other researchers worked with like Isshika et al however
they conducted their tests with different diameter and time periodbut with each
experiment the results showed success rate of allyl isothiocyanate and using it
as an antifungal agent to treat the S. parasitica.The extract taken by other scientist like Mori et al and
Isshika et al conducted their test but with different colonydiameter and
exposure time of ait showedpositive results.(Khomvilaiet al 2006) Saprolegnia
is a fresh water fish feeding on waste from fish or other dead animals. It
produces both sexually and asexually saprolegiasis is a fungi causedin saprolegia.
It can be seen in 15 degree Celsius. It could be identified as the fish skin
and gills start to exhibit cotton-like growth, depigmented skin and shrunken
eyes. In several cases the cotton like growth which is caused by fungus can
extend into muscle tissue. Many fungicides are readily available in market but
they come with the benchmark of causing environmental hazards which therefore,
causes less use of these fungicides. Aqueous extract is used as it is known to
show antifungal properties derived from alleopathic plants which reduces the
germination of spores and mycellal growth of pathogenic fungi. As described by Ilondu
et al (2009) marine seeds were used as baits to trap the fish and some
other fungi from river Ethiope Delta State. Nigiria employing the method used
by Ilondu et al. The culture obtained was maintained at 28 degree
Celsius and to avoid bacterial contamination choloromycetin capsules were used which
is antibacterial agent. They were kept in laboratory for a week or two to observe
and isolate to form a new colony. They were then introduced with different
concentration of the extract of vernonia amygdaline. The test were done
twice, second time using the pure culture obtained from the first test. After a
week the fungi which was isolated and introduced in the tank with the saprolegnia
sp., the change could be noted such as skin colour turned whitish-brown another
week later fluffy tufts were seen. The mycelial growth was observed that varied
when introduced with different concentration of extraction. It was observed
that higher the concentration, the higher is the inhibition of the fungus. The
highest concentration Ilondu et al (2009) used was 50% where the fishes
showed healthy conditions even though quality of water was altered proving to
be an antifungal agent which helps in inhibition of fungus growth in fish.(Ilondu
et al 2009) Saprolegniaparasitica, (a disease affecting fish eggs and juvenile fish in hatcheries world wide, is caused by the pathog encioo mycete saprolegniaparasitica. This disease presents as greyish white patches of filamentous my celium on the body or fins of fish and is as sociated with tissue damage leadingi to death of the animal). Toriputitora (Hamilton) is the most important fish foodi in uplandiregion of India. But now a day due to irregular fishing the species is gettingis canty iand this speciesi is listediiniendangered species. There hence artificial breeding technology is helping in rehabilitation of this species. Pathogenic fungus saprolegniaparasiticais mainly responsible for fungal in fections in cold water fish and their eggs. The infection caused by saprolegniaispp. Is termedias “saprolegniosis”. Pathogenic fungi were isolated from the fungal infected tissues of it. Putitora collected from the experimental cemented fish tanks. Isolated fungi were in cubated in the petriiplate having the hempiseed as bait. These fungal colonies were then was hed with sterile double distilled water for i3-4 itimesi and itransferredi toi new petriiplatei with some new hemp seeds and incubatediat 14 degree Celsius for 48 hours a is mallipiece of fungus was cut out from it, rinsed with sterile distilled water and transferred to SDA (Sabouraud's dextroseiagar) plates. Again, a small piece of fungus was cut out from SDA plate, rinsed withi sterile distilled water and transferred to a new sdaiplate. This process was repeated for 4 to 5 times which finally yielded a bacteria free, pure fungal culture. Mycelial growth after treatment with plant extracts at different concentrations i.noi mycelial growth was observed in the fungal colonies in collusion treated with aqueous extracts of citrates at any of the concentrations and exposure times. Accordingly, the minimum in hibitory concentration of aqueous extract was determinedias 5% concentration for 20 min. exposure time. The research not only reveals the ant fungal effect of aqueous extract of citrates but also holds great prospect especially for the peasant local fish farmers who cannot afford the high cost of chemicals and synthetic fungicides and will also reduce the hazard caused byichemical fungicides in the environment. (Singh et al 2013) Garlic, Galanga rizome,Betal vine, Sapindus sp., Rhinacanthus nasutus Linn. and K. galangaLinn. root extractshave proven to exist with antifungal activity against dermatophytes for veterinary and humanly treatments. They show fungicidal and fungistatic activity and with variation of concentration and exposure time they inhibit the fungus in the extracts mentioned above. Pareeyaet al used air dried leaves and roots extracts of these medical plants were extracted with the help of ethanol prepared with Soxhlet as solvent. Glucose Yeast extract was used for culturing s.pH2(1g glucose, 0.25g yeast extract, 1.5g agar and 100ml distilled water). Then it was incubated at 20 degree Celsius.Glucose yeast were used as control medium. Following the Hussein et al 2000 the extracts were diluted 20 times with sterile water and the colony formed were observed at the interval of 24, 48, 72 hours comparing it with controlled and the diameter of the colony of fungal with glucose yeast with crude extracts.When same was done with the fungicidal the fungal growth were not seen on glucose yeast agar with the interval of 48 hours. Crude extracts of betel vine leaves and K. galanga roots were observed as antimicrobial activities as the vegetative form of S. parasitica was killed at different concentration and exposure time. Extracts of betel vine leaves and K. galanga roots showed high activity in fungistatic where the other crude extracts dissolved completely in water these two were not completely suspended hence proving to show great fungistatic activity whereas R. nasutus Linn. showed slightly moderate activity and Galangarhizomes and K. galanga showed minimal fungistatic activity in different concentration. (Pareeya et al 2007) Ini India, ilasti fewi years ihavei seeni greati advancementi iniproductivity iini fisheriesi sector.i Salmonidsi are ionei ofi the imosti commercially iimportanti fresh water ifish ispecies.i With ithei growingi India iwei have ifor gotten iabouti thei fishingi department. iBacterial iinfection iisi utmosti importanti to ius iati and idisease icaused iisimycosis i(it iis idiseasei which iisi spread iinto itissues,i bones,i andi organs).i Plantsi havei beeni known ifor imedicinali properties isincei ancient itimes. iTherei arei manyi plants iwhich iare ihighi ini supres singi growth iof ifungal iinfection. iThere iare imany ichemicals iwhich ihave irestricted iduei toi per sistence iof ienvironment iand itoxicity. iThe iaimi to istudyi wasi toi describe ithe ianti mycosisi activity iof iherb iagainst iwater imoulds iand itoi investigate itheir itoxicity. iToi prepare ithe iextract ileaves iwere icleanedi manyi times iand ileft ifor iair idrying. iThen ileaves iare iputiinig rinderi for igrinding. iThe ipowder iextracted iwasi soakedi ini stilledi water ifor i48 ihours iat ithreei differenti concentrations i(5%, i8%, iand i10%). iFinally, iextract iwas ifiltered, iandi bacteria ifreei extract iwere ipreserved iat iless ithan i4 idegree iCelsius. iiSuchi treatediagar iplus iwerei puti over iplatesi underi as eptici conditioni and iallowedi toi in cubateiat i(18-20i Celsius) ifor i48i hours. ishows iusi the iantifungal iactivityi andi holdi great iprospects iand ias ifor ithe ipeasant ilocal ifish ifarmer iwhoi cannoti afford ithe ihighi cost iof ichemicals iand isynthetic ifungicides iit ialso ihelps iini treatment iof isaprolegniasis iin ieggsi and ilarva iof ithe ifish. (Singh iet ial i2013)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI The
iwordi phyto
fungi toxic imeansi (exerting iai toxic ieffect ion
ifungi). iUse iof
iquicki and
imanagementi of
iplanti diseasei andi microbial
icontaminationi ini several
iagriculturali commodities.
ieffect ion
icreatei healthi hazardous
ihumani andi animalsi isi the
iSeverali pathogenici micro-organisms
idevelopedi resistanti againsti the
iPlantsi have
iknowni for
iandi anti
microbiali properties isincei ancienti times. iFor
ihasi been
ishiftedi to
ialternativei safe
imethodi for
imanagementi ofi pathogenic
imicro-organism. iTomatoesi werei collectedi and
iinfectedi fruits
isterilizedi using i75%i ethyl
iThei sterilizedi fruits
iplaced ion
ipdaimediumi about i20
mli for
ieachi plate.
at i25i degree iCelsius ithe idevelopingi coloniesi werei identified ion
ifishesi` reisuspected iwith iinfectioni saprolegniasis.i Thei recognitioni ofi disease iisi done ion ipresence iofi cottoni likei whitei toi browni growth ion iskin igills,i fins. iusingi sesamei seeds iwater iculture iand ibaiting itechniques ithe igrowing ifungus iwasi isolated iandi identified. iSporei germination iof ialter iariaisalamii wasi preparedi for i7 idays ioldi culturei growing ion ipdaimedium.i Five iml iofi extractivei stocksi werei added ito i20 mli of i1% of isoili extracti agar.i Soili extractiagar iwasi use diini order itoi present ithei fungal ispores iwith iminimumi ofi added inutrient. iOf ithe itwenty iplants iextract itested iEugenia iaromatici completely iin hibitedi conical igermination. iThei remaining itestedi extracts iwere ieither iless ieffective iori exertedi simulative ieffects icompared iwithi thei control itreatment. iSimilarly, iseveral ireports idealt iwith ithei eitheri in hibitory iori simulative ieffects iofi somei plant iextracts ioni fungal ispore igermination. iAlso, iit iwas ifoundi thati thei aqueous iextracts iofi selected iplants i(except ithosei of icarroti storage iroots) ishowedi in hibitory iactioni against ithe imy celial igrowth,i produced iby iboth itestedi fungal ispeciesi wheni addedi toi the igrowth imedium.(Khallil i2001) |
Conclusion |
Based on these researches it is proved that plant extracts workwonders on pathogenic fungi in fish as compared to chemical agents. The plants extracts are much more success and useful as compared to previously used chemical agents. The new technique to treat the pathogenic fungi in fishes is by antimicrobial agent actively present in these plantsextracted. The previously existed chemicals agents were dangerous to the aquatic life and hence left long lasting effect on aquatic life. The chemical agentwas not effective as the newfound plant extracts are, it was time consuming and showed less effect on the pathogenic fish and cannot be proved effective in later stages of the pathogenic fungi on fish’s effected parts. It was either surgically removed or the fish used to die before it could be operated but because of the plant extracts used in treatment the time conservation wasreduced and the results were obtained quite fast as compared to chemicals treatment. The other untargeted aquatic organisms were not affected by plant extract. Hence it is proven to be organic and environmentfriendly low costing and much more effective than chemical agents and resolves the danger to aquaculture. |
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