ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68067 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- I April  - 2023
Anthology The Research
Changing Scenario National Education Policy 2020 (Vol.02)
Paper Id :  17495   Submission Date :  2023-04-18   Acceptance Date :  2023-04-21   Publication Date :  2023-04-23
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Subhash Chandra Morrya
Govt High School, Talgautiya Kyara
Bareilly,Uttar Pradesh, India
Important and Challenges : Reference reads, written the slogan of the working people on the walls, what the poster says, it is also a friend whose, read the ride, and the readers, the books are said to be the best friends of this Safar, your famous song of the only Harmi, not only the life of life, but also underlines its significance. Given the importance of education in life, the present government has approved the new National Education Policy for the comprehensive changes in the education sector.
Keywords Teacher, Student, School, College, University.
National Education Policy 2020 is India’s Third Education Policy after NEP 1968 and 1986.Ministry of Human Resource Development formed a committee in 2017 which was headedby Dr. K Kasturirangan for preparing the National Education Policy. The committee submitted itsreport on May 31, 2019. On July 29, 2020 Union cabinet approved it. Over 2 lakh suggestions were received in favour and against the policy.
Objective of study
Every citizen of India can get complete information about National Education Policy 2020.The basic theory which will guide the education system as well as the education system, as well as personality institutions, which is the number 1 to try to identify the acceptance of special abilities of every child and their belief number two basic literacy and the number of the knowledge to give the highest priority to the number 3 Flexibility Number 4 and the methods of curriculum between the articles and the science of the curriculum and the statistics Insured harmful and interactive distance and unbelievers with knowledge areas.Education helps to achieve such a person's talent, the curriculum and education method will be reinforced to achieve these goals, for the integration of each level to earth education from the premises, the specific skills and values will be identified in different areas in education and learning the law and the values will be developed to ensure the commitment and the values will be developed. The NCERT will identify these expected skills and will include the mechanism for the initial childhood and school education for the National Curriculum for the early education.
Review of Literature

The basic theory which will guide the education system as well as the education system, as well as personality institutions, which is the number 1 to try to identify the acceptance of special abilities of every child and their belief number two basic literacy and the number of the knowledge to give the highest priority to the number 3 Flexibility Number 4 and the methods of curriculum between the articles and the science of the curriculum and the statistics Insured harmful and interactive distance and unbelievers with knowledge areas.

Main Text

National Accreditation Council (NAC)

1. Accreditation of institutions will be based on basic norms, public self disclosure, good governance, and outcomes, and it will be carried out by an independent ecosystem of accrediting institutions supervised and overseen by NAC.

2. All HEIs will aim, through their IDPs (Institutional Development Plans), to attain the highest level of accreditation over the next 15 years, and thereby eventully aim to function as self-governing degree granting institutes/clusters

3. HEGC (Higher Education Grants Council) which will carry out funding and financing of higher education. HEGC will be entrusted with the disbursement of Scholarships and developmental funds.

4. GEC (General Education Council) will frame expected learning outcomes for higher education. A National Higher Education Qualification Frame work (NHEQF) will be formulated by the GEC and it shall be in syn with the National Skills Qualifications Frame work (NSQF) to ease the integration of vocational education into higher education. The GEC will be mandated to identify specific skills that students must acquire during their academic programmes.

Transforming the Regulatory System of Higher Education

HECI (Higher Education Commission of India)

1. NHERC (National Higher Education Regulatory Council) it will function as the common, single point regulator for the higher education sector including teacher education excluding medical and legal education.

2. Finally probity, good governance and the full online and offline public self disclosure of all finances, audits, procedures, infrastructure, faculty/staff, courses and educational outcomes will be regulated by NHERC.

Motivated, Energized and Capable Faculty

1. Every classroom shall have access to the latest educational technology

2. Faculty will be appointed to individual institution and generally not be transferable across institutions

3. Faculty will be given freedom to design their own curricular and pedagogical approaches within the approved framework

4. Faculty members doing excellent work in research, teaching or in any other field (s) will be rewarded, promoted, recognitions and Movement into institutional leadership. Mean while, faculty not delivering on basis norms will be held accountable.

5. Current recruitment process will be continued, a tenure-track i.e. suitable probation period shall be put in place to further ensure excellence.

6. Fast track promotion system (Research and Contribution)

7. Excellent faculty with high academic and service credentials as well as demonstrated leadership and management skills will be identified early and trained through a ladder of leadership positions.


1. An International Students Office at each HEIs hosting foreign students will be set up to coordinate all matters relating to welcoming and supporting students arriving from abroad.

2. Top 100 universities in the world will be facilitated to operate in India.

3. High performing Indian Universities will be encouraged to set up campuses in other countries.

4. Credits acquired in foreign universities will be permitted, where appropriated as per the requirements of each HEI, to be counted for the award of a degree.

Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Students

1. In order to promote creativity, institutions and faculty will have the autonomy to innovate on matters of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.

2. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to be revised.

3. HEIs shall move to a criterion based grading system (measuring a student against a level of performance, not measuring one against another student. This means looking at how a student is performing today compared to how the student performed the day before that)

4. Each institution will integrate its academic plans ranging from curricular improvement to quality of classroom transaction into its larger Institutional Develop Mental Place (IDP)

Towards a More Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education

1. Model Public Universities for holistic and multidisciplinary education at par with IITs, IIMs, etc called MERU (Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities) will be set up

2. HEIs will focus o research and innovation. Given the scenario of epidemics and pandemics, it is critical that HEIs take the lead to undertake research in areas of infectious diseases, epidemiology; virology, diagnostics, instrumentation, vaccinology etc.

3. Phasing out the system "AFFILIATED COLLEGES" over a period of 15 years through a system of graded autonomy.

4. All colleges currently affiliated to a university shall attain the required benchmarks over time to secure the prescribed accreditation benchmarks and eventually become autonomous degree granting colleges.

5. The present comples nomenclature of HEIs in the country such as "DEEMED TO BE UNIVERTY" "AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY" "AFFILIATING TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY", "UNITARY UNIVERSITY" shall be replace simply by 'UNIVERSITY' on fulfilling the criteria as per norms.

6. Stage wise mechanism of granting graded autonomy to colleges through a transparent system of graded accreditation.

7. Over a period of tie, it is envisaged that every college would develop into either an Autonomous Degree granting College or a Constituent College of a University. In the later case, it would be fully part o the university. With appropriate accreditations, Autonomous degree granting Colleges could evolve into Research Intensive or Teaching Intensive Universities, if they so aspire.

8. All HEIs will first plan to become MULTIDISCIPLINARY by 2030

9. Institutions will have the option to run Open Distance Learning (ODL) and online programmes, provided they are accredited to do so.

Institutional Restructuring & Consolidation:3 types of HEI

1. Research Intensive Universities (those universities who place equal emphasis of teaching and research)

2. Teaching Intensive Universities (those who place greater emphasis on teaching but still conduct significant research)

3. Autonomous Degree Granting Colleges (Primarily focused on under graduate degree)

Quality Universities & Colleges

1. Multidisciplinary Universities and Colleges, with at least one in or near every district. (MOI Local/Indian Languages)

2. Gross Enrollment Ratio to be increased to 50% by 2035 from existing 26.3% (2018)

3. Moving towards a more multidisciplinary undergraduate education

4. Institutional autonomy

5. National Research Foundation (for funding research projects)

Bachelor's in Education

1. Duration (4 years, 2 years & 1 years)

2. 2 years B.Ed. (3 year Graduation)

3. 1 year B.Ed. (4 year Graduation or PG)

4. Admission in B.Ed. Through NTA

5. From 2030, minimum degree qualification

Master's Programme & Ph.D.: Duration (1 or 2 years)

1. 2 years for those who have 3 years Bachelor's Degree

2. 1 year for those with 4 years Multidisciplinary Bachelor's Degree

3. Integrated 5 years Bachelor's / Master's Programme

4. M.Phil discontinued

5. Ph.D (4 years)

Undertaking a Ph.D. shall require either a Master's Degree or a 4 years Multidisciplinary Bachelor's Degree

Higher Education

1. Structure (Graduation)

2. Degree Programme of 3 or 4 years duration

1. CERTIFICATE after completing 1 year

2. DIPLOMA after completing 2 years

3. BACHELOR'S degree after completing 3 years

4. Multidisciplinary Bachelor's Degree after completing 4 years. (4th year will be Extensively for Research Purpose)

5. Multiple entry and exit points

6. ABC (Academic Bank of Credits) shall be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from various recognized HEIs so that the the degrees from on HEI can be awarded taking into account credits earned.

Focus on Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (Sedgs)

SEDs can be broadly categorized based on:

1. Gender Identities (particularly female and transgender individuals)

2. Socio-cultural identities (such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, and minorities)

3. Geographical identities (such as students from villages, small towns, and aspirational districts)

4. Disabilities (including learning disabilities), and

5. Socio-economic conditions (such as migrant communities, low income households, children in vulnerable situation, victims of or children of victims of trafficking, orphans including child beggars in urban areas, and the urban poor)

Separate strategies will be formulated for focused attention for reducing each of the category wise gaps in school education.

New Features (1/3)

Preparation for schooling and Elementary Schooling Level

1. ECCE for all by 2030: National Curriculum Framework for ECCE.

2. Achieve 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio in school education by 2030.

3. Preparatory class/Balvtika for 5-6 year old children in Anganwadis/Pre-schools.

4. School preparation module for all class 1 entrants

5. National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission

6. Setup of Bal Bhawans

School Infrastructure and Resources

1. Special Education Zones (SEZ)

2. Utilize unused capacity of school as Samajik Chetna Kendras

3. School complex/clusters for resource sharing

Holistic Development of the Student

1. No hard separation of curricular, extra and co-curricular, arts and science, sports crafts. Curriculum to integrate Indian culture and ethos

2. Innovating pedagogles to be explored suh as experiential teaching/learning methods

3. Book promotion policy and digital libraries

4. Holistic Report Card - use AI for identifying specific aptitude of child

5. Vocational education - integration from primary grades and a ten days (no bag days) local trades /crafts person for Grades 6-8

6. Lok Vidya - local artists as master instructors in schools.

New Features (2/3)


1. Gender Inclusion Fund: KBGVs upto Class 12Special provisions for Gifted children

2. Adult Education (AE) to focus upon technology based solutions: NCF or AE to be developed

3. NIOS to expad to include vocational courses and courses for grades 3,5 and 8

4. Medium of instruction will be in the mother tongue/local language till Grade 5 (atleast)


1. National Assessment Center for performance Assessment of Knowledge for Holistic development -


1. Exams in Grades 3,5 and 8 in addition to Board exams in Grades 10 and 12

2. Board exams: Modular, low stakes, based on conceptual knowledge and its application.

Curriculum and Pedagogical Framework

1. New Curricular and pedagogical framework of 5+3+3+4

2. Reduction in curriculum to core concepts

3. Identification of life skills to be attained in each grade as a part of NCF

4. Alternative model of schools to be encouraged to adopt NCF

5. ICT Integration in teaching an learning methodologies

6. Tracking students as well as their learning levels, universal station of secondary education

New Features (3/3)

Teacher Recruitments/Teacher Education:

1. Minimum qualifications degree for teaching will be a 4 year integrated B.Ed. degree by 2030

2. Teacher recruitment based on TET, NTA test and teaching demonstration, TET mandatory for teaching

3. Minimum 50 hours of in-service training per teacher/year

4. National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) by 2022

5. IT and date based predictive planning for requirement of students in TEIs, TEIs to move to multidisciplinary colleges and universities by 2030

6. Stringent action on non-performing TEIs.

7. Mandatory for every PhD student to do a module on teacher education.

Role of Government Departments/Bodies/Institutions

1. State Department to look after policy making Directorate of Education to look after operation, SCERT to look after academic and State School Standards Authorty to set minimum common standards for online self disclosure by all public and private schools

2. Random sampling of students for continuous online feedback on self disclosure by schools.

3. Engagement of social workers, alumni, retired teacher and volunteers with schools

4. Strengthening the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) for developing, articulating, evaluating and revising the vision of education on a continuous basis in collaboration with MHRD and corresponding apex bodies of States.

5. Its desirable that Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) BE re-designated as Ministry of Education (MoE) to bring the focus back on education and learning.

India's knowledge will include the knowledge and its contribution of ancient India and the contribution of the modern India and its successes and challenges and the education health will include the clear sense of India's future aspirations in relation to the environment, these elements are in the entire school course where the company is encouraged and scratched in a accurately.

This draft was presented by the Government of India with the aim of improving the education of India, so that every public can get professional, technical and different types of education.Reducing the number of dropouts children and ensuring universal access to education at all levels. Reducing the number of students under National Education Policy, ensuring the universal reach of education at all levels and to ask the assignment of the students. Under the National Education Policy, courses and teaching science learning is composite integrated entertainment and interest to be pricing
1. National education policy 2020 ministry of HRD Government of india. 2. Yojana FEB 2022 3. Cronical feb 2022 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.