P: ISSN No. 2321-290X RNI No.  UPBIL/2013/55327 VOL.- X , ISSUE- VII March  - 2023
E: ISSN No. 2349-980X Shrinkhla Ek Shodhparak Vaicharik Patrika
Women Delegation
Paper Id :  17666   Submission Date :  2023-03-15   Acceptance Date :  2023-03-21   Publication Date :  2023-03-25
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Meenu Walter
Associate Professor
Sociology Department
S.P.C Government College
Ajmer,Rajasthan, India
Women in India are becoming more and more conscious of their constitutional and statutory rights, even the ruler and tribal women among them. This consciousness has awakened in them a sense of urgency in experiencing equality and Social Justice. Without equality and social justice there cannot be democracy which is the exercise of the general will of the people.
Keywords Statutory Right, Empowerment, Equality, Social Justice, Decision Making.
The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is highly important in the end itself. More than one third of the world's adults, most of them women, have no access to printed knowledge, to new skills or to technologies that would improve the quality of their lives and help them shape and adapt to social and economic change. Eliminating all forms of violence against women, in the domestic as well as in the public sphere and eliminating all forms of violence against women, in the domestic as well as in the public sphere. As these days it has become very essential also the full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life, at the national, regional and international levels, and the eradication of all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex are priority objectives of the international community.
Objective of study
1. To Study about the Status of Women in Society 2. To Study the decision making of Women in Society
Review of Literature

We have reviewed various Journals, books and other Study material as part of the Literature Review. We had gone through several literatures and tried to understand the recent changes or development in the media.

Prem Singh Rawlot (2022) has studied different dimensions of Women Empowerment on basic assumptions, research and review.

Main Text

Transformation of Women:- 

After the Second World War, many countries became politically independent and now have their constitutions, written or unwritten, rigid or flexible which have ensured equality, individual freedom and social justice to their citizens.

Islamic, and a couple of African countries have not yet given equal status to women and have not realized the importance of education for women. Many others have not only made provisions for women’s education but are also seriously ensuring minimum standards of service and development for programs of women’s welfare, child care and women’s involvement in socio-political activities.

It is also a significant topic of discussion in development and economics. Economic empowerment allows women to control and can benefit from resources, assets and incomes. It also grows the ability to manage risks and improves well-being. It refers to women's ability to make strategic life choices which had been previously denied them. The world, Nations, businesses, communities and groups may benefit from women empowerment. It enhances the quality and the quantity of human resources available for development.


The term feminism has been around for a long time, however is commonly taken synonymous to man-hating whereas feminism actually asks women to be treated equal to men in all respects. On describing feminism, Priyanka Chopra said, "Feminism is women standing up for themselves and saying 'Give me the freedom to make my own choices without judging me.' It is not superior. It is not hating or betraying men. It's just the mindset of looking through the world.

Gender Equivalence:-

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential for the development and well-being of families, communities and nations. Due to the prevalence of patriarchy women have been discriminated against not only in India but in most parts of the world. Violence against women is a part of the system and according to the UN, one out of every three women experiences violence. 

They belong to different classes, castes, religions and communities. Patriarchal structures and ideologies lead to their subordination and gender inequalities. In all indicators of social and human development, women lag behind. Sex ratios for women in India are not good comparatively. Women's life expectancy, health, nutritional and educational levels are significantly lower than that of men. They do low skilled and low paid jobs, also get lower wages and they hardly own or control any property and means of production. The participation of women in political and social decision-making is abysmally low. They are excluded from judicial authority. They have little to say in the socio-economic, legal and political rules and policy formulation. Today girls live with disadvantages, burdens (of neglect, discrimination and of works outside home) and fears (of being aborted, of sexual abuse to rape).

Economic Independence:-

As females were given poor education or no education they are not able to get good jobs. Thus either they have to stay at home or do lesser paid jobs. Thus the male always remains the bread earner of the family. So the women hardly get economic independence.

If we wish to see a nation that develops economically on the global front, then it’s very important to have “Women empowerment”. The actual women empowerment will come by making the women economically independent.

Decision Making:-

Women’s equality in power sharing and active participation in decision making, including decision making in political process at all levels will be ensured for the achievement of the goals of empowerment. All measures will be taken to guarantee women equal access to and full participation in decision making bodies at every level, including the legislative, executive, judicial, corporate, statutory bodies, as also the advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards, Trusts etc. Affirmative action such as reservations/quotas, including in higher legislative bodies, will be considered whenever necessary on a time bound basis. Women–friendly personnel policies will also be drawn up to encourage women to participate effectively in the developmental process.

Empowering women is a big equality and also vital for gender equality. Furthermore society benefits when women are treated with respect and not as second-class citizens. Women used to be fully packed in their houses and were not allowed to leave until there was an emergency. No employment opportunities were available but now women are given freedom and working liberty in the upcoming democracy as they should be included in the important decision making for the development of the world and in the thinking of the individuals.
1. Kumar Arun: Empowering Women, New Delhi, Swaroop Publication 2. Kumar Manoj: Modern Indian Women: Times of Change, Jaipur 3. Kumari Ranjana (Ed.): Women in Decision Making, New Delhi, Vikas Publication 4. Khandela Manchand: Women Empowerment, Jaipur: Arihant Publiscation 6. Singh Nishant: Women Empowerment An Evaluation, Ghaziabad Khushi Publication 7. Mishra, Juhila: Status of women in Indian society. Agra: Current Publications 8. Marity, Carl: Women and Empowerment, Participation and Decision Making, London: Z Books 9. Madhur Savitri: Women's Reservation and Social Change, Jaipur: Aditya Publication 10. Prem Singh Rawlot: Dimension of Women Empowerment in India