A Text Book of Multi-disciplinary Research
ISBN: 978-93-93166-49-4
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Liquid Crystals Classification and Applications

 Dr. Koushik Sarkar
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Physics
R.K.M.R.C., Narendrapur
 Kolkata, W.B., India 

Chapter ID: 18360
This is an open-access book section/chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

1.1 Introduction

There are three common states of matter that most people known about : solid, liquid and gas. The molecules in solid exhibit both positional and orientational order which are completely destroyed in liquid phase . Liquid crystals have properties that are intermediate between the solid and liquid states . Normally when a crystalline solid is heated it transforms to a liquid, but liquid crystals exhibit a number of intermediate phases/phase or “mesophases” during transformation from the solid to liquid state. They are therefore also known as mesogens.

This type of phase was first discovered by Friedrich Reinitzer [1-2] in 1888.The term “mesomorphic” phases or mesophases was first used by Georges Friedel [3-4] in 1922.An essential requirement for mesomorphism to occur is that the molecule must be geometrically anisotropic in shape(e.g. rod like or disc like to name only a few).Owing to their remarkable properties , liquid crystals find widespread use and application in modern day technology and their study is a field of intensive research not only in pure but multidisciplinary sciences.

Several thousands of organic compounds are known to form liquid crystals[5].Many organic , inorganic , organometallic  and biological compounds exhibit these states in  which the substance retains anisotropy in optical, dielectric, magnetic and other properties(inherent in a crystal) in addition to possessing liquid like properties as well. In Liquid Crystal Database 262869 properties of 85526 liquid crystal compounds have been enumerated[6] .

To understand  the significance of liquid crystals in terms of ordering of the molecules, we recall that in crystalline solids , the molecules have fixed orientation and the centre of mass of the molecules are distributed on a three dimensional periodic lattice i.e. the crystal possesses long range ordering in both position and orientation of the molecules. In isotropic liquid, the molecules do not have positional or orientational ordering, their positions and orientations are randomly distributed. In liquid crystals the molecules exhibit a certain degree of orientational ordering and may have in addition some degree of positional order giving rise to different types of liquid crystalline phases. More precisely, in the liquid crystalline state, the three dimensional translational ordering of the centre of mass of molecules(which characterize the crystalline solid) is broken entirely or partially and the type of order retained (e.g., one or two dimensional positional ordering ,bond ordering or orientational ordering etc.) characterizes or determines the type of liquid crystalline phase.

The vast majority of liquid crystals are composed of non-spherical and rod or disc shaped  molecules. The Figure below 1.1(a) illustrates some molecular shapes.

Figure 1.1 (a) Structure of liquid crystal of  rod like and bent core  type molecules.

Presently many other types of molecular shapes such as H-,Y-,T- etc (shown in Figures 1.1(b) and (c) ) are also being synthesized and investigated. An interesting review has been given by D.Demus[7] on this aspect. Several books, monographs and review articles [8-10] have discussed at length the molecular structure and physical properties of liquid crystals.


Figure  1.1(b) Structure of the columnar phase of disc like molecules

Figure  1.1(c) Structure of the conical crystal molecules

 1.1.1Classification of Liquid Crystals

The transition  to and from the intermediate phases may be brought about by thermal process as in case of thermotropic liquid crystals or by the influence of solvents by varying the concentration as in lyotropic liquid crystals.

Liquid crystals may thus be broadly classified under two categories: Lyotropic or Thermotropic.

1.2  Lyotropic Liquid Crystal

Lyotropic liquid crystals are made up of two or more components of which one is a solvent and the other an ampiphile (containing a polar head group attached to one or more long hydrocarbon chains). Deoxy ribonucleic acid (DNA),certain viruses and many synthetic polypeptides dissolved in an appropriate solvent (usually water) are examples of a lyotropic system.The inter molecular interaction between the solute and the polar head of the solvent  molecules is crucial in providing the stability of ordered phases . A familiar example of a lyotropic liquid crystal is soap solution ( sodium dodecyl sulphate in water).Living systems have an abundance of lyotropic liquid crystals. Since this dissertation  is not concerned with lyotropicmesophases, no further discussion on them is presented here.

1.3 Thermotropic Liquid Crystals

The termthermotropic arises because they exhibit transitions involving mesophases which are usually affected by change in temperature . Thermotropic liquid crystals  are generally organic compounds with molecular structures which may be approximated to rod-like or disc-like in shape.

Following the nomenclature proposed originally by Friedel[3], the thermotropic liquid crystals are broadly classified into three types of mesophases:

A.     Nematic liquid crystals

B.     Cholesteric liquid crystals

C.    Smectic liquid crystal

They are distinguished from each other by their different degree of translational and /or orientational ordering.A more detailed account of the above mentioned mesophases is given below.

1.3.1Nematic liquid crystal

A liquid crystalline  material possessing only nematic phase is called nematic liquid crystal. Liquid crystalline compounds in general have  translational, orientational  and combination of  both translational and orientational ordering of individual molecules. In nematic liquid crystals, there is only orientational ordering, but no translational ordering between the molecules.

A schematic representation of the arrangement of molecules in the nematic phase is shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure1.2 The arrangement of molecules in the nematic mesophase (a) made up of the rod-like molecules (b) made up of disc-like molecules

The characteristic feature of the nematic phase apparent from the figure is that there is no long- range  order of the centers of mass of the molecules. Themolecules tend to orient along a common direction labeled by unit vector “ ”also known as director.The direction of " is arbitrary in space and the states of director " and -" are indistinguishable i.e., there are just as many molecules in the upright position as in the downright position . Only materials that do not distinguish between left and right-handedness can form nematic  phases. The  constituent must either be identical to its  mirror image (achiral) or the system must be a mixture of the right and left-handed  species in equal proportions i.e.,“ racemic” . The nematic phase described above is uniaxial.

Bio axialnematics also exist and were first observed in lyotropic systems[11].

Some nematics possess a lamellar type of short-range order i.e., they consist of groups of molecules called cybotatic groups in which the [12] molecular centers are arranged in layers. This type of nematic is known as cybotaticnematic.

Nematic   phase is very sensitive to external fields, electric or magnetic and also to external mechanical stress, which it translates into visible optical/electrical effects and for which they find wide application in display devices.

1.3.2    Cholesteric liquid crystal

In case of  an optically active material forming  a nematic phase, the preferred direction of the long molecular axis in a mono-domain (uniformly oriented sample) is not constant over the whole sample. It  would be in a nematic phase, but displays a continuous twist as one travels through the sample along the optic axis. Hence the name, “twisted nematic” or “spontaneously twisted nematic” was given to this kind of phase. In this type of mesophase, there is no long range order of the centers of mass of molecules and the molecules prefer to lie next to each other in a slightly skewed orientation i.e., the structure acquires a spontaneous twist about an axis normal to the preferred molecular directions " which has a helical symmetry. The twist may be left or right-handed depending on the molecular conformation .

If the helical axis be taken along z-axis,then

nx  =cos(qoz + φ  )

ny  =   sin(qoz + φ  )

nz  =   0

where both the direction of the helix axis z and the magnitude of the phase φ are arbitrary and qis the pitch.

The structure is periodic along z-axis and the spatial period L is equal to one half of its pitch (since the states "” and  -“ ” are equivalent).



Figure1.3Schematic representation of chiral nematic phase

The pitch(p) of the helix is temperature  and/or concentration dependent and comparable to optical wavelength .The spiral arrangement of the molecules in the cholesteric phase is responsible for its unique optical properties. Cholesterics  of low pitch (less than ≈ 5000A0) exhibit what are known as blue phases. These phases exist over a small temperature range(≈10C) between the liquid crystal phase and isotropic liquid phase[13-14].


Figure1.4(a)&(b)Ordering in a cholesteric liquid crystal. The molecules in successive layers are oriented at a characteristic angle with respect to those in adjacent layers to avoid repulsive interactions

1.3.3  Smectic liquid crystals

Thesmectic phase exhibits layered structures with different molecular orientations and configurations within each layer giving rise to different categories of smectic phases. Figures 1.5(a) and 1.5(b)  depict two such smectic phases; smecticA and smecticC. The different layers have enough fluidity to slide over each other, maintaining a well-defined inter-layer spacing that can be measured by X-ray diffraction[15].The smectic phases are more ordered than thenematic phase and generally exist at a temperature lower than nematic phase. Smectics are characterized by both orientational order of the long molecular axis and positional order along the direction. Depending on the type of ordering  within the layers, the smectics may be further classified into different categories as mentioned earlier. The orientational order relative to the layer planes and in-plane  positional ordering of the constituent molecules give rise to smectic phases  and are more ordered than the nematic phase.


Figure 1.5(a) Molecular arrangements of smecticA and smecticC phases


Figure 1.5(b) Schematic representation of  smectic A and smectic C phases

The different smectic phases may be further classified under four sub groups. Two sub- groups can be  defined where the molecules have their long axis (on an average) normal to the layers. These two sub-groups are distinguished by the degree of positional ordering [16] of the constituent moleculese,  smectic A and hexatic B having short range positional ordering  belong  to one sub group, whereas crystal B and crystal E phases which are symmetric like soft crystal modification belong [17-18] to the second sub group (with the constituent molecules having long range positional ordering in three dimension).The other two sub-groups have their constituent molecules  tilted relative to the layer planes. SmecticC, smectic I and smectic F phases possessing this character and exhibiting short range positional ordering belong to one sub group, while crystal G, crystal H, crystal J and crystal K phases, possessing long range three dimensional positional ordering belong to the other sub- group (Figure 1.6).Smectic A, smecticC, smecticBhex, smecticI,smecticF are smectic liquid crystals, while crystal B, E, G, H, J and K are crystal phases.


Figure 1.6  Sub group of four smectic phases 

If a compound exhibits both the nematic and smectic phases, the nematic phase always appears on higher temperature side. Some of the more common smectic phases are discussed below.

Smectic A

In the smectic A phase, the molecules are upright in each layer with the molecular centres irregularly spaced in a “liquid-like” fashion, i.e., the molecules are parallel to one another and are arranged in [19-20] layers with molecular long axis normal to the layer planes as shown in Figure 1.7.The inter layer attractions are weak as compared to the lateral force between the molecules and in consequence the layers are able to slide over one another relatively easily. Hence the smectic mesophase has fluid properties, though it is more viscous than the nematic phase. The molecules are free to rotate about their long axes. Since smectic A has infinite fold rotational symmetry about the axes parallel to the layer normal, so this mesophase is optically uniaxial. Thesmectic A layer spacing (d)  is close to full length (L) of the constituent molecules.If the molecules have strong longitudinal dipole moment, anti-parallel nearest neighbor correlations will result in the modification of the structure of smectic A [21-22] phase.

Figure1.7   Picture of the smecticA phase

The smectic A (SmA) phase can be further divided into sub-phases viz.,Smectic A1 and SmecticA2.In case of SmecticA1,which is a conventional smectic A phase ,the molecules have random head to tail orientations, where as smecticA2 is a bi-layer phase with anti-ferroelectric ordering of constituent molecules .Smectic A[21-22] is a semi-bi-layer phase with  partial molecular overlapping due to associations and smectric A  is defined as ribbon or anti-phase as shown in Figure 1.8.


Figure 1.8  Sub-phases of smectic A phase

The sm phase has a modulated ferroelectric ordering of the molecules within the layer giving a ribbon like structure .Polymorphism of smectic A phase have been discussed in detail by several authors [23-25]. Biaxial smectic A (smectic Ab) phase has also been reported [26-27]. Details of the above topics have not been dealt with in this presentation .

Smectic C

The structure of the smectic C  phase  is closely related to that of

the smectic A phase .The molecules are arranged in layers but tilted [28-29] with respect to layer normal i.e., with the long axis to the layer normal  as shown in Figure1.9. The angle of tilt  may remain constant  or may vary with temperature. The centers of gravity of the molecules are positioned randomly  and the molecules are free to rotate  around their long axes.

Figure1.9   Picture of the smectic C phase

The layer thickness is significantly less than the molecular length and depends on the angle of tilt. The layer thickness is d = Lcosβ, where L is the molecular length and  β the angle of tilt. Due to the tilt of the  director, the smecticC  phase is optically biaxial.

There is no long range positional ordering of the molecules though orientational ordering appears to be long range. Depending on the nature of the angle of tilt and its variations with temperature , de Vries [30] has subdivided the smecticC phase into various categories. The different categories except for the smectic* phase not been discussed here. 

Smectic C*

There are chiral forms of smectic phases which are similar to chiral nematics.  The molecular arrangements in a chiral  smecticC  phase, denoted by smectic C* is depicted in Figure 1.10.  In this case the tilted director rotates from layer to layer forming a helical structure. This helix may be suppressed by placing the liquid crystal in a cell where the material is sandwiched between two glass plates. Such systems are defined as surface stabilized system.

In this phase, the tilt direction of the mesogensrotates  along the  layers. In the figure, the different layers are coloured differently for convenience. The diagram to the far right shows the twisting of the mesogens and emphasizes the chiral twisting of the director.

Figure 1.10 Molecular arrangements of smectic C* mesophase

Smectic B

The molecules of this type of liquid crystal are free to rotate about their long axis, however the rotational freedom of their short axes are restricted due to the close packing of the molecules[31].The structure of  this mesophase may be optically uniaxial or biaxial.There is no long range translational order in the direction of the molecular axis.

There are two kinds of smectic B: hexatic smectic B and crystal smectic B. In case of the hexatic smectic B phase, the in-plane positional order is short-range, but the bond order is long range whereas in case of the crystal smectic B phase long range positional order exists within the layers, but the layers are weakly attached to each other and very weak forces are able to impose plastic deformations (Figures 1.11 (a) and (b)).

The smectic D  phase has a cubic structure [32-33]and would appear to be an exception  to the rule that the smectics have layered structure, in fact the smectic D is no longer considered to be liquid crystalline.

Figure1.11(a) Schematic structure of smecticB   phase

Figure1.11(b) Schematic structure of crystalB  phase

There are other smectic phases such as smecticI, smecticF,smecticG and smecticH etc. Some of them are discussed below.  The hexagonal nature of the smecticB phase generates two tilted analogues called smecticI and smectic F phases where molecules are tilted.

Smectic I

In this phase  the positional ordering of molecules is short rangein nature [34-37].Out of plane correlations between the molecular positions are weak and  smectic I  phase has long range bond orientational order.The tilt in molecular long axis in smecticI  phase is directed towards an apex of the hexagonal packing net. The structure of smectic I phase is shown in Figure 1.12.

Figure  1.12 Structure  of smecticI phase

Smectic F

The smectic F phase is observed to be very similar to smecticI phase[35].In the smectic F phase the tilt direction is directed towards an edge of the net as shown in Figure1.13.The smecticI  andsmectic F differ  in the extent of in-plane ordering, the smectic F phase has slightly longer correlation length than smectic I phase [38-39].

Crystal B

The molecules in crystal B  phase are arranged in layers with the long axis normal to the layer planes [40-41].The molecules  have long range  translational order and long range bond orientational order. X-ray studies indicate that the molecules are not laterally separated to allow free re-orientational motion about their long axis to occur. The inter-layer stacking of molecules in crystal B shows some variations in the inter-layer stacking. Transitions in different packing structures can occur with  variation of temperature.

Figure  1.13  Picture of phase Structure  of smecticF

Figure1.14 Molecular arrangements in crystal E phase

Crystal E

The molecules are arranged  with their  long axis normal to the layer planes. They are arranged  locally in orthorhombic  array  [42].Bi-layer structure of  crystalE  is also  available [43].The rotation of the molecules about their long axis is not free and therefore the  molecules  are arranged in herringbone array. The molecules have long range  periodic order both inside the layers and out of plane.

Crystal J  and Crystal G 

The crystal J  and crystal G phases are the crystalline analogues of smectic I and smecticF phases. The molecules in crystal J  phase are arranged in layers with their molecular long axes tilted relative to their layer planes and posses their long range positional ordering within the layers and also between the layers. The molecules are packed in a pseudo-hexagonal structure when viewed down the tilt direction. CrystalG phase has similar structure as the crystalJ  phase except that the tilt of the moleculesis directed towards the edge of the hexagonal packing  array where in J phase the tilt is towards the apex of the hexagonal net [44-45].

Crystal H and Crystal K

In the crystal H and crystal K phases the  molecules  are arranged in layers and there is a long range positional ordering  inside and between  the layers. In crystal H phase the  molecular packing  is monoclinic with the tilt towards the short edge of the packing net whereas in the crystal K  phase  the tilt is towards  the longer edge of the packing array.

The crystal H  and K phases are analogous  to the crystalE except that the molecules are tilted  with  respect to the layer planes. Variants of H and K phases are possible with the tilt making an angle with edges of monoclinic unit cell[46].

The  crystalJ, G, E, K and H phases are essentially crystalline. However ,the  molecular  dynamics are quite  different from those observed in crystals, e.g,the molecules undergo  rapid re-orientational motion  about their long axes. The rapid re-orientational motionof the molecules about  their long axes has led to describe these phases as soft crystals.

Table 1.1  Progression of order from nematic to smectic phases




Molecular  Orientational order



Positional order normal to layer




Bond orientational order




Positional order within layer




Asymmetrical axial site symmetry

1.4 Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals

Different types of smectic crystal mesophases are found e.g.,SmC*, SmI*, SmF* and crystal smectic phases J*,G*,K* and H*.  The constituent molecules of these phases are chiral and their long axes are tilted with respect to the layer planes. Chiral compounds with tilted structures exhibit ferroelectric properties .Intensive investigations  have been carried out on ferroelectric liquid crystals over last two decades for applications in fast switching flat panel displays or optical light modulators. Excellent review articles, books and monographs [47-52] are available on ferroelectric liquid crystals.

The mostcommonly exhibited tilted chiral  smectic  phase is SmC*.Due to its reduced symmetry the phase can be spontaneously polarized.

There are other chiral smectic phases viz., anti-ferroelectric chiral smectic C (SmC*anti) phase and the ferroelectric chiral smectic C (SmC*ferri) phase.The structures of SmC*,SmC*antiand SmC*ferriare depicted in Figure1.15.In SmC*antiphase,the constituent molecules have tilted lamellar structure of the ferroelectric SmC* phase, but the tilt direction of the molecular long axes alternates from layer to layer. The spontaneous polarization of SmC*anti is zero.

SmC*ferri phase has alternating tilted structure, however the alternation is not symmetrical and more layers are tilted in one direction than the other and generates  spontaneous polarization, the magnitude of which depends on the degree of alternation of tilt direction.

Figure 1.15    Pictures of different phases of ferro, ferriand anti-ferro-electric phases

1.5 Columnar Phases

The columnar liquid crystal phases or generally referred to as discotic mesophase   was first observed by Chandrasekhar et al[53].Columnar liquid crystal phases  are different from the other previous types of liquid crystals  because the molecules are shaped like discs instead of long rods. These mesophases  are characterized by stacked columns of molecules. The columns are packed together to form a two dimensional lattice. The arrangement of the molecules within the columns themselves leads to new mesophase. The columnar liquid crystal phase is shown in Figure1.17.

Figure 1.17    Pictures of columnar  phases of liquid crystal

On the other hand, the nematic phase has an orientationally ordered arrangement of the discs without any long –range translational order. Unlike the classical nematic of rod-like molecules,this mesophase is optically negative. A cholesteric or twisted nematic phase has also been identified. The polymorphism in columnar phases is analogous in many ways to the polymorphism in smectic mesophases  exhibited by calamatic materials. The picture of discotic  nematic and discotic [54-59] columnar phase is shown in Figure 1.18.

Figure 1.18 Pictures of columnar  phases of (a) discotic nematic  and (b) discotic columnar phase

1.6 Polymer Liquid Crystals

The molecules are built up of a large number of chemically bonded repeating structural units in polymer liquid crystals. These mesogenic units should be attached with appropriate functional end groups in order to obtain a polymer. Structurally there are two types of polymer liquid crystals: main chain polymer and side chain polymer. The mesogenic group repeats via the linking unit in the main chain polymer liquid crystal. The nature of the mesophase depends  rather sensitively on the backbone ,the mesogenic unit and the linking unit. When the mesogenic repeating units are rod-like, mesophases similar to the nematic, cholesteric and smectic types of calamatic liquid crystals are observed[60-63]. With discotic  mesogenic  unit, other new kinds of mesophases are generated [64-67]  viz., sandic  nematic or columnar nematic phases.

1.7 Induced Smectic and Re-entrant Nematic Phase

Binary  or multi component liquid crystal mixtures have an interesting feature  of formation of relatively more ordered  phases, the so called induced smectic phase  from components which show only nematic phase  in their pure liquid crystalline  state [68-77].The induced phases occur in binary mixtures with one component having a strong terminal polar group and another with weak or non-polar terminal groups. Mixtures of cyano compounds have been found to induce smectic Cphase[78] .

Cladis [79] observed a counter phenomenon where the less ordered nematic phase reappeared  at a temperature  lower than the more ordered smectic phase in  binary mixtures  of certain mesogenic compounds containing a terminal cyano group. This  newtype of  nematicphase  is known as re-entrant  nematic phase[80].Re-entrant nematic phase  has also been observed  in pure compounds containing  a terminal cyano group, at normal  atmospheric pressure  [81-84].

1.8 Liquid Crystals, their Importance and their


The special properties of liquid crystals - having their molecules arranged in order, but still being able to flow like a liquid have been used to advantage in the development of many technological devices.

In  recent years the interest in the field of research in liquid crystal has enhanced remarkably due to its immense possibilities for practical applications as well as for its role in biological systems. These materials have unusual structure, physiochemical and thermo-physical properties and the dependence of their properties on temperature for the rmotropic mesogens forms an interesting study to all research workers in the field of liquid crystals.

Presently research  on liquid crystal is being conducted amongst other reasons, also for the development of visual display devices based on various electro-optical effects. The main advantage of liquid crystal display over other types of display devices is that they operate at low voltage and therefore input power consumption is relatively low. Fast switching time, wide-angle viewing, large area display by small volume, design flexibility, high resolution, wide temperature range, high contrast ratio, lower weight and variety in working material are special advantages of liquid crystal displays[85-86].

An  LCD consists primarily of two glass plates with some liquid crystal material between them. There is no bulky picture tube. This makes LCDs practical for applications where size (as well as weight) are important. From the  thin film wrist watch and pocket calculator to an advanced computer screen, this type of display has evolved into an important and versatile “interface”.

Picture of L C D

In general, LCDs use much less power than their cathode-ray tube (CRT) counterparts. Many LCDs are reflective, meaning that they use only ambient light to illuminate the display. Even displays that do require an external light source (i.e. computer displays) consume much less power than CRT devices.

Liquid crystal displays however  have some  drawbacks, and these are the subject of intense research currently. Problems with viewing angle, contrast ratio, and response time still need to be improved. However with the rate of technological innovation, this day may not be too far into the future, when above mentioned drawbacks will be removed.

Picture of Liquid Crystal Thermometer

Another type of liquid crystalline property that has been put to use is in  the working of liquid crystal thermometers. Chiral nematic (cholesteric) liquid crystals reflect light with a wavelength equal to the pitch. Because the pitch is dependent upon temperature, the reflected colour also is dependent upon temperature. Liquid crystals make it possible to accurately gauge  temperature   using colour  as an indicator. By mixing different  liquid crystal compounds, a device for measuring  practically any temperature range can be developed.

Special liquid crystal devices can be attached to the skin to show a "map" of temperatures. This is useful because often physical problems, such as tumors, have a different temperature than the surrounding tissue.

Optical imaging and recording are other applications  of liquid crystals. In this technology, a liquid crystal cell is placed between two layers of photoconductor. Light is applied to the photoconductor, which increases the material's conductivity. This causes an electric field to develop in the liquid crystal corresponding to the intensity of the light. The electric pattern can be transmitted by an electrode, which enables the image to be recorded. This technology is still being developed and is one of the most promising areas of liquid crystal research. 

Picture of optical image by Liquid Crystal

Liquid crystals  are used for nondestructive mechanical testing of materials under stress. This technique is also used for the visualization of RF (radio frequency) waves in waveguides. They are used in medical applications where, for example, transient pressure transmitted by a walking foot on the ground may be measured.

Liquid crystalline solutions with non-mesogenic guest molecules are easily oriented in electric or magnetic field as a result of which bulk samples of highly oriented solute molecules can be prepared. Liquid crystals are therefore used as solvent for organic molecules in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements and infrared spectroscopy. Liquid crystals are also used as solvent in gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) for the separation of two geometric isomers such as m- and p-xyline.

Liquid Crystal can be used as a smart window . When liquid crystalline molecules are not arranged in regular pattern then light can not pass through it and it behaves like an opaque object. The same object with proper arrangement when powered by electricity then molecules can arrange in regular pattern and light can pass through the liquid crystalline material and sample becomes transparent .

Liquid crystals are also fundamentally important to life. DNA and cell membranes have liquid crystal phases.

Properties of liquid crystals may be modified or tailored as per requirement by synthesizing mixtures of liquid crystals. This is the new window of investigation  where we can manufacture a material which exactly fill our demand.


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