Polyphonic Expression of Literature and Language
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Ecocritical Development for Long-term Sustainability

 Rituparna Moharana
Research Scholar
Department Of English
Ravenshaw University
 Cuttack, Odisha, India 

Chapter ID: 18372
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The environment has caused a serious threat to both human culture and homeland. The widespread abuse of token assets has left us on the brink of extinction. Rainforests are being cut down, petroleum derivatives are rapidly being depleted, the seasonal cycle is disrupted, ecological natural disasters are becoming more frequent worldwide, and our environment is on the brink of collapse. In the last decade of the last century, due to the prevailing circumstances, another concept of creating nature was born, which is called ecocriticism. It is a global upward expansion that arose in response to the anthropocentric mindset of man dominating nature. The purpose of this paper is to illuminate and explore critical environmental ideas as presented in some selected world literature and Indian English literature. This organically organized study of writing realizes the biological competence of readers, which in the process evolves into consciousness, thus taking into account Mother Nature. One of the biggest concerns of the day is the natural problem. Ecocriticism has grown rapidly in the short time since its introduction. It is an interpretive device for studying natural composition, often associated with environmental criticism, animal studies, deep ecology and ecofeminism.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Equity, Ecosystem. Ecocriticism, Long-term sustainability.


Ecocriticism is a broad avenue for scholars of literature and society to explore the global natural crisis through the intersection of writing, culture, and the physical environment. This is one of the youngest revisionist developments to sweep the humanities in recent decades. Today's world is facing eco-failures and our status is currently questionable. Currently, science and innovation are not enough to fight the global ecological disaster. We should improve our attitude towards nature. Literature is not above life, so it has a role to play. For a long time, scientific commentators did not pay much attention to nature, so ecologically organized literature defends a superior understanding of nature in its wider scope. Ecocriticism has developed a globally evolving movement in recent decades. Literary and environmental studies are often referred to as eco or environmental criticism. Similar to the more general term academic feedback, it encompasses a multifaceted, multifaceted and interdisciplinary activity that hopes to explore the ecological dimensions of literature and other imaginative media in a spirit of ecological concern unbound by any technique or responsibility. Ecocriticism is based on the belief that the expressions of the experience of human creative energy and its research - to carefully strengthen, stimulate and coordinate ecological care through the intensity of its word, story and image can significantly influence the understanding of natural or environmental problems.

Long-term sustainability requires ecocritical development

Sustainable development is the guiding idea for accomplishing human development goals while sustaining the capacity of natural systems to provide natural systems and ecosystems. To achieve the objective of sustainable development, gender equality is necessary. Knowledge of and use of equality are essential for attaining sustainable development. The current high level of inequality and lack of opportunity is caused by a number of issues. There are many perversions and aberrations in our economic system. The welfare of businesses receives far too much attention from the government at the expense of the needs of the poor. We all gain from a functional democracy and society. The political and economic frameworks ought to guarantee that everyone contributes equitably to development initiatives. A political system that is based on the economic equality of the people is one that is strong. Without the biosphere and planetary conditions, human life is impossible. Too many historical critical systems and postmodern critical discourses are questioned by ecocriticism. Our understanding of the natural world is inherently human-made. Human attitudes and behaviours are significantly influenced by nature. In literature, nature and human life are connected. To stop polluting the planet and spoliating its resources, humans must act swiftly and firmly. We must make great efforts to preserve the Earth's ecosystems if we want to guarantee our continued existence on the planet. Political leaders must be aware of the range of environmental issues for the long-term success of the nation. We shouldn't use money as the exclusive benchmark for measuring happiness. Development should be assessed not only in terms of financial gain and loss, but also in terms of the state of the planet. Ecocriticism draws attention to the serious problems posed by environmental decline by using literature as a platform. To achieve equality in practice, the rules of the game must be changed. Government too often spends significant resources on the welfare of businesses rather than the welfare of the poor. A healthy democracy and society benefit us all.

Inclusive growth does not equate to high economic growth rates. India's existing policies are not prepared to deal with enduring poverty. The nation is sick to death of corruption. Societies founded on inequality become worse with time. It aims to create a relationship between nature and mankind that is balanced. Exploitative development is not supported by it. An ecological viewpoint on human life has been reflected in literature. There are several variables that contribute to the high inequality and limited chances we currently face. Our economic system has severe distortions and perversions. The rules of the game and rent-seeking are the sources of wealth at the top. To achieve equality in practise, the rules of the game must be altered. Government spends significant resources far too frequently on corporate welfare rather than the welfare of the poor. A healthy democracy and society are good for all of us. People should participate equally in the development schemes, as should the political and economic systems. If a political system is founded on the solid principle of economic equality among the populace, it will be robust. The twenty-first century is frequently referred to as the environmental century. Ecocriticism is a well-organized and widely accepted movement. Human life is impossible without the biosphere and the conditions of the planet. Too many postmodern critical discourses as well as historical critical systems are challenged by ecocriticism. Our understanding of the natural world must necessarily be human-made. Nature has a significant impact on how people think and act. There is an environmental background for literary creation. Humans are descended from previous forms of life, according to Charles Darwin's theory in The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. Only animals and humans differ significantly from one another. The natural world and human life are themes in literature. To stop the pollution and spoliation of the environment, humans must act swiftly and forcefully. To ensure our continued presence on the globe, we must make significant efforts to conserve the Earth's ecosystems. For the nation to prosper sustainably, political leaders must comprehend the scope of environmental challenges. We should not measure our well-being solely in terms of money. Progress should be evaluated in terms of biological and cultural damage to the planet as well as financial gain and loss. The evaluation of human achievement will be more accurate.

Through the literary community, ecocriticism raises awareness of the pressing problems of environmental deterioration throughout the world. The phrases ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ are inclusive. The goal of ecocriticism is to lessen injustice in the world. People's lives can be changed by well-planned and truly implemented policies. Inclusionary growth is not at all a result of high economic growth rates. India's current policies are not suited to addressing persistent poverty. A nation's capacity is mostly determined by its policies and institutions. The country has had enough of corruption. A human civilization built on inequality eventually disintegrates. It strives to establish a harmonious coexistence between human nature and nature. It is opposed to growth that is exploitative. The term ecological criticism or ecocriticism refers to the ecological examination of how human life is mirrored in literature. The link between human life and nature is a topic covered by critical theory. It goes beyond the limiting definitions of centre and periphery.

Globalisation, privatisation, and emancipation are ineffective. The very survival of the society and the country is beginning to be threatened by the issues of environmental degradation, poverty, and domestic inequity. They are endangering national security and the standard of living. Deteriorations in the environment have an impact on life quality. People suffer from numerous diseases when there isn't a healthy atmosphere. Future generations fear for their safety. The current issues are caused by economic development patterns. The issues are pervasive, not accidental. Redefining what economic and social growth means is necessary. To achieve true progress, we must make significant adjustments to the economic and social development. All diseases have their origin in poverty. The increase in crimes and anti-social behaviour is a result of poverty.

Even those in the middle class now face vulnerability and insecurity due to the effects of globalisation and deregulated markets. Uneven society collapses when faced with difficulties. Instead of addressing the issue of society's decline, the middle class prefers to shirk its responsibilities. Within the confines of their house, they try to find safety and tranquilly. In their houses, the residents deal with worry, tension, and terror. The ideal development strategy for raising everyone's standard of living is sustainable development. The governments in the various nations of the world have been denigrated by the market economy. In certain African nations, like Nigeria, it has contributed to anarchy.

The standard of living is deteriorating as a result of major issues with drinking water accessibility, housing, employment, and security. There is also the global surge in crime. The very security of the countries has been threatened by poverty and inequality in society. The public has grown disenchanted with politicians and with politics as a whole. Politicians no longer care about inclusive development because they have become so egotistical. They have turned politics into a self-serving enterprise. Ecocriticism deals with these connected issues. The Real World presents a twenty-first-century vision that is suitable for every country and every century.

As a style of analysis, ecocriticism is firmly political. It gives us the ability to evaluate and critique the world in which we live. A person's daily existence includes their culture as an integral aspect. Naturalness is necessary for a real culture. The last two decades of the 20th century saw significant changes in the way that literature is studied. The destruction of nature and ultimately of humans is mostly attributable to human beings. The quality and standard of life are improved by the harmony between mankind and the natural world. It shares many commonalities with history, philosophy, psychology, art history, and ethics. The parallel to Marxism and feminism shows that it is a political method of literary interpretation. Many environmental-focused philosophical and political theoretical advancements are cited in this work. It is heavily influenced by philosophical and political changes that are ecologically conscious. It observes a confluence of social and environmental issues. The theory emphasises politics and morality.

The terms ecological problems and problems in ecology have been distinguished by John Passmore. He contends that while scientific problems requiring hypotheses, experiments, and scientific analysis are present in ecology, ecological issues are a result of how we interact with nature. Ecocriticism aids in the identification, investigation, and solution of ecological issues and their ramifications. Structuralism and post-structuralism focused on the linguistic function of signs that are related to one another but do not correspond to actual objects, events, or episodes that actually happened. It is an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates elements of environmental history, ecology, sociology, psychology, and literary and cultural theory. In the twenty-first century, it is incredibly important politically and morally. The study of the interaction between humans and other species is known as ecocriticism. It examines how human life fits with the natural world. Indigenous cultures are encouraged by ecocriticism as potential role models for a peaceful coexistence with the environment. It investigates how people live in a world of globalisation, privatisation, and liberalism. The ethical, political, economic, and cultural lives of the people in different parts of the world are seriously threatened by the environmental problem. In the 1990s, ecocriticism first emerged. It has a historical context.

Ecocriticism was initially mentioned by William Rueckert. “Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism” was the title of an essay written by Rueckert and published in 1978. He offered a crucial recommendation regarding the use of ecology and ecological ideas in literary analysis. Since the rise of environmentalism in the late 1960s and early 1970s, ecologically conscious individuals and academics have been releasing innovative works of Eco theory and criticism. To study the environmental aspects of literature, however, there existed neither a movement nor a school. They were dispersed across several subject headings, such as pastoralism, human ecology, regionalism, American studies, etc.

Natural resource depletion and inconceivable environmental catastrophe resulted from the exploitation of resources, which was fuelled by rapid industrial expansion, a materialistic vision on world dominance, and rapid expanded industrial growth. The climate catastrophe is a startling reality brought on by acute global warming, melting polar ice caps, rising seas, forest fires, food and water shortages, pandemics, and war. A new way of thinking about how humans and the natural world interact places an emphasis on the interconnectivity of all living and non-living things as well as the necessity of a sustainable method of resource management and utilisation.

Through literature, we may create alternate realities and modes of existence while pulling inspiration from a variety of natural and cultural heritages to tell stories and provide examples for environmental awareness and sustainability. Stories and tales stir the heart and engage the mind; literature does not need technical language to make their message. On the other hand, artistic expression not only enables us to enjoy the beauty and diversity of life on Earth and serves as a reminder of the interdependence of all living things, but it also contributes to the reimagining of methods to address issues that arise in achieving sustainable settings.

In literature, human existence and nature are connected. To stop spoliation and pollution from harming the planet, humans must act swiftly and firmly. We must make a significant effort to preserve the Earth's ecosystems if we want to guarantee our continued existence on the planet. Politicians must be aware of the range of environmental issues for the long-term success of the nation. We shouldn't use money as the exclusive benchmark for measuring happiness. Development should be assessed not only in terms of financial gain and loss, but also in terms of the state of the planet. Ecocriticism draws attention to the serious problems posed by environmental decline by using literature as a platform. Inclusive growth does not equate to high economic growth rates.

Environment has posed a serious danger to both human society and mother earth during the past few decades. We are on the verge of a ditch because of widespread resource abuse. Our ecology is under danger as a result of the destruction of the rainforests, the rapid depletion of fossil fuels, the disruption of the seasonal cycle, and the increasing frequency of ecological disasters worldwide. In light of these circumstances, a novel reading theory for nature literature known as Ecocriticism emerged in the final decade of the previous century. It is a global, emergent movement that arose in opposition to man's anthropocentric tendency to dominate nature.

Multiple trends have been observed in English literature as a part of world literature. The environment is a significant socio-human concern among those covered by the trends. The broad scope of the interdisciplinary research area known as ecocriticism is the analysis of the connections between literature and the natural world. It draws from the writings of writers, literary critics, anthropologists, and historians to examine the differences between nature and its cultural creation. It covers the discussion and analysis of environmental worries, environmental-related cultural issues, and attitudes towards the natural world. One of the main aims of ecocriticism is to study how people act and react in their respective cultures towards the environment and ecological challenges. This issue has received considerable attention as a result of the growing social focus on environmental deterioration and technological progress.

This broadens the field of literary and theoretical inquiry by providing a unique technique to reading and comprehending literary works. Ecocriticism started to arise in the 1960s with the environmental movement and the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring; however, it didn't really take off until the 1980s. The 1980s saw the first wave of ecocriticism, which was followed by the 1990s wave. The initial wave concentrated on nature writing as a field of study and as a desirable endeavour. It emphasised the value of nature and the need for speaking out for it while maintaining the boundary between humans and the natural world. By expanding on the first, the second wave broadened the scope of environmentalism.

Eco critics of this era criticised the distinctions between natural and artificial habitats, as well as between urban and rural settings, and expanded the definition of environment to include both. This wave also gave rise to the eco-justice movement by examining how the poorest and most marginalised members of a community are most susceptible to the harmful effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Ecocriticism encompasses pastoral, wilderness, and ecofeminism. Ecocriticism combines literary criticism with an analysis of the ecological principles or guidelines that the author employed in their writing. A relatively recent revisionist trend that has captivated humanity in recent decades is ecocriticism. Through the works of numerous authors, the trend is clearly seen in early and late modern English literature.

For individuals looking for their spiritual home, they reveal a natural path that leads to truth, goodness, and beauty. They also explain the true meaning of beauty in nature, define the beauty of harmony with nature, encourage getting back in touch with nature and the beauty of people, and expose the beauty of nature. While expressing their genuine care for the environment and natural resources, they also exhorted people to protect lives and use resources wisely. Environmental catastrophes plague the modern world, putting the ecosystem in danger. Science and technology by themselves are insufficient to address the worldwide ecological problem. Modern perspectives on nature had to change. Literature serves a function; it does not exist in a vacuum. Environmentally conscious writing calls for a greater understanding of nature in its larger context since for a long-time literary critics neglected to give nature the attention it merited. Ecocriticism has developed over the past three decades into a global emerging movement


The goal of the current paper is to examine the ecocritical viewpoints as they are envisioned in a few pieces of English-language literature from India and other parts of the world. This literary analysis that emphasises the environment helps readers develop an ecological literacy and Eco consciousness, which helps them take excellent care of Mother Nature. Given the importance of the environment today, ecocriticism has developed quickly in the short time since it was first introduced. Ecocriticism is the interdisciplinary study of literature and the environment, where scientists from various fields collaborate to analyse the environment and come up with suggestions for improving the current environmental condition. The relationship between people and the natural environment in literature is examined by ecocriticism. It deals with the presentation and analysis of environmental issues, cultural environmental challenges, and attitudes towards nature. Studying how members of society behave and respond in regard to nature and ecological issues is one of ecocriticism's key objectives. Due to rising social emphasis on environmental degradation and advancements in technology, this type of critique has attracted a lot of attention lately. Thus, it offers a novel approach to reading and understanding literary texts that expands the scope of literary and theoretical research. Western philosophy has frequently had a more or less utilitarian view of nature, believing that everything exists to serve human needs. However, from the seventeenth century, a number of voices began to urge that the way that people understand nature and how they interact with their surroundings be reevaluated.


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