Multi-variant Dimensions of Scientific Research ISBN: 978-93-93166-35-7 For verification of this chapter, please visit on http://www.socialresearchfoundation.com/books.php#8 |
Digital Image Segmentation based on IGA (Improved Genetic Algorithm) |
Manzoor Ahmad Lone
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
UoK, North Campus,
Delina, Bla
DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10567639 Chapter ID: 18485 |
This is an open-access book section/chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. |
Introduction Digital image
processing refers to the processing of digital images by means of the computer
system. A digital image is made up of a finite number of elements, each of
which has a specific value and position. These elements are referred as pixels
(picture elements) [1]. Image segmentation is a field of image processing. To
locate effectively tumors in human body, infected tissue volumes, fingerprint
recognition, image retrieval etc. we use image segmentation. Segmentation
partitions an image into its individual objects or areas. The problem being
solved determines how much segmentation is used. In other words, once the
objects of interest in an application have been identified, segmentation should
come to an end. For instance, image analysis of the product is of interest in
the automated inspection of electronic assemblies in order to identify the
existence or non-existence of particular anomalies, like broken connection
routes or missing components. While there are several segmentation algorithms
available, the improved genetic algorithm (IGA) [4] offers the best threshold
value for image segmentation. Choosing a suitable gray level threshold is
essential for image segmentation in order to differentiate objects from their
background. Pixels are split into two groups based on whether their gray levels
are higher or lower than the threshold. As a result, the background and target
are divided. In [9], authors suggested an OTSU segmentation scheme
using fruit fly optimization, which models the fruit fly’s olfactory search for
food to obtain the optimal threshold and enhance both segmentation performance
as well as computational speed. In [10] blood cell images are segmented using
on genetic algorithm. In [12], authors use genetic algorithm for the
automatic grouping of tumor stage to enhance the classification accuracy. The
study in [8] uses the improved genetic algorithm and suggests a two-dimensional
OTSU inland ships multi-threshold image segmentation method. The selection of
crossover rate and mutation rate play a vital role when using a genetic
algorithm to determine the ideal threshold [11]. The adaptive basic genetic
algorithm suggested in [13] uses the fitness to automatically adjust the
crossover and mutation rates. The problem
considered is to extract objects from their background. One often used
technique for segmenting grey level images is thresholding. The method is
predicated on the idea that the gray level threshold of an image can be used to
identify between background and object pixels. The original grayscale image's
threshold value is utilized to divide an image into two classes, such as one
object and one background. The approach may seem straightforward, yet it is a
fundamental and significant one with broad applications. Determining a
threshold at the grey value in the valley between the two peaks of the
histogram is the goal for a two-class problem. It is not an easy process to
determine these two peaks. The histogram data is smoothed, modes are
found, and thresholds are set at the minima between them as part of the
automatic threshold scheme selection process. It was thought that the object
and background regions, shown by the peaks of the histogram, had relatively
constant gray levels and varied in average gray levels. The two peaks are also not
located by the heuristic search method. Additionally, if the valley is flat, it
is challenging to determine the precise threshold point. It is challenging to
find the valley's bottom, though. A number of techniques have been put out to
modify the histogram in order to deepen the valley or turn it into a peak. As a
result, an effective threshold selection can be made. An improved genetic
algorithm determines the ideal threshold value. This technique is effective
even in flat valleys. Any valley sharpening technique that relies on the
histogram's valley is not necessary. The experimental results of an image with
a histogram having two peaks are limited to two class objects. These images’
histograms show two separate peaks. The approach yields favorable results if
the provided image's histogram clearly shows two modes of any size, indicating
that the image is a two class image (histogram with two peaks). Image
Segmentation The image segmentation is one of the fundamental techniques of the image processing and is also an important component of the image analysis and visual system. In image segmentation process, the digital image is processed by the computer as shown in fig-1. First a threshold value of a gray digital image is determined. Based on the threshold of the gray values of the image the gray value matrix of image is changed into 0 and 1(binary matrix). This binary matrix is converted into the segmented image. To determine the threshold is important in image segmentation. The improved genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal threshold value for image segmentation. In genetic algorithm to determine crossover and mutation probability is critical. The improved genetic algorithm [4] automatically adjusts the mutation and crossover probability on the basis of the fitness of individuals. Figure 1: Framework Model of Image Segmentation
Process Thresholding Region-based
segmentation locates areas within the image that have a common attribute (such
as color or intensity). Statistical techniques, split and merge, clustering,
region growth, thresholding, and clustering are examples of region-based
procedures. The simplest method of image segmentation is thresholding, which
assumes that the digital image's background and objects have different gray
level distributions. Assuming this is true, there are two distinct peaks in the
gray level histogram, and determining the threshold will be simple. In order to
accomplish segmentation, regions with gray levels below the threshold are
assigned to the background, and regions with gray values above the threshold
are assigned to the object, or vice versa [3]. There are two types of threshold
selection techniques: global techniques and local techniques. A
local thresholding approach divides the given image into several sub-images and
sets a threshold for each sub-image, while a global thresholding technique uses
the gray level histogram of the image to segment the entire image with a single
threshold [5]. Implementing global thresholding techniques is simple.
Applications for image processing that use global thresholding include text
enhancement, biomedical image analysis, and automatic target recognition
[6]. System Overview Segmentation slices an image into its individual objects or areas. The problem being solved determines how much segmentation is used. A variety of techniques can be used to segment an image. Improved genetic algorithm is used to determine the threshold value, based on the threshold value the image is segmented. The gray value matrix of digital image is converted into white and black (bi-level) image depending upon the threshold value say “T”. Thresholding involves looking at each pixel and deciding whether it is converted to “0” or “1”. Then we get a binary matrix and this binary matrix is converted into the segmented image. The segmentation of image is good if the threshold chosen is global optimal, the use of improved genetic algorithm try to find the global optimal solution. This system works efficiently where there is a well defined valley in the histogram of image. The overall data flow diagram of image segmentation process using IGA is shown in fig-2. Figure
2: Data
flow diagram of image segmentation process using IGA Working of
improved genetic algorithm Based on the
principles of genetics and natural selection, the genetic algorithm is an
effective random probability searching technique. The population will be chosen
using selection operator, crossover, and mutation in accordance with the method
to produce fresh optimal populations until the ideal answer is found. The way a
genetic algorithm searches differs from a traditional search strategy in that
it begins with a set of randomly selected initial populations and proceeds to
select, reproduce, crossover, and mutate based on each individual's fitness
function. This process is crucial in determining each individual's chances of
reproducing and truly reflects the survival of the fittest. Both crossover and
mutation work to improve chromosomes by transferring individual information
[2]. The most suitable chromosome will be produced as the number of generations
rises, providing the solution to a problem. There is a distinction between an
improved genetic algorithm and a genetic algorithm: in the former, crossover
and mutation probability are set at program start, while in the latter, these
values are automatically determined [4, 7]. These probabilities are
automatically adjusted by an improved genetic algorithm according to the
chromosomes' fitness. Steps in
improved genetic algorithm i. Encoding While
implementing the improved genetic algorithm, the first decision is made on how
to encode the solutions into chromosomes. Binary encoding is used in this work.
Binary encoding is the most common form of encoding. In binary encoding every
solution/chromosome is represented as a bit string of 0 and 1. Eight bit
binary coding is done in used in this work Chromosome-1 01010110 Chromosome-2 01110011 ii. Initial group The initial
group of the individuals is random. The initial group of individuals and
maximal number of generations depend upon the problem to be solved. iii. Fitness
determines the quality of individual and is defined by the following Eq.(1)
Where, pj
= the probability of the pixels with gray value j. ρ is
variance between two classes. N is total no of pixels
and nj = the number of pixels with gray value j. iv. Selection The best
selection procedure for deciding the parents that form the basis for new
offsprings/chromosomes is often problem dependent. All selection procedures
should however depict the basic idea that a higher fitness means a higher
likelihood of being chosen. There are several selection strategies like
roulette wheel selection, tournament selection, rank selection, and random
selection etc. v. Crossover
In order to
produce new chromosomes, crossover is done between the parents once they have
been chosen in accordance with the selection approach employed. Combining
features from the chosen chromosomes to create a new chromosome is the goal of
the crossover process. Crossover is basic operation in genetic algorithms
and is generally employed with a probability greater than 0.5. While most
strings are built from parents via crossover, some are created by directly
inheriting every gene from a single parent. However, in the improved genetic
algorithm [4, 7], the crossover probability pc is
automatically modified using following formula.
where fmi is minimal fitness, fmx is
the maximal fitness and fag is average fitness
value in the population. When fag / fmx > a as
well as fmi / fmx >
b, the generation is supposed to be convergent, and pc is
adapted by its convergent degree, otherwise maintains the default setting.
The same conditions applies also applies to mutation probability (pm). vi. Mutation
modifications are introduced through mutation operator to facilitate the
examination of solution states not produced by crossover process.
Individuals with different characteristics are born as a result of mutation. In
improved genetic algorithm [4, 7], mutation probability pm is
automatically adjusted and is defined by the following equation:
Re-insertion The ratio of
the new group's size to the old group's size is called gap. The existing group
should be supplemented with a few new members to maintain the desired ratio.
The method can be imposed by replacing the individuals whose fitness are less. viii. Stopping
Criteria In improved
genetic algorithm, we usually fix the number of generations as stopping
criteria. Pseudo-code of
Genetic Algorithm Procedure Genetic Algorithm Start Procedure i.
Initialize population ii. Calculate
fitness for count :=1 to Generation_numb do
begin iii. Select
population using some predefined selection procedure iv. Apply
operation v. Apply
mutation operation vi. Apply
Re-insertion operation vii.
Calculate fitness end Select the best
individual to serve as the solution after convergence. end Results:
An infectious
human tissue (RGB image, fig-3) is converted in grey scale image as shown in
fig-4. When convergence/termination condition is met a threshold value is
determined by the algorithm. The grey scale image is converted into binary
matrix based on the threshold value. At the end the binary matrix is converted
into the binary segmented image as depicted in fig-5.
Figure 3: Original Infectious Image
Figure 4: Grey scale image Figure 5 :
Segmented image Summary: The technique
of segmenting an image into its individual objects or regions is known as
image segmentation. The type of problem being solved determines how much
segmentation is done. When the application's items of interest have been
isolated, segmentation should come to an end. Choosing a suitable gray level
threshold is essential for image segmentation in order to distinguish objects
from their background. One often used technique for segmenting grey level
images is thresholding. The improved genetic algorithm is employed to determine
the threshold for segmenting images. The improved genetic algorithm
automatically modifies its crossover and mutation probabilities based on the chromosomal
fitness. Because of image uncertainty, there isn't a universal image
segmentation method that produces the best results for a variety of images.
There are two types of image segmentation techniques: image edge detection
technology and image regions detection technology [2]. The threshold method
belongs to image regions detection technology. The improved genetic algorithm
determines the threshold for segmenting images. This approach divides the
pixels into two groups based on how closely the gray level and threshold match.
Pixels that fall below or over the threshold in terms of gray values are split
into the corresponding class. As a result, the background and target are
divided. Bibliography: 1. Gonzalez,
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