A Reference Book on Interdisciplinary Studies
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New Trends and Innovation in Education

 Dr. Manisha
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
SSS. TT. College
 Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 

Chapter ID: 18793
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Innovation is a kind of new idea, behavior or object i.e. innovation is to make education interesting, creative, useful, practical, simple, functional and relevant. There is a greater need for innovation in the modern era because through innovation only, all-round developments of the students could be achieved and to do so innovation in the education system is necessary. With innovation only, the development of moral values and ideals is possible together with the positive development in the students.

Keywords- Innovation, Education.


Today, the teacher education system is an attractive and powerful medium for sustainable development along with promoting educational standards for the upliftment of innovative education in our country. Today, there are many such issues for the development of teacher education, for whose development necessary improvement is needed in teacher education programs. Today is the era of competition and in such a situation there is a need for innovative changes in teacher education, integrated teaching, teacher education program and teaching curriculum. In respect to the robust teaching education system, then teachers need to have new knowledge, efficiency in teaching skills, knowledge of new technological research and knowledge of innovation and their practical use. Today's conditions are very difficult for teacher education, to establish mutual relations with students in these circumstances, teachers need to know about new educational techniques. Today, new techniques have introduced to increase the educational capacity in the country, by using these techniques like the internet and educational programs broadcast on Doordarshan, the child can acquire new knowledge. That's why teachers should always keep themselves proficient with new technology while teaching students. Learning is a life-long process, so a qualified teacher should always make the curriculum interesting and informative by discovering new techniques along with knowledge of new technologies. Teacher education is not limited to textbooks only, the teacher has to give ten types of instructions to the learner so that they can apply themselves according to their important tasks by getting the information and realizing the learning. So that teacher education can be made more useful and success can be achieved, for this, the teacher should keep trying continuously, the experiences of learning by doing, practising, researching etc. are being used continuously. To bring innovation in teacher education, some important and effective changes have been made through various programs related to the teacher-training program in the country, "National Council for Teacher Education Act-2014" such as B. Ed. of two years period and Master's Degree in Education (M.Ed.), Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) and Master's Degree in Physical Education (M.P.Ed.). .Ed.-M.Ed. Four-year integrated BA-B.Ed., B.Sc.-B.Ed. & B.El.Ed courses etc. To bring innovation in teachers for education and teacher development, different types of teaching skills have been included in the curriculum for micro-teaching, block teaching, community services, and practice programs based on self-study. Similarly, if we look at the theoretical part, then knowledge of the language in the new curriculum, along with the study of the curriculum, information about new activities like drama and art in the curriculum is an Innovation.

When we implement innovation in teacher education, then the person using the innovation what to learn, how to learn, when to learn, why to learn as well as by finding out about the learned works, new tools are used for its evaluation. Information is given so that a teacher adopting innovation in teaching solves related problems and motivates other teachers to solve problems. The success of teacher education work is possible only because of the innovations discovered by them. Innovations provide an opportunity to keep the classroom environment more informative and active. Through this, the learning situation rises from the level of knowledge to the level of thinking. The teacher helps in solving many educational problems by using innovation in education. Through this, experimenting individually with all the students of the class, they play an essential role in maintaining interest and intelligence in teaching.

In the present time, new scientific methods are being researched daily in the field of education. Due to the use of technical equipment, extraordinary changes are taking place in the teaching-learning process. The emphasis is on innovation. The literal meaning of innovation is new + ethics = new behaviour. Behavioural innovation has new behaviour and changes that bring newness to the previous situation.

1. Top Innovation   2. To make changes

Innovation brings new ideas, concepts, experiments, etc., developed in training education and teaching trainers, which come under the innovation category and are done for attainment.

Warnet A.G.-Innovation is any thought, behaviour or thing that is new and is quantitatively different from the existing form.

Rogers E.M.- An Innovation is an idea perceived as new by the individual.

Mallax M.B.- An Innovation is deliberate noval specific change that is thought to be more efficacious in accomplishing the goals of a system.

 So that human resources can be appropriately exploited and children can develop their potential naturally. To meet the current educational needs, it is necessary to develop innovative methods among teachers to solve problems in educational work quickly.

Need for Innovation in Education

Education is the foundation stone of human development. It gives man the power to fight against the immediate situations. Every person needs education. Every person tries to get more and more quality education, but time-related education is universally accepted; such education keeps changing according to society. Change is the law of nature. According to the changed character of society, it is natural for the education system to change as well. Human increasing physical need, lack of time and longing to collect money has brought a radical change in the present form of education. To make education timely, innovations have emerged in it. In short, the need for innovations in education is explained by the following points

This saves money, time and labor.

With this, direction can be given to all at once.

This helps in providing direct and permanent knowledge.

With the help of educational innovations, the learner can be made active and motivated to learn.

Through this, education can be made changeable relative to time.With the help of educational innovations, the students' inherent abilities can be identified, and their full development can be done.

To increase education facilities according to the increasing population.

To establish coordination among various educational units.For quick and accurate evaluation.For the qualitative and quantitative development of education.To impart scientific and technical knowledge to the children. To make education public and accessible.For inculcation of democratic values ​​to development.To provide employment-oriented education to the children to bring innovation in curriculum and teaching methods.Self-evaluation of teachers.To make the school environment learning-related.For the smooth completion of co-curricular activities.To enhance the academic achievements of the students.To make the entire educational process dynamic.

Characteristics of Innovation

Innovation is a new idea.

New features are found in innovation.

Innovation is a purposeful act.

Innovation is work done from the point of view of utility.

Efforts are made to improve the present conditions through innovation.

Innovation is considered better than the prevailing methods.

Importance of Innovation in Education

As a result of the process of industrialization, a new problem has arisen. People are leaving their traditional places and moving to cities with big industries. Villages are passing by, and the pressure on the cities is continuously increasing. Industrialization has dramatically increased the mobility of society.Due to this, the pressure on the city schools is also increasing. In such a situation, there is a need for a profound change in the curriculum in the programs of education to educate this growing mass group.Unemployment is increasing in the country, millions of teenagers and youths are running towards the cities in search of employment, so much education has to be arranged which is professional, science is progressing rapidly in the world, and new weapons are being released for them. Weapons are being developed.Electronics has created a stir in the industry. The computer is slowly moving forward and propagating its supremacy.To keep up with modern activities, education must move forward in a new direction by imbibing the series of these changes.This work can be possible only through educational innovation. The following points can describe the importance of innovation in education-

1. Objective-type questions

To change the examination system, continuous emphasis should be laid on making question papers based on objective questions.

2. Interaction analysis

To develop interaction analysis to record the behaviour between teacher and student.

3. Effective instruction

To develop personalized instruction, computer-assisted instruction and programmed learning to make instruction effective.

4. Effective techniques

To use effective methods like teaching and exemplar teaching for the development of teaching skills in student teachers.

5. Group instruction

To develop many innovative methods in the field of group instruction.

6. Technical basis

Streamlining the use of future means on technical grounds.

7. National Satellite Doordarshan-

To make experiments based on National Satellite Doordarshan Scheme to make education accessible to every person.

8. Vocational education

Giving place to socially productive works in the curriculum and moving towards expanding vocational education.

9. Use of technical means

To transform education into objectively planned and development-oriented through educational technology in the field of education.

10. lifelong education

To implement the concept of lifelong education, to arrange continuous or continuous education.

11. Informal education -

More importance is being given to informal education instead of formal education.

12. Widespread Education – Emphasis is being laid on distance education to make everyone informed and informed.

13. Expansion of audio-visual aids - The expansion of audio-visual aids in the education world is towards continuity.

14. Adult education-

To conducts adult education programs for adults.Providing equal educational opportunities-Providing education equally to all persons.

15. Useful changes-Bringing change in the form of textbooks and evaluation.

16. Inter-disciplinary Approach- Continued emphasis on using the interdisciplinary approach to gather knowledge.

Types of Innovation

As an operator of the teaching process, a teacher uses innovation to edit the situation and other activities while conducting his tasks.The present era emphasizes providing education according to individual needs by connecting education with the environment through educational technology.Therefore, for this, a teacher enriches his efficiency by making the basis of the following types of innovation.

(i)Technological Innovation

To convert innovation into action, new technologies are presented logically regarding time and space in technological processes and organizations.Areas of Educational Innovation Education of mathematics, language education, environmental education, science, social studies education, population education, education of educationally backward and disabled children, gender equality, giving education to the deprived class in a new way through various practical activities under educational innovation. Educational innovation comes under these points and should be included in the curriculum from the elementary classes itself. Environmental education, population education, prevention of gender discrimination, sensitization, removal of barriers to social equality etc., are necessary to face the challenge of the 21st century.It is expected to sensitize the students towards these problems from the elementary classes themselves, for which the conceptualization methods have to be adopted. The field of education is vast and affects every area of ​​life. Education prepares the child for future life, and the child [‘;] can do something for the human being and the nation by living his extra-child life happily, peacefully and successfully. That's why the area of ​​innovation must be determined, keeping in mind the problems, genres and needs that will come in the future.

(ii) Product and service innovation

Product and service innovation refers to the product or service output of the organization. New products can be in the form of entirely new product lines or minor adaptations of existing products. New products are designed to develop new markets or customers or increase market share. Process innovations are often associated with overall cost-leader strategies because many process improvements are intended to reduce the cost of operations

(iii) Strategy and structural innovation

Strategy and structural innovation refer to the administrative segment of an organization. It is concerned with management and supervision in an organization, including strategic management and changes in the organization's structure, policies, accounting and budgeting systems, reward systems, labor relations, coordination tools, management information and control systems.Changes in strategy and structure in an organization are mandated by the top management. They usually have a top-down structure. An example might be if the corporation is downsizing. On the other hand, product and technology changes can come from below.

(iv) Cultural innovation

Cultural innovation refers to changes that can occur in employee attitudes, beliefs, values, expectations, abilities, and behavior. Cultural innovation changes employees' attitudes to change. These are changes in mindset rather than technology, structure, or products and services.Culture can be a powerful force that undermines the effectiveness of a nation, a business, and a manager. Recognizing the presence and power of culture will help me better navigate the rough seas of international trade. Discovering how to harness the power of culture in an organization will help the organization gain a competitive advantage.

Need and Purpose of Innovation

a. Establishment of the welfare state:-After attaining independence, India resolved to establish a welfare state. To fulfill this resolution, it is necessary to make changes in the field of education. As a result of the change in education, free education, compulsory education programs are being organized. Innovation is essential for conducting and studying these new programs of education.

b. For economic development:-Every country has to work tirelessly to make economic development. There are many such problems in the country which adversely affect the economic development of the country. These problems are – poverty, ignorance etc. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to expand education. And to expand education, new ideas, programs and innovations are needed.

c. For social change:-Various changes are taking place in the society day by day. Due to urbanization, industrialization and globalization, a new society is being established. The rules and norms of this contemporary society are also changing. And according to the new norms, it is also necessary to transform education. It is essential to include new dimensions in education to bring change to education.

d. For scientific and technological progress: -The present age is the age of science. Inventions and discoveries are being made in the field of science and technology. Due to new inventions, there has been a change in the lifestyle of human beings, which has brought a revolution in the field of education. There is a great need for innovations in these scientific instruments' maintenance and technical domain.

e. To increase employment opportunities: -As a result of the changes taking place in the form of society, there has also been a change in the economic requirements. Due to the increase in financial needs, education has become completely employment oriented. In present times, that education is entirely useless and cannot provide a livelihood. Therefore, to make education employable, it is necessary to incorporate innovations. So that education can be related to the present era and offer more employment opportunities.

f. Human is an integral part of society for human resource development.-Therefore, for the development of society, it is vital to develop the human being. Human development can be done only through education. Consequently, it is necessary to include new dimensions in education for the development of human resources Areas of Educational Innovation Education of mathematics, language education, environmental education, science, social studies education, population education, education of educationally backward and disabled children, gender equality, giving education to the deprived class in a new way through various practical activities under educational innovation. Educational innovation comes under These points and should be included in the curriculum from the elementary classes itself. Environmental education, population education, prevention of gender discrimination, sensitization, removal of barriers to social equality etc., are necessary to face the challenge of the 21st century. It is expected to sensitize the students towards these problems from the elementary classes themselves, for which the methods of conceptualization have to be adopted. The field of education is vast and affects every area of ​​life. Education prepares the child for future life, and the child can do something for the human being and the nation by living his extra-child life happily, peacefully and successfully. That's why the area of ​​innovation must be determined, keeping in mind the problems, genres and needs that will come in the future.


Innovation is a necessary and essential technology to strengthen the educational system and teaching methodology. In its absence, there can be a wide gap between the educational goals and the process. Their use is helpful in fulfilling present as well as future expectations. Through innovation in teacher education, student teachers can use community participation, innovative teaching, technology, education in sports, simple English learning, child parliament, all-around development through arts and crafts, concept mapping, education through cartoons, etc., in their future life. Innovation leads to profound upgrades in teaching, and education gets direction, which paves the way for the progress of individuals, society and nation. That is, the importance of innovation in teacher education is accepted from the social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and educational points of view.


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