A Reference Book on Interdisciplinary Studies
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Promotion of Health Education to the Adult Women Learner

 Dr. Chanam Sonia Devi
Assistant Professor (S-2)
Department of ACEE
Manipur University
Dr. Peichui Vashum
Assistant Professor (Guest)
Department of ACEE
Manipur University
Dr. Khaidem Kumar Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Geology
DM University

Chapter ID: 18964
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Health education is needed in the present scenario to the adult women learners. Through health education only adult women can improve their health and also increase their knowledge. In different ways education can boost the adult and the importance of health are also highlighted through the awareness to the adult learners. The essential components of health promotion are health education. Health education will change the adult learners and knowledge about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It also motivates the adult women learner attitudes and concern the types of health education which are facing in different ways like national, regional and local levels. Objective: The present study is to examine the awareness regarding the promotion of health education to the adult women learners in the Imphal West District of Manipur. Methodology: The data were collected with the help of the interview schedule developed by the investigator. In order to make an in-depth study of the present work, the normative survey method has been adopted. Results and Discussion: The present study found from the analysis that the awareness of promotion in health education to the adult women learners change in their behavior and attitudes. It also makes them aware and informative about the various factors influencing on health sector as well as environment sustainability.

Keywords: Health, Education, Adult, Women, Learner, Sustainability.


Every human being needs to know the value of health status in individuals and communities which can promote the health.  Health is defined by WHO in 1948 that a health person is a person which is in a state of complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. If the health status of every individual is in a positive state of a various aspects of health i.e physical, mental, emotional and spiritual than an individual is refer as a healthy.  Promotion in the health sector is a need of the hour to develop a society and individuals. The important factor of promotion of health is to brings the society a well-developed in socio-economic growth. The definition given by Suresh Vatsyyann in 1995 about health is that health is an ever-evolving state of mind, body and relationships perceived by an individual, a family, a group or a community for self in a particular time, space and context. The World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health promotion as it appears in the Ottawa Charter has been widely adopted and neatly encompasses this: Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health (WHO 1986).

According to WHO, 1998 defined Health Education as the consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills which are conducive to individual and community health. The process of people concentrates to realize the relation between one’s health, their lifestyle, physical and social setting is health education. Health education aim is to expand knowledge and developed skills which also tries to raise awareness at the individuals as well as society. It also gives the quality of life that enables the individual to live most and serve best. 

 The present scenario in the health sector is first and foremost, to create the conditions for change, the growth of the competence of individuals and groups in the field of individual actions for health at different levels of a social life. Health-oriented education is not a novelty and has been implemented in Poland since 1982 when various prophylactic programmes, based on the guidelines prepared by excellent specialists, were introduced to schools. Health education and promotion in modern healthcare systems makes the quote ‘better the prevention than cure’ become the determinant for medicine in the future. Health literacy is essential for successful access to care and use of services self-care of chronic conditions and maintenance of health and wellness.

Objective: The present study is to examine the awareness regarding the promotion of health education to the adult women learners in the Imphal West District of Manipur.

Methodology: The data were collected with the help of the interview schedule developed by the investigator. In order to make an in-depth study of the present work, the normative survey method has been adopted. The sample comprises of 300 adult women learners from Patsoi Constituencies of Imphal West District. The 150 educated and 150 uneducated women learners was selected randomly.

Analysis and Interpretation of data:             

Compiled from questionnaire

From the above discussion the interpretation was drawn on the basis of percentage of the adult women learner both educated and uneducated in Imphal West District of Manipur.

Health Education helps the individual and society:

All the 300 respondents agreed that to promote health education helps the individual and society which is an essential need to expand their knowledge and skills in health education. 100% of the respondents agree from educated-150 and uneducated-150 adult women learner.

Education necessary for health promotion:

85% of the respondents were in favor of education to promote health in the individuals as well as community which is a necessary tool among them 134 are from educated adult women group and 121 are from uneducated adult women group totally 255 in number, 15% of the respondent does not agree among them 10 are educated and 35 uneducated adult women which contribute to from 45 out of total no.300.

Present health scenario creates tension among respondents:

It also found from the above table that all the respondents both educated and uneducated women agree that the present situation of health in the state is a serious issue regarding the health problem. 50% of the respondent i.e 75 each from educated and uneducated women agree regarding the present health scenario that makes the people tense while 50% disagree the statement i.e 35 are from educated and 115 are uneducated adult women learner.         

Environmental issues cause health effects:

All the 300 respondents i.e 150 are educated and 150 are uneducated agree that that environmental issues cause various health effects like cholera, malaria etc. which is a need of the hour to control and understand the factors that affect environment.

TV provides maximum news on health promotion:

It found that 40% of the respondent agree that TV provides the news related to health promotion among them 70 are educated and 50 are uneducated while 60% i.e 80 are from educated and 100 uneducated adult women learners deny that TV is not the medium of giving information related to health promotion to the people.

Radio provides maximum news on health promotion:

60% of the respondent agree that radio is a medium which provides the maximum news on health promotion in the society. Out of the 300, 100 are educated and 80 are uneducated agree while 40% i.e 50 are educated and 70 uneducated deny the statement.

Health and hygiene are an important tool for health:

Out of 300 respondents 250 agree the statement i.e 140 educated and 110uneducated makes 80% of the respondents were in favor that health and hygiene are an important tool for health and prevent from various diseases but 20% among them 20 educated and 30 uneducated of the respondents were disagree the statement.

Personal Health brings individual healthy:

70% of the respondents i.e 190 among them 160 educated and 30 uneducated were agree the above statement while 130 respondents i.e 40 educated and 90 uneducated adult women learner which means 30% disagree that personal health is not a factor for individual healthy.

Proper Sanitation necessary for health promotion:

The present study reveals that 55% means 175 i.e 85 educated and 90 uneducated of the respondents agree that proper sanitation necessary for health promotion agree that 45% means 125 i.e 55 educated and 70 uneducated of the adult women learners deny it.

Health Benefit Schemes needs to expand:

All the 300 respondents agree i.e 180 educated and 120 uneducated that the health benefits schemes need to expand for the promotion of health in the individual as well as the society.

Health issues is a challenging task

90% of the respondents agree were in favor that health is a challenging task in the current status of the society among them 180 are educated and 120 are uneducated, 10% of the respondents does not agree to this and among them 50 are educated and 50 are uneducated i.e 100 respondents out of total no.300.

Usages of Tobacco:

The above table reveals that 70% i.e 190 means 120 educated and 70 uneducated of the respondents agree that usages of tobacco effects in health problems in the state and detained in the promotion of health while30% i.e 130 means 30 educated and 100 uneducated adult women learners deny it.

Findings of the study:

The respondent of the adult women learner in Imphal West District agree and aware that health education helps the individual and society. It also observed that all the respondents agree that education is necessary for health promotion. 50% of the respondent agree that present scenario create tension among respondents due to environmental issues.

It also found that mass media like TV and Radio are not much exposure and give information related to health promotion. 80% of the respondents agree that health and hygiene are an important tool for health which also agree that personal health brings the individual healthy and live a healthier life. It also agrees that proper sanitation necessary for health promotion agree that health benefits schemes need to expand. 90% of the respondents favor that health issues are a challenging task in the current scenario though there is well advancement of science and technology.  70% of the respondents agree that usages of tobacco effects the health and detained in the health promotion.


From the present study, it is concluded that from the analysis that the awareness of promotion in health education to the adult women learners change in their behavior and attitudes. It also makes them aware and informative about the various factors influencing on health sector as well as environment sustainability.

The results also found that out of 300 respondents 100% agree the statement that health education helps the individual and society, environmental issues cause health effects, health benefits schemes needs to expand. It also observed that 90% of the respondent agree that health issues are a challenging task in the current scenario. But 40% of the respondents agree the statement that mass media medium helps to provides maximum news on health promotion.


It is a need of the hour to make all the people living in our state or country aware the promotion of health. It can also help the adult women learner by encouraging, informative and challenging to bring the society a healthy environment. The most important aspects are to develop positive attitude towards promotion of health with a sense of commitment to be a healthy society.


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