ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- I February  - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
A Study of Personality Needs of Female Teachers Working in Government and Private Primary Schools
Paper Id :  16116   Submission Date :  01/02/2022   Acceptance Date :  20/02/2022   Publication Date :  25/02/2022
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Komal Yadav
Associate Professor
Education (B.Ed)
NREC College
Khurja,U.P., India
Abstract Education in real sense is to humanize humanity and to make life progressive, cultured and civilized. Indian education commission 1966 describes teacher is the pivot around which all the educational programmes rotates. So, the job satisfaction of teachers is much more important. A job refers to task, responsibilities, interactions, incentives and rewards. While satisfaction refers to need or desire. Job is the fulfillment of certain needs that are associated with one’s work.
Keywords Education, Teachers, Job, Satisfaction, Personality, Need.
Education always has been considered as a tool for social change. The success of an educational system largely depends upon the quality of teachers. Learners are directly concerned with the teacher and feel the impact of his personality in their daily routine of school work. Qualities of effective teacher get prominence and recognition only when they are in operation in relation to the taught. The teacher is recognized not so much by what he is, as by what he does to his pupils. Teacher’s personality, interests and attitude affect the student’s behaviour patterns and thus ultimately shape their personality (NPE, 1986 and POA 1992). Another human need is the need for understanding or for insight to find answers to questions, to account for the reasons of happenings or events. The little child from the age of four or five begins to question as to why things happen as they do. There is an ever present need to understand the changing experiences and varied relationship among human beings as members of groups. According to Murray (1938), these personality needs are characteristics of personality and control and direct all behoviours. He summarized that these needs are hypothetical entities and prime movers of an individual’s behaviour and his activities. Different needs are explained as follows: 1. Achievement (n ach.) 2. Exhibition (n exh.) 3. Autonomy (n. aut.) 4. Affiliation (n affl.) 5. Succourance (n succ.) 6. Dominance (n dom.) 7. Abasement (n abs.) 8. Nurturance (n nur.) 9. Endurance (n end.) 10.Aggression (n agg.)
Objective of study 1. To find out the level of personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools. 2. To find out the significance of difference in personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools.
Review of Literature
Malik, Rishipal (2002) studied relationship of self concept, modernity and personality needs with academic satisfaction of students in context to their locality and socio economic status. It was found that personality need-ach plays an important role for students’ academic satisfaction. Jarrar, A. (2006)studied the teaching aptitude, n-ach and adjustment of prospective teachers in relation to their academic background. It was found that no significant difference between high academic background and low academic background prospective teachers on the measures of n-ach. Khan, Reshma (2008) studied personal correlates of academic achievement i.e. personality n-ach, family climate and school type. It was found that n-ach is similar for under achieving students and over achieving students of private schools. Vimansha and Hemantha (2016) studied there is a strongly positive relationship and strong impact of big five personality traits of male as well as female school teachers on their job satisfaction. No further review has found after 2016.
Hypothesis 1. There is no difference in personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools.
Population of the Study The population has been defined as all the primary female teachers belonging to government and private sector of Bulandshahr district.

Cluster random sampling technique was adopted to draw the representative sample. Thus, 300 teachers were selected by cluster random sampling technique. The structure of sample has been shown in the following table: 

Table 1

Structure of the sample of Primary School Female Teachers of District Bulandshahr


Type of Schools

No. of Schools

No. of Teachers


Government Primary School




Private Primary School







Tools Used Meenakshi Personality Inventory (MPI)
An Indian Adaptation
Author : Meenakshi Bhatnagar
Publisher: Kanoongoyan Moradabad (U.P.)
Language: Hindi
Prof. Edwards of Washington University of America prepared a questionnaire in 1954, which measures 15 main needs. In 1966 Dr. R.P. Bhatnagar prepared and adapted a Hindi version of this test. Meenakshi personality Inventory (MPI) is a further refinement of that version. This inventory has the same theoretical base and also measures the main psychological personality needs. Although, in this inventory also the psychological needs are defined in the same way, as defined by Murray and subsequently by Edwards and Bhatnagar in the construction of their tests, but no statement is taken in MPI from the latters’ tests.
The Meenakshi Personality Inventory (MPI) tests the following ten psychological needs –
1. Need achievement
2. Need exhibition
3. Need autonomy
4. Need affiliation
5. Need succourance
6. Need dominance
7. Need abasement
8. Need nurturance
9. Need endurance
10. Need aggression
Every need mentioned above is measured with a scale of twenty statements. Every statement attempts to find out “what an individual prefers or what she likes”.

Statistical Techinques Used
To analyze the data, different statistics have been applied at two different levels.
 At the first level various descriptive measures (mean, median, standard deviation, mode, skewness, kurtosis) have been calculated . At the second level t-test has been applied to find out significance of difference.
Objective No. 1 To find out the level of personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools.        
Table 2
Descriptive statistics of female teachers working in govt. and private primary level schools










Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of











Personality Need of












Figure 1
The raw data of personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools can also be depicted through the graph given in figure 1.
The mean score of Personality need of achievement is 12.87 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 71.5% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of achievement is concerned. The standard deviation is 1.89 for personality need of achievement, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 1.89 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of achievement .109 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .109 from this mean value. The median of personality need of achievement is 13, which is quite higher score. The mode of personality need of achievement 13 is the highest score one can get on personality need of achievement. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of achievement is - .360. It means that the sample is positively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of achievement is .641. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of exhibition is 5.13 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 28.5% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of exhibition is concerned. The standard deviation is 1.98 for personality need of exhibition, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 1.98 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of exhibition .114 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .114 from this mean value. The median of personality need of exhibition is 5, which is lower score. The mode of personality need of exhibition 5 is the highest score one can get on personality need of exhibition. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of exhibition is .287. It means that the sample is negatively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of exhibition is -.498. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of autonomy is 9.13 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 50.72% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of autonomy is concerned. The standard deviation is 1.90 for personality need of autonomy, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 1.90 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of autonomy .110 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .110 from this mean value. The median of personality need of autonomy is 9, which is average score. The mode of personality need of autonomy 9 is the highest score one can get on personality need of autonomy. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of autonomy is .147. It means that the sample is negatively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of autonomy is -.006. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of affiliation is 9.69 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 53.83% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of affiliation is concerned. The standard deviation is 1.93 for personality need of affiliation, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 1.93 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of affiliation .111 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .111 from this mean value. The median of personality need of affiliation is 10, which is average score. The mode of personality need of affiliation 11 is the highest score one can get on personality need of affiliation. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of affiliation is - .360. It means that the sample is positively skewed. The value of kurtosis of Personality need of affiliation is -.012. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of succourance is 6.57 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 36.5% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of succourance is concerned. The standard deviation is 2.15 for personality need of succourance, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 2.15 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of succourance .124 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .124 from this mean value. The median of personality need of succourance is 6, which is lower score. The mode of personality need of succourance 6 is the highest score one can get on personality need of succourance. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of succourance is .721. It means that the sample is negatively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of succourance is 1.521. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of dominance is 7.03 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 39.05% scores on the Personality need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of dominance is concerned. The standard deviation is 2.10 for personality need of dominance, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 2.10 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of dominance .121 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .121 from this mean value. The median of personality need of dominance is 7, which is lower score. The mode of personality need of dominance 6 is the highest score one can get on personality need of dominance. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of dominance is .474. It means that the sample is negatively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of dominance is .168. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of abasement is 9.47 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 52.61% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of abasement is concerned. The standard deviation is 2.17 for personality need of abasement, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 2.17 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of abasement .125 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .125 from this mean value. The median of personality need of abasement is 9, which is average score. The mode of personality need of abasement 9 is the highest score one can get on personality need of abasement. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of abasement is -.163. It means that the sample is positively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of abasement is .584. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of nurturance is 14.05 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 78.05% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of nurturance is concerned. The standard deviation is 2.08 for personality need of nurturance, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 2.08 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of nurturance .120 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .120 from this mean value. The median of personality need of nurturance is 14, which is quite higher score. The mode of personality need of nurturance 14 is the highest score one can get on personality need of nurturance. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of nurturance is -.761. It means that the sample is positively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of nurturance is .505. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of endurance is 13.37 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 74.27% scores on the Personality Need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as personality need of endurance is concerned. The standard deviation is 1.89 for personality need of endurance, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 1.89 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of personality need of endurance .110 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .110 from this mean value. The median of personality need of endurance is 14, which is quite higher score. The mode of personality need of endurance 14 is the highest score one can get on personality need of endurance. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of personality need of endurance is -.532. It means that the sample is positively skewed. The value of kurtosis of personality need of endurance is .152. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
The mean score of Personality need of aggression is 2.69 i.e. an average female teacher at the primary level is able to secure almost 14.94% scores on the Personality need Inventory i.e. an average teacher at the primary level is efficient as far as Personality need of aggression is concerned. The standard deviation is 1.85 for Personality need of aggression, which shows that on an average the data can deviate 1.85 from the mean value. However, the variability is small. The standard error score of Personality need of aggression .107 indicates that the population’s mean can deviate .107 from this mean value. The median of Personality need of aggression is 2, which is lower score. The mode of Personality need of aggression 3 is the highest score one can get on Personality need of aggression. This is the most occurring value in the data. The value of skewness of Personality need of aggression is 1.03. It means that the sample is negatively skewed. The value of kurtosis of Personality need of aggression is .115. So, the distribution is platykurtic.
Objective No.2: To find out the significance of difference in personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools.
Hypothesis 1: There is no difference in personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools.
Table 3
Personality needs of female teachers working in govt. and private primary level schools


Type of


No. of



( X )



St. Error

Of Mean



Level        of
























































































































































*significant at o.o1 level
Personality Need of Achievement
In the table 3 shows that obtained t- value (C.R.) is .14, which is insignificant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is less than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government teachers and private teachers do not differ significantly on their need of achievement.
Figure 2
The difference in personality needs of female teachers working in government and private primary level schools can also be depicted through the figure 2.
Mean need achievement score of female government teachers is less than mean need achievement score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary schools, meaning thereby the need achievement of female government teachers are less than female private teachers in primary schools. This difference in need achievement of two groups, namely, female government teachers and female private teachers is not real and just due to chance factor. Since significant difference does not exist between need achievement scores of government teachers and private teachers, therefore, nothing definite can be said about the causes of insignificant result.    
Personality Need of Exhibition                                                                                                                                       
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is 2.74, which is significant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is greater than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government female teachers and private female teachers working in primary schools differ significantly on their need of exhibition.
Obtained C.R. value is significant at 0.01 level of significance, which shows that if 100 samples are taken from the same population in 99 cases result could be similar to the present one.
Mean need exhibition score of female private teachers is greater than mean need exhibition score of their counterpart female government teachers in primary schools, meaning thereby the need exhibition of female private teachers are more than female government teachers in primary level schools.
Personality Need of Autonomy
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is 1.23, which is insignificant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is less than minimum required significant C.R. values, therefore, it may be concluded that government teachers and private teachers do not differ significantly on their need of autonomy.
Mean need autonomy score of female government teachers is less than mean need autonomy score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary schools, meaning thereby the need autonomy of female government teachers are less than female private teachers in primary level schools. This difference in need autonomy of two groups, namely, female government teachers and female private teachers is not real and just due to chance factor. Since significant difference does not exist between need autonomy scores of government teachers and private teachers, therefore nothing definite can be said about the causes of insignificant result.
Personality Need of Affiliation
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is 3.61, which is significant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is greater than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government female teachers and private female teachers working in primary schools differ significantly on their need of affiliation.
Obtained C.R. value is significant at .01 level of significance, which shows that if 100 samples are taken from the same population in 99 cases result could be similar to the present one.
Mean need affiliation score of female government teachers is greater than mean need affiliation score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary level schools, meaning thereby the need affiliation of female government teachers are more than female private teachers in primary level schools.
Personality Need of Succourance
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is .96, which is insignificant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is less than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government teachers and private teachers do not differ significantly on their need of succourance.
Mean need succourance score of female government teachers is less than mean need succourance score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary level schools, meaning thereby the need succourance of female government teachers are less than female private teachers in primary level schools. This difference in need succourance of two groups, namely, female government teachers and female private teachers is not real and just due to chance factor. Since significant difference does not exist between need succourance scores of government teachers and private teachers, therefore, nothing definite can be said about the causes of insignificant result.
Personality Need of Dominance
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is 18.98, which is significant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is greater than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government female teachers and private female teachers working in primary level schools differ significantly on their need of dominance.
Obtained C.R. value is significant at .01 level of significance, which shows that if 100 samples are taken from the same population in 99 cases result could be similar to the present one.  
Mean need dominance score of female government teachers is less than mean need dominance score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary level schools, meaning thereby the need dominance of female government teachers is less than female private teachers in primary level schools.
Personality Need of Abasement
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is 11.15, which is significant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is greater than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government female teachers and private female teachers working in primary level schools differ significantly on their need of abasement.
Obtained C.R. value is significant at .01 level of significance, which shows that if 100 samples are taken from the same population in 99 cases result could be similar to the present one.
Mean need abasement score of female government teachers is greater than mean need abasement score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary level schools, meaning thereby the need abasement of female government teachers is greater than female private teachers in primary level schools.
Personality Need of Nurturance
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is .125, which is insignificant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is less than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government teachers and private teachers do not differ significantly on their need of nurturance.
Mean need nurturance score of female government teachers is greater than mean need nurturance score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary level schools, meaning thereby the need nurturance of female government teachers are greater than female private teachers in primary level schools. This difference in need nurturance of two groups, namely, female government teachers and female private teachers is not real and just due to chance factor. Since significant difference does not exist between need nurturance scores of government teachers and private teachers, therefore, nothing definite can be said about the causes of insignificant result.
Personality Need of Endurance
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is .96, which is insignificant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is less than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government teachers and private teachers do not differ significantly on their need of endurance.
Mean need endurance score of female government teachers is greater than mean need endurance score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary level schools, meaning thereby the need endurance of female government teachers are greater than female private teachers in primary level schools. This difference in need endurance of two groups, namely, female government teachers and female private teachers is not real and just due to chance factor. Since significant difference does not exist between need endurance scores of government teachers and private teachers, therefore, nothing definite can be said about the causes of insignificant result.
Personality Need of Aggression
Obtained t- value (C.R.) is 1.38, which is insignificant at .01 level of significance for df of 298. Minimum required significant C.R. value should be 2.60 for df of 298. Obtained C.R. value is less than minimum required significant C.R. value, therefore, it may be concluded that government teachers and private teachers do not differ significantly on their need of aggression.
Mean need aggression of score of female government teachers is greater than mean need aggression score of their counterpart female private teachers in primary schools, meaning thereby the need aggression of female government teachers are greater than female private teachers in primary schools. This difference in need aggression of two groups, namely, female government teachers and female private teachers is not real and just due to chance factor. Since significant difference does not exist between need aggression scores of government teachers and private teachers, therefore, nothing definite can be said about the causes of insignificant result.

Result and Discussion

Out of 10 personality needs, on four needs, namely exhibition, affiliation, dominance and abasement of government female teachers were found significantly related with private female teachers. The need exhibition of female private teachers is more than female government teachers. This may be due to the fact that private teachers are fearful because of the continuous supervision of the management and they have to justify themselves daily, before the authorities. On the other hand, there is no continuous supervision for the female government teachers. The need dominance of female private teachers is more than female government teachers. This may be due to the fact that female private teachers suffer from inferiority complex and to counter this inferiority, they show their dominance. The need affiliation of female government teachers is more than female private teachers. This may be due to the reason that in government sector, the teachers are free from any stress and they work in a normal setting. So, they have an affiliation with the children in particular and with the school in general. The need abasement of female government teachers is more than female private teachers. This may be due to the reason that these teachers feel frustrated and guilty because they are generally over-burdened with the extra work like census, polio programme, mid-day meal, election duties, voter identification etc. Therefore, they don’t show sincerely to their work and when the guardians complain about the poor performance of their wards, and then they insult them to hide their weaknesses. The remaining personality needs, namely, achievement, autonomy, succourance, nurturance, endurance and aggression have no significant relation with private female teachers.

Therefore, it may be concluded that this hypothesis is rejected with regard to 4 personality needs namely exhibition, affiliation, dominance and abasement and is accepted with regard to 6 personality needs namely achievement, autonomy, succourance, nurturance, endurance and aggression.

Conclusion 1. Average personality needs found in female teachers working in primary level is 71.5% for need achievement, 28.5% for need exhibition, 50.72% for need autonomy, 53.83% for need affiliation, 36.5% for need succourance, 39.05% for need dominance, 52.61% for need abasement, 78.05% for need nurturance, 74.27% for need endurance and 14.94% for need aggression. 2. As far as personality needs are concerned female teachers working in government and private primary level schools differ significantly on some of the personality needs i.e. need exhibition, need affiliation, need dominance and need abasement.
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