P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- II May  - 2022
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
A Study of Effectiveness of B.Ed. Students’ Learning Outcomes through Online Teaching-Learning in the Corona Pandemic Situation
Paper Id :  16142   Submission Date :  2022-05-14   Acceptance Date :  2022-05-19   Publication Date :  2022-05-25
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Sushila Kumari
Assistant Professor
Teaching Of Mathematics
B.S.K. College Of Education (for Women)
Mandi Dabwali,Haryana, India
There are many changing are taking place in education system as per the requirements of present times. Due to covid-19 situations, the concept of ‘Educational Institutions Closed but Education Continues’ throughout the world has become prevalent. In Indian scenario, it also affects each level of education from school to higher education. In the present research, an attempt is made to find the effectiveness of online teaching-learning process on learning outcomes of B.Ed. Students during Corona Pandemic Situation. In this research, 50 trainees and 5 teacher educators have been selected for interpretation and data analysis. The descriptive survey method has been used for the present research. For this, a questionnaire and check list have been constructed based on various factors such as preplanning, attendance, online resources, online teaching-learning methods, active participation of learners, innovation, cooperative learning. The research paper also highlights some suggestive measures about online teaching.
Keywords Online Teaching- Learning, Pandemic Covid-19, Learning Outcomes
The pandemic Covid-19, just like it has globally impacted each sector of life, affected education also. It is only Information Communication Technology (ICT) through which the concept of “educational institutions closed but education continues” possible. Only due to ICT medium, online education and teaching-learning process continued during situations of Covid-19 at each level of education throughout the world. In developing countries like India, it was like a challenge, but teachers tried their best to provide education with available resources. Not only in education sector but in other sectors also a new trend ‘work from home’ was introduced to fulfil the requirements of society and nation. The various types of new skills are also required to implement various ICT tools effectively to provide online teaching-learning to students. The organization of online seminars, workshops, faculty development programmes, short term courses, online meetings, conferences etc. are done at broad level to train teachers as well as students mainly in higher education. The professional courses like medical, engineering, technical, management, teacher education etc. also continues in such a situation. Teacher training programme requires theoretical as well as practical knowledge of concepts among teacher trainees to meet the challenges of need based and quality education. For this requirement of effective classroom interaction active participation, group discussion, problems solving skills, brain-storming, probing questioning, practical work in teaching-learning process to develop various types of teaching skills among teacher trainees. In this covid-19 situation mainly in second wave in India the online teaching- learning process mainly organised in different ways or through various platforms- -Google Meet, -Zoom, -Microsoft teams, -Whatsup Groups, -Gmail, -Speak Well, -G Suite etc. applied by school and colleges widely during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide online eduction. In two year B.Ed. programme various types of learning experiences and demonstrations are included through- 1. Core papers 2. Teaching Subjects as Elective papers 3. Foundation Courses in form of Enhancing Professional Capacities Courses - Reading & Reflecting on Texts, Drama & Art in Education, Critica Understanding of ICT and Understanding the self. 4. Teaching Practice 5. Assignments 6. Project Work 7.Internship Programme etc.
Objective of study
1. To study the effectiveness of online teaching on learning outcomes of B.Ed. 1st year Students. 2. To provide suggestive measures about online teaching in B.Ed. Colleges. 3. To explore the difficulties encountered while online teaching-learning provided to B.Ed. 1st year Students. 4. To study the level of pre- planning of online teaching- learning of B.Ed. 1st year Students.
Review of Literature
Technology has a vital role in education experience in the last decade.( Almahasees and Jaccomard, 2020). It demands new methods, techniques and strategies to provide education to students. The technological enterprises have designed and developed several online platforms; which are driven by the integration of technology in all walks of life.( Azawei etc al; 2017, Englund etc al; 2017, Santos etc al; 2019). During COVID-19, education has been shifted into the technology based culture. It also affected learning process of students.( Gurukkal, 2020). Technology reshapes the higher education also according to need of students and institutions. (Siripongdee et al,2020). Li and Lalani (2020) also revealed that Covid-19 had brought change to the status of learning in the 21st Century. Adedoyin and Soykan (2020) argued that the faculty and students encountered many challenges such as technology issues, workload, digital competence and compatibility. Thus online teaching- learning process has many advantages but some shortcomings also there. Therefore, the present study is conducted to investigate the effectiveness of online teaching- learning on learning outcomes of B.Ed. students in the Covid- 19 situation.
Main Text

Online teaching-learning methods have been followed by many countries for more than decade to cater to the needs of students who stay far away from educational institutions. But during the covid-19 pandemic period, online education adopted throughout the world to meet the challenges of providing school, college and university education.
Therefore there is a need to know what type of online education system is effective and which type of teaching-learning tools, methods and strategies are helpful for better understanding of the concepts and active participation of each learner through online mode. It is also required to know that in our country how many teachers and students of each institute have minimum resources and skills to engage in online teaching-learning effectively to achieve the goal of providing online education during Covid and Post-Covid situation. Teaching training institutes are an integral part of Education System. So, B.Ed. Colleges are also required to use purposeful and effective teaching -learning process in providing theoretical as well as practical knowledge to B.Ed. Students in broad manner to enhance their learning outcomes.
Online Teaching and Learning Tools
Online teaching tools are used to facilitate teacher-students interaction as well as student-student collaborations. Higher education institutes recognise the need to accommodate wide diverse learners and awareness to both teachers and students is essential in the age of blended learning. Nowadays a plethora of online teaching-learning tools are available and this poses a challenge for decision maker to choose the tools that best suits the needs of the course.

The Descriptive Survey Method has been used for the present research. Research Procedures Online teaching provided as per curriculum during Covid-19 to B.Ed. 1st year Students by Teacher Educators. It was conducted through online presentation of topic, online seminar, online group discussion, online assessment, recorded audio and video lectures, use of PPT’s and PDF notes etc. A few queries were raised- 1. How exactly is this work done? 2. Do the B.Ed. students understand the topic/concept properly? 3. Do they have any technical difficulties? 4. Were there any difficulties in understanding? 5. What exactly is the effectiveness of the online teaching-learning process?

From B.Ed. 1st year 50 trainees were selected for short research using a deliberate method.

Tools Used In order to answer all these questions, two research tools namely Questionnaire and Teacher Checklist were used. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of analysis and interpretations of collected data.
Statistics Used in the Study

Sr. No.


B.Ed. Students

No. of Students

% of Students


Preplanning about Online Teaching-Learning.




Time table as per Schedule.




More than 60% Students present in Online Class.




Online Resources Available.




Network Issues during Online Class.




Proper Understanding of Concepts.




Innovation in Teaching Aids.




Cooperative Learning Possible.




Active  Participation of Learners.




Use of Probing Questioning/ Discussion/Problem Solving.




Continuous Teaching-Learning is Effective.




Online  Teaching- Learning takes place Effectively in Home Environment.




Query/Doubt Clearing  is Possible.




Online Assessment Possible.



Analysis and Interpretation of Data
1. 60% of B.Ed. 1st year Students said Pre-Planning of Online Class is possible.
2. 100% Students of B.Ed. 1 year agreed that online lectures were conducted as per time table schedule.
3. 100% of B.Ed. 1st year Students said that there is at least 60% Students always present during online teaching – learning process.
4. Only 84% B.Ed.1st year Students agreed that they have online resources for attending the class regularly. 94% of them said that they have used smart phone for online learning.
5. 60% of B.Ed.1st year Students said that there are issues with respect to network.
6. 40% B.Ed. 1st year Students said that they have proper understanding of the concept through online teaching in each class. All students agreed that there is difference according to teacher’s teaching style with use of teaching aids and effectiveness on engagement in online class.
7. 100% B.Ed.1st year Students agreed that continuous teaching- learning is effective in this Covid-19 pandemic situation.
8. 50% Students of B.Ed. 1st year agreed that they do not have any disturbance during online learning at home and it is more effective.
9. 100% Students of B.Ed.1st year Students said that only 40% teachers motivate them for active participation and probing questioning during online class.
10. 68% of B.Ed.1st year agreed that their doubts/ queries clarified during online lectures, help from peers, through WhatsApp and Gmail after class by teacher and through online materials as suggested and sent by teachers.
12. 40% of B.Ed.1st year Students said that Online Cooperative Learning is possible.
13. 60% of B.Ed. 1st year Students said that use of innovative teaching aids is possible through online teaching- learning such as videos, animation, PPT’s, images, story teller etc., but for effective use of these aids there is requirement of trained teacher educators.

Figure: 1

Result and Discussion

1. To train and aware about effective use of online teaching-learning tools.
2. Use of Innovation in online education to engage students.
3. To ensure active participation of each student through discussion and asking questions.
4. To motivate the students for regular & continuous learning.
5. Planning, review and continuing required for increasing attendance in online education.
6. Use of diagnostic and formative assessment .
7. To facilitate online learning environment.
8. To provide essential resources to needy students.
9. To consider individual differences among students during online education also.

Innovative educational methods and strategies are required to meet the challenges of 21st century including during and post Covid-19 situations. There are three main vertices in the teaching-learning process i.e. teaching, communication technology through digital tools and innovative practices in teaching. Thus, teacher’s role as a facilitator and resource provider to promote global learning in present era. The use of ICT tools for promoting innovative education in both offline and online mode of teaching is required. It helps in teaching-learning, administration, testing and evaluation. Therefore, there is dire need to enhance and promote blended learning among students as well as teachers. In the present study the B.Ed. trainees responses mainly highlighted following points regarding online teaching- learning process: 1. Animations, videos, images etc. are found helpful for effective learning in online education. 2. Online learning helps student-teachers to learn at their own pace and time effectively. 3. Online teaching-learning process are more effective because students provide PPTs in front of every student and they can hear the lectures at the sound level of their choice. 4. Students can ask their doubts/queries during lectures by posting queries in discussion forms, sending messages on and after lecture also through WhatsApp Group and Gmail. The study undertaken provides an estimate of the effectiveness and pitfalls of online teaching that has been taking place during the pandemic. The study done paves the way for teacher educators to understand the effectiveness of online teaching- learning and B.Ed. students responses. It is important to redesign the course delivery in an online mode to make teacher trainees engaged and better understanding through various digital tools to achieve the goal of providing quality teacher education.
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