ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68067 VOL.- VI , ISSUE- XI February  - 2022
Anthology The Research
Role of Art And Media in Advertising
Paper Id :  15769   Submission Date :  10/02/2022   Acceptance Date :  19/02/2022   Publication Date :  25/02/2022
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Ravi Kant Pandey
Assistant Professor
Applied Art
College Of Arts And Crafts
Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh
Abstract Since ancient times, art has been an integral part of our society. At every time and place, art has differed in terms of social needs and purposes. Art personifies human skill and imaginations and it is as ancient as the human civilization on this earth. Commercial art is the art that is created to promote products, services and ideas to audience and at the same time, fulfills the business purposes. In commercial art, the needs of the consumers are kept in mind while designing the goods that are being advertised or promoted. This research paper studies how does advertisement affect art, where and why art has emerged in the advertising medium. This research paper is about the role of art and about the use of visual forms of art in advertising. Advertising serves to sell the product and the art is used to express the feelings and thoughts of the artist. Both advertisement and art are potentially complimentary to each other and yet they are of different nature. Advertisement depends on commission as revenue while art is mostly free from commercial concerns. Despite the clear distinction between advertising and art, they both are intertwined and interdependent. Art makes use of elements of the advertisement while advertisement uses elements of art. Media is said to communicate advertising message and is called as vehicle of communication. Advertising medium is the method of conveying the advertising message. Advertisement is important for any business as it helps to attract the target audience. The inclusion of different types of big industries and the introduction of modern mediums for the promotion has increased the importance of advertisements to a greater extent. With the help of advertising medium, any individual can easily disseminate information widely.
Keywords Role of Art, Media in Advertising, Culture, General Public.
Art has been a source of media through which people have been expressing their ideas and opinions and has thus become a source of communication too. Many artists have said that painting is a way of speaking without the usage of words. Also, it has always been associated with the society. The excellence of art dates back to the ancient civilization in the form of architecture, sculpture, drawing, painting and various other forms which are seen to be unearthed and show remarkable features. The Indian art has been influenced by the techniques of Greeks and the combination of the ancient civilizations and the Greek art added to reach the artistic excellence and enhanced creativity.There were times when art could be witnessed on the walls of the temples and the palaces or the public places owned by the kings, religious organizationsor the rich people of the society.
Objective of study The objective of this paper is to study the role of Art and Media in advertising.
Review of Literature
Some art works help in bringing a new perspective and some help in making deep insights in the society. The needs and the objectives of art in the society have been different in every era and place. This is because of the differences in the culture of various sections and communities of the society. In the context of Religion, Culture, Enchantments, Tantra- Vidyaand various other essential things, art has been used. If we divide the art into categories based on its utility then one of them is which has been acclaimed as a pure fine art by the citizens of the society, who are prone to specific emotions or reaching the state of sensations. Moreover, this is the more educated, well off and elegant segment of our society. The second category of art can be believed to be the one associated with the daily needs of educated or uneducated people, prosperous or non-prosperous or everyone in the society. The third category is the one that celebrates ordinary life, adds new elements, optimally utilize the limited resources available and thereby gives a direction to life.
Main Text

On the basis of business, art is associated in two ways. Firstly, it is a medium through which an object which is useful or decorative can be made attractive and secondly, it is through art that advertisements can be made more attractive to make the customers buy the product and expand the market. Both these sides move parallel in business and one supports the other. Thus, advertisement is an independent art.

After the year 1980, media developed rightly, only after that the global market started. Before this, the mediums of reaching the common man used to be the medium of mass communication like letters,telegram, telephone, theatre, drama, festivals etc.In these, newspaper, magazine articles, radio,televisionetc also got included. However, after 1980 it evolved surprisingly and computers, internet, mobile, fax and other electronic media got added. But in the globalization of advertising, media is divided into four parts-newspaper, television, internet, mobile and today social media is also another medium that is also popular. Thus, in the 20th century, media was dominated by those means that enabled people to read, listen, and watch the news of the world and situations happening around them in a manner that seemed impossible earlier.

The invention of World Wide Web was a milestone in providing a platform to the public to send messages, send and receive emails, photos and videos; and to interact with popular social media platforms.

Presently, it is said that today’s era is the era of advertisements. The main objective of an advertisement is to sell the product along with the creation of image of the organisation or the brand. This makes the advertisements even more important. Advertisements are an attempt to convince the viewers to attempt to take an action, focused on business.

In a consumer-oriented society, the need of advertisements is necessary. Advertisements are one of the means to convey a message visually, which is majorly to buy a product. Today, when the entire world has turned into a global village and because of international network and communication, advertisements have gained importance. The network of multinational companies has been covered in the entire world. We are surrounded with competition from everywhere. All companies are engaged in attracting the attention of the buyers towards their products, in which case, advertisements are an effective tool.

Every producer produces a mental commitment towards a particular object in the consumers’ mind and this is the major goal of advertisement. Advertisements build a bridge between a manufacturer, distributer and the customers. Advertising is the result of unprecedented changes happening around the society. Apart from this, media also helps in spreading awareness about the different products and services available, highlighting the benefits of their consumption, through advertisements.

Many brands have been popularized through media. Brands like Coca- Cola and McDonalds have been framed into the minds of the people through advertisements. Watching the advertisements published in front of the people multiple times helps to remain the advertisement etched in their memory and when they go out, they eventually recognise the company and its products and may even lead them to buy.

Advertisements have been designed to target a large audience and a well-designed advertisement will be the one that makes the people either buy the product or subscribe to the service. This leads to the product being exhausted or the service been oversubscribed. This, in turn, increases the demand of the products and the services in the market.

Today, advertisement is that art which, through its attractive presentation, compels the consumer to purchase that particular item that is getting produced. Advertisements result in increase in sales which in turn increases the profits. The scale of production also increases and customers also get better products at unexpectedly lower prices.They not only help the public know about the new products and services but also describe about the product and the services, the ways to buy these at the mentioned price and the recommended uses of the product so that it can satisfy the wants and needs of the consumers. This is only possible because of the power to reach a larger audience at the same time.

 The glory of all ancient civilization is unearthed in their ruins as a proof of artistic excellence when Architecture, Sculpture, Drawing and painting etc. were very intelligently planned in terms of aesthetics, magnificence and utility. Later, Indian art was influenced by Greek art and techniques but the mixing up of two forms did not compromise on the artistic excellence rather this combination further enhanced the richness of artistic creativity. There was a time when art adorned the wall of palaces, temples, or public places where the patrons would be the kings, religious bodies or the great and rich men in the society. At its most basic sense. Social media represent a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and countent. Social media have become extremely popular because they allow people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal, political and business use. Art, whether traditional or contemporary has been combined with the media forms to each the people. Here media, informs the people about the various art forms and the way it can be utilized for beautification or for any psychological influence, thus leading to its commercialization. Art of one country has reached to each and every part of the world through the help of media

The glory of all ancient civilization is unearthed in their ruins as a proof of artistic excellence when Architecture, Sculpture, Drawing and painting etc. were very intelligently planned in terms of aesthetics, magnificence and utility. Later, Indian art was influenced by Greek art and techniques but the mixing up of two forms did not compromise on the artistic excellence rather this combination further enhanced the richness of artistic creativity. There was a time when art adorned the wall of palaces, temples, or public places where the patrons would be the kings, religious bodies or the great and rich men in the society. At its most basic sense. Social media represent a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and countent. Social media have become extremely popular because they allow people to connect in the online world to form

relationships for personal, political and business use. Art, whether traditional or contemporary has been combined with the media forms to each the people. Here media, informs the people about the various art forms and the way it can be utilized for beautification or for any psychological influence, thus leading to its commercialization. Art of one country has reached to each and every part of the world through the help of media The glory of all ancient civilization is unearthed in their ruins as a proof of artistic excellence when Architecture, Sculpture, Drawing and painting etc. were very intelligently planned in terms of aesthetics, magnificence and utility. Later, Indian art was influenced by Greek art and techniques but the mixing up of two forms did not compromise on the artistic excellence rather this combination further enhanced the richness of artistic creativity. There was a time when art adorned the wall of palaces, temples, or public places where the patrons would be the kings, religious bodies or the great and rich men in the society. At its most basic sense. Social media represent a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and countent. Social media have become extremely popular because they allow people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal, political and business use. Art, whether traditional or contemporary has been combined with the media forms to each the people. Here media, informs the people about the various art forms and the way it can be utilized for beautification or for any psychological influence, thus leading to its commercialization. Art of one country has reached to each and every part of the world through the help of media To sum up, Media is one of the most powerful instruments of communication. The medias role in this  Thusly, everything relies upon how great the advertisements are. The one which is not well planned and executed would not be of any great use to the organization no matter what the audience is.Although a professional one will have a positive effect on the organization's budget reports, that is the net profit of the organization. It tends to be said without a doubt that promoting in media goes like the vehicle that runs the business worldwide.

The course of globalization changed the attitude of the young through the distribution of books, production of music and movies. Computer and web have tried to join the whole world. On this premise, the entire world is expecting the type of a virtual space. One might call it either commercialization or globalization. Consequently, web, mobile and media have not just impacted the general public, culture, language, writing and way of life however have additionally totally overwhelmed them. Along these lines, the predominant culture of commercialization grew quickly in the general public solely after that there fostered a rivalry to make individuals a buyer.

The focal point  of  advertisers were on the medium class, exclusive class, new age young men and young ladies, working ladies, men and kids. It has been said that alongside globalization when worldwide organizations entered worldwide market for their items as they continued looking for the market then rivalry started in the advertisements as well. For the marketing of each item, publicizing system is a fundamental component. Most advertisements concerned customer merchandise.

The upper and middle classes, who have more spending power, are the target market for these commodities. The media's reliance on the advertising business has an impact on its planning. Because of the media's reliance on the advertisement sector, the same programs that are popular or have been made popular in the social category with more purchasing power are included in its priority.

Art mixes with many types of media, whether traditional or contemporary, to help in the dissemination of knowledge about the various art forms and how they can be used to influence or produce anything. This leads to the marketing of the product. Globalization has made it easier for art to travel from one country to another. Through commercialisation, the media has aided in the preservation of art. Commercialization of art, aided by the media, provided artisans and artists a prominent position in society, helping to their economic prosperity as well as the development of a country's cultural identity, which is embodied in its art form.

Conclusion To summarise, media is one of the most effective communication tools. The media's influence in this society is largely determined by how this society uses the media. It has the ability to affect people's minds since it has access to people, which gives it a lot of power. The media has a vital role in raising public awareness and gathering opinions, facts, and attitudes on a variety of topics. As a result, one's thoughts and actions are farmed. These ideas aren't just about commercial products or social awareness; they also include art.Traditional and contemporary art have been mixed with various media formats to reach out to the public. In this case, the media teaches the public about various art forms and how they might be used for beautification or psychological effect, resulting in their commercialization. Through the use of media, the art of one country has reached every corner of the globe. Furthermore, through commercialising art, the media has led to its conservation. Commercialization of art, aided by the media, gave artisans and artists a significant role in society, contributing to their economic prosperity as well as the development of a country's cultural character, which is embodied in its art form. Commercial art is the art created with the goal to promote company’s products and services and at the same time exchange ideas behind them to its viewers. In the process of creating commercial art, an audience is taken into consideration when designing and or forming the goods that are being advertised or promoted.
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