ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- V June  - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
Emotional Intelligence of Differently Abled Children
Paper Id :  16091   Submission Date :  17/06/2022   Acceptance Date :  22/06/2022   Publication Date :  25/06/2022
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Lakshmi Talukdar
Assistant Professor And Librarian
Samaguri College
Nagaon,Assam, India
Bithika Borah
Assistant Professor
Samaguri College
Nagaon, Assam, India
Abstract Emotional intelligence is the key for both personal and professional achievement. It refers to the mental processes involved in the recognition, use, understanding and management of one’s own and others emotional state required in solving problems and regulating behaviour. Emotions are described as the prime movers of persons behaviour. These stirred up states are the storage of energy that work both intense vigour and efficiency and strong disruption of mental life. Emotions play a very important role in the individual and social life of a man. In the present study the investigator intends to study the emotional intelligence of children with special needs with special reference to the children having speech and hearing problems. To collect data from the sample the investigator used survey method . The result of the study reveals that there is difference between differently abled boys and girls regarding their emotional intelligence.
Keywords Emotion, Emotional Intelligence, Differently Abled Children.
Emotional intelligence refers to the mental processes involved in the recognition, use, understanding and management of one’s own and others emotional state required in solving problems and regulating behaviour. Emotional intelligence includes traits like self-awareness, social deftness and the ability to delay gratification, to be optimistic in the face of adversity, to channel strong emotions and to show empathy towards others. Goleman(1995) defined emotional intelligence as social skills-as social facility which includes synchrony, self-presentation, influence and concern. It is the ability that allows one to influence and inspire others, manage social relationship, solve conflict as well as adjust to surrounding environment. In 1989 Stanley Greenspan developed a model to describe emotional intelligence. In the same year Peter Salovey and John Mayer developed and published another model of emotional intelligence. However, the term emotional intelligence became widely known with the publication of Goleman’s book : Emotional Intelligence-why It can Matter than IQ in the year 1995. Goleman in his book mentions that IQ contributes only about 20% to success in life and other forces contribute to the rest. Definition of Emotional Intelligence : 1. Peter Salovey and John Mayer (1990) defined emotional intelligence as ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and to use their information to guide one’s thinking and actions.” 2. Baron (1997) defined emotional intelligence as an array of non- cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressure.
Objective of study 1. To study the emotional intelligence of differently abled children. 2. To compare the emotional intelligence of differently abled boys and girls.
Review of Literature

Occiarrchi and Bajgar (2001) conducted a study on emotional intelligence of adolescents. In their study they found that emotional intelligence was reliable measured in adolescents and was higher for females than males.

Donaldson and Stough (2002) in their study on emotional intelligence found that higher emotional intelligence in individual was  good predictor of life satisfaction. Higher levels of emotional intelligence are also associated with increased probability of looking after health and appearance.

Mohanty and Devi (2010) made a study on emotional intelligence and affects of gender on it. The result of the study revealed that gender has effect on emotional intelligence. It was found in the study that girls are more optimistic and well aware of their feelings in comparison to boys.

Kumar and Singh (2013) conducted a study on adjustment and emotional intelligence of visually impaired and sighted students. The result of the study revealed that there is significant difference between visually impaired and sighted students regarding adjustment and emotional intelligence.

Vanishree(2014) made a study to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and demographic variables such as age, gender, educational qualification of students. The result of the study revealed that there is relation between the demographic variable age , educational qualification with emotional intelligence.

For the study survey method is used to collect data from the sample.

The sample of the study is taken from the special institution meant for differently abled institution of Kamrup (R) district of Assam.
Sample size- The sample consists of 100 students  having problems with speech and hearing. There are 50 boys and 50 girls in the sample.

Tools Used Emotional Intelligence Scale by Dr. Arun Kumar Singh and Dr. Shruti Narain is used in the study to collect data.
Result and Discussion

The main purpose of the study is to study the emotional intelligence of differently abled children. To analyze the data Mean and Standard Deviation were computed. To test the significance of difference between differently abled  boys and girls ‘t’ value was computed.

Table 1 : Mean scores and S.D. of differently abled boys and girls in the areas of emotional intelligence

Areas of E.I.



N= 50 (Girls)

‘t’ value

Level of significance






























Handling Relation







Indicates significant at 0.005 level
indicates significant at 0.001 level.
From Table 1 it is observed that the mean scores of boys in different areas of emotional intelligence ie. Emotion, motivation, empathy and handling relation are ,7.63 and 7.06 respectively with corresponding S.D.’s 1.212,1.188, 3.571 and 2.468.
The Mean value of girls in the areas of emotional intelligence i.e. emotion, motivation, empathy  and handling relation are 3.32, 5.27, 6.94 and 5.56 respectively with corresponding S.D.,s are 0.490, 0.802,4.108 and 0.998.
The ‘t’ value in the areas of emotion is 1.197 which is not significant. So, we can infer that there is no significant difference in the area of emotion. Among differently abled boys and girls.


           Fig : Graphical representation of Mean scores of boys and girls in different areas of E.I

But in the remaining areas of emotional intelligence ‘t ‘ value is significant. In the area of motivation the ‘t’ value is 3.080 which is significant at 0.001 level. Likewise in the remaining two areas i.e. empathy and handling relation also ‘t’ value is 4.441 and 3.685 respectively. From the table it can be said that there is significant difference between the boys and girls in the areas of empathy and handling relation. So, the hypothesis i.e there is no significant difference between differently abled boys and girls is rejected at 0.001 level of significance.

Conclusion Emotion has an important role to play in an individuals upbringing. In classroom if we taught children how to manage, recognize and interpret emotions of one’s own and others then challenges of life would be easy to face and also be able to move towards success. Hence, the importance of emotional intelligence is going increasing day by day. The purpose of the present study is to assess the emotional intelligence of differently abled children . In this study it is revealed that there is difference between differently abled boys and girls regarding emotional intelligence. We can also said that the variable gender has affect on emotional intelligence.
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