ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- VI July  - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
Need for New Technique for Decision Making in Administrative Behaviour in India
Paper Id :  16254   Submission Date :  11/07/2022   Acceptance Date :  13/07/2022   Publication Date :  20/07/2022
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Usha Tripathi
Professor And Head,
Political Science
Government P.G. College
Niwari,M.P., India
Anjana Gupta
Guest Faculty
Political Science
Government P.G. College
Niwari, M.P., India
Abstract Recent years have seen a growth in the use of administrative behavior by local and national government in the country. The Indian administrations have been primarily based on cultural evidence and lack scientific methods in decision-making. As well as being of considerable theoretical interest, administration has a bare evolution of behavior in government settings as an experimental application. In this study, an overview of using decision-making process in public administration given by Herbert Simon, reviewing what ‘stylized facts’ emerge in India which lacks computerization and automation. To overcome the deficiency of scientific and logical decision-making in Indian administration, this study suggests the Multi Attribute Decision-Making methods. MADM methods have shown desirable outcomes which supports the use of this methods in governmental operations as well.
Keywords Administrative Behavior, Decision-Making, Herbert Simon, MADM Method.
Public Administration is a process of running a state which drafts and executes policies made by the authority. The birth of Public Administration in India is seen in Arthashastra. Administrative behavior is the ecology of the organization including decision-making based on culture. The evolution of administrative behavior resulted into various reforms in Indian public administration, especially from the British era. Max Weber was the believer of centralization in administration, as well as, other social scientists believe in other approaches. Herbert Simon forced to focus on decision-making process which includes proper channel of communication, trained officials for execution, expertise decision maker and automation in decision-making. He suggested India needs to implement scientific method in decision-making. While in India decision-making is processed with specialization and special organizations but needs scientific approach in decision-making. There are various studies that shows the importance of Multi Attribute Decision-Making in economic and administrative purposes. MADM means making preference decisions (e.g., evaluation, prioritization, selection) over the available alternatives that are characterized by multiple, usually conflicting ,attributes. MADM methodology is rigorous but normative, aimed at improving decision quality [1]. MADM is a tool of various computers mathematical methods which makes decision-making more reliable and it’s result is satisfactory in policy and selection matter. Administrative culture is adversely affected by the political culture as the decision-making, planning, execution, tolerance, accountability, hierarchical structure, etc., is influenced by the political and social culture of country. The structural-functionalism is the seen tradition of any administrative system, to propound its effect on the administrative culture, building blocks are used to identify the characteristics of the cultural participants for the needed reforms.
Objective of study The objective of study is to understand the deficiency of scientific and logical decision-making in Indian administration and how to overcome it. MADM methodology is rigorous but normative, aimed at improving decision quality. it makes decision-making more reliable and it’s result is satisfactory in policy and selection matter.
Review of Literature
Multiple Attribute Decision-making (MADM) Methods is an approach employed to solve problems involving selection from among a finite number of alternatives. An MADM method specifies how attribute information is to be processed in order to arrive at a choice. Its require both inter and intra attribute comparisons, and involve appropriate explicit tradeoffs. Of the many MADM methods reported in the literature (Hwang and Yoon,1981, Chen and Hwang, 1992, Yoon and Hwang,1995,) that has a higher potential to solve decision-making problems in the manufacturing environment.
Main Text

Administrative Behavior
“The conceptual characteristic of decision making and making in an administrative organization that provides a reliable path in decision making in the human relationship of the organization is generally called administrative behavior”[2]Herbert Simon came to prominence with the publication of his ground breaking book ‘Administrative Behavior’ in 1947, in which he explained the underlying conditions for the application of administrative process in terms of decisions[3]. The science of problem solving and of methods employed in making choices under conditions of uncertainty and risk which began to develop with scientific management theory of Fredrick Winslow Taylor in twentieth century. Decision- making is the ‘D’ under the acronym of Luther Gullick’s POSDCORB, which is a branch of applied mathematics and is designed to formalize the notion of rational choice under conditions of risk and variability based on cost effective analysis[4]. According to Simon, Administrative Behavior is that every decision which consists of a logical combination of fact and value propositions between several alternatives from the point of view of organization[5]. Simon proposed this new concept of administration based on the theories and methodologies of logical positivism which belong to The Decision Theory School[6].
Chester Barnard, the pioneer of the decision-making process, said “it is the essential process of organisms action”. Webster defines decision-making as, “the act of determining in one’s own mind upon an opinion or course of action” and according to Millet, to understand the process of decision-making involves following three aspects[7];
1.Personal variation among people which makes some decisive and others indecisive.
2.Knowledge of detailed facts and concepts plays an important role in decision-making.
3. The personal and institutional limitation to circumscribe the decision-making.
 Herbert Simon was the first to blend decision-making in the philosophical approach with the economic thought[8]. He believed actual behavior of human organism has been observed in the matter of decision making and gave the phenomena of rational decision-making which is significant because of amenability of facts to rational decisions as against values, whose base, he traces out to a non-rational cause such as faith[9]. The structure of an organization is based on decision-making and Simon focuses on the determination of premises in decision rather than on implementation[10]. Simon further includes the advent of computers in new decision-making techniques which leads to re centralization or Decentralization as the availability of information and the computational capacities is crucial factor[11].
 According to Simon, rationality in decision-making can be increased by[12]:
1. Promoting high degree of specialization.
2.  Applying scientific methods of decision making like PERT, computers, etc.
3. Promoting operations on the premises of market mechanism.
4. Promoting knowledge of political institutions.
5. Proper and clear communication in decision and training of the employees on decision-making.
Simon’s Relevance To India
In India decisions are being avoided and the method is to appoint a committee to “review the problem” or make the problem a policy matter and give it to higher management[13]. In regard to rational decision making, there are two weaknesses in Indian character; first is choice making with a true decision situation and second is, execution of decisions because decisions degenerates into a mere pious resolution in India[14]. 
Indian Administrative Culture-
The ancient Arthashastra of Kautilya incorporates a merit of the administrative system that marked leaning towards decentralization where the king is asked to appear in person into the affairs of the state by the Janapadas (the territory where people settled in) which means a benevolent monarchy[15]. Many Indian scholars reacted to it as descriptive rather than prescriptive of public administration. The process of decision making was dependent on the market specialization and personnel were the advisors but the decision maker was the only king.
For instance, in Mughal administration, the emperor had Wazir and Diwan(the mere delegate of royal polity) to assist them with Faujdar and Kotwal for every Mohalla (Ward). Their primary function was to advise the sovereign which was not binding because the strength was determined exclusively by the emperor[16].
The military Mansabdari of field administration was a blessing and was able to absorb the new merging modern values of administration of Britishers. Administration under British Rule had prominently decentralization by establishing local self-governments i.e. Village Panchayat and the formation of Civil Services. Thomas Munro, R. M. Bird, James Thompson, Sir George Campbell and others were the civilians who constructed a high degree of influence in the formulation of policies and decision-making in matters of Indian etiquette[17]. Creating the trained and specialized civil services and local administration was the wholesome change to the administrative behavior in the country. The new managerialism or public management generated during British rule denies the Weberian classical administration with centralization, strict hierarchy and impersonal relation.
In 1950, the Planning Commission (later Niti Aayog since 2015) was constituted by Government of India for the economic reconstruction of the Development country since Independence where the district has pivoted since the period of British where the National Development Council is also a key organization. State planning commissions have civil servants as the decision-makers at the local level administration which improves economic and general conflicted conditions[18]. The only method which has been used in the country since Independence is the delegated decision and recruitment of decision-makers is based on political awareness and subject specialization.
Administrative Culture In Contemporary India-
India’s administrative culture is federal where district is pivot since period of British rule which is a significant root for spheres of behavior. The district administration is the high priority from the era of rulers and no efforts were spared to keep it economical, sturdy and prompt in action. But the decision-making at local level was minimal; the supreme authority of decision-making was at the apex i.e., The Ruler. Modern administrative culture experiences turmoil between traditionalization of public administration at local level and Weberian administrative culture at higher level[19]. Since there are some deficits in the decision-making process and the implementation of the decisions in the administration, the government has given provisions for the complaints and feedbacks. There are new aspects of decision-making influence by citizens which are Public Interest Litigation(PIL), Right to InformationJudicial Reforms and active investigative journalism[20]. Indian administration also needed supervision for which the civil society movement, led by Anna Hazare for the creation of the Ombudsman, was organized in 2011, so far there are Lokayuktas at state levels only. Decision makers use methods which are individual, consultative and group discussion which are not based on scientific approach, as well as, decision makers are heuristics, rule of thumb or judgmental shortcuts in decision making to reduce information processing demand which leads to biased decisions[21].
Scientific Method For Decision-Making-
As Simon told the fortune of Indian administrative behavior that needs computerization of decision-making, there is computerized method for problem solving i.e. Multiple Criterion Decision-Making. The MCDM includes two categories: multiple attribute decision making (MADM) and multiple objective decision making (MODM), in which they counts on the selection problem or a design problem[22].  MODM methods have decision variable values that are determined in a continuous domain, with an infinitive or a large number of choices and the best of which should satisfy the decision maker’s constraints and preference priorities. Whereas, MADM  methods are generally discrete with a limited number of predetermined alternatives. A MADM method specifies how attribute information is to be operated in order to ensure a choice. MADM methods involve appropriate obvious settlement and require both inter- and intra-attribute comparisons[23].
Personalities like P. P. DEY, K. Mondal, P. Biswas, D. Benerjee, S. Dalapati, P. K. Maji, A. Mukherjee, T. K. Roy, B. C. Giri, H. Garg and S. Bhattacharya developed Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) for neutrosophic decision making[24]. The scientists have developed MADM which is a mathematical tool to solve decision problems in multiple attributes by using methods like VIKOR, Simple Multi-Attribute Rating System (SMART), Multi-Objective Optimization by Rational Analysis (MOORA), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW); while modern algebra and number theory used in the method, have roots in India’s ancient scholarly history[25]. MADM methods are widely applied for creating the optimal outputs, selecting a single option or ranking choices according to the appropriate acceptance. MADM methods are aimed at identifying the distinctive satisfaction of various comparative alternatives or at ranking choices according to their relevance in terms of the evaluated objective[26]. This mathematical method uses algorithms to solve the most complex decision-making problem with given attribute and data. The only drawback of this method is multiple MADM methods used for the same problem will give unreliable responses[27].
This method can useful to eliminate defects in decision-making in Indian administration in following ways:
(1) Methodologies like Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and TOPSIS are being used to evaluate the performance of the banks like State Bank of India[28].
(2) AHP and entropy methodologies can be used to enhance agricultural gross domestic product and sustainability of agricultural practices[29].
(3) Various MADM methods to prioritize the utilization of available natural resources like solar energy and wind energy[30].
(4) MOORA method can be used in selection and ranking of internal assessment for benchmarking in an industry[31].
(5) For the development of clinical decisions in oncology, MCDA method can be used[32].
(6) To assess the supplier performance and selection, VIKOR method is used[33].
(7) Engineering sector uses SAW, WPM, AHP, TOPSIS and Vikor methods for material selection[34].
(8) These methodologies can be used to determine the effective decision in energy, ecology and sustainability, supply chain management, GIS, manufacturing systems, management of technology, quality, construction and project, operation, disaster and soft computing, strategic, data management, production management and tourism management and alternative fields[35].

The literature of public administration has narrow subject exploration in decision-making, only Simon forced on decision-making in his book “Administrative Behavior” (1947). The first edition was published in 1947; the second, in 1957; the third, in 1976; and the fourth, in 1997. Recently, many researchers have studied the scientific method of decision-making. The books of public administration and scholarly articles on administrative behavior, decision-making processes and application of MADM methods authenticates development in administrative behavior. Qualitative research was conducted as the available data is postulated to account for inadequacies in decision making in the history of Indian administrative development. The analytical result provides sufficient reasons and assessment on MADM for use in Indian decision-making as a part of administrative behavior. MADM methods have shown desirable outcomes which support the use of these methods in governmental operations as well. MADM methods has four main parts, namely: (I) alternatives, (ii) attributes, (iii) weight or relative importance of each attribute, and (iv) measures of performance of alternatives with respect to the attributes.
Conclusion Administrative culture and public administration should be in harmony with each other but developing countries like India suffers from irrational structure[36]. According to the Simon, Indian managers avoid making decision which are important to corporate niche globally, as well as, cybernetics of computers and automation will help overcome fatigue and frustration in Indian society[37]. Lokayuktas have spotty records and most of the recommended reforms have not been implemented because of two reasons the government has been preoccupied in other things rather than exercising power and the resistance from the officers[38]. This study shows that one of the fastest growing economies has evidence of strong administration since the ancient period which evolved into modern public administration. This history in Indian Administration which is influenced mainly by culture, has defected decision-making process and execution even after having specialized offices for each department. Indian administration have trained personnel for decision-making, expertise in market mechanism and proper communication channel in organization but still lacks competent scientific methods in computerization. There are many scientific uses of Multi Attribute Decision-making methods for neutrosophic problems which have provided convincing research results. These techniques are efficient, rational and explicit for development which improves qualities of decision. This study is capable of creating a paradigm shift in technology utilization policies and the formulation as the projected approach provides a concrete layout for re-evaluation of current policies and the formulation of newer ones in the administration.
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[1] Yoon, K.P.,& Hwang, C.L.(1995)Multiple attribute decision making: An introduction(Sage University Paper series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences,07-104)Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
[2] Herbert Simon, March 1997, “Administrative Behavior: a study of decision making processes in administrative organization” The Free Press, ISBN:9780684835822, 0684835827
[3] Dr, Prabhu Dutt Sharma, first edition 2000, “Management Thought And Thinkers” Research Publications Jaipur, ISBN: 8186398414
[4] Ibid.
[5] S. R. Maheshwari, reprinted 2011, “A Dictionary of Public Administration” Orient Black swan Private Limited, ISBN: 9788125037798
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[7] Dr. Amreshwar Awasthi and DR. Shriram Maheshwari, “Public Administration” 2005, Lakshmi Narain Agarwal Educational Publishers, ISBN; 8185778019
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[9] Dr,Prabhu Dutt Sharma, first edition 2000, “Management Thought And Thinkers” Research Publications Jaipur, ISBN: 8186398414
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[36] S. R. Maheshwari, reprinted 2011, “A Dictionary of Public Administration”; Orient Black swan Private Limited, ISBN: 9788125037798
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[38] Meghna Sabarwal and Evan M. Berman, 19 April 2016, “Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh and Pakistan”; CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN:9781439869130, 1439869138