P: ISSN No. 2231-0045 RNI No.  UPBIL/2012/55438 VOL.- XI , ISSUE- I August  - 2022
E: ISSN No. 2349-9435 Periodic Research
Role of Faculty Members in Library Collection Development: A Case Study of Medi-Caps University, Indore
Paper Id :  16337   Submission Date :  01/08/2022   Acceptance Date :  19/08/2022   Publication Date :  22/08/2022
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Rakesh Kumar Khare
Librarian And HOD
Library And Information Science
Ravindra Nath Tagore University
Bhopal,M.P., India
Anurag Kumar Khare
Research Scholar
Library And Information Science
Ravindra Nath Tagore University
Bhopal, M.P., India
Abstract Collection development is very important functions of Academic Libraries it depends on the type of library, type of user & type of collection. A library with a good collection will play a very important role in the field of Academics, Research & development. We can develop a very good collection of libraries if we can first understand the users need so that we can satisfy our user and cope up with the challenges of collection development. Faculty members of Institution plays very important role in the development of any institution & a library with its good collection added more advantage in the development. This paper describes the role of faculty members to develop library collection through recommendation which will help librarian to build its collection according to user’s need. It has been observed that every library builds their collection but that is useful for the users always questionable??
Keywords Collection Development, Medi-Caps, Education.
Medi-Caps is one of the brand names in the arena of technical education and is contributing in making Indore an educational hub. Since its inception in July 2000, When the group started its first Engineering college & then second and third college. In the year 2016 all the three colleges merged in a single unit Medi-Caps University (Established Under an act of State Assembly in 2015 Approved by UGC under section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956, the group consistently aims at creating an ideal ambiance for budding technocrats and helping them to grow like true professionals. The main strength of Medi-Caps university is, its highly qualified faculty members, modern Infrastructure great learning environment. The university is growing day by day and offering various programmes and the strength of students increasing day by day; at present university is offering 20 programmes for 7500 students with the help of 400 full time faculty and 250 non-teaching staff. The total library collection of Medi-Caps University is 100741 Volumes of different subjects and the library has strictly follow UGC/AICTE/PCI norms to build library collection ; collection development guidelines of these organizations are very clear if any library of India follow these guidelines properly definitely library of that organizations will be very rich.
Objective of study These are the main objective of the study: 1. To analyze book selection process 2. To analyze usage of selected books by users 3. Evaluate role of faculty members in books selection/ recommendation. 4. To know the future recommendations for the development of library 5. To evaluate how many recommended books acquiring by the library
Review of Literature

five fundamental laws of library science given by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan has the very good impact to build any library collection & they are:

1. Books for Use.

2. Every reader gets his/her book

3. Every book its reader

4. Save the time of the reader

5. Library is a growing organism

The Collection development policy will allow librarians to purchase required book because it has been framed to fulfill the ultimate goal of library. Every library must have a written collection development policy.

History of circulation allows librarians to procure more copies of a particular title if a book is good, it must be circulated several times same in the cast of book hold procedure also.

Librarian is a facilitator towards the use; user satisfaction should be ultimate goal of a librarian as well as library. Library Committee, recommendation of books by faculty/ students are the various factors which are useful to purchase useful book in the library. One should not purchase the low standards books and useless books in the library; It has been seen various times that just to fulfill the library norms or to spend received grant universities and colleges purchased some irrelevant material for the library which is not good; whenever we purchased library material there should be ample time and proper recommendations needed. Material also includes competition books, general reading and fiction and non-fiction also.

Library staff must follow the five fundamentals of library science and organize user awareness programmes such as library orientation, Library quiz, Book Exhibition and organizing library science related programmes so our user can aware about the working of library as well as collections.

Faculty members are the key factor they play very important role in library collection development through their recommendations also in circulation of library books;if one faculty member tell to the students that this particular book is good for study than every student want that book and all the copies of library get issued same time new demand to procure more copies will come.

Some faculty members regularly visited library for their study and refer more and more books of their interest; this type of faculty is the key member for library collection development& librarians must include this type of faculty in library committee to use their suggestion & recommendations.

There are three types of faculty visitor in the library:

Type 1: Regular Visitor (They visit library everyday)

Type 2: Frequent Visitor (They visit library weekly, quarterly, Monthly)

Type 3: One Time Visitor (They visit library at the time of starting and at the end of semester.

The biggest challenge for the librarian is to convert type 3 faculty to type 1 faculty and use their knowledge to building library collection as well as enhance the library facility.

Henry & others (2008) discussed that some areas in collection development are lacking, in these areas online databases and journals must be considered,

Nixon et al. discussed that book having highest circulation must be recommend by faculty to the students.

Har Singh & Preeti Mahajan (2021) discussed in their paper titled” Perception and Participation of Faculty Members in Collection Development: A Comparative Study of Five Universities in North India that maximum faculty members were not aware about the collection development policy.

Library staff must aware the users need with the traditional as well as modern method and the same time demand has to be in the knowledge of librarian so that within the less time period, they can fulfill the users demand for that library staff must utilized their time to know the new method of procurement such as online shopping.

Library staff must be aware with the latest book selection tools for the they can do following things:

1. Regularly Visit Online Books Sites on Internet.

2. Maintain one register for Students demand

3. Regularly visit famous publisher’s websites

4. Regularly check books circulation history

5. Daily meeting with the librarian

Library staff must convey the demand to the librarian on a specified manner under the budgetary control so that without wasting librarian time he/she only need to take the approval.

In this process library definitely procured relevant material.

Main Text

Collection Management: Collection Management covers the complete management of existing library material as well as systematic planning to upcoming library material because selection of a good book is the main function of library.

Acquisition of books in Medi-Caps University is totally depends on recommendations of faculty and students in which first priority is the coverage of syllabus so according to that they purchased textbook as well as reference books.

We always believe in quality not in quantity so we purchase more no. of titles rather than no. of volumes; at present we have 25000 titles in our central library. 

Signatures: HOD       Dean      Librarian   Professor IN charge Library   Vice-Chancellor

We follow pattern driven acquisition model in which following point are the key factor:

1. Users Need

2. Cost

3. Circulation History / Higher Demand

4. Coverage of Syllabus

5. Availability

We always remember these points at the time of taking approval from the management as well as at the time of placing the order; in Medi-Caps everything is very organize if you demand something; you have to justify the demand.

Statement of the Problem: Every library which has completed two or three decades since its inception face some common issues such as outdated material, library material not revised frequently, library building collection only for newly launched courses not for existing courses, Competition books section is not updated, Library is not acquiring new fiction& not focusing on e-resources.

Central library of Medi-Caps University is also facing such type of problems and the result of these problems is that the Circulation is decreasing day by day in the library; students only interested in issuing new edition of famous title not issuing old editions.

1.5   Operationsdecision making and planning : In this study the researchers done a pilot studyfor testing before the real study taken place. This study has done in Ravindra Nath Tagore University, Bhopal faculties& selected near about 25% of the sample size.

Due to this study researchers are able to know the errors weather research process and instrument is correct or some correction required.

Questionnaire having the relevant and appropriate questions that was the ultimate aim of the study; First researchers assign questionnaire to two senior professor of the Medi-Caps University one from engineering and one from Management department, they checked the questionnaire relevancy.

Collection analysis Includes:

1. Procure useful collection.

2. Develop strong Collection development policy.

3. Proper utilization the sanctioned budget.

4. First make subject wise list on the basis of recommendations than procure all the books.

5. Explain the procedure of purchase in a dignify manner so that a clear message should be reach out.

6. Information should be sent to recommenders that your recommended titles are procured and available in the library.

7.  List of New arrivals in the library will be displayed different notice boards of the University and the same time should be mail to the respective Hods and faculty members.

8. Use social media also to spread any message related to the library

Research Question:

The following are the research questions:

1. Are you satisfied with the book selection procedure of library?

2. Are you involving in book selection of library?

3. Have you recommended books for the library?

4. How many times library procures the books recommended by you?

Descriptive survey research design was adopted by the study.According to Check & Schutt, 2012, p. 160 Survey research is defined as “the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions” A survey is a research method used for collecting data from a specific group of persons to receive information; The process involves asking people foe information through questionnaire, which can be either online or offline. 4.2 Target Audience: The Target audience of this analysis is all 400 faculty of Medi-Caps University. We are studying role of faculty members in collection development so we target only Medi-Caps university faculty. For the collection development we always sent publishers catalogue to each and every department of the university to recommend books of their respective subjects. we received new titles from our supplier for approval on regular basis and called our HODs and faculty members for the book selection.

Stratified sampling was used to select respondents from Medi-Caps University. The researchers have distributed the questionnaire to every department of the University.

In research Sample size shows the representation of a particular group which is involved to complete a research work. Sample size always in a good number so that our result will be accurate.

The researchers sampled 90 faculty members from a total of 450 members that means a coverage of 20%, university hac 15 departments and researchers covered all the department and take at least 4 sample from each department depending on the crowed it isup to 8 members.

Engineering and Technology, Management, Computer Application, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Management, Humanities, Science and Forensic science.

In Medi-Caps University Engineering & Technology faculty is the biggest faculty of the University which has following branches:

Computer Science Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics &Communication, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil. Fire Technology.

At present University has 8500 students in all the discipline out of which 6000 students studying in Engineering so we can say the major chunks of university is engineering so the major library collection related to engineering.

Tools Used Questionnaire is the instrument use in this study which is designed as per the requirement of the study. Faculty on the junior level are not able to understands the Importance of collection development and the role of the faculty to building the same,
The researchers designed the questionnaire with their experience and cover all the important aspects of collection development; his aim was not only to make the questionnaire & faulty just fill the same but he wants to give the detail introduction about the concepts.
Result and Discussion

Faculties involved in book selection shown in below Table


Total No. of Faculty

Sampled Staff

Faculty Involved in Book Selection

















Management& Commerce








Forensic Science




Computer Application




Medi-Caps University has 8 faculties with 400 Teaching staff as shown Table

The main powerful department of University is Engineering which includes following branches:

1. Computer Science Engineering

2. Information Technology

3. Mechanical

4. Civil

5. Electronics & Communication

6. Electrical Engineering

7. Fire & Safety Engineering

These all-Engineering branches having 235 Teaching Staff, Agriculture 15, Humanities 15, Science 35, Management & Commerce 45, Pharmacy 20, Forensic Science 7 & Computer Application28.

The researchers sampled 8 members of Agriculture department, 115 Engineering departments, 8 Humanities department, 18 Department of Sciences, 22 department of Commerce & Management, 10 Pharmacy department, 5 Forensic Science department& 15 Computer Application department.

Almost 50% staff sampled of each and every department of the University 


Title recommended

Title Ordered

Titles Received

Titles Used

Title Not Used

























Commerce &Management












Forensic Science






Computer Application













Agriculture department faculty members recommended 200 titles in which 178 ordered, 165 received, 142 were used & 23 were not used.

Engineering departments faculty members recommended 395 titles in which 333 ordered, 289 received, 274 were used & 15 were not used.

Humanities department faculty members recommended 35 titles in which 31 ordered, 30 received, 23 were used &7 were not used.

Science departments faculty members recommended 56 titles in which 53 ordered, 47 received, 39 were used &8 were not used.

Commerce &Management department faculty members recommended 178 titles in which 163 ordered, 151 received, 135 were used &16 were not used.

Pharmacy department faculty members recommended 65 titles in which 63 ordered, 57 received, 55 were used &2 were not used.

Forensic Science department faculty members recommended 47 titles in which 41 ordered, 37 received, 32 were used &5 were not used.

Computer Application department faculty members recommended 123 titles in which 119 ordered, 114 received, 99 were used &15 were not used.

Approximately 90% books ordered selected by faculty members of various departments in which 90% received & 90% used by users.

Only 10% books were not used by users.

So overall it’s a very good percentage of the University.

Findings With the help of detailed study of the topic, we are giving following recommendations: 1.Maximun recommendation from the faculty side must receive; all the department head ensure that every faculty member must recommend the relevant books. 2. Library must call books titles on approval basis from the vendor and ask every department faculty member to visit the library and select the books. 3. Library should organize Books fair on every semester so that faculty and students can select and recommend books for purchase. 4. After procurement of selected titles library staff must inform to the concern faculty member about the availability of the same. 5. Processing, display and location of received books must be accurate so every user gets his/her book. 6. In library one staff assign the duty of one department in which he/she can coordinate with the department library coordinator about the procurement. 7. University libraries must develop a very good collection development policy in which every step of book procurement will follows. 8. New arrivals list should be sent to every faculty official email id and also post in university website as well as social media platform like WhatsApp. 9. Finally University management must allocate the budget to the procurement.
Conclusion Books recommended by faculty members of the university & procured by library are highly used by students with the total of 90%. Complete credit goes to the faculty and library staff for their joint effort. Library staff always in touch with the department head and faculty members and asked them to visit library regularly and fulfil all their requirement. In university every department has departmental library coordinator that works for the cause. Librarian always share the relevant library information in the official groups& trained junior faculty members how can they contribute in the development of library as library grows Institute grows. Further main attraction of study is observed that the faculty of the University keeps telling students to visit the library and get this or that books increased the usage of library and good for demand generation. Overall result of 90% shows the full commitment of the faculty & library staff members towards the library collection development with the help of latest technologies, it also shows the working of the library which is excellent with the help of management of the University, faculty cooperation, efforts of the library staff and last but not the least students cooperation. Finally, we can say every library must took some initiative to develop better collection i.e., Recommendations: Duplicate checking: Ordering: Receiving: Processing: Display.
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