ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- VII August  - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
Effect of Menstrual Cycle on the Abdominal Strength of Women Athletes
Paper Id :  16559   Submission Date :  07/08/2022   Acceptance Date :  21/08/2022   Publication Date :  25/08/2022
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Gunjan Shahi
Associate Professor
Physical Education
MBP Govt PG College
Lucknow ,Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of menstrual cycle on the strength of women athletes. Thirty subject from Lakshmibai national institute of physical Education Gwalior (MP) India were selected with the help of administering questionnaire to find out the normal samples that is the girls who were having normal menstrual cycle of flow. The date on selected physical fitness components the abdominal strength was collected by conducting test on Bent Knee Sit-ups. The test was connected 15 days before the menstrual flow that is normal period , during the cycle and just after the cessation of the cycle that is next day. The number of the subject were same throughout the study. The results of the data reveal that there was no significance difference between the selected physical fitness performance that is abdominal strength due to menstrual cycle as the calculated ‘F’ ratio was much less than the required value.
Keywords Menstrual Cycle, Abdominal Strength, Physical Fitness Comments, Bent Knee Set-Ups.
Menstruation is an essential biological feature of womanhood and has been considered taboo for ages in most societies and religions of the world. History is replete with instances when menstruating women have been subjected to isolation and discrimination for allegedly being impure and untouchable. Women definitely have played a vital role in the history of mankind,but the traditional restrictions have always stopped their initiative for society Menstruation is a very normal body function or natural phenomenon to a human female until menopause. In other words, it is a normal body function that has different characteristics in every woman or girl. Menstruation is the natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from the uterus exits through the vagina. It is a natural process that first occurs in girls usually between the age of 11 and 14 years and is one of the indicators of the onset of puberty among them despite being a phenomenon unique to girls this has always been surrounded by secrecy and myths in many societies. The menstrual cycle is governed by hormones that rise and fall in rhythmic patterns, influencing the variety of physical sensations and emotional shifts that may experience for several days before menstruation and something during the few days of menstrual flow. The most important aspect of sports is Strenght. Regardless of all other skills of a game, if you don’t have strength especially when we talk about Abdominal Strength you are not able to carry any other qualities over. Abdominal exercises are a type of strength exercise that affect the abdominal muscles (colloquially known as the stomach muscles or “abs”). Human abdominal consists of four muscles which are the rectus abdomens, internal oblique, external oblique, and transverses abdomen. When performing abdominal exercises it is important to understand the effects, functions, the types of exercises, and think about how to perform these exercises safely. Does the question arise that why core strength is more important for the sportsperson? The core is more than just your abs; it refers to all the muscles that stabilize and move the shoulder blades trunk, pelvis, and hips. A strong core allows the body to move more effectively and safely. It also reduces back pain improves athletic performance and corrects postural imbalances. Core strengthening exercises support or move body weight in a particular position and multiple planes of movement. Core muscles are the rectus abdomen -the most well-known abdominal muscles (The Six-Pack), Externals, and internal oblique- support the abdomen and rotate and bend the trunk side to side, transverse abdomen – stabilizes the lower back and pelvis and surrounds the core like a corset. Erector spine – A group of vertical back muscles that support rotate, and bend the trunk, Hip and pelvic muscles – A group of lower body muscles ( including the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps) that helps stabilize the hips, flex, and extend the legs and back, and move the legs towards and away from the body.
Objective of study To find out the effect of menstrual cycle on the performance abdominal strength of women athletes.
Review of Literature
Doolittle and Engerbresten[4} in their carefully controlled study; variation in performance in the 12 minutes run walk, maximal oxygen uptake, the 66-yard run walk, and the 1-5 mile run walk were not related to phases of the menstrual cycle. The researcher suggested that further investigation including performance measures, a full battery of physiological parameters, and frequent hormonal analysis throughout the cycle is necessary to adequately determine the effect of the menstrual cycle on physical performance.
Garlick and Bernazer[5] studied exercise during the menstruation cycle: variation in physiological baselines. Eighteen female subjects free of any Menstrual disorders were selected for the study. They performed bicycle ergometer exercises on the first and fourteen days of the month. Postoperative measurements were made of hemoglobin, blood hematocrit, heart rate, and blood pressure at rest and following exercise, the results suggest that variation in blood hemoglobin and hematocrit are related to the menstrual cycle at rest but apparently marked by a moderate bout of exercise.

Significant at .05 level = 3.09

Findings On the basis of findings that there are no significance difference in the performance of selected physical variable ( abdominal strength) among selected subjects during their menstrual phase. The performance of any sports , games or physical activity depends upon many factors like psychological, environmental of course physiological factors. So which factors have more effect there performance than does menstrual phase.
Conclusion In the beginning it was hypothesized that there will be significant effect of menstrual cycle on the performance of abdominal strength of women athletes, findings shows ,there is no significance difference, therefore the hypothesis is rejected.
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