P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No.  UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.- XI , ISSUE- II April  - 2022
E: ISSN No. 2349-9443 Asian Resonance
Single Machine Scheduling Problem With Variation In Due Dates and Processing Time
Paper Id :  15833   Submission Date :  14/03/2022   Acceptance Date :  31/03/2022   Publication Date :  16/04/2022
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Praveen Kumar
Associate Professor
J V Jain College
Saharanpur,U.P., India,
Vinay Gaur
Research Scholar Mathematics
J. V. Jain College
Saharanpur, UP, India
Vinod Kumar
Associate Professor
J. V. Jain College
Saharanpur, UP, India
Gopal Singh
Research Scholar
J. V. Jain College
Saharanpur, UP, India
Abstract Single machine programming problem with variation in due dates under fuzzy Environment, is closely to the situation faced by manufacturer, to perform work ‘just in time’. In the present paper, we have to plan a sequence for job-work such as the production completes the job on time or in due dates with optimize cost. Senthikumar et al. introduce a survey of literature for single machine scheduling problems in three category- Offline scheduling, Online scheduling, Miscellaneous Scheduling. Baker et al. develop sequences with earliness and tardiness penalties under just-in-time production Recently many researchers have proposed different models for distinct situations Biskup et al., Weerdt et al., CJ Liao.et al. , Tzung , Jinwei Gu,Manzhan and others.
Keywords Job Scheduling, Single Machine, Multi-Objective LPP, Earliness, Tardiness.
There are many literature and research papers that deals with the single machine scheduling problems. The proposed paper proposes a single machine multi-objective scheduling problem. This problem has two objectives the first one is, to schedule the system which deliver the output with minimum difference between due dates and actual processing time, and second one is to optimize the profit or loss for the machine. Scheduling models concerns with the determination of an optimize time. A set of services perform on a single machine is a tedious job to operate. Every job has its due dates and lateness penalty/loss variation. We have to manage jobs for minimizing loss and consider due date delivery. In the present chapter we have considered multi-objective scheduling problem with fuzzy parameters. We know that practically completion time for a job is not fixed or certain. There is always a variation or uncertainty in time management. In the present problem we have considered due date time and processing time in the form of triangular fuzzy number. Although, many ranking methods have been proposed and described by researchers, however there is yet no technique that can always give satisfactory result for every situation. For overcome these problems in the present work we have used ranking method proposed by Ching at al. and to comparison fuzzy numbers we have used algorithm developed by Tzung-Pei Hong, which was used by many researchers and justify this ranking technique by giving better results.
Objective of study The objective of this study is to plan a sequence of jobs work such as the production systematically complete the jobs on time or on due dates with optimize cost.
Review of Literature

There are many literature and research papers that deals with the single machine scheduling problems. The proposed paper proposes a single machine multi-objective scheduling problem. This problem has two objectives the first one is, to schedule the system which deliver the output with minimum difference between due dates and actual processing time, and second one is to optimize the profit or loss for the machine. Senthikumar et al. introduce a survey of literature for single machine scheduling problems in three category- Offline scheduling, Online scheduling, Miscellaneous Scheduling. Baker et al. develop sequences with earliness and tardiness penalties under just-in-time production Recently many researchers have proposed different models for distinct situations Biskup et al., Weerdt et al., Xin Li, , SE Jayanthi et al, CJ Liao.et al. , Tzung , Jinwei Gu,Manzhan and others.

Main Text

Problem Formulation

In this problem we have proposed a model to solve single machine multi-objective scheduling problem under uncertainty, which has been described by triangular fuzzy numbers.

Suppose there are  n-jobs  available at time 0 and these jobs are to be processed on a single machine. Denote by a constant  the time needed to process job  if no breakdown occurs during its processing. Due to the breakdowns, the actual time needed to process job  may be more than , and the time may vary in different processing orders. It is assumed that the machine could process one and only one job at a time, and once a job begins to be processed on the machine, it could not be pre-empted by other jobs (except by machine breakdowns) until its completion. There are a lot of real life problems that are similar to single machine scheduling problem. A real time example is the laundry services where orders from customers arrive early in the morning, and due dates are determined at the pick-up times, and pick-ups are made by customer itself. Whenever the due date or pick-up time has missed, a special delivery services can be required by the laundry operator, the cost of which is totally bear by laundry management i.e the tardiness of job.

In the present problem we have taken due dates in fuzzy time duration for the flexibility. Since there are many factors that job not completed in time. Therefore for a limited flexibility customer and service provider shall be relaxed. The processing time for the job on machine also taken in flexible manner in the form of fuzzy number. So the problem is to find the optimize order or schedule in which n-job have to be processed with minimum mode of difference of earliness and tardiness time or cost.

So the present single machine problem with common due date can be formulated as follows:-

1. We have  n-jobs that have to be processed on single machine.

2. The processing time of job i shall be ti, for i=1,2,3,…n. and the ti, is given in the form of triangular fuzzy number.

t= (ta, tb, tic)

3. We assumed that all jobs are available in time and ready to process at time zero.

4. One job will be process on the machine, at a time.

5. Each job has its due time Di and Ci be the completion time of the job i.

D= (Da, Db, Dic) and C= (Ca, Cb, Cic)

6. If a job i is completed before the due time then its earliness Ei can be formulize as Ei = Di – Ci.

7. If a job i is completed after due time  then its tardiness time Ti is given by Ei = Ci – Di .

8. There is a reward and penalty for each job depends on its completion time.

9. Reward for job i is r with unit time and penalty for job i is p with unit time.

10. All the arithmetic calculation with fuzzy number are done on standard operations (Max-Min) defined by TP Hong such as addition, subtraction or difference and comparison on triangular fuzzy numbers.

11. We have supposed that due time is less than the total processing time of all n-jobs.

The problem can be formulated mathematically as:


Let we have three jobs {J1, J2, J3} with fuzzy processing time on a single machine { t1, t2, t3}and due dates for these jobs be {D1, D2, D3} and the common due date will be D = D1 + D2 + D3.






(2, 4, 5)

(4, 5, 7)



(7, 9, 11)

(9, 11, 14)

(8, 9,10)

Reward for job i is r=1 with unit time and penalty for job i is p=2 with unit time

For the three jobs we have all possible schedule 3! Or 6.

Let S = {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 , S6}

where    S1 = { J1 ,J2 ,J3}, S2 ={ J1 ,J3 ,J2},  S3 = { J2 ,J1 ,J3},  S4 = { J2 ,J3 ,J1},  S5 = { J3 ,J1 ,J2},  S6 = { J3 ,J2 ,J1}

For Schedule S1= { J1 ,J2 ,J3}






(2, 4, 5)

(4, 5, 7)



(7, 9, 11)

(9, 11, 14)

(8, 9,10)


(2, 4, 5)

(6, 9, 12)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(2, 5, 9)

(-3, 2 8)

-(3, 7, 13)

De-fuzzified value (Di - Ci)








For Schedule S2= { J1 ,J3 ,J2}






(2, 4, 5)


(4, 5, 7)


(7, 9, 11)

(8, 9, 10)

(9, 11, 14)


(2, 4, 5)

(9, 11, 14)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(2, 5, 9)

(-1, 2, 6)

(-1, 5, 12)

De-fuzzified value (Di - Ci)







For Schedule S3= { J2 ,J1 ,J3}






(4, 5, 7)

(2, 4, 5)



(9, 11, 14)

(7, 9, 11)

(8, 9, 10)


(4, 5, 7)

(6, 9, 12)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(2, 6, 10)

(-5, 0, 5)

(3, 7, 13)

De-fuzzified value (Di - Ci)







For Schedule S4 = { J2 ,J3 ,J1}






(4, 5, 7)


(2, 4, 5)


(9, 11, 14)

(8, 9, 10)

(7, 9, 11)


(4, 5, 7)

(11, 12, 16)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(2, 6, 10)

(1, 3, 8)

(2, 7, 14)

De-fuzzified value (Di - Ci)







For Schedule S5 = {J3 , J1 ,J2}







(2, 4, 5)

(4, 5, 7)


(8, 9, 10)

(7, 9, 11)

(9, 11, 14)


(7, 7, 9)

(9, 11, 14)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(-1, 2, 3)

(-2, 2, 7)

(-1, 5, 12)

De-fuzzified value (Di - Ci)







For Schedule S6 = {J3 , J2 ,J1}







(4, 5, 7)

(2, 4, 5)


(8, 9, 10)

(9, 11, 14)

(7, 9, 11)


(7, 7, 9)

(11, 12, 16)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(-1, 2, 3)

(-3, 1, 7)

(2, 7, 14)

De-fuzzified value (Di - Ci)







So the value of F for the schedule {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 , S6} is {-8.163, -23.145, -10.563, -30.127, -30.178,  -33.968}. The minimum value of F is on -8.163 for the schedule S1 = {J1 , J2 , J3}. Hence the optimum schedule and completion time is as follows:


For Schedule S1= { J1 ,J2 ,J3}






(2, 4, 5)

(4, 5, 7)



(7, 9, 11)

(9, 11, 14)

(8, 9,10)


(2, 4, 5)

(6, 9, 12)

(13, 16, 21)

Di - Ci

(2, 5, 9)

(-3, 2 8)

-(3, 7, 13)








Hence the Completion time for the schedule S1 is (13, 16, 21) and due time loss is 8.163 unit. Since job has been completed after due date therefore service provider faces a loss.

From the example we have observed that –

1.     The optimal schedule appears depends on ti, Di, Ci, ri & pi.

2.     There are n! schedule option for n-jobs. So, if we consider 10 job schedule problem then we have all over 10! =3628800 possible schedules, which are not feasible to calculate manually.

Proposed Algorithm:

Problem Statement: We have n-jobs to be processed on a single machine. The processing time of these jobs Ji (I = 1,2,3….n) with processing time ti (I = 1, 2, 3, …n). It is pre-assumed that all the jobs are ready to processed at initial time zero with due dates Di (deadline), after this deadline a reward ri or penalty pi be applied on unit time. The problem is to search an optimal schedule as to minimize sum of earliness and tardiness costs (profit and loss).

Step 1: Sort the n-jobs in non-decreasing order of processing time ti such that- t£ t2 £ t3 £ t4 £ t5 ….. £  tn corresponding jobs J1, J2, J3, ….. Jn.

Then evaluate

. T = t+ t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 ….. +  tn & D = D1 + D2 + D3 + … +Dn

Initiate T0 =  t1 & E0 = D1

Introduce non empty set of schedule job SE= f , ST= f

. Step 2: Consider job J1 with minimum processing time t1.

. Set T1 = T0 =  t1 & E1 = E0 = D1

. Check weather T1 < E1 if so then set SE=  SEÈ { J1 } and ST= ST0

. Check weather T1 > E1 if so then set ST=  STÈ { J1 } and SE= SE0

Step 3: Consider job Ji with minimum processing time ti. such that neither Ji Ï STi-1 nor Ji Ï SEi-1 and  Ji-1 Î STi-1 or  Ji-1 Î SEi-1.

. Set Ti  =  T1 + T2 + …+ Ti-1 & Ei = E1 + E2 +…..+Ei-1

. Check weather Ti < Ei if so then set SE=  SEi-1 È { Ji } and ST= STi-1

. Check weather Ti > Ei if so then set ST=  STi-1 È { Ji } and SE= SEi-1

  The above process will continue till all the jobs set { J1, J2, J3, ….. Jn.} Í SEÈ  ST.

So, we have seen that the above proposed algorithm involves only n-iteration as compared to n! possible schedule calculations.

Fuzzy Scheduling.
Tools Used MATLAB

Based on Algorithm proposed

Result and Discussion

Reduced number of iteration.

Conclusion In the present chapter we have introduce a simple algorithm to minimize a single machine fuzzy scheduling of n-jobs with earliness, tardiness and due date problem. The algorithm involves n-iterations only so it is economically less time-consuming algorithm or we can say that this algorithm gives feasible and optimal solution of small problems. Thus, for large problems we have to established an algorithm that can be solved with the help of computer software. So, in future this problem is open for researchers to solve very large problems having many jobs with the help of software like MATLAB, SCILAB, PYTHON etc.
Suggestions for the future Study Can be try for more objective problems.
Limitation of the Study Only finite number of iteration.
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