ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- X November  - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
Environmental Disaster
Paper Id :  16262   Submission Date :  31/10/2022   Acceptance Date :  05/10/2022   Publication Date :  06/11/2022
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Vinita Choudhary
Associate Professor
College Education
G.H.S. Govt. P.G. College
Sujangarh,Rajasthan, Inda
Abstract Environmental disaster refers to catastrophic events that are associated with environment and atmosphere and often caused by human actions, either in a direct or in an indirect way. However, environmental disasters sometimes do occur without any human interference as well, causing completely because of natural reasons. Earthquake is a prominent example of these types of environmental disasters. On the other hand, disasters such as flood are occurred due to human actions mainly. Wildfires, landslides, droughts, volcanic eruptions are some other examples of common natural disasters. Pollution and other factors play a major role in maximum cases for natural disasters. It can be mentioned for instance that in 1952, due to pollution, “The London’s Killer Fog” killer around 12,000 people. Therefore, it is an obvious fact that natural disasters are to be managed very effectively in order to reduce the impact caused by these. One of the most effective and primary steps for reducing and managing natural disasters can be identified to be the reduction of pollutant emissions. On the other hand, another technically effective way to manage natural disasters in an efficient way is to stay prepared. It means assessment and analysis of disaster risks, staying resourceful, effective governance by the government. For instance, Japan can be mentioned here; this country is highly earthquake prone however at the same time, its government and people have been able to effectively manage this risk with strategic and well planned management. On the other hand, disaster management is also associated with several kinds of risks which have to be managed very effectively; otherwise it can be more disastrous. Miscalculation in risk can not only impact economic health of a whole country, it can put many lives at risk as well. Therefore, from identifying and evaluating risks related to natural disasters are equally essential as proper identification and management of risks related to natural disaster management itself.
Keywords Disaster Environmental, Earth Quake, Wild Fires, Droughts, Pollution, Bio- Diversity.
Environmental disasters can be defined as catastrophic events of environment due to negative effects of human activities in different biodiversity areas. Alteration of existing environmental systems and biodiversity creates several impacts on environmental ecosystems in different location of world. Environmental disasters enhance risks and sudden threats such as storm, flood, drought, melting of iceberg and hole at ozone layer which intensify uncertainty for human life. Climate change has the most significant impacts on environmental degradation and natural hazards enhancement. Due to lack of supervision and monitoring of multinational industries increase pollutions as well as sudden accidents that cause severity disasters. This report will focus on different environmental disasters happened in the world to investigate causes and impacts on nature.
Objective of study 1.The study will review different severe environmental disasters in twenty and twenty first century. 2. To understand different impacts on ecosystems and human community 3. To supply different types of recommendation to multinational companies and countries.
Review of Literature

It is the worst scenario of nature that uprooted millions of livelihood around the world and stopped the growth of development in several countries. Most of human life depend environment based resources to survive in challenging environment. Lack of proper use of resources and unsustainable operation by various countries and multinational companies enhanced the degradation of environmental stability. Competition among different countries to acquire natural resources such as mineral, water, firewood and grazing land increase misbalance of ecosystem (Lowe et al. 2019). After World War 1, rapid industrialization in different location in the world increase the pollution and negative impacts on climate change. Realizing industrial waste and emission of polluted gas made instability of natural stability and change natural flow of air, water, weather and ecology. Both civil wars and wars influenced the loss of biodiversity, increase droughts, create famine, damages ecosystems, and severe disease for humanity. Independence wars after WW2 have the most impacts on environment and increase several types of disasters.

Industrial revolution influence the life standard of people, however, it increase dangerous disease to the humanity. Mishandling of wastages from industries lead repeated outbreak of Itai-itai disease in Japan during 1912 due to dumping of lead based industrial wastages into Jinzu River. Dumping of methyl mercury by two Japanese companies into local water supplies creates outbreak of Minamata (, 2022). Moreover, Millions people losses their life, faced asthma,

paralysis and psychological damage due to pollution from petrochemical, industrial organization in Japan which lead to environmental disasters and influence other nation to take necessary action against industries. Leakage of oil pipeline causes serious issues to local ecosystems and damages to water life. Burn of leakage oil in Goi-Boda in Nigeria due to attack of militant group impacts serious fisheries, soils, destruction human accessories, reduction of soil and water quality (Hong et al. 2019). This is an example of environmental disaster to humanity due to internal conflicts in Nigeria. Releasing of waste-water and petrochemical wastages to water land by Petroecuador and Occidental Petroleum causes serious threats to local population. Impacts of Amazon forest degradation on local population are very significant as it damages the existing natural ecosystem of Amazon rainforests.

Large scale of enevironmental disaster happened at Rio Tinto’s Panguna copper mine areas as billion of copper, arsenic, sulfur and mercury based wastages dumped into the Jaba River. Local population of Bougainville faced unwanted challenges from the environmental disaster as 40 miles portion of biodiversity have been damaged. Similarly, spill of France’s Amoco Cadiz tanker at the coastal side of France causes dumping two million barrel of

petrochemical oil into the sea water. This incident causes a huge impact on ecosystems and marine life of the coastal region for several years. In addition, Bhopal cyanide gas leakage from US based chemical organization Union Carbide has taken life of around 4000 people and survivors have faced numerous health diseases such as respiratory disease, blindness, nervous failure (, 2022). Another major environmental disasters occurred due to spill of Exxon Valdez oil tankers into two part and fall of around 11 million gallon unpurified petrochemical oil into Alaskan port. Due to this sudden disaster, approximately 0.30 million of marine life and destroys whole ecosystem of the Alaskan port for a long decades. The most impactful environmental disasters Chernobyl nuclear power plant’s reactor explosion takes life of thousand people and radiation released from the power plant has long- term impact on future generation of Greenpeace population. Several countries have to move back to set new power nuclear power plant after seeing the estimation of impacts of Chernobyl. Inadequate security framework at different industrial areas, transportation of crude oil through sea route, and security management of nuclear power plant creates sudden environmental disasters to the humanity (, 2022). Over pollution and use of natural resources increase disability to natural ecosystem as well as temperature increasing due to climate change. It has seen that fire burns of Brazil rainforest, Congo rainforest and Australia bushfire are the example of environmental disasters. These disasters eliminate millions of life into death and worsen the life of several species in different location of world.
Main Text

Study of environmental disasters and its impacts on human life influences the researcher to examine different types of environmental disasters. It can also assist researchers to review sudden environmental disasters and challenges for several species as well as human life.

Therefore, causes of environment disasters and roles of human will be investigated through analyzing catastrophic consequences of natural disasters. Different types of concerns and warning can be accessed from the study about environmental disasters. Upcoming challenges to the humanity can be assumed from proper research study through collecting data from specific research findings (, 2022). It can supply accurate and reliable data to the leaders of various countries and multi billionaire companies to implement new strategies regarding environmental disasters.

Research methodology is the principle part of research to implement new techniques and ideas about data collection and finding effective sources. Here, secondary sources such online articles, journals; books and magazines should be analyzed to evaluate proper findings related to environmental disasters. Comprehensive analysis and study will be followed to access optimum outcome regarding impacts on ecology, animal life and marine life. Different steps and methods to minimize consequences of environmental disasters in recent time will be review through proper research methodology.
Conclusion Due to lack of concerns and awareness of world leaders of developed countries serious impacts such as catastrophes events like flood, hurricanes, and droughts have been happened. Engaging several CEO of multinational organization and world leaders in the UN general assembly to raise concerns and awareness about policy making can prevent upcoming challenges. Therefore, several leaders of both developed and developing countries have to follow guidelines of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to adopt sustainable ecosystem and conservation development for environmental disasters management (, 2022). In order to control climate change and human made environmental disasters, strong law and policies should be implemented by UN to monitor different kind of unwanted events by international organization. Mining of mineral resources and petroleum resources should be managed using effective methods of disaster controlling strategies (Park, 2022). In order to promote Operational Strategy for Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability 2022- 2025, end-to-end monitoring of activities that can create environmental disasters to build suite against countries or companies (, 2022).
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