P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VI , ISSUE- XII March  - 2022
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
A Short Review on Urban Vulnerability due to Urbanization
Paper Id :  15870   Submission Date :  2022-03-06   Acceptance Date :  2022-03-11   Publication Date :  2022-03-22
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Himani Bisht
Department Of Geography
DSB Campus, Kumaun University
Nainital,Uttarakhand, India
The increasing vulnerability of cities due to the ever-increasing concentration of population and the increasing carrying capacity of the city means that environmental conditions are worsening day by day. A city or urban area is a place where infrastructure facilities and buildings create an atmosphere that attracts more people to live in a relatively small and limited geographical area. The rapid growth of cities and the increasing tendency of the population to live in urban areas and unplanned make them vulnerable to natural disasters. Thus, the vulnerability of cities gradually increases as the population increases. In this review paper, the author reviewed some literature on urban vulnerability assessment with some methodological outlines and some new assessment techniques. The author points out that the management of urban environment is also an important aspect in reducing the vulnerability of cities.
Keywords Urban vulnerability, Urbanization, Disaster, Remote Sensing and GIS.
The decline in the proportion of the rural population must be absorbed by society. It is mainly a process by which cities attract more and more people to live there and make offers. The process of urbanization is linked to scientific and technological development, which changes with the way of life. In developing countries, urbanization leads to demographic, economic, social and eco-geographical problems. Urbanization is influenced by the "risk" and "vulnerability" to natural disasters. Due to the ever-increasing population, the concentration of vulnerability, and the increasing carrying capacity of cities, environmental conditions are worsening day by day. This leads to uncontrollably increasing environmental degradation, risk of extreme weather and geological events, vulnerability and concentration, and at times reduced resilience (Patricia Romero Lankao and Hua Qin, 2011) and through the underlying complex interactions between physical, socio-cultural, economic, and institutional conditions (Gencer, 2013). Increasing population concentration, slum expansion, deforestation, clogging of natural drains, soil erosion, and sea level rise-all these components simultaneously increases risk. Rapid urbanization and population migration from rural to urban areas have left developing countries exposed to multiple hazards. There is a complex relationship between urbanization, natural disasters and their interrelationship with risk and vulnerability, and the subsequent identification of interventions that could help mitigate or ameliorate the situation or exposure to risk. The initial matrices were used to assess how urbanization is related to disasters (Hossain, 2016). An urban hazard is a risk that threatens the city, its population, and related socioeconomic activities. When a hazard threatens a large city, the hazard can radiate beyond the area of impact. First, the impact of a disaster is considered severe if the estimated direct losses equal or exceed the average GDP growth of an affected country or the damage critically affects economic activity. Second, most disasters, large or small, are geographically and economically limited and their impact is unlikely to have a negative significance for the economy. Third are natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.) and technological disasters (technological, chemical, biological, etc.) (Albala-Bertrand).
Objective of study
The objective of this review paper is to provide a brief idea that urban areas are not inherently prone to disasters. Rather, the socioeconomic structural processes that accelerate rapid urbanization, population dynamics, and population concentration significantly increase disaster vulnerability, especially among low-income residents. Another goal is to conduct a detailed study to assess the vulnerability of cities.
Review of Literature
Major Research Areas The Overseas Development Administration (ODA) reports that more and more people are staying in the area that is vulnerable to hazards. Increasing urbanization and migration from rural to urban areas make it difficult for authorities to protect people from disasters, and also disrupt the balance of ecosystems, leading to more disasters. Liu Jie1 et al., (2017) in their paper titled "A Systematic Review of Research on Anti-Disaster Capabilities in Urban Disaster", described the concept and characteristics of disaster resilience in cities, and explained the mutual relationship between disaster resilience, adaptation, vulnerability and resilience. According to the paper, the number of disasters, economic losses, and people affected by disasters has increased in cities around the world due to high population pressure, resources, and pollution. The Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre publication "URBANISATION AND VULNERABILITY" (Centre, A. D. P. (2004) reports that about 50% of the world's largest cities are located in major earthquake belts or tropical cyclone zones. The average number of disaster victims is higher in developing countries than in developed countries. Millions of low-income households live in forbidden or informal settlements unsuitable for housing, such as floodplains or steep slopes at high risk of landslides. They are forced to live there because it is the only place they can afford and their illegal occupation is not challenged because the land is too dangerous for commercial purposes. Morales, (2002) in the book titled "Urban Disaster Management: A Case Study of Earthquake Risk Assessment in Cartago, Costa Rica" analyzed using the Geographic Information System. He has processed the data and discussed the problem of direct losses from urban disasters (human lives and buildings) due to earthquake hazard to improve urban planning and management, and presented the mapping of hazardous events and urban decision making and policy making. A Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (2015) describes cities as both a risk and a cause of risk. The lack of knowledge about urban risk is both daunting and fragmented. This paper describes how the characteristics of the urban fabric (physical/spatial, environmental, social, economic, and political/institutional) and associated systems increase risk by: (i) exacerbating hazards or creating new ones, (ii) exacerbating vulnerabilities, (iii) negatively affecting existing response and recovery mechanisms. Miller and Hutchins, (2017) found that climate change and urbanization have negative impacts on water quality in urban areas. Due to these impacts, the risk of flooding in urban areas in the UK has increased and water quality is not meeting the needs of local people, which is a challenge for the coming period. Urbanization pressures and climate change are increasing pluvial and fluvial flood risk and further degrading water quality through point source pollution and altered flow regime. In order to manage the quality of urban environment, they identified some of the factors that should be included in the plan: (I) uncertainty and adequacy of climate change forecasts, (II) lack of subsurface forecasts for storm water, (III) the complexity of managing and modeling the urban environment, (IV) lack of likely countywide forecasts for future urban land use. M. J. Hammond et al., (2015) addressed the impacts of urban flooding, which include pluvial, fluvial, groundwater, and coastal flooding. The consequences of urban drainage that is inadequate with respect to rainfall in an urban area are referred to as pluvial flooding. Overtopping of flood control structures on rivers is referred to as fluvial flooding. A high water table is called groundwater flooding, and coastal flooding occurs due to high tides and waves. In the article titled "Urban Flood in India", Farhat Rafiq et al., (2016) focused on urban flooding events in India that have occurred in recent years. They described why studying floods is important and what things should be studied. The causes, effects, and consequences of local flooding have been described in this paper. The authors also describe the infrastructure and economic losses that result from these urban events. Papathoma-Koehle, (2016) worked on "Vulnerability curves vs. Vulnerability Indicators: Application of an Indicator-based Methodology for Debris Flow Hazards". Vulnerability curves express physical vulnerability as a function of the intensity of the process and the extent of damage, considering only some structural features of the affected buildings in each case. However, a considerable number of studies argue that vulnerability assessment should focus on the identification of these variables that influence the vulnerability of an element at risk (vulnerability indicators). This study recommends a new indicator-based method to improve it. Both methods have been applied in different ways and their results are challenging. It becomes clear that both methods are necessary for vulnerability assessments in the future. Yashon O. Ouma and Ryutaro Tateishi, (2014) presented the expertise for public-based flood mapping and flood risk assessment in growing urban areas. Integrated analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geographic information system techniques are used to predict the magnitude of flood risk of Eldoret municipality in Kenya. T Maqsood et al., (2014) set out to improve existing hazard models for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Flood damage estimation is considered a critical component of flood mitigation decisions, which are increasingly based on cost-benefit analyses. Geoscience Australia (GA) has developed flood hazard models based on observations of flooding in Queensland in 2011 that make a significant contribution to flood management. Rautela P. et al., (2019) discussed the poor building structures of different uses in the hills of Uttarakhand using Rapid Visual Screening method. It is recommended to apply and implement an appropriate plan i.e. reconstruction of buildings below class 5 and retrofitting of class 4 and 3 buildings. Moreover, they suggested to create awareness among the people about earthquake safety. Sadashivam, T. and Tabassu, S. (2016) describe that urbanization in India is increasing mainly in two ways, one is natural and the other is migration, i.e. people migrate from rural to urban areas. To make urbanization productive for our society, he made some useful suggestions. He further explained that many economists refer to GDP growth in the 21st century as the 'Asian century' (especially in the context of India and China). Sabyasachi Tripathi, (2013) described Indian urbanization and the various urban development policies and programs that have been implemented from time to time. She further stated that high economic growth, lower poverty levels and higher levels of inequality are associated with higher urbanization rates. She suggested that Indian urbanization accounts for a higher proportion of national GDP by reducing urban poverty and inequality, so the government needs to improve the urbanization rate. Ashvin Dayal, (2013) in a report titled “Climate Resilient Urban Development: Vulnerability Profile of 20 Indian Cities” presented a framework for India's urban centers based on four themes to analyze the climate resilient measures, namely 'Hazard-Infrastructure-Governance-Socio-economic characteristics (HIGS). In order to determine the exposure to hazards, population, urbanization trends, level of basic services and administrative authorities, the characteristics of cities such as location, economic and geographic importance were determined. The impact of climate extremes depends on the exposure and vulnerability of the population. The vulnerability profile of Indian cities was based on risk, exposure to elements, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. K. Gupta, (2013) has used 8 directional wind rose schemes with the help of remote sensing satellite data to analyze the urbanization of Dehradun. She found that the urban area grew by 160% from 1987 to 2008 and doubled between 1998and 2008. The urban growth was found mainly in the south, southeast and southwest of the city. From the city center, the growth radius has increased to 15 km, while until 1987 it was only 8 km. Roy, D. (2007) in her research paper titled "Urban Seismic Risk Assessment in Dehradun City using Remote Sensing and Geo-information Techniques" used RADIUS (Risk Assessment tool for diagnosis of Urban areas against Seismic disasters) launched by the United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR 1990-2000) in Geneva, to analyse the damage to life and property in the urban area of Dehradun. Since the city is located in the IV zone according to the seismic zone map of India, it is the most earthquake-prone city in the country. The city is not only directly vulnerable to natural disasters but also indirectly vulnerable to disasters in geographically distant areas. Neha Bansal et al., (2015) studied urban flooding in Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand. To quantify the current and potential flood risk, the study of urban flood vulnerability and exposure is necessary. The authors explored the following factors: (a) causes of flooding and (b) impacts of flooding. To analyze the causes and impacts of flooding, the authors continuously collected detailed data and field data over the years (2009-2013). In his article on "Emerging Trends of Urbanization in Uttarakhand", Sandeep Mani et al., (2015) emphasized that the rapid phase of urbanization in Uttarakhand has resulted in high density, high concentration, intensity and greater complexity of urban settlements. He also mentioned that tourist administrative buildings, offices, business complexes, and high-tech institutions are the main reasons for the high degree of urbanization. Jagdeep Kumar, G.K. (2015) in their research paper titled "Spatial Pattern of Urbanization in Uttarakhand" has highlighted the uneven pattern of urbanization in the state. From this study, Uttarakhand accounts for 0.8 percent of the total urban population in the state. It was also analyzed that the moderate growth rate and highly uneven distribution of population in the mountainous regions can be easily seen. Manish Sharma1 et al., (2017) have discussed that in India, large numbers of vulnerable people, unplanned and haphazard physical development, and weak institutional capacity and governance are most vulnerable to disaster-related impacts. Although both rural and urban areas are highly vulnerable to disaster risk, disaster risk in India is high and vulnerability is increasing due to the changing physical profile and different socioeconomic status of people. Ineffective planning leading to haphazard and unplanned urbanization, weak infrastructure and uncontrolled development also make the areas highly vulnerable to disasters. Karki, (2015) in her paper titled "Urban Risk Reduction: Through Effective Disaster Management Plan, A Case Study of Shimla City, Himanchal Pradesh, India", discusses how Shimla Municipal Corporation (SMC) as a local government manages disasters in the city with effective planning and risk assessment. Garima Jain and Amir Bazaz, in their work on Urban Risk and Resilience in India, mentioned that all hazards are handled individually by different departments at different levels of government and that there is a lack of a multi-hazard approach. Development sector agencies (e.g., those working on poverty alleviation, housing, water and sanitation, etc.) still do not sufficiently integrate a risk mitigation agenda into their planning practices.
After a thorough analysis, the author has concluded that there are several researches on the topic of urban disasters and urban vulnerability. But first we need to find out the basic problem of cities and try to solve it. Population growth is the main cause of urban sprawl; therefore, these two phenomena are very closely and directly interdependent. Various reports have proposed and used different techniques to solve the problems of cities. GIS and remote sensing are very important to improve urban planning and present mapping of hazardous events, urban decision making and policy making. Some authors have proposed using models such as the wind rose, CA Markov model, and metric methods to understand the uneven distribution of population inAfter a thorough analysis, the author has concluded that there are several researches on the topic of urban disasters and urban vulnerability. But first we need to find out the basic problem of cities and try to solve it. Population growth is the main cause of urban sprawl; therefore, these two phenomena are very closely and directly interdependent. Various reports have proposed and used different techniques to solve the problems of cities. GIS and remote sensing are very important to improve urban planning and present mapping of hazardous events, urban decision making and policy making. Some authors have proposed using models such as the wind rose, CA Markov model, and metric methods to understand the uneven distribution of population in cities 1. It is recommended to raise the awareness of the local community to reduce the risk of disasters. 2. There should be a proper emergency and disaster management plan to help residents during disaster events. 3. The problems of slums and unplanned migration of people for occupational reasons can be solved by providing them with low-cost housing solutions and energy systems. 4. Municipal disaster management programs for urban problems should be implemented. cities.
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