P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VI , ISSUE- XII March  - 2022
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
Effect on Post-embryonic Development in Cirrhina Mrigala (Hamilton) by Administration of Pituitary and Thyroid Hormone
Paper Id :  15913   Submission Date :  2022-03-13   Acceptance Date :  2022-03-18   Publication Date :  2022-03-25
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Rita Rani
Assistant Professor
F G College
Raebareli,Uttar Pradesh, India
Combination of pituitary and thyroid hormones treatment given to the larvae of Cirrhina mrigala for about one month resulted faster post-embryonic development as found out in the control experiments.2.2+105 mg/lit. dose of combined (pituitary and thyroid) proved most suitable. Rate of mortality observed to 4,6,5 and 10 for control 1+80 mg/lit. 2.2+105 mg/lit. and 3+130 mg/lit. dose treatments respectively. In all pituitary and thyroid hormone treated experiment drastic changes in morphometrical parameters shows that hormone therapy may prove useful in the culture of Cirrhina mrigala.
Keywords Pituitary Hormone (P), Thyroid Hormone (T), Post-embryonic Development, Cirrhina Mrigala.
The pituitary and thyroid hormones have been known as the most important biochemical substances, which are responsible for metamorphic differentiation during larval development along with many physiological process of prime importance during periods too (Belsare et al., 1966) The maintenance of adequate balance of pituitary and thyroid hormone levels are important prerequisite for proper management of reproductive biology, development, growth and it may prove important regulating factor. The effect of thyroxine hormone treatment along with the pituitary in a combined form on the post- embryonic development of Cirrhina mrigala is not yet fully known and needs further investigation. With this view point in the present communication, an effort has been made to work out the optimum combined dose of pituitary and thyroid hormones, which could be able to effect some aspects of post-embryonic development in a positive direction.
Objective of study
The aim of study is to find out the effect of pituitary and thyroid hormones on the metamorphic differentiation during larval development along with many physiological process of prime importance during periods.
Review of Literature
Some of the important studies on the said field are from Hoar et al. (1955); Lostrh et al. (1958); Scow (1959); Sneed et al. (1961); Nicall et al. (1965); Belsare et al. (1966);Yamazaki (1976); Holder et al. (1980); Miwa et al. (1985); Tay et al. (1997) ;Nayak et al. (2000); MacKenzie DS, Jones RA, Miller TC. (2009); Maugars G, Dufour S, Cohen- Tannoudji J, Querat B. (2014); Yu J, Fu Y, Shi Z. (2017);Ganzha EV, Pavlov ED (2019); Stepien BK, Huttner WB. (2019); Alinezhad S, Abdollahpour H, Jafari N, Falahatkar B. (2020); Blanco AM. (2020) and that of Ma Y, Ladisa C, Chang JP, Habibi HR.(2020).
The hatchlings (3-4 days old) of Cirrhina mrigala were collected from fish farm in the close vicinity of Raebareli. The hatchlings for consecutive development stages were brought to laboratory and transfer to plastic trough under observation. In each experimental trough,20 specimens were placed on the basls of proper stocking density (approximately 2fish/lit.). The physio-chemical conditions of the experimental troughs were maintained nearly natural by using sand particles, phytoplankton’s ,zoo and hydrilla plants. Hitachi readymade food pellets in equal quantity were also given at regular intervals to all the experimental larvae. The combined (pituitary and thyroid hormone) doses of 1 + 80 mg/lit., 2.2 +105 mg/lit. and 3+ 130 mg/lit. concentration were prepared and one kind of dose was added in each trough. Five specimens from each kind of experiment sampled randomly and control were taken out for derivation of mean standard under different aspects of studies on post-embryonic development at successive time period viz.,4,8 and 16 days. The same findings were applied after lapses of 22 and 30 days in order to study later development stages. Morphometrical parameters of the larvae were recorded with the help of Vernier Calipers at the end of each experiment.

In each experimental trough,20 specimens were placed on the basls of proper stocking density (approximately 2fish/lit.). 

Result and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Comparing the parameters indicating in the Table-1, it can be concluded that a dose of 2.2 +105 mg/lit. proved to be the best in terms of post-embryonic development.

Table-1 Morphometry of Cirrhina mrigala (Ham.) larvae treated with combined doses of pituitary (P) and thyroid (T) hormone (mg/lit.)


Morphometrical parameters

(Average in mm ± S.D.)


Treated experiments

0 +0 mg/lit.

1 + 80 mg/lit.

 (P + T)*

2.2+105 mg/lit.

 (P + T)*

3 + 130 mg/lit.

 (P + T)*


Standard length






Body length






Head length






Distance between snout and anal pore






Distance between snout and anal fin base






Distance between snout and dorsal fin base






Height of the body at anal fin base






Height of the body at dorsal fin base











 *Pituitary and Thyroid dose.

The general Morphometrical parameters of  Cirrhina mrigala larvae revealed that at a dose of 2.2 + 105 mg/lit., standard length 38.353 mm; body length 26.259 mm; head length 9.652 mm; distance between snout and anal pore 27.524 mm; distance between snout and anal fin base 30.012 mm, distance between snout and dorsal fin base 23.658 mm, height of the body at anal fin base 8.234 mm and height of the body at dorsal fin base 10.465 mm was observed, which is significant in terms of the best dose estimated in correspondence to post embryonic development.

During early development periods it has also been observed that when morphogenesis is on its full swing, the combined pituitary and thyroid hormone dose (2.2 + 105 mg/lit.) resulted into maximum increment in standard body length. Survival percentage was maximum in control, which gradually decreased at 1 + 80 mg/lit., 2.2 + 105 mg/lit. and 3 + 130 mg/lit. dose treatments (Table-1). Therefore it can be inferred that 2.2 + 105 mg/lit. dose seems to be the best effective dose in respect to post-embryonic development and low mortality of Cirrhina mrigala larvae.

During early development periods it has also been observed that when morphogenesis is on its full swing, the combined pituitary and thyroid hormone dose (2.2 + 105 mg/lit.) resulted into maximum increment in standard body length. Survival percentage was maximum in control, which gradually decreased at 1 + 80 mg/lit., 2.2 + 105 mg/lit. and 3 + 130 mg/lit. dose treatments (Table-1). Therefore it can be inferred that 2.2 + 105 mg/lit. dose seems to be the best effective dose in respect to post-embryonic development and low mortality of Cirrhina mrigala larvae.
Acknowledgement The authors are thankful to the department of Zoology, Feroze Gandhi college Raebareli for providing essential research facilities during this investigation.
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