ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- III April  - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
Cyber Education: Need of the Hour
Paper Id :  15961   Submission Date :  06/04/2022   Acceptance Date :  16/04/2022   Publication Date :  24/04/2022
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Mansi Sharma
Assistant Professor
Indira Gandhi National Open University
New Delhi,India
Abstract Information and technology has changed the way of communication at present. The way we make friends, the way we interact with each other, the way we play games, the way we host meetings, the way we teach ,the way we study, the way we learn cooking, the way we develop our skills online, the way we attend seminars and webinars, the way we hire people, the way we throw parties, the way we celebrate, the way we interact at one go to a greater number, the way we do shopping, the way whatever we do today can be shared and stored for all times to come as online data cannot be removed so easily. So, one has to be careful while using the technology. Online education has started from nursery to professional programs throughout the country. There are a lot of debates about the availability of data, availability of smart phones, training and acceptability of online education amongst the teachers, learners and parents. In India the literacy rate is very low and computer literacy is a further area of concern and study. There is a big debate that a vulnerable group cannot afford smart phones for the entire family and without a smart phone online education is not going to happen. There is a pressure on the parents to buy smart phones, computers and laptops and so we can see that the prices of these have increased in the last one and half years. We also find lot of media and social media reports addressing and reporting cyber crime and financial loss suffered in all parts of the country. People are moving towards digital economy with little or no cyber education. We have seen that old people, women and children are often more vulnerable to cyber criminals but this does not means that adults are not the victim of cyber crimes happening around us. Sometimes we do not understand and sometimes we do not report cyber crimes to save money, time or reputation. Sometimes times offenders is school going child who do not understand cyber footprints. Sometimes crime is committed by unknown friends and sometimes by habitual offenders and hackers. There are different reasons and justifications for not reporting cyber crimes sometimes it is social stigma, pressure, reputation, self guilt etc. This article will discuss the issues related to online education and define different terms used in cyber world. This will also suggest ways to protect oneself from cyber and financial crime.
Keywords Cyber Crime, Internet, Child Bullying, Online Education, Mobile, Hacking and Fraud, Email, Identity Theft, Phishing, Bullying, Pornography, Reputation,
We are living in the age where we expect 5G internet connection. There are villages in India who still do not have electricity, so for them getting 2G, 3G internet connection and charging it is a big struggle. Many families live below the poverty line so they are not able to sustain their families and provide basic needs to them .They cannot maintain the dignity of their family members on day to day basis but are expected to change and adapt to online education system if they want quality education for their children. You need to be motivated and technology savvy for online education but this is missing as children are not trained to sit with a mobile, laptop or computer and study. There are issues of physical spaces ,suppose if there are three children then all of them require space which is noise free and technology enabled. In a house where 12 people stay in one or two rooms this concept of physical space for each child cannot be ensured by the parents. The social and cultural divide also talks about the relevance of online education in today's world. The digital infrastructure which the new education policy talks about will reach the masses only if multi dimensional approach is adopted by the stakeholders and the vulnerabilities are addressed at the local level. In this paper we will not discuss about the availability of data for all neither the availability of smart phones in all hands.
Objective of study 1. To explain the different terms related to Cyber Education. 2. To discuss the issues related to online education. 3. To discuss the ways to prevent oneself from being a victim of cyber crime or financial crime. 4. To discuss the challenges of online education and privacy rights
Review of Literature
For the purpose of this research various books, Acts, periodical journals, magazines and newspapers and reports have been referred for eg. ,Dr Jyoti Rattan, Cyber Laws and Information Technology (Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd., Eighth edition 2020), Vakul Sharma and Seema Sharma, Information Technology Law and Practice(Universal Lexis Nexis), Sushma Arora and Raman Arora ,Taxman’s Cyber Crimes and laws(Taxman Publication Pvt . Ltd.,2021), Annual Report 2020. Many magazines, periodicals, laws have also been referred. The statutory provisions contained in other law e.g. Information Technology Act,2000 Bare Act, Cyber Laws, Constitution of India bare Act, Indian Penal Code,1860 Bare Act, etc have been referred.. Apart from this, various websites from the internet had also been searched. From the study of various law books, magazines, journals containing judicial decisions, academic opinions and debates, law reports, published and unpublished data and other legal material, it has been observed that the subject needs to be further researched in view of the new developments. There are various aspects which are not covered in the research carried out so far. The present study highlights the various hidden aspects and gives a new approach to the subject.
Main Text

As per the data of Google[1] Children have started using Mobile from Nursery education in our Country. These are the same children who were not allowed to carry mobile phones a year before. Due to COVID-19 and Lockdown now education is online or blended mode. Even the senior class learners have been given choices to opt for either online learning or class room learning. The children who have laptops and mobile in their hands not only study from the mobile but also are active on Youtube, Facebook, twitter and online gaming. Sometimes they are using their parents devices where UPI, Google Pay, Paytm etc. apps are already installed and functional. In this age of technology when a person can transfer money by a click of a button in few seconds and there is no safety check or undoing it. When young children use these devices they tend to fall prey in the hands of Cyber Criminals and Traffickers. Children also visit online shopping sites and are fascinated by the online shopping system. They have seen their parents adding things in the cart and making payment by a click of a button. You must be aware of a Chief Minister’s Daughter who was trying to purchase something from the website and was a victim of cyber crime. This case shows that we have given technology in the hands of children without educating and training them the technological hazards. Children who are making friends online across the globe and are sharing experiences across the globe without being aware about its pros and cons are exposed to cyber crimes. When they post a photo on social networking sites and get likes and emojies they feel alleviated and happy. Everybody wants attention and appreciation from the world whether it be physical world or virtual world. Sometimes this human characteristic leads them in big dangers. Online games like truth and dare sometimes results in humiliation and harassment with blackmailing. Online games also make children rude, insensitive and selfish. The moto of some online games is to kill, to die, to murder, to dupe, to dare, to show off etc.   The young generation needs to be aware about cyber crimes and should know how to deal with it. Children like to experiment and use new technologies.  Experimenting and learning is a good way of learning but learning should be under guidance so that they are protected against any adverse impact of cyber technology. They need to know the cyber world so that they are prepared to become responsible and careful cyber citizens of future. According to the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) over 394499 cases of cyber security incidents were reported in 2019 in India[2]. Some of the terms which children need to know in the cyber world are as follows:

Cyber Crimes

These are the offences which can be committed against individuals, companies or institutions by using computers, laptops, I pad, Internet or Mobile Technology.

Cyber Criminals

People who use platforms like social networking sites, emails, chat rooms, pirated software’s, website etc. to steal, transfer, harass, humiliate , abuse, cyber bullying, financial fraud, traffick  and blackmail the victim.


A person who uses malwares, viruses of Trojans, to attack your system and thereby  access your data which may also cause financial or reputation loss along with data loss.

Emails Spoofing

Sending emails which look genuine and from a trusted email ID but actually they are fake.

Malicious Files Applications

Sending malicious or bad applications files ,through messaging, gaming, emails or website to access mobile and personal data.

Social Engineering

This technique is use by cyber criminals to gain your confidence and get all your information for example if you like online gaming a similar person will behave like you so that you get attracted towards him and make friends. Later on that person will share all your details with the hacker.

Cyber Bullying

To harass or bully, using electronic devices such as Computer, Mobile, IPads or Laptops. A cyber bully can use text SMS, emails, social networking, platforms to bully others for example posting negative comments or emojies on photos, Videos or content. A cyber bully can be a known person, friend related or even an unknown person whom be met online. The magnitude of cyber bullying can range from sending rude and hurting sms, spreading rumors’ to direct threats, stalking etc. Cyber bullying can have short term as well as long term impact on a child like physical emotional and psychological impact which can be for sometime or for the entire life.

Identity Theft

To use some other person’s identity to gain financial advantage or credit and cause disadvantage or loss to the other.    

Job Frauds

Fraudulent representation made by a employer to traffick or deceive the employee.

Banking Fraud

Fraudulently obtaining money from the depositor by  miss- representation or by cyber fraud.

Cyber Grooming

This is found mostly in children and teenagers. In this someone builds and emotional bond with children or teenagers through social media or gaming and messaging platforms with an objective of gaining their trust for sexually abusing or exploiting them. They create fake accounts pretending to be of the same age group or having same interests as of the child. They start by giving compliments, gifts, modeling job offers etc. and later send obscene sms, photographs or videos and ask to share sexually explicit images or videos with them. If the child denies they exploit, abuse, blackmail and harass the child. The impulsive and curious nature of adolescence encourages them to engage in online activities which later on make them vulnerable. Cyber grooming has deep impact on a child’s physical, emotional as well as psychological well being. The devastating effects continue sometimes longtime even when they grow up.


It is a type of fraud where people sent suspicious emails purportedly from a genuine email account from a bank, Govt. Agency, International body. The email may contain links to update your password, login or retrieve your credentials, technology upgrade, system update, regulatory compliance etc. Once you login on the fake website the data is stolen.   

Hacking and Fraud

This includes impersonation of accounts or to trick people by creating fake accounts.

Buying illegal things

Sending link on social media to buy illegal things or to do illegal activities which are banned by the law like drugs, pornography, trafficking  etc. and advertising that on social platforms.

Vacation Robberies

If people update their vacation status online on the social networking sites and make it public viewing then potential burglars can easily get inside your physical spaces.

Creation of fake profile

Creating a fake profile on the website or social media platform and post offensive or illegal content on that website.

Malicious or Trojanized apps

A trojanized app is a harmful piece of software and if you install and activate it by clicking on the link provided by hacker then Trojan can delete all files, access all files, modify the files or lead to data theft or give unauthorized access to hacker.  Malicious or Trojanized apps are available on the website or under ads. If you click on them your privacy is compromised. For example you click on Google search you tube and you see and you click on that.

Data theft

Data theft is theft of software through the illegal copying and selling of copyrighted data or software code in the open market without permission of the owner’s company for example when you use single user license for multiple user or if you use your company software code by changing its name and selling it democrat.


Ransomware is malware that typically enable cyber extortion for financial game. Ransomware is introduced normally by official email but in some cases it may be also introduced by exploits, USB drive and other media containing malware.

SIM Swap

The fraudsters manage to get it a new SIM card issued by the Mobile service provider against your registered mobile number. They are able to access all your important transaction and OTPs and commit finance fraud.


In this the fraudsters try to get hold of your personal information like customer ID, Password, ATM Pin, OTP, Card expiry date, CVV etc. through a call or in person.


In this, text sms are sent to people to lure them to call back, visit a particular website link, transfer money etc. for example you have received price money, you have won lottery or you have got a job offer which is to un realistic to believe. 

Money Mule

Money mule is a term which is use to describe innocent victims who are duped by fraudsters into money laundering or transferring illegal money through their bank accounts.

Issues related to Online Education

1. Due to lack of resources with the stakeholders states are not able to provide digital infrastructure at School, College and University level.

2. Parents are not able to provide internet connection and smart phones to their children.

3. Need for training at all levels to equip the teachers with technology and availability of technology at all levels.

4. Proper coordination with state boards, School and Colleges level to implement the new education policy

5. Budgetary allocation in the budget for Online Education at Doorsteps.

6. Implementation of strategies for utilization of funds at all levels to give online education and doorsteps. 

7. To remove the vulnerabilities and address the issue of digital divide.

8. Creation of digital content at School, College and University levels.

9. Training at all levels to handle cyber threats.

10. Creating practical programme and e-contents for School, College and University level.

11. Creating Institutional environment at School, College and University level.

 12. Addressing the issues of hacking and email frauds at School, College and University level.

Findings We can prevent ourselves from becoming a victim of cyber crime if we follow these suggestions given below: 1. Genuine windows should be installed in computers and laptops 2. Anti Virus software should be installed and updated. 3. The students are getting the user id and passwords created from school for online education so parents should monitor the activities and train their children on how to use the account. 4. For doing financial transaction one should avoid public desktop and laptops. 5. Never save you user ID and Password on public systems. 6. In online gaming sites the children should not interact with outsiders or unknown friends. 7. Children should not play in appropriate games which are not of their age group. If they do so they become vulnerable and a violator of law. 8. Children should be trained how to use the online content for research and sending answers to the teachers so that they do not violate copyright or plagiarism issues are not reported. 9. One should never tell their location on social media platforms to public. 10. Children and youngsters should be trained not to disclose their gender and age to unknown people on the social platforms and online gaming sites 11. Children and youngsters should be told to interact with friends and family only on the social platform whom they know physically. Having online friends whom you don't know can be a big danger for your security and well being. 12. Parental check should always be installed on the mobiles and laptops. 13. While updating Antivirus software genuine product should be used. 14. Children should not be allowed to post pictures and go online on the gaming sites and social media platforms. 15. Never share your OTP and Card details to anyone. 16. In case of financial fraud block your card immediately by the calling at the bank customer care number and report to cyber cell immediately. Reporting of crime can be done online also. 17. In case your mobile is lost block the SIM immediately and lodge FIR. 18. Never save you card details on whatsapp and Gmail account. 19. Never carry your financial details in your wallet or purse. 20. Children should be engaged in other activities so that they are not dependable on mobile and laptops for their entertainment and time utilization. 21. Children should never be allowed to give personal and family details on the online gaming sites or social media platforms. 22. Never let anybody abuse or blackmail. Life is more important than family reputation or society pressure. 23. Children should be trained to talk to their parents and develop a bond so that they can speak up without being judged and parent should always tell them that no matter what happens in life they are with them. 24. Some games also give dare challenges to children and adults so one should not be encouraged to play such games. 25. Moral education should be practiced in families and societies. 26. Legal education should be taught to everyone. 27. One should always know that there is a chance to change rather than ending life. 28. If someone on social platform starts giving extra importance or applauds then be cautious. 29. Never share your profile to public on social media platform. Always make it restricted to a known group. 30. Always avoid talking and chatting to people who ask about your physical or sexual experiences. 31. Never open porn and illegal sites. 32. Never install dating or unwanted software’s and apps. 33. Always download apps from play store only and not by links. 34. Never open your camera or webcam if the chat partner is stranger or not opening his/her on social platform and gaming sites. 35. Block and report immediately in case of cyber crime. 36. Don’t fall prey to free online offers and promotions. 37. Some infected online games also capture your card details so be careful in all online /mobile transactions. 38. Online friends and gamers are not the same in the real world so do not meet them in person. 39. Never click on remember password popup as this may be very fatal. 40. Make strong passwords and change them regularly. 41. If you receive emails from unknown people or addresses do not open. It can be also an email for lottery or tempting offer. 42. In case of email or message from friend or family for financial help please contact that person and clarify before reacting. 43. Type your website on your own rather than on clicking on options shown by google search. Always check whether the website url starts with HTTPS or not as it protects your data from tampering. 44. Never use public wifi and free wifi. 45. Be careful in using social media .Whatever you post and share is always there along with your ip address. Cyber footprints never fade so be careful and alert. 46. Fake messages and Hoax messages are available on the social media so never share or comment on them without checking the authenticity. You may fall prey and may attract problems and legal issues. 47. Act smart and be digitally aware of your cyber space and privacy and dignity rights.
Conclusion By creating cyber awareness we can use technology for our day to day development and growth. We need to understand the different terms used in the legislations and in the cyber world. Parents need to be aware about different aspects of online education. While imparting online education one has to be careful and conscious as the dignity and privacy rights should not be violated. Ensuring child safety while using internet and mobiles is a great challenge. We can prevent ourselves from cyber crimes if we are educated and vigil. We are using lots of apps including payments apps for digital & online payments at shopping sites and our many a times vulnerable at the hands of the hackers sitting across the world. Sometimes we are lured by the promotional schemes and offers given by fake websites. We tend to fall pray and share our confidential details and lose money and peace. Lot of us have no clue on what to do in case of financial fraud. As children and youngsters make friends on social sites because in real life they have no friends or family members with whom they can share their feelings and achievements. They fall prey in the hands of hacker and criminals who violate their dignity rights. Many a times the crimes are not reported out of fear and shame and the person is abused. Sometimes it also leads to trafficking and organ trade. Just to get one like children and adults post their photos and personal details to the public. One has to be aware of the fact that people create fake profiles, accounts and Identities on social platforms and gaming sites. Technology has empowered people and also made them vulnerable.
1. Online Education in India, 2021 available at: (last visited in March 16,2021). 2. (last visited in March 16,2021) 3. Information Technology Act, 2000. Available at : (last visited in March 16,2021) 4. Cyber Safety Security , available at: 5. (last visited in March 16, 2021)
1. Online Education in India ,2021 available at : (last visited in March 16,2021)
2. Annual Report 2020,available at last visited in March 16,2021.