ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- I February  - 2023
Innovation The Research Concept
Effects of FMCG TVC on Consumer’s Buying Behavior : A Study
Paper Id :  17051   Submission Date :  07/02/2023   Acceptance Date :  21/02/2023   Publication Date :  25/02/2023
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Girish Kumar Singh
Research Scholar
Tilak Journalism & Mass Communication School
Chaudhary Charan Singh University,
Meerut,Uttar Pradesh, India
Manoj Kumar Srivastava
Associate Professor
Tilak Journalism & Mass Communication School
Chaudhary Charan Singh University,
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract Advertisement is a important tool which generally use for creating awareness and promoting products. It is controversial to measure how much advertisements attract the customers. The objective of this paper is to find out how much advertisement brings effect on the consumer’s buying behavior with reference to FMCGs. 150 questionnaires were distributed in Noida and Ghaziabad and received complete questionnaires from respondents after field survey. Data was analyzed by using different statistical techniques. The study assessed the impact of TVC on consumer buying behavior.
Keywords Awareness, buying behavior , FMCG ,Advertising
Nowadays, no one is immune to the widespread influence of the media, which includes newspapers, television, advertisements, videos, films, billboards, music, movies, magazines, and the internet. Advertising stands out from the rest of the marketing tactics since it has a longer-lasting effect on the observer's mind. In essence, advertising is a component of the promotional mix, which also consists of the 4Ps of marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion. Today's advertisements are a terrific way to spread the word about your company throughout the industry. Every year, the effects of advertising get more severe. Advertisement use to build up the product’s strong image in consumer’s mind Kotler noted that the appeal of advertising is the main idea of an advertisement and to catch the audience's attention. now in brand image Advertising has grown to be a crucial issue. Messages can now be disseminated in the twenty-first century using a variety of media, including newspapers, radio, magazines, mail orders, direct mail, outdoor displays, etc. The word advertising is derived from the Latin word 'advertere' which means to turn attention to a particular thing. Advertisement simply means a public announcement. But, nowadays, the functions of these advertisements go beyond announcements as they persuade potential buyers and remind existing buyers of brand preference. It was originally broadcast in India in 1959 on an experimental basis, and commercial telecasting didn't begin until 1976. Its distinguishing characteristics are the scientific synchronisation of sound, light, motion, colour, and immediateness. In India, transmitting stations are called Doordarshan Kendras. The booming popularity of TVC ushered in the golden age of advertising, when innovative advertising concepts and famous guests would appear on TVC from the 1960s through the late 1980s. To establish a positive association with their customers, many businesses began creating characters to surround their products. TVC became a prime means of effective branding. One of the most well-known commercials featured Tony the Tiger for Frosted Flakes or Pop Gnomes for Rice Krispies. Some of the well-known faces such as Marlboro Man from the 1960s to 1990s were likewise regularly used to sell items and optimize TVC. Because television was such a potent medium, businesses began to use it for TV commercials with the sole intent of expanding their reach, raising customer awareness, and boosting their bottom lines. Using characters in TVC was mainly done for developing an ad culture, and it became quite successful in putting products at the forefront. Advertising managers must use sales promotion and commercials to pique consumers' interest in a cutthroat market. A sizable marketing budget is spent on advertising. The use of digital media platforms for advertising is becoming more popular. This study aims to investigate the significance of different media advertising on stages of consumer behaviour (CB), such as awareness (AWR), interest (INT), conviction (CON), purchase (PUR), and post-purchase (PPUR).
Objective of study The aim of this paper are to develop and understanding the concept of an advertisement’s importance in consumer’s mind. How much advertisement can influence on consumer’s mind to stimulate their behavior towards the buying decisions for FMCG’s and to explain those factors that play vital role in developing consumer’s preference and their choices (selection of product).
Review of Literature

Awan and Arif (2015) stress that the use of celebrity countersign in media announcement attract the guests.

Awan and Hassan (2015) say that SMS marketing is a new tool of introducing products and services and attracting new guests. Awan &Shahid conducted study on green marketing strategies to attract educated guests and conclude that these strategies have proved successful.

Awan and Nawaz (2015) carried out study on growing fast food assiduity in Pakistan and draw conclusion that media advertisements play a vital part in attracting new and quality food particulars. They said that it the media which are impacting the consumers to save time and buy fast food rather than wasting time in cuisine.

Wan and Nayyar Abbas (2015) emphasize that demographic impulse buying geste can be generated by using different tools of media announcement and consumer’s buying geste have a strong relationship regarding the FMCG’s( Fast Moving Consumer Goods)

Olson and Mitchell (2000) contend that mobile phones and tabs are the rearmost source of an announcement that's also veritably effective in changing the geste of the consumer.

Oh &Xu (2003) say that mass media have the vital influence on our lives and allowing style. We designedly put the sweats in our thinking, living styles, and our actions due to influence of announcement.

Haug (2003) studied the relationship between the advertising and mobile services; client is just not only the stoner, also stakeholder( mate). Focus on the two factors of client’s geste as well as( 1) inflow of experience and( 2) overall satisfaction.

Chen etal. (2008) maintains that instructional announcement provides mindfulness to the consumers, so that they ’ll prefer to buy asked goods.

Crawford and Molnar (2008) state that after told by the announcement the Sargodha University scholars( consumers) at least try to buy the product one time in their life, that’s substantially told by celebrities.

Bashir and Malik( 2009) have opinion that consumers are price conscious that’s common now days in our society. People are nearly carrying rationally due to the benefits of cost.

Ahmetogluetal. (2010) concludes that announcement have a satisfying power and having a motivating tool to convert the followership including listeners, compendiums and observers so that they buy products or services.

Abideen and Saleem (2011) say that announcement has positive goods on the consumer’s geste , who were in different periods in the Pakistan’s second largest megacity Lahore. Flow of announcement change the consumer’s buying decision.

Rasool, et al (2012) emphasized that brands announcement play a vital part to stimulate the consumers to buy the same brands, it enhances the performance of any business and its image among the rival request.

 Malik etal. (2013) stated that the rain of online promotional advertising is growing significantly on the internet. Now days, that attracts the well- educated community.Bakshi and Gupta( 2013).

Promotion of the product is veritably effective on those consumers who are traveling via tangential route and this can stimulate and guide the consumer’s for switching one brand to another brand Chakraborty, etal.( 2013)

Hypothesis H0: FMCG TVC affect on Consumers’ Buying Behavior.
H1: FMCG TVC does not affect on Consumers’ Buying Behavior.
The methodology employed to realize the research objectives. The discussion centered round the rationale of the study, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study/ hypothesis, demarcation of the research, the population, the sample, and sampling technique,. The info collection process and also the process to research the collected data were described of these were to confirm that the objectives of the research were achieved. Primary & secondary data has been used in this study. secondary data was collected from research papers, books, journals, internet, and magazines etc and Primary data was collected by the survey method.

The target population comprised to different age group, gender and Income group. Total 150 samples were taken up by the researcher.
Getting a sample in a very research study is incredibly important. This can be because all members of the study area can't be studied .The sampling procedure for data collection for this study is through simple sampling technique.

Statistics Used in the Study

Research Design
Survey method constitutes the planning of the research study. It was conducted in Noida and Ghaziabad. The researcher restricted it to grasp the results of “Effects of FMCG TVC on Consumer’s Buying Behaviour”.
 The primary data was collected by a questionnaire. The findings and conclusions have been drawn based on the survey results on the topic.
The respondents of the study were comprised to different age group, gender and Income group.
Procedure of data gathering
The questionnaires were distributed among the respondents from different age group, gender and Income group.
Area of study
The area of the study is Noida &Ghaziabad.

Result and Discussion

In this section, attempt has been made to analyze, interpret and draw conclusions by taking respondent’s views with regard to different aspects of Effects of FMCG TVC on Consumer’s Buying Behavior. The Primary data has been collected from viewers/respondents. The following pages deal with the viewers’/respondents’ views.

The Table.1 shows the socio-economic profile of the respondents.

Table.1. Socio Economic Profile of the Respondents






55 %


45 %



28 %


40  %

Above 25

32  %

Marital Status


68  %


32  %

Nature of Residing

Area Rural

23  %


77  %

Monthly Family Income

Below Rs.10000

4  %

Rs.10001 – Rs. 15000

11 %

Rs.15001 - Rs.20000

35 %

Rs.20001 - Rs.25000

22 %

Above Rs. 25000

28 %

The Table.1 conveys the Socio Economic Profile of the Respondents where the gender of the respondents as Male respondents were 55% and female respondents 45%,28% of respondents of 18-21 years of age,40% of respondents were 22-25 age group and 32% of them belongs to the age group of 25 years and above,Martial status of the respondents as 68% are married and 32% are unmarried, Nature of residing of the respondents 23% belongs to rural area and 77% in urban area,Monthly family income of the respondents 4% belongs to below Rs.10,000,11% belongs to Rs.10001 – Rs. 15000 , 35% belongs to Rs.15001 - Rs.20000,22% belongs to Rs.20001 - Rs.25000 and 28% belongs to Above Rs. 25000 .

The Table.2 Shows Level of impact of advertisement

Impact of advertisement is an important one in buying behavior here the table defines the level of impact of advertisement.

Table.2. Level of impact of advertisement

Level of impact of advertisement

No. of respondents %

Highly influencing

65 %

Moderate influencing

20 %

Not influencing

15 %


100 %

Source: Primary Data

The Table.2 conveys that 65% respondents are highly influenced by impact of advertisement, 20% respondents are having moderate influenced, and 15% respondents are not influenced. It conveys that 63% of the respondents are having highly influencing by impact of advertisement.

The Table.3 Shows the influencing reason

Some advertisement factors are influencing the purchase decision. So, the researcher has collected the data about the Influencing reason.

Table.3. Influencing Reason

 Influencing Reason


Multimedia Presentation

17  %


26  %

In formativeness

16  %

Celebrity Endorsement

41  %


100  %

The above table shows that out of 150 respondents 17% respondents are influenced by multimedia presentation, 26% respondents are influenced by attractiveness, 16% respondents are influenced by Informativeness, 41% respondents are influenced by celebrity endorsement.

The Table.4 Shows persuasion through the presentation of TVC

Persuasion is most important in every aspect for advertiser. So, the researcher has collected the data about the persuasion through the presentation of TVC

Here the Table.4 defines that the advertisement of the product persuade buyers through its presentation

persuade with advertised product



94 %


06 %


100 %

The Table.4. shows that 94% respondents are got persuaded with the advertised product, 06% respondents are not persuaded with advertised product . It explains that 94% respondents are persuaded with the advertised product through the presentation of TVC.

The Table.5. Influence of advertisements over buying behavior

Advertisement has the power to influence the consumer buying behavior. So the researcher has collected the data about the advertisement influencing level.

Table.5. Influence of Advertisements over buying behavior

Influence of Advertisements over buying behavior



48 %


37 %


15 %


100 %

Source: Primary Data

The Table.5 explains that 48% respondents are said that advertisement has Large influence on buying behavior, 37% respondents are said that advertisement has Medium influence on buying behavior and 15% respondents are said that advertisement has Small influence on buying behavior. It is conveyed that 48% respondents are having large buying behavior.

Conclusion TV advert considered as the most active mass market advertisement .The study assessed the impact of TVC on consumer buying behavior. The study however concludes personal factor is the most important among them. Personal factors such sex, age, educational level, occupation and household size significantly influenced customers’ buying behavior. Advertisement is considered as a very strong platform, which has over the years impacted the lives of people since the beginning of ages (Wells, 1995). The study concludes that exposure to TVC significantly impacted on consumers’ frequency of buying the product. This is because TVC plays a crucial role to change consumers purchase attention and increase consumer’s awareness of product (All-Share & Salaimeh, 2010).
Suggestions for the future Study The study recommends the following for future research:
Future research should look at impact of channel of advertisement (TV, radio, print media, bill boards and word of mouth) in consumer buying behavior.
Future research should consider impact of personal factors, cultural factors, social factors, psychological factor on consumer buying behavior.
Limitation of the Study The area of the study is Noida & Ghaziabad.
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