P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- I April  - 2023
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
Factors Obstructing Work Life Balances of Women Employees in Leading Oil Companies in Assam
Paper Id :  17423   Submission Date :  25/03/2023   Acceptance Date :  19/04/2023   Publication Date :  24/04/2023
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Pranjuri Goswami
Research Scholar
Social Work
Dibrugarh University
Seema Verma Borbora
Dibrugarh University
Assam, India
Abstract In contemporary times, there has been a transformation in the position of women which can be seen everywhere in the workplace. These revolutions in the work culture have ushered in enhancement of duties and roles for women employees towards their family, work and society holistically (Mathew &Panchanatham, 2009). In the present era of steadfast changes accompanied by global market competition, updated ways of working and increasing demands have constantly jeopardized the employees to integrate, organize and balance the issues and activities in their different roles adversely affecting their personal and professional domains. This paper is an attempt to comprehend the factors affecting the work life balance of women employees employed in leading oil companies of Assam. For the purpose of the study, a field based observation and interview was conducted with the women respondents to acquire the required data. The findings of the study depicted that workplace support, familial support and workplace environment plays a major role in the lives of working women. It also indicated that proactive steps to implement work life balance policies for smooth and better functioning of the organization and improve the work environment to eradicate the severe work stress that arises from excessive work load and motivate employees to stimulate their physical and mental health.
Keywords Work Life Balance, Stress, Workplace Support, Familial Support, Physical Health.
Organizations in the twenty first century are characterized by incessant changes, ambiguities and excessive pressure to enhance productivity. These steadfast changes disrupt the balance in the lives of employees causing confusion and stress. This is also incited by tremendous levels of competitiveness in the work domain posing new threats and problems to employees. The advancement in the technological sphere and new inventions has highly impacted the socio- cultural context by ushering multi- cultural life styles in Indian homes. Amidst all this, the constraining need for growth in all spheres, for employees as well as organizations has resulted in imbalance in the lives of the employees. The constant demands on their time and effort to stimulate productivity have created excessive stress and strain causing lop-sidedness between work and family life. Most employees either spend long working hours at their office or carry work home thereby compromising their quality of family life. Managing work-life balance has been the locust of industries, amidst the workers demanding nature of work and their endeavours in the age of information and technology. The fast-paced life, instant access in information pushes the person to do more rather than making him live with ease and comfort. The cosmos of work operates on a 24/7 basis supported by advanced technology that reduces the barrier between work and personal life. Work-Life Balance as stated is the stability represents the balancing of an individual’s life complexity and dynamism with environmental and personal resources such as family, community, employer, profession, economics, geography, information, personality or values (Crooker et el, 2002) In a broader sense Work-Life Balance can be described as the ‘fit’ between multiple roles in a person’s life (McCartney 2002). WORK LIFE BALANCE AND ITS IMPACT ON WOMEN : For a woman employee, both her work and familial domains are important and continuously struggle to do justice for the dual roles. Dedicating more time in one role often create negative outcomes on the other (Nair, 2010). Job and family demands are often incompatible that ignites the imbalance between the two domains. In India women employees previously were restrained to low profile or non- managerial positions. In contemporary times, there has been a transformation in the position of women which can be seen everywhere in the workplace. These revolutions in the work culture have ushered in enhancement of duties and roles for women employees towards their family, work and society holistically (Mathew &Panchanatham, 2009). Women prefer to have more self-care time in an attempt to find new meaning at their work place. Infect, women employees often commit to gain balance between personal and professional lives (Kirton, 2006). The participation of women in the workplace is undeniably enhancing yet their identity and work load is still related to childcare and familial responsibilities (ThilakshiKodagoda, 2010).When we say equal opportunities it does not mean women entering work force as equals. It also refers to the position that deserves as equal in the workplace.
Objective of study 1. To determine the factors affecting work life balance among working women in ONGC, Jorhat and OIL, Duliajan. 2. To understand the perception about work life balance among working women.
Review of Literature

In the contemporary times, work life balance has managed to acquire the locus of interest as it has become an issue for working women pursuing jobs and highly oriented in careers while having familial responsibilities. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the literature related to how women manage to balance their professional and personal domain with responsibilities assigned from both work and family. Striking balance between job demands and household tasks, childcare demands, elderly responsibilities has been portrayed as a tremendous barrier that prevents women from acquiring the right balance. By investigating the hurdles or issues women face, the factors affecting the work life balance, the strategies they imply, the support system they rely on, the future working women or mothers can efficiently comprehend how to manage both the life efficaciously.

The terms Work Life Balance has tremendously gained momentum in recent times as it is comprehensive to analyses and understand the problems and challenges faced by employees. Borah & Bagla, (2016) in their studies explained the constructs similar to work life balance are addressed by researchers using different methods to define it operationally and measure the construct accurately. Heather s. McMillan et al, (2011) suggested that the individual harmony and its consequences have created a harmony which is totally new and based on conflict and enrichment. The work based factor and family factors as suggested by Niharika and Supriya (2010) have contributed to work family balance. Work based factors are flexible timing option to work part time and work from home and the family related factors are childcare facility options of flexibility to take care of issues at home. Masako SETO et al, (2004) specifically examined the factors related to work and family conflict on depressive symptoms among working women living with children in a Japanese metropolis. The major factors revealed by vijayamani (2013) that influences the work life balance of women working in India faces roll conflict, lack of recognition at both the domain, organizational politics, gender biasness, elderly and childcare issues, quality of health often deteriorating, issues in time management and absence of proper social support.

Many research studies previously emphasized on the effects of workplace policies especially formal policies often labeled as “family- Friendly policies” such as maternity leave, paternity leave, workplace flexibility, crèches, rather than on informal policies such as positive supportive workplace culture and adequate supervisory support. (Chunta, K. S.2020; Evans, 2002; Ezra & Deckman, 1996; Marquart, 1991) Women in different fields and positions have different level of balance such as working women in IT sectors have less balanced life (Delian and Raya, 2013). Working women in educational sector with childcare responsibilities are having more difficulties in balancing professional lives. Women working in banking sectors experience more level of stress arising out of prolong working hours and other related factors that had a huge impact on their work life balance (Fernando and Jareena Umma, 2016). In corporate sector, women face tremendous imbalance due to factors such as work load, job nature, environment of the workplace, organizational support and financial demand (Jeyarathwnam, 2017)

The researcher applied the mixed method for the study. In this study, the researcher used the descriptive and exploratory research design for better understanding of the situation. The researcher selected total of 120 respondents from OIL, Duliajan and ONGC, Jorhat for primary data collection. The researcher collected the data using non probability sampling (convenience sampling). The data were collected over email, conversations telephone, also conducted face to face interviews. The respondents were given questionnaires to submit their opinions and express their perception on work life balance. The researcher used various forms of secondary sources like literature review, articles, journals and verified websites.
Tools Used Questionnaires, Observations, Interviews
Result and Discussion

To redress the issue of Work Life Balance, it is pivotal to have a better understanding of factors impacting Work Life Balance (Mokana, 2016). There are many factors that impact immensely in maintaining the work life balance of women employees. According to reviewed sources, factor such as- time and work, stress, attitude towards job and family, lack of coordination from job and family, traveling issues, coping with familial demands, act as hindrances to WLB (Rathee and Bhuntel, 2019). Weekly working hours, duration of overtime and inflexible work routines are main factors which creates conflict between the two domains often kills time of doing activities related to family (Pahuja, 2017). Prolong working hours, childcare, familial and organizational support system has impact on the lives of married women employees work life balance (Fernando and JareenaUmma, 2016). Furthermore, work flow and inadequate staffing are more factors that cause hindrances to WLB. One of the prime aim of the study was to evaluate the factors influencing work life balance of women employees in  PSU’s namely ONGC Jorhat and OIL, Duliajan in Assam.

Table 1 indicates that Under Non Supportive Work Environment, superior’s dimension of ONGC women employees’ is 07(14.89 %) and 19(26.03 %) of OIL women employees which means female employees prefer relationship communication with their superior that helps them to accomplish their jobs. In ONGC, 08(17.02 %) and 16(21.92 %) have incompetent subordinates, 11(23.40 %) of ONGC women employees and 12(16.44 %) of OIL women employees have long working hours, 5(10.64 %) of ONGC Women employees and 4(05.48 %) of OIL women employees feels they have inadequate leave facilities, 06(12.77 %) of ONGC Women employees  and 09(12.33 %) of OIL employees have non supportive superiors, 04(08.51 %) of ONGC Women employees and 04(05.48 %) of OIL women employees have long commuting time to office, 06(12.77 %) of ONGC Women employees and 09(12.33 %)  of OIL employees mentioned about meeting after Office Time.

Table 1.Non Supportive Work Environment/Job Nature

Table.2 indicates poor Family and work support of women employees, 06(12.77 %) OF ONGC employees and 11(15.07 %) of OIL Women employees feels prevalence of Negative perceptions of superiors or subordinates about Work Life Balance practices, 10(21.28 %) of ONGC women employees and 13(17.81 %) of OIL women employees feel there is a lack of Gender Sensitive Work Life Balance Policy, 08(17.02 %) of ONGC Women employees and 07(09.59 %) of OIL women employees faces family related problems strain with Job, 06(12.77 %) of ONGC women employees and 09(12.33 %) of OIL women employees feels giving more personal space leads to Work Life Imbalance, 09(19.15 %) of ONGC women employees and 15(20.55 %) of OIL employees opines about having no Crèche facilities in the office, 03(06.38 %) of ONGC women employees and 7(09.59 %) of OIL women employees faces lack of family support, 5(10.64 %) of ONGC women employees and 11(15.07 %)of OIL women employees agrees that home identity role developed strongly among women.
Table 2 Poor Family and Work Support

Table.3 Indicates Working hours of women at workplaces, 10(21.28%) Of ONGC women employees and 18(24.66 %) Of OIL women employees opines having to work in weekends sometimes, 11(23.40 %)of ONGC women employees and 17(23.29 %) of OIL women employees have to check back with office on vacation, 15(31.91 %) of ONGC women employees and 21(28.77 %) of OIL women employees take work home often, 11(23.40 %) of ONGC women employees and 17(23.29 %) of OIL women employees stay connected to office through conference calls.
 Table 3 Working Hours

Name Of The Factors




Ongc Percent



Oil Percent

3.Working Hours

Working In Weekends





Check Back With Office On A Vacation





Taking Work Home





Connected To Office Through Conference Calls











Findings 1. To understand the issues of work-life balance it is pivotal to analyse the factors that impact the work-life balance. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the pertinent factors influencing the work-life of women employees in hydro-carbon PSU’s. 2. This study has the sample size of 120 covering ages 20-60 so that maximum level of women mindset can be covered. Among the sample size, 47 women respondents belong to belong to ONGC, Jorhat and 73 belong to the OIL, Duliajan. 3. From the study it could be comprehended that 07(14.89 %) ONGC respondents and 19 (26.03 %) of OIL, Duliajan on superior’s dimension which means they prefer clear relationship communication with their superior that assists them in accomplishing their jobs and create a supportive work environment. 4. The women respondents of ONGC, Jorhat 11(23.40 %) and OIL, Duliajan 12(16.44 %) mentioned having long hours of work which makes them feel fatigue, in their mundane lives, and often it becomes the reason for their stress and physical health issues. 5. Most of the women respondents i.e., 06(12.77 %) of ONGC, Jorhat and 09(12.33 %) of OIL, Duliajan mentioned about the issue of meeting after office time which at times act as a hindrance to balance their personal lives and sort of create restlessness in them. 6. From the above Study, it can be comprehended that there is prevalence of poor family and work support in both the organizations since , there exists negative perceptions of superiors or subordinates about work life balance practices, as mentioned by women respondents 06(12.77 %) of ONGC , Jorhat and 11(15.07 %) of OIL, Duliajan, women employees 10 (21.28 %) of ONGC, Jorhat and 13(17.81 %) of OIL, Duliajan feel there is a lack of gender sensitive policy, related to work like balance 7. From the study it can be interpreted that 15(31.91 %) of ONGC, Jorhat and 21(28.77 %) of OIL, Duliajan women employees take their work home which ultimately make them juggle between work and home demands, which results in anxiety. 8. More than 20% of working women in both the organizations mentioned about staying connected to the office through conference calls or phone even after working hours that hinders their social relationships.
Conclusion Work life balance has been considered as one of the rampant issue prevalent in the contemporary time that is being significantly researched in the industrial setting as it is utmost pivotal to have a balanced work and family life. This balance in work and family will enhance the physical and mental health of the employees. Factors of work life balance are studied to have a comprehensive understanding about how it poses an impact on job satisfaction of the employees in the work place and boost their morale. This research study focused on the women employees of the leading hydrocarbon PSUs in Assam. The findings of the study will be useful to the industrial settings as they will get a better picture of the factors related to work life balance and assist them to improvise their drawbacks and stimulate the job satisfaction of the employees. The organizations are changing at a tremendous pace and the work pattern and environment too are constantly altering to keep up with the headfast pace and global competition across the globe, the research study will assist the employers to decrease the gap between the employers and employees strengthen their industrial relations and improve the communication network across the organization to aid in providing a balanced work and family life.
Suggestions for the future Study 1. Increase understanding among employees to overcome physical and psychological stress at work that occurs in specific environment by organizing educational programmes.
2. It is significant to improve the interaction skills by providing feedback based on behavioral skills which should be constructive to giving and receiving emotional social support in the organization environment.
3. The organizations must provide opportunities to employees to gather and meet as a group and initiate open communication and encourage problem solving. This will break the communication barrier and help the organization to have a positive growth.
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