ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- II March  - 2023
Innovation The Research Concept
Why Education in Human Values is Needed?
Paper Id :  17442   Submission Date :  14/03/2023   Acceptance Date :  22/03/2023   Publication Date :  25/03/2023
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Narender Kumar Kaushik
Associate Professor
Sohan Lal DAV College Of Education
Ambala ,Haryana, India
Abstract In this study a healthy effort has been done to prove the concept “Why Education in Human Values is needed?” in this alarming situation of society. Today, man has lost the sense of discrimination regarding Right or Wrong. He remains always in a fighting mood not only with others but also with the family members due to his selfishness and greed. This type of behavior is hazardous for the whole society. To speed up him on a right track there is a need of balanced education which may be helpful for developing a good sense of discrimination by setting a specific goal of value inculcation. For this purpose teachers may play vital role. So role of education and especially of teachers has been highlighted in this study. It is the teacher who may be helpful to mould the behavior of his disciples in a desired way so that they may be helpful and useful for society, patriotic to nation, dutiful towards family to lead a happy and peaceful life without getting disturbed. Further a solid plan has been chalked out to inculcate human values among students. In this series methods of inculcation of values has been discussed.
Keywords Value, Unifying Force, Manifestation, Divine, Perfection, Greed, Bravery, Honesty, We feeling, Inculcation etc.
In the history of human civilization, one can see considerable changes in the pattern and form of social life. Nothing is permanent in the society except change. Everything in nature is subject to change. This concept seems to be true when we look into the past of human civilization and find drastic but considerable changes in the pattern and form of social life. Today, due to the impact of science and technology, the primitive social life has been changed totally. The recent remarkable developments in science and technology have led to the society towards materialistic culture. Luxurious life style has become the desire of most of the people. They want to earn more and more money by hook and crook. Daily in the news and newspapers we found the news about corruption, * bribery, sexual harassment and above all rape cases. It presents a clear picture depicting that human values are taking the last breath. Behind this critical situation of society there may be many other causes but above all these our education system is more responsible. Technological advancement, industrialization and consumerism have taken place in this age of globalization and curriculum is being designed accordingly. Resulting which the role of teachers and parents has been changed totally. Today, the education caters for head (receiving the knowledge and information) and hands (accumulating skills) and not heart (acquiring happiness and peace through values, sentiments, emotions, attitude and behavior). Due to this, quality may be high but values are missing.
Objective of study Now a days the pharase "MAn of Principle" has become the past history. In every walk of life we found degradation of character among people. In every every family members have become enemy of each others for selfishness. All this is due to degradation of human values. Our schools are producing the Individuals as a machine type emotion less person and in indian culture the emotionless people are called just like animal. To keeping out such situation darkness human values are needed to implant among individuals.
Review of Literature

Present Scenario

In present scenario human values are in the deterioration phase due to materialistic culture. Especially in day to day life this deterioration of values has crossed the danger line which is affecting badly our social culture and social structure. Most of the society person has become selfish and their greed of money has broken all the barriers. One has destructed from his path due to frustration and has become the king of corruption by using the weapons of injustice, bribe and violence. He has lost the sense of discrimination regarding right or wrong and remains always in a fighting mood not only with others but also with his kith and kin due to selfishness and greed.

Today, not only India but the whole world is affected badly due to this alarming situation. Nations have lost the trust on each other, secularism is losing its hold, moral and social values are disintegrating, even person in blood relation are fighting with each other for vested interest and powers and knowledge are being misused for becoming super power. This drastic picture of world conditions directly indicates that all of this happening due to erosion of values. Under the umbrella of receptive and informative knowledge the morality is lagging behind. To heal the wounds of humanity faithfulness, truthfulness, brotherhood, faith in all religions, honesty, righteousness and non-violence have become the demand of time and all these qualities may be developed among the students through the education. These values, as mastermind, will be fruitful to give direction to one’s strivings, represent feelings, wants, interests, attitudes, preferences and opinions about what is right, fair or desirable.

Main Text

Need of the Hour

Keeping in mind the present scenario, it is needed to impart value oriented education. As great Educationist Reid says “Education is part of life, and nearly our question about values and education is inseparable from larger question of values in life. Values are embodied in educational practice.”

It is education which strengthen the sense of discrimination among children so that they may be able to decide about good and bad side of everything or thought and main resources are educational institutions in which this type of sense may be developed by imparting value education in tested conditions where teacher some time preaches about values and in other situation put himself or themselves in a practical situation so that the students may be impressed deeply. It is the teacher who may be helpful to implement the observation made by the National Policy on Education, 1986. This teacher community can only be able to give a concrete shape to the words of Swami Vivekanand – “Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man”. He can prove right the view of S.Radhakrishnan – “Education is not limited to the imparting of information or the training in skills. It has to give the education a proper sense of values”.

To go on a right path there is a need to set the goal. After setting the goal we make a strategy to attain it by enlisting the aims & objectives. Aims may consider as an end in themselves and after attaining these the values we find are called as the product. At present situation the main goal of our society is ‘To inculcate values among students’. To attain this goal our aims of education should be set in a right and appropriate direction. These should be proved fruitful for society, full of patriotic sense towards nation, dutiful and responsible to family and above all should be able to make a smooth way to lead a happy and peaceful life.

So need of the hour is to adopt such type of education process which may be helpful to boost up the self confidence and power of self expression among students, prepare them to adjust physically and mentally and also make them environment friendly. Further these should be framed to develop positive thinking among students by creating new values so that the communal and social disharmony may be eradicated. Thus, the main aim of education should be to preserve the cultural values and transmit them from one generation to another generation.

It is easy to chalk out the plan but the main question is how we can attain these above said goals. The answer is ‘Teacher’. To develop these goals among students’ teachers should present them as role models and set the examples by creating suitable atmosphere for practicing moral qualities. 

How to Inculcate Values?

It is very right that when a value breaks, it becomes a “Jinn”. It will destroy the whole society. Therefore, it is time to develop values. W.H. Kilpatrick   rightly said – for professional growth a teacher must be equipped by “Map of Value” which speaks clearly about his do’s and don’ts along with his aim of life and ideals followed by him. He should have a solid plan for making bright future of his disciples. The teacher is to develop values not to teach about values.

I. Start developing values only when the intellectual life of the child begins – right age is that of adolescence.

II. Values should be inculcated from the environment.

III. There should be definite program for values development.

IV. ‘We feeling’ should be developed and ‘I’ should be discouraged.

V. Value must be defined & identified.

VI. Values which are easily understood by a common man should be developed first.

VII. Lessons on values must be included in language text books i.e. short stories etc.

VIII. Indian culture must be taught to students.

IX. Religious discourses on all religions should be given.

X.  Stress should be given on the development of love and affection.

XI. Excellence in human beings should be stressed.

For this purpose emphases should be given on following activities:-

I. Morning Assembly should be organized

II.  Start the day  with healthy thought by displaying it on the blackboard

III. Prayer should be sung collectively

IV. Guest speakers should be invited

V. Group singing of Bhajans, patriotic songs should be done

VI. Quotation from books of wisdom should be displayed

VII. Discussions on specific themes should be organized

VIII. Field visits should be conducted

IX. Social service campus should be organized

X. Cultural exchange programs should be organized

XI. Role play techniques should be developed

XII. Mass media should be exploited.

XIII. Exhibitions of books having the subject matter related to human values should be organized.

XIV. Paintings of distinguished artists depicting art, culture, and values of life of people should be displayed.

XV. Birthdays of ideal person of society e.g. – Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh,  Mahatma Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Bhagwan Sri Krishan, Mahatama Gandhi, Tagore, Radha Krishanan should be celebrated.

XVI. Celebration of important day like International Women day, U N O day, Human rights day, world Health Day and World peace day etc. should be the regular feature of co curricular activities.

XVII. Value oriented projects should be started e.g. Functioning of stores, canteen, book-bank etc. on cooperative basis.

XVIII. Value oriented prizes should be given i.e. - Prizes showing gallantry, bravery, honesty, truth etc.  

Methods of Inculcation of Values

Before discussing about the methods of inculcation of values it is very important to discuss the point that who should take this initiative first- Parents or Teachers? The answer is – ‘Teacher’. The child has blind faith in his teachers, always worships them like God and also tries to imbibe the behavior of his ideal one. So the following methods should be adopted by a teacher to inculcate human values among the students;   

To be specific the methods are:

1. By presenting self as role model of

2. Healthy discussions about fruitful incidents of society and life style of great personalities

3. By conducting  live stage shows and dramatization

4. By clarifying the values classification

5. By pinpointing the incidents full of values

6. By organizing Film shows etc.

Key factor in any scheme of value oriented education is “the impact of the personality of the loving and honest teachers who endeavour to practice sincerely the fundamental values of life”.

Conclusion Values are related to the inner soul of an individual. The words and books are not enough to teach these values. The teachers and parents should take initiative to inculcate the values among students and wards by giving them real examples of daily life and self experiences of themselves and of neighbors, friends and society also.
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