ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68067 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- XI February  - 2023
Anthology The Research
Prime Minister Kishan Samman Nidhi Yojana (Pm-Kisan) A Economic Revival For Indian Farmers
Paper Id :  17371   Submission Date :  01/02/2023   Acceptance Date :  21/02/2023   Publication Date :  25/02/2023
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Jai Parkash
Assistant Professor
Economics Department
Govt. College, Barota
Gohana,Haryana, India
Abstract PM-KISAN Prime minister Kishan Samman Nidhi is a central government funded scheme for providing fund to small and marginal farmers. This scheme is launched by Indian Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi Ji in 1st Dec.2018 and start working in 24th feb. 2019. Under this scheme farmer family get 2000 Rs at per instalment and 6000 Rs in a year to purchase the various agriculture input. Those farmers have less than 2 hectares of land are eligible for this scheme. Under this scheme 15th September 2019 fund transferred directly to 140 million farmer bank accounts. This scheme is silently pitched as general cash transfer to farmer for adoption of modern technologies. In general effect of cash transfer to increase health facilities and household consumption of the farmer family.
Keywords Agriculture, Indian Economy, Farmer Income, Employment, Productivity, Marginal land.
India has 2nd largest populated country and 7th rank as its geographical area in the world. More than 60% population is working in primary activity spicily in agriculture area for their employment. India considered as world agriculture powerhouse and it play an important role in Indian economy growth. Indian agriculture is largest producer of pulses, spices, milk as well as rice, wheat and cotton. Still Indian agriculture share on 17.8% in GDP. Indian farmers are the backbone of the economy and they loved their mother land and their family. But majority of farmers are under starvation and poverty due to rough weather condition like as flood, drought and the climatic change. Around 75% of Indian farmers land holding 1-2 hectare.
Objective of study PM-KISAN is implemented as a central government funded scheme. This scheme has introduced to augment the source of income of small and marginal farmer those land holding is 1-2 hectares. The main objectives of the PM-KISAN scheme are mentioned below. 1. To providing income support to all small and marginal farmers for their families. 2. This scheme also aims to supplement the financial needs of the farmers in procuring various inputs to ensure proper crop health and appropriate yields. 3. The scheme is expected to increase the coverage of PM-KISAN to around 14.5 crore beneficiaries. It aims to cover around 2 crore more farmers with an estimated expenditure of Rs. 87,217 crore that will be funded by the Central Government.
Review of Literature
Most of the marginal land holder farmers are struggling to overcome to day by day life. To overcome this struggle Indian government announced PM-KISAN scheme. Indian government launched this scheme in 1st dec.2018, while it has officially launched on 24 feb. 2019 named as Prime Minister Kishan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISHAN) to promote financial requirement of farmers to purchase agriculture input for better crop productivity. The aim of this scheme is to provide financial benefit to small and marginal farmers. All small and marginal farmers those landholding is less than 2 hectares are benefited under this scheme. For this scheme 6000 Rs. in 3 equal installments as wages support fund will transferred in the bank accounts of the beneficiary farmers. The expected number of the farmer is more than 12 Billion and estimated 75000 Crores Rs. Will be expended every year
Main Text

PM-KISAN Mobile App

Indian government is taking numerous steps to ensure that all adequate recipients of PM-KISAN receive assistance. The national information centre (NIC). Ministry of Electronic and information Technology develop PM-KISAN Mobile App to extend the reach event further. Using this mobile app farmer can Self-registration and gets the status of their correct name as per their ID  proof like as Aadhar Card, registration and their payments details. More than 50 lack peoples download and installed this application and using the helpline number to know the status of their registration.    

Advantages of PM-KISAN Scheme:-

The impact and advantage of this scheme are given blow:

1. This scheme eases liquidity constrains to farmers.

2. PM-KISAN yojana is a big step towards the government initiatives of modernization of Indian agriculture.

3. All the land records related to farmers is registered officially on digital platform which made the registration and fund transfer easier. The digitization of land records have brought a new start of welfare scheme sponsored by centre and state government.

4. The direct transfer of funds is one of the biggest achievements of this scheme. On 25 dec.2020 in the presence of PM Shri. Narender Modi Ji 18000 crores are directly transferred to benefited account.

Conclusion PM-KISAN scheme has significantly stimulated for the adoption of modern cultivation for Indian farmers. It has been provided the input and harvesting income support to the farmers. It can serve to encourage farmers for making productive investment in agriculture. If farmers invest some part of its cash transfer in productive investment it can have implications for sustainable increase income in long term. This might also defend them from deteriorating within side the clutches of moneylender for meeting such charges and ensure their continuance yields in the farming activities. PM-KISAN provide a pathway to encourage farmers for making productive investment in agriculture sector. There for this scheme shows a potential to break the cycle of unbreakable poverty and low income of farmers through investment in modern technology.
Suggestions for the future Study It has been suggested that beneficiaries aware of the scheme but the available portal for self-registration is not working properly. According to small and marginal framer requirement the financial support provide to them is inadequate. In this regard the government should include annual revision of the financial support provide considering the inflation index. Most important suggestion for this scheme it should be open for all the farmers they may be land less or the tenant.
It was a great boon during COVID-19 pandemic as well as the current time for farmers as the financial support.
Hence it is overall concluded that the beneficiaries are also satisfied with mechanism and process functionality of the scheme PM- KISAN.
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