ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- III April  - 2023
Innovation The Research Concept
Role of Ayurvedic Medications in the Management of Stomatitis (Sarvasara Mukhpaka)
Paper Id :  17535   Submission Date :  2023-04-05   Acceptance Date :  2023-04-22   Publication Date :  2023-04-25
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Rajbir Singh
Associate Professor And H.O.D
Dept. Of Shalakya Tantra
P.G.I.A, Dr. S.R.R.A.U
Jodhpur,Rajasthan, India
In the present study we are dealing with Sarvasara Mukhpaka. Sarvasara Mukhpaka have the same clinical features and pathology as per stomatitis. Therefore, we are going to correlate mukhpaka with stomatitis in the present article. This problem is devastating among the world as Oral ulceration is a common condtion. The estimated prevalence of oral ulcers worldwide is 4% among the population of 7.88.84 crores, with aphthous ulcer is most common condition which affect about 25 percent of the population in the world. It is considered to be major reason of mouth cancer universally. Use of tobacco, alcohol, hot and fast foods are considered to be the causes of mukhpaka (stomatitis). Another type of mouth ulcer also known as aphthous ulcer is a type of autoimmune disease. Now it has been observed that Ayurvedic medications can successfully treat the stomatitis; the aphthous ulcers also through rasayana therapy. The symptoms, signs and pathology indicated in all types of mukhpaka point towards the stomatitis in which all the above features occur. Ayurvedic treatment can successfully cure the stomatitis. Although many ailments are available for stomatitis in other systems of medicine including allopathy but they provide only temporary relief and give symptomatic management. As ayurvedic treatment and procedures cure the mukhpaka (stomatitis) thus this topic is of concern in the present study.
Keywords Sarvasara, Mukhpaka, Stomatitis, Mouth Cancer, Sodhana, Shita Application, Kavala, Gandusha, Nasya Karma, Snaihika Dhuma.
The term aphthous is a term derived from a Greek word aphtha meaning ulceration, This term was first described by Hippocrates and later described by Mikulicz and Kummel as ‘Mikulicz’s aphthae. These ulcers present clinically as multiple, small, round, or ovoid, with circumscribed margins and covered by a yellowish or greyish-white fibrinous exudate and surrounded by an erythematous halo. These are first seen in childhood or adolescence. Intense or moderate pain is seen in these and the ulcers heal in 10-14 days in common type and more than 2 weeks for the severe type. Recurrence takes place in intervals within a year or over several years. Today the Ancient classicals have described sarvasara rogas which affect the entire mouth as caused by vata, pitta, kapha and rakta. Acharyas have described their symptoms and signs according to their types which include; in vata dosha painful ulceration of whole oral cavity takes place. While in case of pitta dosha small eruptions occur, which are red or yellow along with burning sensation. In kapha dosha the clinical features include itiching and mild pain. Due to rakta dosha clinical features are similar to pitta dosha. Sarvasara roga is also referred as mukhpaka by some Acharyas. In Astanga hridya other types of mukhpaka have also been included in uttarsthana chapter 21. These include Urdhvagudha roga, raktaj mukhpaka, pittaj mukhpaka, mukhaarbuda, tridoshaja mukhpaka and putimukhroga, Urdhvagudha roga is caused by upward misdirection of apana vayu leading to foul smell from mouth. In case of raktaj mukhpaka and pittaj mukhpaka; similar clinical features, pathology and treatment modalties described by Astanga hridya as well as well as by Sushruta Samhita are similar. Next roga indicated in Astanga hridya is mukharbuda roga in which vitiation of kapha dosha occur leading to arose of shyava and pandu varna arbuda. Tridoshaja mukhpaka occur due to vitiation of rakta dhatu and vata, pitta and kapha dosha. Next roga is putimukha roga, the lakshans of which include foul smell from mouth as a result of avoidance of teeth brushing, kavala dharna as well as other mukhshodaka kriyas. These include urdhvagudha roga, pittaj, raktaj, Mukharbuda, tridoshaja and putimukhroga.
Objective of study
Aims and objectives of the present study are- 1. To compare stomatitis with sarvasara mukhpaka. 2. To find safe and effective medicines for stomatitis from classical texts. 3. To evaluate effective procedures for the management of stomatitis.
1. The material for present topic of Mukhpaka (stomatitis) was collected from the ayurvedic samhitas, modern books, internet and dictionary for upgrading the knowledge about stomatitis. 2. Ancient samhitas including Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga hridaya, Charak Samhita, Cakrapani commentary on charak, laghutriya granths were studied for the correlation of stomatitis with the diseased condition mentioned in these granths. Samprapti (pathology) and lakshnas (clinical features) have been studied and treatment options including medicines and procedures are looked for management of stomatitis. 3. Textbooks related to Rasshastra, Dravyaguna vigyan and Shalya tantra apart from books related to Shalakya tantra were reviewed to gain the knowledge about the present topic. 4. Pharmacology textbooks were studied thoroughly to establish mode of action of the therapies mentioned in ayurvedic samhitas.
Result and Discussion

1. Regarding correlation of stomatitis with sarvasara mukhpaka roga 

Stomatits is correlated with sarvasara rogs depending upon following factors-

1. According to Acharya susruta nidana (causative factors), lakshans (clinical features), samprapti (pathology) of sarvasara roga shows that all of these match with stomatitis as mentioned in modern texts as well as on internet.

2. As per Acharya Vagbhatta, the nomenclature of rogas may be different but as mentioned earlier in the present topic; but still all the information indicates that mukhpaka is stomatitis.

3.  According to modern textbooks and other sources like internet is mentioned as stomatitis as inflammation of any structures of the mouth including cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat and roof and floor of the mouth. The present definition of stomatitis indicates it to be sarvsara roga.

4. The aetiology, causes and pathophysiology shows stomatitis as sarvasara roga according to all the knowledge gained as above.

Figure 1- Stomatitis (In this figure it may seen that how stomatitis affects whole of the mouth structures)

Figure 2-Stomatits (May affect any part of the mouth that is why it is correlated to Sarvsara Rogas)


Figure 3-Stomatits affecting different parts of the mouth


Figure 4(A)- Major ulcers on the mucous membrane of the lower lip.

Figure 4 (B)-Ulcer on the soft palate.

Figure 5-Granular type of Stomatitis


Figure 6-Vincent stomatitis 


Figure 7-Herpetic Stomatits

2. Regarding Treatment

Treatment modalities for sarvsara mukhpaka roga (stomatitis) and their mode of action

In all types of sarvsara rogas

Fine powder of beej giree (seed kernel) of vatanashak dravyas should be prepared and in it Sneha (oil or ghee) and honey should be added. This powder should be applied on a stalk of hollow tintuka and dhumpana should be done with it. The present snaihika dhuma (lubricating inhalation method) is very useful in all kinds of ulceration of the mouth.

Mode of Action

Application of Snaihika dhuma which is type of lubricating inhalation will reach the mouth fastly through the nasopharynx and will come in contact with mouth ulceration (stomatitis) and its action will start rapidly at the ealiest. It can also be used for prevention of ulceration of mouth.

In case of vataj sarvasara roga

Pratisarna (smearing with salts); oils prepared with vata nashak mitigating drugs is useful for kavala dharna (gargling) as well as for nasya karma (nasal drops) is useful for vataj sarvasara roga.

Mode of Action

Application of pratisarna and kavala dharna -

These will be effective in case of infective (viral, bacterial and fungal) as well as traumatic stomatitis. These methods of treatment will remain in contact of mucous lining of structures in the mouth and will check infections and trauma thus treating and helps in prevention of stomatitis.

Nasya karma-

It will be effective for mouth diseases as nose is connected with mouth through nasopharynx. Thus, application of nasya karma will provide the nutrition to different structures of mucous lining of the mouth. Oleation therapy (application of oils) will provide synergistic potentiation effect in combination with pratisarna and kavala dharna for the treatment of stomatitis.

In case of pittaj and raktaj sarvasara roga

In these types, shodana karma (purification of the body) of patient done and all pitta nashak treatments are administered using madhura and shita dravyas.

According to Astanga hridya, in pittaj and raktaj pittagn and raktagn kavala and pratisarna should be applied.

Mode of Action

Shodana karma; administration of madhura and shita dravyas will alleviate pittaj and rakta dosha and will increase in healing of stomatitis caused by hot foods, mouth cut, smoking and radiotherapy.

In case of kaphaja sarvasara roga

Application of smearing powders, Gandusha dharna (holding liquids in the mouth), inhalation of smoke, kaphahar purifications should be done. Ativisa, patha, musta, suradaru, katukarohini and kutaja phala made in fine powder consumed daily as a dose of 750 mg along gomutra; cures all rogas caused by kapha. In case of kaphaja sarvsara roga, kavala may be done using milk, sugarcane juice, cow urine, whey (butter milk), fermented gruel (daliya), oil or grhita.

Mode of Action

The application of above yogas will cure the stomatitis caused by systemic causes; as corrosives, local factors like ill- fitting dentures and stomatitis of idiopathic origin due to their prolonged and continuous contact with mucous structures of mouth.

In case of mukharbuda roga
For mukharbuda roga chedana (excision) is adviced. After chedana karma pratisarna, gandusa dharna, tiksna nasya and abhyanga should be used.
Mode of Action
These are useful in mukhaarbuda roga as these procedures are helpful in curing of stomatitis of radiotherapy origin as well as for early and synergistic effect for the management of the present diseased condition.
In case tridoshaja mukhpaka roga
In tridoshaja mukhpaka all the doshas should be brought in  samyaka avastha  by using different procedures.
Mode of Action
Bringing all the doshas in samyaka avastha through different procedures and medications as mentioned earlier are most effective through their synergistic potentiation effect and supraaddditive effect.
In case of putimukhroga
For putimukhroga vamana karma after snehna should be used. Then tiksna dhumpana and tiksna nasya should be applied. Kavala dharna and application of powder of medicines is also useful in the condition.
Mode of Action
Application of vamana karma, tiksna dhumpana and nasya and use of kavala dharna and powder of mentioned dravyas is very useful and are effective for the cure of stomatitis arising due to smoking, tobacca use, alcohol consumption, corrosive, radiotherapy and of idiopathic origin.  As these applications will lead to regeneration of all the structures in the mouth and wlll provide purification effect to throw out the ill effects of the the above-mentioned factors.

1. As per the above discussion it is very clear that Stomatitis and Sarvsara mukhpaka have similar signs and symptoms. The clinical features of these two rogas are same. So, Stomatitis and Sarvsara mukhpaka can be correlated to each other and the conclusion drawn from the present study is that the two rogas on the basis of clinical features, pathology and mode of action of different dravyas are one and the same. 2. To manage Stomatitis the management described above is definitily be effective. Snaihika dhuma (lubricating inhalation method) is most effective in all kinds of stomatitis as per the mode of action of present procedure. 3. Pratisarna and oils prepared with vata nashak dravyas is useful for kavala dharna (gargling) as well as for nasya karma as indicated. These are effective for the cure of stomatitis caused by smoking, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, corrosive substances, radiotherapy and of idiopathic origin. These applications will lead to regeneration of all the structures iin the mouth and wlll provide purification effect to throw out the ill effects of the the above-mentioned factors. Thus, these methods are very useful for the management of stomatitis. 4. In these types, shodana karma (purification of the body) of patient done and all pitta nashak treatments are administered using madhura and shita dravyas. Shodana karma, administration of madhura and shita dravyas will alleviate pitta and rakta dosha and will increase in healing of stomatitis caused by hot foods, mouth cut, smoking and radiotherapy as indicated above through their mode of action. 5. Application of smearing powders, Gandusha dharna (holding liquids in the mouth), inhalation of smoke, kaphahar purifications such as kavala dharna may be applied using milk, sugarcane juice, cow urine, whey (butter milk), fermented gruel (daliya), oil or ghrita. The application of above yogas will cure the stomatitis caused by systemic causes, as corrosives, local factors like ill- fitting dentures and stomatitis of idiopathic origin as mentioned earlier. 6. Bringing all the doshas in samakya avastha through different procedures as mentioned earlier are most effective through their synergistic potentiation effect and supraaddditive effect for the management of stomatitis. 7. Application of vamana karma, tiksna dhumpana and nasya and use of kavala dharna as well as use of powders of above mentioned dravyas are very is effective for curing the stomatitis as they will throw out the doshas from the oral cavity and body, thus will bring doshas in natural state.
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