P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- I April  - 2023
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
Effects of Mobile Phones and Towers on Human Health and Environment
Paper Id :  17559   Submission Date :  02/04/2023   Acceptance Date :  13/04/2023   Publication Date :  25/04/2023
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R.K Purohit
Professor & Head
Zoology Department
Govt. Dungar College
Bikaner,Rajasthan, India,
Anila Purohit
Professor History Department
Govt. Dungar College
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Durga Shankar Bissa
Research Scholar
Department Of Zoology
Govt. Dungar College
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Dharmesh Narayan Purohit & Avinash Purohit
Research Scholar
Department Of Zoology
Govt. Dungar College
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Abstract Mobile phone users have been rapidly spread globally and provide proper coverage (signal strength), numbers of cell phone towers are also increasing worldwide generating a public concern as to whether frequent utilization of such devices is unsafe. Mobile phones are now an integral part of modern telecommunications. In many countries, more thanhalf the human population use mobile phones from natal age to teen and also from adult age to senior citizen age further till end of the life. Hence, the telecommunication market is now a worth of the capital in economic era in the world. It has been found in the present study that the excessive use of mobile phones and people living near the mobile towers suffer from severe health effects.
Keywords Effects of Mobile Phones, Impact on Health, Environment, Towers.
The seven continental study data of the mobile user reveals that the demography of the human is the basic cause of the mobile user growth. in Asia 2.59 billion; in Europe 77.64 %; in Africa more than 81% population noted in 2017 and will estimated 87% part of the population in 2025-26; in North Americathe user number exceed up to298 million users as of 2021; while in South America the smart phone user exceeds 113 million peoples have been observed in 2021 and in Antarctica is known to zero mobile region area of the world due to the adverse condition of the survival for the human. The data reveals that in 2022 the subscriptions globally now raise upto 6.92 billion which is the 86.29% parts of the total human population. mobile phones are the most reliable and become the part of the human life. Cell phone technology has revolutionized the telecommunication scenario in India. Due to its several advantages, cell phone technology has grown exponentially in last decade. Currently 86 crore cell phone users and nearly 7.4 lakh cell towers of various companies are providing service in India to meet the communication demand and the numbering of towers incising day by day for the better communication demand of 4G, 5G and which can exceed the number of towers upto 15 lakhs in next couple of years. The mobile user used to their cell phones and smart phones not only for the purpose of communication at home but also at working place and anywhere for the data capturing, data mining, telemarketing and in economic transactions, as well as the entertainment device. However, only few persons are concerned about their health implications and possible safety measures. Most of the population is not aware of mobile phone and its operating cell tower radiations, the excess use of the device which is exclusively operating by the electromagnetic rays and the signals from the mobile towers which are very harmful due to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure. The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Studies are ongoing to fuller assess potential long-term effects of mobile phone use. Part of the radio waves emitted by a mobile telephone handset is absorbed by the user body.The rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body is measured by the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and its maximum levels for modern handsets have been set by governmental regulating agencies in many countries. The radio waves emitted by a GSM handset are typically below a watt. The maximum power output from a mobile phone is regulated by the mobile phone standard and by the regulatory agencies in each country. In most systems the cellphone and the base station check reception quality and signal strength and the power level is increased or decreased automatically, within a certain span, to accommodate different situations, such as inside or outside of buildings and vehicles.
Objective of study The present study was planned to evaluate the mobile phone addiction behavior and awareness on electromagnetic radiationamong the people of India and abroad. The excessive installation of mobile towers in the urban areas also affect the ecosystem which adversely affect the human health. The output of the study will certainly attribute to the knowledge of public about the adverse effects of mobile radiation. The study is also having a wrist and hand because of smartphone usage may lead to further physiological and other health complications.
Review of Literature

The widespread use of cellular telephones has heightened concerns about possible adverse health effects. The objective of this study was to investigate cancer risk among Danish cellular telephone users who were followed for up to 21 years. Additional data on income and smoking prevalence, primarily among men, indicated that cellular telephone users who started subscriptions in the mid-1980s appeared to have a higher income and to smoke less than the general population. It was concluded that no evidence for an association between tumor risk and cellular telephone use among either short-term or long-term users. Moreover, the narrow confidence intervals provide evidence that any large association of risk of cancer and cellular telephone use can be excluded (Schuz et al., 2006).

Parasuraman et al. (2017) suggested that most of the study participants are aware about mobile phone radiation hazards and many of them developed dependent behavior with smartphone. No significant changes were found on mobile phone dependency behavior between participants having accommodation in house and hostel. One-fourth of the study population is having a feeling of wrist and hand because of smartphone usage which may lead to further physiological and physiological complications.

The association between mobile phones and tablets and skin diseases were evaluated. Most of the studies focused on signs and less on skin cancer. In total, 6 studies were included with 392119 participants with age over 25 years. In a nationwide cohort study in Denmark for BCC, the IRR (incidence rate ratios) estimates remained near unity among men and women. In the other studies, they reported an increase in temperature, hypersensitivity of warmth, facial dermatitis, angiosarcoma of the scalp, and burning sensations in the facial skin after mobile phone use on the exposed side and more within the auricle and behind/around the ear. Overall evaluations showed that the level of evidence associated with the effects of radiation from the mobile phone and tablet on the skin is poor. This review shows a necessity for more studies in this area (Keykhosravi et al., 2018).

Sharma et al. (2019) investigated the effect of mobile phone frequency on male Wistar rats. Animals were divided into two groups (n = 6 in each group). Group one was considered as control and group two (experimental group) was exposed to microwave radiation (2100 MHz) for 4 hours/day (5 days/week) for 3 months. Exposure of microwave radiation frequency showed significant alterations in cholinesterase activity, muscular strength, learning ability and anxiety. MWR exposure was also associated with significant alteration in the oxidative defense system and hippocampus degeneration. Histopathological observations clearly depicted the neural degeneration. They concluded that MWR significantly affects the central nervous system and may lead to many severe illnesses.

The National Toxicology Program tested two common radiofrequency radiation (RFR) modulations emitted by cellular telephones in a 2-year rodent cancer bioassay that included interim assessments of additional animals for genotoxicity endpoints. Male and female Hsd: Sprague Dawley SD rats and B6C3F1/N mice were exposed from Gestation Day 5 or Postnatal day 35, respectively, to code division multiple access (CDMA) or global system for mobile modulations over 18 hr/day, at 10-min intervals, in reverberation chambers at specific absorption rates of 1.5, 3, or 6 W/kg (rats, 900 MHz) or 2.5, 5, or 10 W/kg (mice, 1,900 MHz). After 19 (rats) or 14 (mice) weeks of exposure, animals were examined for evidence of RFR-associated genotoxicity using two different measures. Using the alkaline (pH > 13) comet assay, DNA damage was assessed in cells from three brain regions, liver cells, and peripheral blood leukocytes; using the micronucleus assay, chromosomal damage was assessed in immature and mature peripheral blood erythrocytes. Results of the comet assay showed significant increases in DNA damage in the frontal cortex of male mice (both modulations), leukocytes of female mice (CDMA only), and hippocampus of male rats (CDMA only). Increases in DNA damage judged to be equivocal were observed in several other tissues of rats and mice. No significant increases in micronucleated red blood cells were observed in rats or mice. The results suggested that exposure to RFR is associated with an increase in DNA damage (Smith Roe et al., 2020).

Result and Discussion

Health risks associated with mobile phones and their base stations 

There are large number of mobile phone users, it is important to investigate, understand and monitor any potential public health impact. Mobile phones communicate by transmitting radio waves through a network of fixed antennas called base stations. The present study is based on the health survey of public living near the mobile towers. Also the frequency of excessive mobile phones in different age groups and their health effects were also taken into consideration.

Blood Brain Barrier: Experiments conducted on young laboratory rats found that RF from mobile phones can significantly open the blood brain barrier in animals and cause leakage of albumin from blood vessels in inappropriate locations (neurons and glial cells surrounding the capillaries) in the brain. Control animals, in contrast, showed either no albumin leakage or occasional isolated spots, as seen on the left side. The presence of albumin in brain tissue is a sign that blood vessels have been damaged and that the brain has lost some of its protection. A closer look at the cells within the brain of rats also revealed that exposed animals had scattered and grouped dark neurons often shrunken with loss of internal cell structures. Neuronal damage of this kind may not have immediate consequences but in the long run, it may result in reduced brain reserve capacity that might be unveiled by other later neuronal diseases. It must be noted that the blood-brain barrier and neurons are the same in a rat and a human being. In another research, a single two-hour exposure to a cell phone just once during its lifetime, permanently damaged the blood-brain barrier and, on autopsy 50 days later, was found to have damaged or destroyed up to 2 percent of an animal's brain cells, including cells in areas of the brain concerned with learning, memory and movement. It is known that this barrier is damaged in Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons disease. So, there is a risk that disruption of this protection barrier may damage the brain.

Neurodegenerative Diseases

People living near mobile phone base stations are also at risk for developing neuropsychiatric problems as headache, memory loss, nausea, dizziness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint pain, leg/foot pain, depression, and sleep disturbance. More severe reactions include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.

Handheld mobile phones were introduced in Sweden during the late 1980s. The purpose of this population-based, case-control study was to test the hypothesis that long-term mobile phone use increases the risk of brain tumors. The authors identified all cases aged 20-69 years who were diagnosed with glioma or meningioma during 2000-2002 in certain parts of Sweden. Randomly selected controls were stratified on age, gender, and residential area. Detailed information about mobile phone use was collected from 371 (74%) glioma and 273 (85%) meningioma cases and 674 (71%) controls. For regular mobile phone use, the odds ratio was 0.8 (95% confidence interval: 0.6, 1.0) for glioma and 0.7 (95% confidence interval: 0.5, 0.9) for meningioma. Similar results were found for more than 10 years' duration of mobile phone use. No risk increase was found for ipsilateral phone use for tumors located in the temporal and parietal lobes. Furthermore, the odds ratio did not increase, regardless of tumor histology, type of phone, and amount of use. This study includes a large number of long-term mobile phone users, and the authors conclude that the data do not support the hypothesis that mobile phone use is related to an increased risk of glioma or meningioma.


Based on mixed epidemiological evidence on humans regarding an association between exposure to RF radiation from wireless phones and head cancers (glioma and acoustic neuroma), RF fields have been classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Studies to date provide no indication that environmental exposure to RF fields, such as from base stations, increases the risk of cancer or any other disease. 

Skin effects

Radiation from cell towers and mobile phones affects human skin. People who talk often on cellphones have a higher concentration of the transthyretin protein than those who do not. Transthyretin is formed in the liver; it helps transport vitamin A in the body and plays an important role in nervous diseases such as Alzheimer's. EMFs degrade the immune system and stimulate various allergic and inflammatory responses. The high radiation from cell towers can result in an increase in mastcells, which explains the clinical symptoms of itch, pain, edema and erythema.

Tinnitus and ear damage

Tinnitus, popularly known as “Ringxiety”- is the psychological disease of hearing phantom sound and sensation of cell phone ring and it has been reported among millions of cell phone users in the world. People with severe tinnitus may have trouble hearing, working or even sleeping. The radiation emitted by mobile phones may damage the delicate workings of the inner ear, and long-term and intensive mobile phone use for more than four years and for longer periods than 30 minutes in a day are at a higher risk of developing hearing loss, which cannot be reversed. Good hearing depends on the health of some 16,000 hair cells present in each inner ear. But increasingly, doctors have been treating people whose hair cells have been damaged by the high radiation emitted from cell phones. Hearing problems occur because these cells do not regenerate. Anyone who spends two to three hours on the cell phone every day runs the risk of partial deafness over three to five years.

Effect on eye/ uveal melanoma

Frequent use of mobile phones can also damage the visual system in many ways and cause uveal melanoma i.e., tumor of the eye. Tumors involve the choroid (98%), iris (1%) and unknown parts of the uveal tract (1%). Computational modelling and experiments with several laboratory animals show that microwave radiation similar to mobile phone frequencies (900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2450 MHz) can induce chromosomal breaks in the corneal epithelial cells and increase the intraocular temperature of the eye with prolonged exposure. Prolonged exposure to microwave radiation similar to that used by cellular phones can lead to both macroscopic and microscopic damage to the lens and part of this damage seems to accumulate over time and does not heal.

Cell phone emission weaken bones

Researchers have measured bone density at the upper rims of the pelvis (iliac wings) in men who were mobile users and carried their phones on their belts. The iliac wings are widely used source of bone for bone grafting, so any reduction in bone density may be of special importance to reconstructive surgery. The results showed reduction in iliac wing bone density on the side where men carried their phones. In general, it is better to keep mobile phones as far as possible from our body during our daily lives.

Sleep disorders

Electromagnetic fields have been shown to affect the brain physiology. Use of mobile phones disturbs stage 4 sleep, the stage important for full recuperation of brain and body. Use of the handsets before bed, delays and reduces sleep, and causes headache, confusion and depression. The findings are especially alarming for children and teenagers as they use cell phones at night and also keep the phone next to their head; in this position electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure direct contect with Brian and effect on  the which may lead to mood and personality changes, depression, lack of concentration and poor academic performance.

Symptoms from excess mobile phone usage

Occupational health hazards

Telecommunication workers who spend time at a short distance from the active equipment, for the purposes of testing, maintenance, installation, etc. may be at risk of much greater exposure than the general population. Many times, base stations are not turned off during maintenance, but the power being sent through to the antennas is cut off, so that the workers do not have to work near live antennas. A variety of studies over the past 50 years have been done on workers exposed to high RF radiation levels; studies including radar laboratory workers, military radar workers, electrical workers, and amateur radio operators. Most of these studies found no increase in cancer rates over the general population or a control group. Many positive results could have been attributed to other work environment conditions, and many negative results (reduced cancer rates) also occurred.

Electromagnetic interference

When mobile phones are used very close to some medical devices (including pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, and certain hearing aids) there is the possibility of causing interference with their operation. The risk is much reduced for 3G phones and newer equipment. There is also the potential of interference between mobile phones signals and aircraft electronics. Some countries have licensed mobile phone use on aircraft during flight using systems that control the phone output power.

Traffic accidents

Research has shown an increased risk of traffic accidents, some 3-4 times greater chance of an accident, when mobile phones (either handheld or with a "hands-free" kit) are used while driving due to distraction.

In year 2018 total Death due to use of mobile phone While driving is 3,707. in year 2019 total Death due to use of mobile phone While driving is 4,945. this data collects from ministry of road transport & Highway, this is sharp rise in death due to use of mobile phone.

Adverse effect on birds, animals and environment

Electromagnetic radiation from cell phone and cell tower affects the birds, animals, plant and environment. One would never see a bee, sparrow, pigeon, or any bird flying and staying near the cell tower. The reason is that surface area of a bird is relatively larger than their weight in comparison to human body, so they absorb more radiation (power = power density x area). Since fluid content is small due to less weight, it gets heated up very fast and also the magnetic field disturbs their navigational skills. researchers have observed that the orientation, migration and the breeding behavior somewhat changed in those birds who make the nest on the tower rather than the birds used to make nest in the trees or in buildings.

Conclusion In view of the findings, it can be concluded that increased risk of brain tumors from the use of mobile phones is not established. It is pertinent to mention that with the recent popularity of mobile phone use among younger people, a potentially longer lifetime of exposure, it is suggested that further research on this field should be taken into consideration. It is further concluded that lesser use of mobile phones can save the human health and environment.
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