P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- I April  - 2023
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
Study of Livestock and Dairy Development in Alwar District
Paper Id :  17635   Submission Date :  07/04/2023   Acceptance Date :  21/04/2023   Publication Date :  25/04/2023
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Rajesh Kumar Meena
Research Scholar
Dept. Of Geography
Govt. Lohia College
Churu,Rajasthan, India
Abstract Animal husbandry business has special importance in the agrarian economy of Rajasthan. To cope with the geographical and natural conditions in the desert and hilly areas of the state, animal husbandry business remains the only option. In the state, where it is difficult to earn a living from agriculture due to one more rainfall, on the other hand, opportunities for industrial employment are also negligible. In such a situation, the rural people have adopted animal husbandry as a way of life. Animal husbandry business benefits the state's economy from many types of direct and indirect factors, similarly Alwar's economy also mainly depends on agriculture, milk production and animal husbandry and after agriculture, animal husbandry can be considered as the main means of livelihood. Is. Alwar is mainly an agriculture and animal husbandry district. There is a large number of domestic animals in Alwar district, Alwar is the leading place in milk production. Animal wealth has been considered to be of special economic importance in Alwar. This provides a significant portion of the net domestic product of the district. It is said about the economy of Alwar that it completely depends on someone and agriculture is considered to be a gamble of monsoon. In this situation, the importance of animal husbandry and dairy development increases even more. In this article, livestock dairy development in Alwar district has been studied and a comparative study of 19th and 20th cattle census has been done.
Keywords Livestock Development in Alwar District, Importance of Animal Husbandry, Milk Production, Dairy Development, Dairy Development Pro
Alwar district has been selected for the research study. This district is one of the developing districts of Rajasthan. Area percent population of Alwar district resides in villages, which are mainly engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy industry. There is a large number of domestic animals in Alwar district, Alwar is the leading place in milk production. Animal wealth is considered to be of special economic importance in Alwar. After independence, fundamental changes have taken place in agriculture, industry, trade, animal husbandry, forestation, education, self-employment, social services and socio-economic life. Animal husbandry and dairy have an important contribution in the economy of India. India ranks second in population in the world with 140.76 crore (2021). And India is also the largest country in the number of animals. It ranks first in the number of cows and buffaloes, while in terms of the number of goats and sheep it ranks second and third respectively. According to the latest data for the year 2020-21, the contribution of agriculture to India's GDP is 19.9%, which is 2.1% more than 17.8% in the previous year 2019-20. One third of which comes from the livestock sector and the contribution of the livestock sector will increase exponentially in the coming years. According to the 20th Livestock Census, the total number of cattle in the country in the year 2019 is 192.49 million. Which is 0.8% compared to the previous population. The total milk production in the world in 2020 was more than 880 million tons in which India's contribution was more than 184 million tones. Which has been about 23% of the milk production of the whole world. Where only about 90 to 120 days of employment is available through agriculture in 1 year and in the remaining period farmers run their livelihood by selling animal husbandry dairy business and other products coming out of animal husbandry and today there are 12 million small marginal and landless farmer families in the country. Engaged in the work of milk production and dairy industry. Due to which they are getting three important benefits like nutritious food, subsidiary income and productive employment. Presently India produces about 10% of the world's milk and in this sequence, Uttar Pradesh is at the top position in India, which produces 23.53 million tones of milk, followed by Rajasthan, which produces 13.94 million tones of milk. Since ancient times, Rajasthan comes in the dry region and being a thinking region, along with agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy highway have been the main source of employment especially in the Thar desert. Even before independence, King Maharaja Seth moneylenders used to build dairies and cowsheds for their income. Padma Dairy (Ajmer) is considered to be the oldest dairy in Rajasthan. Rajasthan has 11.27 percent of the country's livestock. Dairy business is important because in the year 2019, the state has 13.3 million cows, 13.7 million buffaloes and 20.84 million goats among milch animals, which are the second and first place in terms of the country.
Objective of study The present research work is an attempt to bring to light the information related to the available of livestock and dairy development in Alwar district and the possibilities of its greater use. It has the following objectives - 1. A comparative study of livestock development in Alwar district has been done. 2. Dairy development in Alwar district has been analyzed.
Review of Literature

In this research paper, the development of animal husbandry and dairy, an integral part of agriculture, has been talked about. Both the above mentioned enterprises are very important for the economy and since ancient times they have been playing their important role in this situation. That's why already many researchers have given important place to this topic in their short research, research paper and research book.

S.B Sarang (2012): He studied local distribution system, seasonal growth and economy of milk production with reference to Kolhapur district.

T.N. Gopal (2015): He published a research paper on the supply and distribution of fodder for cattle in Maharashtra.

A.B Kamte (2018): He studied dairy farming in Solapur district and wrote a research paper on the availability of nutrients given to milch animals according to the current time.

Devikar A.A.(2009): has studied geographical study of dairy enterprise of Baramati tahsil for his Ph.D degree. Being an important economic activity of the region, some scholars from Economics faculty have also studied the dairy activity of this region.

Patil M.G. (2002) has studied dairy activity with special reference to pricing of milk products of Government Milk Scheme

Miraj. Koli P.A. (1987) has studied growth and economic significance of milk co – operatives in Kolhapur district for his Ph.D. degree.

D.S. (2006) has studied the economics of dairy farming in Solapur district.

Sawant J.Y. (2015) has studied co – operative dairy farming in Karad and Patan talukas with special reference to Koyana Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Sangh, Karad.

Glimmer D.A. (2008) studied the spatial distribution of livestock in the Republic of Ireland. He studied the vital importance of livestock in the rural economy and observed regional variations in the concentration of livestock. He employed Weavers modified techniques for studying animal association regions in Ireland and accordingly delineated the livestock regions.

Randhwa M.S. (2014) made a detailed study of Indian agriculture an animal husbandary. He observed that dairy was supplementary occupation in the agricultural farming system in India. He studied the regional variation in milk productivity of cow and buffaloes.

Gore K. (2019) studied Irish Agriculture which was mixed in nature and closely associated with livestock. He found that cows were the initial source for milk production, but he observed that there was pronounced regional variations in the pattern of dairy farming.

Khan (2017) made an another attempt to supply the dairy development and its contribution to rural prosperity. He has discussed the Operation Flood Scheme-I in detail.

Vishwanathan (2019) studied the role of co–operatives in dairy development in India. He found that per capita availability of milk was less than 110 grams per head per day.

Jamadar (1973) studied the impact of different factors on milk production in the area of Government Milk Scheme, Chiplun. He also studied the important characteristics of dairy operators related to the dairy activity.

Mane (1977) studied the characteristic of dairy operators. His main aim was to find impact of literacy on dairy development of Kolhapur district. He observed that the percentage of operators completing higher education among the milk producer is very low as compared to those completing primary and secondary education. He also found that 9.7 per cent milk producers have better management. They used to keep good milker cows and buffaloes, use the veterinary facilities and kept the records of different operators.

Main Text

Study Area

Alwar district which is also known as Singhdwar of Rajasthan. Between Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan and Delhi, the capital of India, it is situated in the lap of Aravali ranges on National Highway No. 8. District Alwar is situated in the Aravalli mountain ranges in the north east of Rajasthan between 27°4" to 28°4" north latitude and 67°4" to 77°13" east longitude. It is quite quadrangular in shape. The district is bounded by Bharatpur in the east, Jaipur in the south, Jaipur in the south, Dausa district in the north and Haryana state in the north. Spread over an area of ​​about 110 kilometers from north to south, the area of ​​this district is 8382 square kilometers, which is 2.45% of the state. Situated in the eastern part of Rajasthan, the district has a distinct identity in the field of its socio-economic, linguistic, costume, catering, agricultural system, rivers, lakes, Aravalli mountain ranges, minerals, etc.


Map- 1, Alwar in Rajasthan (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alwar_in_Rajasthan_%28India%29.svg)

Map- 2, Alwar District Map (http://connectrajasthan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Alwar-Map.gif)

Research Method

In the study of the presented research, even scores obtained from secondary sources have been used, on the basis of which an attempt has been made to analyze the problem and suggest possible research results and conclusions. Tables and maps have been used in the analysis of secondary data.

Source of Data

Data is needed for any type of day. Secondary data has been collected for use in the present study. The data collected in various departments has been collected from Demography Department, District Collector's Office, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department, Saras Dairy Development Corporation Limited etc. 

Livestock Development in Alwar District

Due to suitable climate for agriculture and animal husbandry, excellent Murrah buffalo, Jakharana goat,  hybrid breed cow and Haryana breed indigenous cow are prominently found in the district. Based on the data, it is evident that the trend of buffalo rearing has increased in comparison to cows. It is clear from the study of the table given below that in the year 2012 the total cattle population was 206865, which has increased to 241856 in the year 2019. And the increase in cattle has been 34991. Thus, in 2012 the number of buffalo progeny was 1060734, which has increased to 1144753 in 2019 and the total increase was 84019. 




decrease and increase

1. Cattle



34991 +

2. Buffalo



84019 +

3. Goat



23341 +

4. Sheeps



8264 +

5. Pigs



3420 -

Importance of animal husbandry in Alwar district

The importance of livestock in Alwar can be seen from the following facts-

1. Poverty alleviation- The importance of animal husbandry has also been accepted in the poverty alleviation programmed. In the Integrated Rural Development Programme, efforts were made to increase the income of poor families by giving them milch animals. But for this, proper arrangement of water has to be made in the fodder and facilities for sale have to be provided to the benefited families.

2.  Job creation- Employment possibilities lie in higher income in animal husbandry. Income can be increased by increasing the productivity of animals. In arid and semi-arid parts of the state, a large number of families do animal husbandry and this work has been going on from generation to generation. In these regions, much of the domestic origin of suet is derived from animal husbandry. so the desert economy is animal based speaking.

3. mode of transport- Even at present, freed from bulls, buffaloes, donkeys, mules, etc., in many other works in agriculture, the department of pulling the burden works. Cattle sisters of Alwar do 10% of the total load carrying capacity in the district.

4. Receipt of manure- Fertilizer for agriculture is obtained from animal dung by the animal husbandry. At present vermi compost made from animal dung is very much in vogue.

5. Use of animals in agriculture- Renovation in agriculture has reduced the dependence on animals, but at some places even at present animals are used for agricultural work. Even at present, many animals are used for plowing, carrying loads, pulling carts, etc.

6. Milk Production- Milk is obtained from the image which is the basis of nutritious food. Rajasthan gets about 200 million tones of milk from milk officers and Alwar district has the highest production of milk in Rajasthan. Different types of sweets, grated curd butter etc. are prepared from eye milk.

7. Meat Production- In addition to milk and manure, meat is also obtained from animals and to meet the requirement of meat, meat is obtained from goats, sheep, pigs and other animals in large quantities.

8. Wool is also obtained from sheep.

9.  Leather and bones are also available from animals, from which many useful substances are made.

Dairy Development in Alwar

(Alwar District Milk Producers Cooperative Union Limited)

1. Dairy development program in Rajasthan was established on the lines of Amul Dairy on the principle of cooperative, Operation Flood was launched in 1970 to increase milk production and it was named as White Revolution. Verghese Kurien is the father of White Revolution and Verghese Kurien established Anand (Gujarat) Amul Dairy. The White Revolution is the result of the fourth five year plan.

2. The Alwar District Milk Producers Co-operative Union Limited was established on 2nd September 1972 under operation flood program on the basis of Amul method on the principle of cooperative for the development of cattle rearers and the work of milk collection was started on 22nd August 1973.

3. The basic objective of the union is to eliminate the middlemen of the milk business and to provide fair price to the cattle herders and to save them from exploitation. The union receives guidance and cooperation from time to time through the Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited, Jaipur of the Central and State Government.

Dairy Development at a Glance

Sr. No.



Year 2021-22


Working Milk Producer Cooperative Societies and Collection Centres




Number of members




Milk collection (Total)

In lakh (liters)



Milk collection (Daily)

in thousand (liters)



Distribution of balanced animal feed

Metric ton



Working Mobile and stable Hospital




Artificial insemination committees




Number of animals that were artificially inseminated




Milk freezing Centre




Milk sales

in thousand (liters)



Milk powder production

Metric ton



Ghee production

Metric ton



Curd production

Metric ton



Lassi sales







1. Alwar Milk Union was established in the year 1972 on the principles of cooperative. Farmers organization and technical exchange programs are the backbone of this association. Initially, the importance of publicity and expansion of the White Revolution was explained to the cattle rearers producing milk to sell milk and committees were formed to inform them. Technological input services were started to increase milk production and reduce the cost of milk production. Services of first aid, emergency medicine, infertility prevention camp, artificial insemination, vaccination etc. were made available for the animals, after that the facilities of advanced fodder-seeds, balanced animal feed, urea molasses bricks, mineral mixture etc. were provided to increase the productivity.

2. Due to the immense contribution of women in animal maintenance and milk production work, Women Development Program and Cooperative Development Program were run for women empowerment with the help of State Government and National Dairy Development Board. To increase the participation of women in the society, women's milk committees were opened and they were made members and office bearers of the committee and bank loans were also made available to them through self-help groups to make them financially self-reliant.

3. By adopting the basic principle of cooperative "One for all - all for one", Alwar Milk Union has been running SARAS Suraksha Kavach Bima Yojana and SARAS Collective Health Insurance Scheme under the guidance of RCDF for the benefit of all the milk producing members of its societies for the last 10 years. Like sharing their sorrows and pains and providing them financial support. Scholarship is also being made available to their dependents every year under Janashree Yojana to the students of classes 9 to 12.

4. Under the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, BMC's license is being given to societies giving an average of 500 liters of milk per day and all other societies are being registered. In order to effectively control milk adulteration, lab tests are being done with continuous monitoring and the process of seizing cans and imposing fines is going on regularly as per the rules.

From the comparative study of 19th and 20th livestock census, it is concluded that even though the number of livestock in Rajasthan has decreased as compared to 2012, there has been a increase in the number of milch animals such as cow, buffalo, goat in the district and the number of animals in the district has increased. There has also been an increase in the number of sheep and meat is also obtained from the above animals.

Alwar district ranks third in Rajasthan in terms of population and being situated between the capital of the state and the capital of the country, animal husbandry is important for the supply of food to both the big cities and for the sustenance of its own population. understands.

From the geographical study of animal husbandry and dairy development in Alwar district, it is concluded that livestock and milk business have an important role in the social and economic development of the district. Domestic livelihood in rural areas is being met by animal husbandry and milk business. Saras Dairy & Cooperative Dairy Development Corporation Limited is providing employment opportunities to the people through various milk products. So we can say that Alwar district has made significant progress in livestock and dairy development.

Conclusion 1. From the comparative study of 19th and 20th livestock census, it is concluded that even though the number of livestock in Rajasthan has decreased as compared to 2012, there has been a increase in the number of milch animals such as cow, buffalo, goat in the district and the number of animals in the district has increased. There has also been an increase in the number of sheep and meat is also obtained from the above animals. 2. Alwar district ranks third in Rajasthan in terms of population and being situated between the capital of the state and the capital of the country, animal husbandry is important for the supply of food to both the big cities and for the sustenance of its own population. understands. 3. From the geographical study of animal husbandry and dairy development in Alwar district, it is concluded that livestock and milk business have an important role in the social and economic development of the district. Domestic livelihood in rural areas is being met by animal husbandry and milk business. Saras Dairy & Cooperative Dairy Development Corporation Limited is providing employment opportunities to the people through various milk products. So we can say that Alwar district has made significant progress in livestock and dairy development.
1. https://pib.gov.in/ 2. https://dahd.nic.in/documents/statistics/livestock-census 3. https://animalhusbandry.rajasthan.gov.in/livestock_census.aspa 4. https://www.nddb.coop/information/stats/pop 5. Geography of Rajasthan, Prof. HS Sharma, Panchsheel Prakashan, Jaipur 6. District Collector Office, Annual Report Report 2021-227. 8. Veterinary Hospital, Alwar 9. District Cooperative Milk Production Society, Alwar 10. Saras Dairy Industry Centre, Alwar 11. Alwar District Milk Producers Cooperative Union, Ltd.