P: ISSN No. 2231-0045 RNI No.  UPBIL/2012/55438 VOL.- XI , ISSUE- IV May  - 2023
E: ISSN No. 2349-9435 Periodic Research
Empirical Study on Gaddis and Gujjars of Himachal Pradesh Regarding Enablers of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Paper Id :  17757   Submission Date :  12/05/2023   Acceptance Date :  21/05/2023   Publication Date :  25/05/2023
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Shivan Bibi
Assistant Professor
Management Studies
Sardar Patel University
,Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Devinder Sharma
Himachal Pradesh University
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Abstract After introducing Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, the formal financial system is heading towards from class banking to mass banking and efforts are made to make everyone part of formal financial system. Still some part of society is financially excluded from the financial formal banking system. A series of factor are causing exclusion from the financial system. Most common factor that causes financial exclusion is geographical distribution of the segments. There are some other factors apart from the socio-economic factors of the tribal communities of the study area which de-motivate people to take formal financial inclusion. The research endows to examine the problem in context to Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. The study aimed to assert the level of awareness about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana based upon the responses of Gaddis and Gujjars and to identify and analyze the level of awareness about Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. The study finds that popularity and usage of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana amongst gaddis and gujjars in Himachal Pradesh is very low.
Keywords Pmjdy, Financial Inclusion,Financial Exclusion.
Financial inclusion is concerned with access to formal banking system for all the individuals and the Government of India and putting continuous effort to give access to the excluded segment of the society in the formal financial system. Steps have been taken from nationalization of banks to link all the social welfare programmes with bank account. After introducing Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, the formal financial system is heading towards from class banking to mass banking and efforts are made to make everyone part of formal financial system. Still some part of society is financially excluded from the financial formal banking system. A series of factor are causing exclusion from the financial system. Most common factor that causes financial exclusion is geographical distribution of the segments. However, the reasons of financial exclusion or low inclusion may vary depending upon the social category of people and geographical remoteness. So, this study analyses the factors causing low inclusion or exclusion among tribal communities of the study area. There are some other factors apart from the socio-economic factors of the tribal communities of the study area which de-motivate people to take formal financial inclusion. The research endows to examine the problem in context to Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana.
Objective of study 1. To assert the level of awareness about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana based upon the responses of Gaddis and Gujjars 2. To identify and analyze the level of awareness about Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Review of Literature

World Bank (2008)[1] in a survey explains that impoverished and micro businessmen have to depend upon the informal sources because of truancy of the inclusive formal financial system and have to invest in opportunities which are timely and easily accessible despite the fact that they have to tolerate much higher interest burden in such informal sources. The report elaborates that financial inclusion can encourage eradication of the obstacles and achieving financial inclusion in India, with heterogeneous remarkable segments in rural and unorganised sectors but it requires a high level of penetration by the formal financial system.

Kochaar (2009)[2] has investigated that to promote economic growth, there is a need to go onwards from opening account, regular savings and to enable to approach for loans on normal basis for which banks should erect awareness about financial products and services and facing the problem of financial exclusion with integrative approach in which specific strategies would help banks to reach out the financial untouched segment of the society. In this regard, banks facilities should give extensive exposure to the no frills accounts etc. to make entry of financial excluded region into financial inclusion through use of the technological advancement and make bank premises easy approachable and banks related Electronic Machines (ATMs Machine) user friendly for the people who are still unaware about technology.

Balaji’s study (2014)[3] examines the assess and level of financial inclusion among selected tribal communities, their level of awareness about no frills account and the financial services offered by the banks and the steps taken by the banks towards financial inclusion. The scholar recommends that for villagers financial inclusion and infrastructure should go hand in hand for all round tribal development to take place so as to ensure that villagers have access to health education, shelter, information, technology and insurances apart from credit behaviour.

Shabna (2014)[4] investigated the level of awareness about financial inclusion forces and examined the extent of financial inclusion among below poverty line people in households of Kerala in terms of continuous usage and access of bank account. The scholar finds that the literacy level and occupation highly influence access and continuous usage of bank account. Further BPL households access bank account only for enjoying the government benefits and schemes and are to a certain extent aware about financial inclusion drives as majority are fully aware of no-frill accounts.

Sinha & Azad, (2018)[5] examined The Jan Dhan Yojana of financial inclusion programme where they appreciate the increase in accounts because of PMJDY, but doubt that many of these accounts are duplicate, that is, opened by people who already have bank accounts. The operative status of the accounts has been felt mostly remaining dormant. More over regarding the access to credit from formal sources, the post launch period of the scheme according to them has not shown any increase in the credit-deposit ratio and in the share of small loans. Fraudulent use of PMJDY accounts is also apprehended by the authors. They have raised concern on the ability to use and operate bank accounts which challenge the claims of financial inclusion. They stated that the PMJDY scheme in its current form is inadequate to address the problem of financial exclusion.

Peterson and Rachid (2022)[6] demonstrated that there has been increasing access to financial services and products provided by financial institutions, which improves financial intermediation and results in positive economic growth via which financial inclusion promotes economic growth. They suggest that policy environment should be favourable for financial participation and economic expansion which is also a priority according to the policy makers. They argued that there may be a positive welfare impact from the relationship between financial inclusion and economic growth. This is because significant levels of financial inclusion would make finance accessible to all members of society, regardless of income level, giving people the chance to use the services to improve their welfare and fostering greater social inclusion.

Factor Analysis (Principal Component Analysis): It is used for identifying groups or clusters of variables. Factor analysis is used to summarize the information contained in a large number of variables into a smaller number of subsets or factors to determine the influence level of the factors.

The research was undertaken on the basis of the primary data collected from 480 respondents including 98 nomadic and 382 non-nomadic tribal communities (Gaddis and Gujjars) based  the multi stage random sampling method. Data was taken from six blocks of Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh.

Result and Discussion

The responses are analyzed and discussed as below:

1. Awareness about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

Government of India has launched Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana with the motive to include more andmore number of people in the process of financial inclusion through opening bank accounts. The scheme is to provide the opportunity to such strata of the society who are not much natient about investment benefits are  unable to invest due to cumbersome procedures and conditions of investment. The policy includes services like opening of bank account, insurance facility, credit facility and pension benefits at affordable access. Through the policy, the conditional barriers have been tried to be broken and eased to ensure access of financial inclusion of such communities who have very limited sources. To propagate the policy, widespread institutional involvement has been assigned the responsibility through financial institutions as well as the government bodies. The reaction of the respondents with regard to awareness about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is depicted in the following table 1.

Table 1Awareness about  Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

Aware about PMJDY

No. of Respondents





Do Not Agree






The responses reveal that 67.9 percent of the respondents are not aware about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Policy which is a government program despite of the fact that it is characterized by the features of access to bank at minimum rate or open bank account with zero balance. This indicates that the organizations involved in propagating about the Programme in the community could-not successfully accomplish their goal especially when the communities of gaddis and Gujjars of Himachal Pradesh are talked about. 

2.   Responses Regarding Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

Out of 480 respondents, only 154 have revealed that they are aware about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. Amongst 154 respondents who are aware about the scheme, great majority is of the opinion that it is not beneficial. It is worth to mention that under the scheme, facilities like use of Ru-Pay card, Insurance and Pension Benefits are provided. Further, the users can avail overdraft facility. As per the responses of the informants of the present research, the benefits of the scheme being felt by the people of Gaddi and Gujjar communities are analyzed as under:

Table 2   Responses Regarding Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana





Overdraft facility

 15 (9.7)

139 (90.3)

154 (100)

Ru-Pay Card

103 (66.9)


154 (100)


 67 (43.5)


154 (100)

Pension Benefits



154 (100)

According to the respondents of the present research, since the percentage of respondents who are aware about the scheme is only 32.1, out of them more than 90 percent are not availing the overdraft facility. The responses reveal that two-third of them (103 respondents) are using Ru-Pay. On the other hand, 43.5 percent stated that they are availing insurance facility and only 29.2 percent are getting pension benefits. Therefore, it can be implied that the popularity and usage of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana amongst gaddis and gujjars in Himachal Pradesh is very low (Table 2).

3.   Analysis of Awareness about Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (KMO and Bartlett's Test Anaysis)

To testify the awareness level about the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana for the chosen communities of gaddis and gujjars in Himachal Pradesh, by applying KMO and Bartlett’s Test Analysis, the results are as under (Table 3):

Table 3  Analysis of Awareness about Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

                                                 KMO and Bartlett’s Test

Kaiser -Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy


Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity

Approx. Chi-square






The above table of KMO and Bartlett’s test output analyzes whether the responses given are adequate with the data collected or not. Since the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value obtained is 0.766 and if this value is compared with the of KMO value interpretation criteria, it is very clear that value of KMO i.e. .766 is more than reasonable value level. This means that the sum of partial correlation is not large in comparison to the sum of correlation. The sum of analysis variable is 76.6% which indicates that there is no diffusion in the correlation pattern. Hence, the factor analysis is appropriate for this data. The above table also shows the Bartlett’s test of sphericity. The approx. Chi-square value obtained is 797.513 and the significance value P of the Bartlett’s test of sphericity which is .000 is less than .005 which reveals that correlation matrix is not an identity matrix. This indicates that the variables are strongly related with each other and factor analysis is applicable for this data.

Findings The Study indicates that PMJDY is introduction of the formal banking system among the mass of the society and it shows that financial inclusion has moved in a positive direction as a result of PMJDY. Considering that PMJDY is a national mission on financial inclusion that adopts a non-discriminatory approach towards society and by achieving a significant number of accounts opened under the scheme, not only account opened electronic card (Ru-pay card) also issued and available Zero Balance Account especially to rural and low -income groups, which increases the effectiveness of this scheme which bring about comprehensive financial inclusion of all the households in the country but still Gaddis and Gujjars tribal communities are still not aware about the PMJDY mission and remained unbanked.
Conclusion Whereas, this Mission demonstrates a way to bring the unbanked, underprivileged, and vulnerable segments of society into the financial system. Study reveals that tribal communities’ households had not opened bank accounts reflects low rising in banking practices and levels of financial literacy, which will ultimately lead to disparity in the participation in the economic growth across the country. Increased bank branches in rural regions as a result of financial inclusion based on the PMJDY scheme but still tribal groups are not benefitted.
Suggestions for the future Study From the above study it is recommended that Government should focus to uplift such tribal communities who are still far away from the mainstream society when we talked about financial inclusion and should plan something which is beyond opening ‘No Frill’ accounts and should clearly mention the role of major stakeholders and proper monitoring mechanism to ensure proper execution of schemes and policies which are available with regard to achieve financial inclusion of the tribal and vulnerable communities.
1. World bank (2008). Finance for all? Policies and pitfall in expanding access, world bank policy research paper, pp.1121-1126, world bank, Washington DC. Available at sitesresources.worldbank.org. 2. Sameer kochaar (2009), speeding financial inclusion, New Delhi, Academic foundation. 3. R. Balaji and Dr. J. Vijayadurai (2014), “Financial Inclusion among Tribal in Nilgiris District Journal of Radix International Educational and Research Consortium www.rierc.org Volume 3, Issue 6 (June. 2014) ISSN: 2250 – 3994 4. Shabna Mol (2014). Awareness and access of Financial Inclusion drive: A study of below poverty line households in Kerala. Global Journal of Commerce and Management Perspective., Vol.3 (4), 201-204. 5. Sinha, D., & Azad, R. (2018, March 31). Can jan Dhan Yojana Achieve Financial Inclusion? Economic and Political Weekly, LIII (15). 6. Peterson K. Ozili and AdekemiAdemijuSemia Rachid, (2022) Impact of Financial Inclusion on Economic Growth: Review of Existing Literature and Directions for Future Researchhttps://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0306-8293 Article in International Journal of Social Economics