ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- V June  - 2023
Innovation The Research Concept
Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources: Towards Sustainable Development
Paper Id :  17804   Submission Date :  11/06/2023   Acceptance Date :  19/06/2023   Publication Date :  23/06/2023
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Amina Jafri
Assistant Professor
Environmental Science
Integral University
Lucknow,U.P., India
Shweta Yadav
Assistant Professor
Environmental Science
Integral University
Lucknow, U.P., India
Abstract Even though the protection of energy resources is often referred to as “energy security”, the mere fact that resources are physically accessible does not always imply that they can be used by end users. 90 % of the current and future energy demand will come from fossil fuels consumption therefore greenhouse gases and other pollutants rising in Asian nations which cause serious threats to energy security and Sustainability. In the context of energy insecurity in Asia, Asia will identify the issues and consider potential solutions to energy insecurity along with this several countries' case studies will discuss the value of renewable energy in addressing energy insecurity. Asian countries should be investing in renewable energy and must take into account a variety of factors, including energy security, preventing climate change, and lowering air pollution. Along with this, the following factors have also a huge potential to improve the sustainable energy development scenario: (i) increasing eco-efficiency improvement contributions (ii) influencing energy consumption patterns (iii) encouraging competition along with emerging business opportunities. Improved energy security and sustainable development in Asian nations through strategies and policies concerted and should do collective efforts (including a public-private partnership) to contain market volatilities for a win-win solution.
Keywords Energy resources, Sustainable, Renewable energy, Eco-efficiency, Energy Security.
As an interdisciplinary field, energy security focuses on a variety of factors (such as energy, natural resources, environmental conditions, economic, social, political, military, technological, and security purposes) and issues (such as economic, energy, and foreign policies, crises and conflicts, climate change, and sustainable development/energy) that affect countries' efforts to firmly secure their energy requirements in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner while being in compliance with international agreements. It also focuses on how these initiatives affect the previously listed elements and problems in turn. In other words, it pertains to the countries' access to, affordability of, applicability of, the plausibility of, and acceptance of energy. Energy insecurity, which refers to the sustainability of nations' energy supplies, is pervasive in Asia. Southeast Asia is used in this context as an illustration of Asia's energy vulnerability. The regional energy mix is still dominated by fossil energy (oil, gas, and coal), despite the efforts of the regional countries to increase their proportion of renewable energy (hereafter renewables). The development of renewable energy in South East Asia has been hampered by a number of factors, extending this unsustainable environmental condition. In order to secure the energy needs of the regional countries as well as their social and economic growth, all of which impact their choice of energy, it is necessary to address these concerns holistically. Singapore and the Philippines offer good examples of energy insecurity in South East Asia due to their energy mix dominance by fossil fuels. As is true for the rest of South East Asia, distinct plans related to their sustainable development are required in order to increase the proportion of renewable energy in their energy mixes. However given the disparities in the accessibility, price, applicability, plausibility, and acceptability of energy sources, particularly those of ecologically friendly renewables, accomplishing this goal necessitates varied approaches (e.g., hydro, wind, solar and geothermal). To make such renewables necessary, the latter demands sustainable energy, whose local production might act as a catalyst for economic growth while eradicating their energy insecurity. In the next part several definitions of energy security and their associated implications while discussing the backdrop of energy security in South East Asia in order to clarify the major point of this article. After that, we discussed background information for the primary argument by examining energy insecurity and barriers to renewable energy in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Singapore and the Philippines as case studies. After that, I focussed on the specific causes of the dominance of fossil energy in Singapore and the Philippines. Then in the next step, I tried to explore the connection between sustainable development and sustainable energy in SEA and how renewables could contribute to the sustainable development of the area. As a conclusion, we suggest some policy ideas for South East Asia on how to address the energy insecurity of the regional countries by removing the barriers to the spread of renewable energy sources in the region.
Objective of study Even though the protection of energy resources is often referred to as “energy security”, the mere fact that resources are physically accessible does not always imply that they can be used by end users. 90 % of the current and future energy demand will come from fossil fuels consumption therefore greenhouse gases and other pollutants rising in Asian nations which cause serious threats to energy security and Sustainability. So we have to find out a solution for sustainable development.
Review of Literature

Energy availability, affordability, accessibility, plausibility, and acceptability for nations are all implied by energy security. Other definitions have also been proposed, such as the following broader perspective by Taghizadeh-Hesary et al. (2019a), in addition to the so-called traditional definition of energy security that focuses on the availability and affordability of energy supplies, as defined, for example, by the International Energy Agency (IEA), i.e., "The uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price" (IEA 2019). Energy security has many different aspects, from the inherent economic aspect to the strategic and geopolitical nature of energy security. This in turn presents four broadly defined dimensions—economic, political, geopolitical, and institutional, legal, and regulatory context—on which energy security could be defined.

The economics of energy security, which is the first component, primarily addresses the effects of import dependence and the volatility of the energy markets. The political economy of energy security is the second dimension, and it specifically looks at the relationships between countries that import and export oil as well as crude power. The third dimension of international relations is geopolitics, which examines how coalition, cooperation, or unilateral action for energy security is influenced and shaped by geopolitics. The aspect of energy security in terms of institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks in the local, regional, and global contexts makes up the fourth dimension. Another definition, provided by Sopitsuda Tongsopit et al. (2016), focuses on four factors: the availability, acceptability, affordability, and applicability of energy supplies for nations. This essay employs a definition from the author.

Table-1:  Energy Mix of SEA 2017 (MTOE)





Hydro Electricity







































Viet Nam







Source: Author’s creation based on data provided in BP (2018)

For at least two key reasons, this sizeable estimated increase makes addressing the region's energy security a top priority. On the one hand, Table 2 shows that the SEA's own fossil energy resources are unequally distributed among the member states, leaving Singapore with no reserves and Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and the Philippines with small or insignificant reserves.

Table-2:  Proven Reserves of Fossil Energy in South East Asia 2017



Billion barrels


Trillion cubic meters


Million tons

Brunel Darussalam




















Viet Nam




Source: Author’s creation based on data provided in BP (2018)

The region is dependent on energy imports, which entails costs and risks as well as the inability of the region's proven fossil energy reserves to fully meet even their current energy needs (Table 3). Due to their expanding economies, populations, and living standards, South East Asia will become more dependent on energy imports as a result of rising energy demand.

Table-3:  Energy Imports of  South East Asia 2017



Production (MT)

Consumption (MT)

Imports (mtoe)

Brunel Darussalam




























Viet Nam






Production (BCM)

Consumption (BCM)

Imports (BCM)

Brunel Darussalam




























Viet Nam






Production (MTOE)

Consumption (MTOE)

Imports (MTOE)

Brunel Darussalam




























Viet Nam




MT: Million Tons

BCM:Billion Cubic Meters

Source: Author’s creation based on data provided in BP (2018)

On the other hand, the SEA countries' current high levels of oil, gas, and coal consumption are unsustainable and contributing to climate change, which will have devastating effects on the environment, and human health, and the economy and finances of these nations should the current pattern continue. This will delay, harm, and, very possibly, prevent these nations from developing sustainably. The region's countries will undoubtedly suffer catastrophic consequences from meeting their rising energy needs by primarily using oil, gas, and coal, as is the case in all other regions, and this will only exacerbate the accelerating climate change brought on by the phenomenal use of these polluting fuels over the past two centuries. In addition to any increase in the use of fossil fuels being obviously unsustainable for the environment and having a detrimental effect on the health of the local population, the resulting air pollution will harm.

As per energy insecurity in South East Asia sizable and growing population, as well as expanding economies and rising energy demand. Recognizing the unsustainable nature of expanding fossil energy use, regional governments have worked to reduce their reliance on such energy by increasing the amount of renewables in their energy mix. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), of which all regional countries except Timor-Leste are members, has attempted to encourage and accelerate the fulfillment of this goal as necessary for their sustainable, secure, and successful future. As a result, it has set a goal share of 23% for renewables in the region's main energy consumption by 2025, a significant increase from 9.4% in 2014. IRENA, on the other hand, claims that "existing policies – including. As a result, APEC announced its 2030 goal of doubling the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix, including electricity generation, through the efforts of its 21 member countries, seven of which are SEA countries (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam) (APEC 2017). Furthermore, the APEC objective includes 14 non- South East Asia economies (the People's Republic of China [PRC]; Hong Kong, China; Taipei, China; Japan; the Republic of Korea; Papua New Guinea; Australia; New Zealand; Canada; the United States (US); Mexico; Chile; Peru; and the Russian Federation). Given that they consume the majority of the APEC region's energy and comprise four of the world's five top energy users (the PRC, the US, and Russia).

Main Text

Renewable Obstacles and Case Studies:

Renewable Energy Challenges Several reasons have hampered the spread of renewables in the South East Asia, extending an environmentally unsustainable condition typified by a predilection for fossil energy. The availability of fossil fuels is a crucial consideration. Except for Singapore, all of the regional countries have some oil, gas, and/or coal deposits, however, none is completely self-sufficient in all of these fuels, and in some cases, such reserves are minor or modest (e.g., Cambodia and the Lao People's Democratic Republic [Lao PDR]). As a result, the bulk of them must rely on massive imports of some or all of these fuel requirements, as shown in Table 3. Despite this, oil, gas, and coal are plentiful around the world, particularly in Asia and the Pacific.

Table-4: Share of Coal in South East Asia Energy Mix 2017




Total Coal Consumption (MTOE)

Total Energy Consumption (MTOE)

Share of Coal of Total Energy  Consumption (%)






















Viet Nam




Source: Author’s creation based on data provided in BP (2018)

Another important element is cost considerations as a component of affordability. Other main renewables (solar and wind) require the importation of foreign-developed technologies, making them expensive and so unfavorable. Of course, their prices have been reducing for a variety of reasons (technological developments, large-scale production, etc.), as detailed by experts such as Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary et al. (2019b) in their elaboration on the role of contributing economic and monetary elements in lowering solar panel prices. Nonetheless, such technologies are still prohibitively expensive for many SEA countries. The exception is hydroelectricity, which contributes significantly to Viet Nam's energy mix.

Table-5: Share of Renewables of  in South East Asia’s  Energy Mix 2017 (MTOE)

Source: Author’s creation based on data provided in BP (2018)

It should be noted that, with the exception of hydroelectricity and geothermal, the majority of renewables utilized in SEA are biomass, also known as bioenergy, which is not ecologically friendly because it generates greenhouse gases (GHG) when consumed and/or its manufacturing process is polluting (in the case of biofuels). For example, Indonesia has dramatically damaged its forests in order to clear area for palm tree farming, which produces palm oil, which is utilized in numerous sectors (including food and hygiene) around the world. A growing portion of such oil is used as a raw material for making biofuel, mostly in economically advanced countries such as Europe. In 2017, Indonesia generated 2,326,000 tons of oil equivalent biofuel, an 11-fold increase over the previous year.

The CO2 contained in the trees cut down for land clearing was added to the CO2 emitted during the intentional burning of trees, which is the quickest and cheapest technique of clearing land for palm tree planting. Similarly, extensive deforestation in Indonesia has contributed considerably to the country's ranking as the world's 11th largest GHG emitter, with 515 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2017 (BP 2018); an unenviable position in comparison to its GDP of $1,015,539,000, which places it as the 16th largest economy (World Bank 2018). A significant portion of biomass consumed in SEA is conventional bioenergy (e.g., wood, charcoal, and animal waste), which is mostly utilized for cooking as a conveniently available and inexpensive fuel, particularly in rural regions. Because of their simplicity of manufacture and low cost, they are the preferred type of renewable. These two variables are especially important when bioenergy is produced without respect for environmental considerations, as evidenced by clear-cutting of forests for burning wood and charcoal manufacturing, as well as palm oil production for making biofuels and emptying fresh water resources for biofuel production. As a result, as IRENA reported, bioenergy accounts for around three-quarters of the world's renewable energy use, with traditional biomass accounting for more than half of that. In 2015, bioenergy contributed for approximately 10% of total final energy consumption and 1.4% of total worldwide power generation (IRENA 2017a). ASEAN's ten founding countries.

Another barrier is the lack of or restricted availability of indigenous renewable technology. It requires a comprehensive approach to address these factors and subsequently remove the barriers preventing the expansion of renewable energy sources in order to guarantee both the region's overall situation and its energy needs. Given their importance in influencing how each country chooses its energy sources, the latter specifically includes the social and economic spheres. Oil, gas, and coal have become socially acceptable due to their ease of use, availability, accessibility, and affordability in the SEA, though their rising health, environmental, and economic costs are posing varying degrees of challenges to their acceptability depending on their importance in the regional countries. Gas and coal have become socially acceptable due to their ease of use, availability, accessibility, and affordability in the SEA, though their rising health, environmental, and economic costs are posing varying degrees of challenges to this acceptance depending on their importance in the region's countries. As a result, the use of oil, gas, and coal as the primary sources of energy for the SEA countries is increasingly being questioned by the general public due to their environmental and developmental challenges and the associated health risks, which leads to energy insecurity.

Sustainable Energy and Sustainable Development:

Sustainable development is, broadly speaking, the main goal of the Philippines, Singapore, and all of the South East Asia countries, even though achieving this goal necessitates various strategies and plans. The difference between their current levels of development and the availability, affordability, applicability, plausibility, and acceptability of energy sources to support those developments are the root causes of this. As a result, environmentally friendly renewables (such as wind, solar, geothermal, and run-of-river hydro) are required for sustainable development, but not all types of renewables (such as biomass and biofuel). After all, renewable energy sources are not necessarily non-polluting and therefore environmentally friendly. The local production of the necessary renewable technologies could, in and of itself, serve as an engine of economic development and/or its consolidation, depending on the case (i.e., the level of development of a given country and the available options for development), in addition to producing clean energy for the aforementioned countries as representatives of their region and, in a broad sense, Asia. Of course, to varying degrees depending on, among other things, the industrial and scientific development of the concerned countries, this is a workable solution.

Conclusion In a nutshell, environmentally sound renewable energy sources are crucial to permanently ending Asia's energy insecurity. This goal cannot be reached with other forms of energy. While some of these are unsustainable from an environmental point of view (such as coal and consequently coal-fired electricity generators), another type—nuclear power generators—is perhaps too expensive and/or unaffordable for many Asian countries, including those in the South East Asia. Therefore, for the vast majority of South East Asia countries, which are developing and have low or middle incomes, renewable energy sources are the best choice. A combination of intermittent (wind, solar, and ocean energy) and continuous (primarily hydro, run-off river hydro, and geothermal) energy must be used together to ensure the availability of a reliable alternative to oil, gas, and coal for a significant portion of countries' energy needs for commercial, industrial, residential, and transportation purposes. This is because the majority of the major types of renewables are intermittent sources of energy, not being available all the time (e.g., wind and sunshine). Environmentally friendly substitutes for fossil liquid fuels (gasoline and diesel fuel) for transportation have yet to be developed on a large scale, which would allow for the complete replacement of fossil energy and the permanent halting of the majority of human-made emissions and related unsustainable practices (such as the rapid depletion of fresh water resources).
Suggestions for the future Study Contrary to popular belief, there are currently no sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. This is due to their unsustainable dependence on fossil fuels and water during production, as well as the harm they cause to the environment during cultivation—especially when forests are destroyed to make room for the cultivation of raw materials like corn and palm trees. For a variety of the aforementioned factors, the ten SEA nations have not yet fully or even significantly utilized their renewable potential. Considering that cost is a barrier for all of them despite differences in how effective it is as a preventive measure (i.e., from a factor to the single most crucial one), addressing it is important. Examples include solar boilers, which boil water using direct sunlight rather than the sophisticated technology needed to convert sunlight into electricity, which is either not locally available or too expensive to be economically feasible on a large scale. These boilers will replace a sizable portion of the fossil fuel energy currently used to boil water for a variety of consumers, from small-scale residential to large-scale commercial/industrial ones. They can be easily installed on the rooftops of all buildings, large and small alike. The development and production of water boilers for the SEA nations has the fortunate side effect of advancing modern technology in those nations.
Small hydro generators, also referred to as run-off river hydro, are low-cost and thus reasonably priced forms of renewable technologies for all the neighboring nations. All of them, including the Philippines, can easily develop them, as has been the case for low- and middle-income nations in the Asia and Pacific region, like India. There are many run-off river hydro options that, for the most part, are not technologically complex and can satisfy the local nations' small-scale electricity needs. For all the nations in the region, vertical wind turbines are a serious option. They are less expensive and much simpler to develop, install, and maintain locally than the widely used large horizontal ones, and they require much weaker winds.
A small portion of Singapore's rooftops are currently being used to install solar panels; these panels are only found on government-built Housing Development Bureau buildings, which are primarily home to low-income families. Therefore, the nation still has thousands of its large high-rise rooftops, as well as hundreds of these rooftops, that can be used for little vertical turbines. The development of vertically concentrated solar, which was created to provide the advantages of currently in use horizontal ones for large-scale solar energy generation, without taking up the space required by the latter, has allowed Singapore, which can afford to import cutting-edge foreign technologies, to use some of its rooftops. Singapore can benefit from constructing platforms on the sides of rooftops for vertical wind turbines, solar water boilers, concentrated solar units, and solar panels. This is a remedy for all other Asian and international nations that experience a lack of available land. These suggested actions, aside from horizontal solar technologies, can be accomplished with locally developed, reasonably practicable, affordable, and simple-to-use technologies. Once adopted, they will assist SEA nations of all income levels to lessen their reliance on fossil fuels, meet their growing electricity needs, including those of their rural areas which demand small-scale technologies, and lessen the financial burden of their heavy imports of fossil fuels while also significantly lowering their GHG emissions. The cost of renewable energy technologies, like wind and solar energy, which is not currently produced in these countries, will continue to decline thanks to their growing production and technological advancements, making them more accessible to import.
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