ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- IV May  - 2023
Innovation The Research Concept
Corporate Sensitizing Through Soft Skills
Paper Id :  17942   Submission Date :  12/05/2023   Acceptance Date :  22/05/2023   Publication Date :  25/05/2023
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Meetu Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department Of Humanities & Social Sciences
KIET Group Of Institutions
Delhi-NCR,Ghaziabad, india
Abstract Corporate sector is all set to expand its horizons. Being incentivized by the AI (Artificial Intelligence) infused industry 5 paradigm, it expects a whole new regimen of blendedworkforce of machine with men. With the onset of all new frameworks, it would require better soft skill tools and methodologies, equipped with elevated intelligence, mindfulness, kindness, adaptability, optimism, integrity, self motivation, grit and unwavering resilience to grapple with new situations and dimensions. In the backdrop of this unprecedented shift in corporateworkforce, and work culture shock with underlying ripples of changes that are anticipated with active participation of “cobots” (collaborative robots),present paper discusses the role of soft skills in lending human touch to the more mechanized environment of corporate, that is largely incapable of being replicated by machines. In addition the paper discusses the role soft skills can play to assist the human workforce to gain competitive advantage with self awareness and improved communication strategies.
Keywords Soft Skills, Corporate, AI, Mechanized Environment, Cobots, etc.
The megatrends infused by Fourth and Fifth industrial revolutions in a cumulative manner are going to shape the future of work culture. The technological shifts that would be witnessed would be powerful enough to demean most of the past practices and give way for the new age man-machine culture, which would necessitate shift in the soft skill regime as well. Not only would it require overhauling of the current soft skill practices, but would also require additions to match up with the work culture shift to lend a human touch to otherwise machine major culture. In addition, the skills would need to be inclusive in educational settings, workspaces and in everyday life of people (Tromel et al, 2019). This has been substantiated by the latest research that soft skills would be a prerequisite for matching up the needs of fifth industrial revolution, which would make trained personnel an expensive asset ((Mahsneh& Thabet, 2016; Majid et al, 2012).
Objective of study 1. To study the importance of soft skills in the corporate world. 2. To delineate major soft skills to combat technology shift.
Review of Literature

There have been several studies, which have identified and explored the utility of soft skills in normal and professional life of people. Some of the most important studies, which have delineated on the significance of soft skills, are given as under:

The study of Morgan (1997) provided that soft skills are indispensable for dispensation of essential duties in organizations and they are the only skills which can lead to development of self with the development of organization. His study substantiated this claim by studying the significance of soft skills among a selected sample of professionals using a nine item scale. 

Main Text

Meaning and definition of soft skills

Soft skills basically comprise of non-technical skills or precisely a wide range of intra and inter-personal skills pertaining to socio-emotional nature of a person, which are exhibited while interacting and dealing with others at workplace or otherwise that guarantee personal growth, academic accolades, and professional success (Cimatti, 2016).They are specifically the interpersonal skills, dealing with people and attitudes, which enhance business efficiency and interpersonal relations (Andrews & Higson, 2008)

There are several classifications provided by professionals (Mahsneh& Thabet, 2016) to end the ambiguity in definition of soft skills.However, there are certain Primary soft skills,which are communication, conflict resolution skills, emotional intelligence, self-motivation, critical thinking, leadership and problem-solving tactfulness. These soft skills along with personal training and experience exhibited in the form of efficiency and effectiveness are a key to personal success. Moreover,these skills are instrumental in providing self-regulatory functions for an individual that include, self – recognition, self-regulation, self-reflection, and assessment of abilities that can lead to modification of the emotional and productive functions of an individual and lead them towards a better organized and progress-oriented life towards higher success and higher realization of goals both in personal life and professional life.

Need for the Study

While soft skills have been practiced for long in corporate, there has always been a gap in requisite nature and level of soft skills needed and actually practiced in corporate. In almost 90 percent of cases lack of soft skills acts as a major reason for termination of employees. With the ongoing tempo of “Fourth Industrial Revolution”and upcoming nuances and practices of “Fifth Industrial Revolution”, the condition is invariably expected to worsen further, owing to the fact that there would be fewer people around bulk of machines, which will have brains of their own for they are not mere machines but “collaborative robots”or “cobots”, which would get commands from human workforce around them and function accordingly. Given the present scenario the workforce, which already would be in lesser number, would have to practice very high levels of soft skills to manage work and work environment. This would require a completely new outlook of the role of soft skills in corporate and training modules to better equip the workforce to get “future work environment” ready. In the backdrop of this scenario and expected changes in the work environment, present study entitled, “Corporate Sensitizing through Soft Skills”, has been undertaken to discuss the role of soft skills in corporate world, different types of soft skills, importance of soft skills over hard skills, and future ready soft skills, etc. The paper also endeavors to delineate on the implications of study for corporate and for research in this realm.

The study of Morgan (1997) provided that soft skills are indispensable for dispensation of essential duties in organizations and they are the only skills which can lead to development of self with the development of organization. His study substantiated this claim by studying the significance of soft skills among a selected sample of professionals using a nine item scale.

Ulinski and O’callaghan (2002) in the study done by them delineated on the targeted traits that are normally undertaken to be tested at the time of selecting people in job interviews, and how and why, they play prominent role in the selection process of employees.

Jones (2011) in his study identified the critical factors which are affected by soft skills in any given organization. This trait of soft skills was tested by his study through development of a nine item scale,which provided that people who possessed better soft skills ended up to be better professionals, and received better compensation and rewards in professional fields.

Gray and Murray (2011)provided for a detailed account of communications skills that are imperative for any corporate individual to dispense off the duties that are designated in a proper manner. To this end, their study laid down certain basic tenets for improvement of soft skills for the improvement of overall corporate environment and work culture so that all the impediments to organizational success can be removed.

Lolli (2013a)in his study delineated on the nuances, and need for soft skills in corporate environment,which can be regarded as a milestone. It is one of the studies, which laid down the need and scope of soft skill development in organizations and inculcate the basic soft skills in employees to improve the communication tactics and level of social behaviour, which is appropriate for smooth functioning of organizations.

Leigh and Summers (2002) provided for the items and content that is included in the realm of non-verbal communication skills. They even developed an eleven point scale for the measurement of non-verbal soft skills and their need in organizations’ overall development.

The study of Bambacas and Patrickson (2008)pondered over the subtle verbal and non verbal soft skills that come in handy in ‘day to day’ dispensation of tasks in corporate houses, and which improve overall environment of corporate houses and lead them to adopt healthy practices of communication and presentation of ideas.

Zehrer and Mossenlechner (2009) in their study delineated the advantages and disadvantages of proper soft skills in developing work friendly and people friendly environment for providing quality upgrades on behaviour pattern of managers so that they can lead to creation of better teams and better results owing to improvement in management of those teams.

Limbu et al., (2016) explored all the basic and trendy soft skills that can help improve the office work environment and lead to overall improvement in corporate environment so that employees find it relaxed, and work in best of their capacities so that they do not have to ponder over unproductive issues and can concentrate on improving their work capacities and productivity. 

Result and Discussion

The advent of man-machine collaboration with the dawn of fifth industrial revolution is about to change the dynamics of work environment. In this regard,the discussion of paper would undertake following topics under consideration:

Soft skills and corporate world

There would be no exaggeration if it is commented that corporate skills are a talisman to survive in corporate world. It is not possible to sustain and flourish in corporate world without a firm grip and practice of soft skills in everyday life. 

Importance of soft skills over hard skills

While hard skills can be really important at the time of getting hired by companies as they are the learned technical skills, which are included in resume as learned abilities through education, training and experience, soft skills are found to be more crucial factors for modern businesses (Goby, 2007; Halfhill & Neilson, 2007; Zehrer &Mossenlechner, 2009; Wang et al., 2009; Robles, 2012; Shuayto, 2013; Plant & Slippers, 2015; Lim et al., 2016; ), which not only lend essential work efficiency but also lead to better disposal of technical skills to meet the pressing challenges of the business world (Rubles, 2012). It has become a trend for employers to no longer consider only the core technical skills, but also regard other specific skills, like soft skills as key skills for viewing and assessing the employability of applicants (Binsaeed et al., 2016).

Corporate sensitization though Soft skills

As per latest studies, it has been reported that as many as 90 percent of mangers working in very renowned corporate houses lack soft skills and it has been cited as the most primary reason for their termination. Secondly, there are so many altercations owing to lack of soft skill among managers and employees in corporate, which not only lead to tensions and work disruptions, but also loss of labor man-days and total productivity of human resource engaged in organizations and the output of the organization as a whole. Consequential to this, it is imperative to have goodunderstanding of soft skills, and one should be good at soft skills in practice as well.

The corporate houses now look for individuals who are good at both soft (qualitative) skills and hard (quantitative) skills. The world as a whole is about to witness huge shift in work environment and practical culture on the onset of fifth industrial revolution. In this regard, there is urgent need to take cognizance of this change and develop soft skills competency. With the development of soft skills people can improve the quality of their communication skills, time management techniques, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and self motivation. Being equipped with these skills it would be easier for people to combat the change in work culture due to participatory role of “cobots” in work places and they would be more likely to face lesser magnitude of problems.

Future ready soft skills

“It was easy for people to sustain and ascend the ladder of success just with the help of technical or hard skills acquired through education, training and experience. However, in modern corporate culture it is not easy to survive on these skills and people need certain well specified soft skills, which can make them future ready”.

Some of the major soft skills, which are important to combat the blues of future world’work culture shift, are mentioned as under:

Effective communication skills

There is no exaggeration in putting forward that effective communication skills can work wonders for one’s career in current corporate work culture. These are the best personal attributes, which are guarantee of success for almost all the individuals who happen to be the aspirants of corporates sector. They are in fact ultra important for employees in any field and are the only means to properly showcase the hard skills a person can deliver, at his or her workplace. Even if anyone happens to be the cream of the crop, it is impossible to sustain and succeed in today’s dynamic work environment without proper and latest type of soft skills training.

Teamwork skills

One may be a very efficient employee but it cannot lead a company to grow, and what is needed is good teamwork for a company to succeed. Hence every aspirant of corporate company or work environment should have quality of becoming a good team worker both as a team members and a team leader, to augment new synergies. This is based on the fact that different people are endowed with different skills and a team needs all the qualities to accomplish a task. 


This is yet another very important trait that is essential to fit into the modern day work culture in corporates. While hiring people panel members look out for applicants who show assurance that if they are given a task they will give their all to accomplish it at every cost and won’t give up easily in any condition.


Adaptability is crucial in dynamic times, which corporates are confronting presently. They are combating with ever new challenges on everyday basis. So, they eagerly look out for aspirants who have very high skills pertaining to adaptability and flexibility. This is important to shift according to change in plans, which can be at maximum number of times be sudden and unpredictable. This is important because corporates are facing sudden changes in economicenvironment both at domestic and international levels.

Conflict resolution

Conflicts are productive for good results, both at economic level and at work levels. It is important to have positive discussions and counter views thorough nitpicking at things to look out for all the possibilities in the course of development of business, and changes it is subjected to, due to dynamic changes, because there are several views and counter views that needto be addressed in businesses before embarking on real time operations in business. If they are not looked upon they can lead to irreparabledamages.

Leadership skills

Although one does not always apply forleadershipposition it is absolutely important to have good leadership qualities. It for the reason that even small tasks in companies, can demand leadership skills even from the lowest category or grade of workers, and it has very little to do with leadership positions at that point of time. In this regard, it is one of the most important soft skills that should be pursued, well grasped, and practiced by aspirants. It not only elevates the emotional intelligence ofpersonnel but also improves their sense of empathy, which affects their overall capabilities and performance at work place.

Problem solving and criticalthinking

Employers in contemporary times increasingly look for aspirants who possess good problem solving capabilities, and who have higher level of critical thinking, which make them more efficient and effective whatever they do or aspire to accomplish not only at work place but in long run for their career prospects as well. These two traits come in really handy for jobs and leads to better performance in economic and overall growth terms.

Research skills

Research has become cornerstone of all development that is happening in the corporate world. All the major and even small corporate houses have in-house R&D departments, which look after the trends that are going on in national and internationalmarkets, and try to keep a close tab on all the latest developments. Owing to this need of corporate sector job aspirants need to possess and sharpen their research acumen and keep abreast of the developments that are going on in research and development of the field or area they are working in or wish to get employed in.


Creativity is regarded as a fundamental or basic skill, which elevates the overall skills possessed by any given individual and it is the only one unique attribute of any individual, which can differentiate the work done by him from other people. Thinking outside the box and coming up with solutions, which does not only have innovative string attached to them, but also some creativity, can make great difference in quality of services rendered and work ability exhibited by person.


Integrity is the much sought after attribute by employers in modern world, which is fast paced and full of deceit and immortality of many types. Trustworthiness adds to the overall personality of individual and covers up for numerous shortcomings of person at technical or experience level. Corporates lay great stress on the trait of trustworthiness of individuals and the manner, they handle tasks and information a person is privy to.

Implications of study for corporate

All the economies across the world and corporate sectors therein are experiencing continuousshift, which progressed at a gradual pace in previous decades, but for last couple of years or so it is rather very swift and abrupt at times. This makes it impossible for corporate houses and aspirants to correctly decipher the trend that international business environment is going to witness. In addition, there are other unavoidable changes, which are bound to happen and that is the definite with the adventof fifth industrial revolution, which is all set to change the very base and dynamics of current working environment.

Implications of study for research

Soft skills lead to the creation of higher value services, for organization and ensure greater personalization in the tasks that are accomplished by the concernedemployees. Research provides a link between the past and trends which are about to emerge in future. This is exactlythe case with soft skills that are about to witness path-breaking trends with the advent of fifth industrial revolution. The onset of “Industry 5 Paradigm” is sure to bring changes to the type of jobs that would be available in markets; category of services that would be offered by the organizations in operation; the quality of design freedoms for extant workforce; services which would be rendered by employees; level of customization; division of responsibility of general and specific tasks; quality and magnitude of the work that would be required to be performed; skills that would be specifically required for accomplishing specific tasks; level of automation in the works that would be required to be done in organizations; type of task and services model that would be practiced in organizations; agility and impartiality that would be required and that would exist in reality; level of flexibility in work systems and work cultures;and the types of negative and positive impacts on society. All these general and specific changes would lead to research pertaining to soft skills in these specific areas. This indeed would lead to a very huge impact on the type of soft skills that would be required and type of soft skills that are possessed by people in corporate. Moreover, the studies pertaining to these fields would lead to addressing the gap between the extant soft skills and the required soft skills. Thus,the present study would lead to tremendous impact on the research in the field of soft skills and in the aforementioned areas.

In addition, it would help in all its capacity to mitigate the negative effects of industry 5 paradigms for people and their jobs. Industry five paradigms in general will bring about tremendous changes in the extant industrial production mechanism and corporate work environment. With increasing penetration of “6G and Beyond”, which will bring about new discovery of resources and products to excel in international markets, will certainly give rise to smart resources management; lower level of latency of natural and human resources; and higher reliability of corporate on skills possessed by specified human resource that would be responsible for more and more specialized job commands and dispensation of duties. In addition to this there would be many other trends that would emanate from quantum computing; metaverse; digital twin;block chain; IoT (Internet of Things); COBOTs (Collaborative Robots); and AI-ML – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. All these future trends would certainly leave no scope for anomalies on the part of workforce in corporates and they would have to specifically keep a tab on all the major and minor components and trends of soft skills. 

Conclusion The foregoing discussion provides for the need, scope, and utility of soft skills not only in contemporary business environment extant in Corporates, but it also lays down requirements of future corporate needs, which will have to combatwith the ever new trends and nuances of man-machine work culture. Given the needs of novel trends and requirements of fast changing work cultures, due to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology which, will witness its dawn owing to the advent of FifthIndustrialRevolution, there would be a need of major shift in soft skills, which will reach an all new higher level to cater to entirely newer type of corporate cultures. So, it is better for the aspirants, corporatehouses, and employees therein, to focus more on soft skill training and module developments if they aspire to work in rhythm with the changing times.
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