ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VII , ISSUE- VI July  (Part-1) - 2022
Innovation The Research Concept
Retrospecting The Merits and Demerits of Imperial Rule by The Intellectuals of India
Paper Id :  18004   Submission Date :  13/07/2022   Acceptance Date :  19/08/2022   Publication Date :  25/07/2022
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Saraswati Kumari
Associate Professor
Department Of History
,Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract The western world penetrated in the Indian subcontinent as a colonialist with all its merits and demerits but it failed to realize the essence through which India had survived with all its restraints. The journey of modern India has not been without the ebbs and flows what the best considered our evils in the name of the diversity was India’s greatest strength. South and West became the manufacturing hubs of the country the east its resource repository and the North its bread basket. The Founding Fathers of our republic had the foresight to establish a constitutional scheme which harnessed the power of our diversity but at the same time .At a milestone it becomes necessary to retrospect the past of the modern era truly defined as imperialist, which had a great impact on the Indian subcontinent.
Keywords Imperialism, Merits, Demerits, Freedom, Intellectual.
The growth of expansion of Europe began in 1500 when the first great voyages of discovery opened up distant non European areas to European conquest settlement and trade actually however, the age of discovery for all its importance was only one phase in a much more general kind of expansion, that has had both internal and. And external aspects for the expansion of Europe has involved not simply the movements of European people and wealth to remote parts of the Earth but also an internal expansion which began well before the Great Age of discovery in the 16th and 17th century and has continued to our own day this expansion whose beginnings have been traced back as far as the opening of the 11th century is characterized by five major developments growth of population rise of towns and cities colonization first of unsettled areas within Europe and later of extensive areas overseas colonialism is of great significance because the European concept of capital investment while it has had some good and bad effect is one of the important economic inventions of all time and has led to a process by which economic production has continuously increased what was ultimately more significant about Europe’s internal expansion however was that it prepared the way for the discovery and colonization of vast regions beyond the Seas without the long gestational of internal expansion from the early Middle Ages onward there would have been no possibility of Europe’s breaking through the cultural isolation that characterized most human societies down to the year 1500. W ealth technology and the political organization of the National Monarchy all played an important part and all were developments of medieval origin. The fact that European motives were not only intense but that European consciousness of the unknown for some reason stimulated the curiosity and moved Europeans to action as other societies were not so stimulated or moved.1
Objective of study The objective of this paper is to look back or take a stock when India celebrates its 75 years of Independence a, juncture in history when one can think about what brought us here how we came here, what were those seemingly minor events they set in motion a series of outcomes some expected and some unpredictable that would change forever the progress of its country .its character and morals its cultural preferences and social mores its politics and laws it becomes therefore necessary to embark on the events which decided the destiny of a largest democracy of the world the name being India the facts in the form of merits and the merits of imperialism cannot be overlooked every time in every aspect with a different perspectives we have to go into our deep paths and rethink and rewrite the events which shape the country’s progress and developments morally economically and culturally so this paper focuses on the merits and demerits of the imperialist rule in India through the eyes of intellectuals who were the harbinger of the Indian society not to name them the great personalities Dada Bhai Naroji Gopal Krishna Gokhale Jawahar lal Nehru, Ravindra nath Tagore whose contributions to the knowledge and path of the history of India’s progress cannot be denied or all forgotten.
Review of Literature

In his book Indian political thinking in the 20th century from Naroji to Nehru and introductory survey a appadorai . Details about how the intellectuals project him from Nehru to the other by Naroji influence the political thinking in India of those days dependent upon foreign rule economically poor and widely illiterate as India. The second book which focuses on the topic is of  autobiography  of Jawahar lal Nehru in which he highlights the defect of the alien rule. Hand Book of western civilization beginning to 1700 written by Sidney A .Burrell gives a outline to the major events in the western civilization and its impact in other parts of the world. It also discusses the motives of colonialism. Anniversary special issue of august 2022 also focuses on the milestone which india has acquired through its strengths and strains. The new spirit a selection from the writings and speeches of Bipin Chandra pal also focuses on the condition of India during the colonial period. Poverty and unbritish rule in India by Dadda by Naroji talks about the economic deterioration of India’s economy as a result of colonial power. There are also many work on this topic Secondary as well as primary. 

Main Text

The leading Indian intellectuals of India in the early nineteen twentieth century or to say before India got freedom talked about the merits and defects of the alien rule which  now should be retrospected. Dagabhai Naroji , Gopal Krishna Gokhale ,Ravindra Nath Tagore and Jawahar lal Nehru were the eminent person among the most influential of the intellectuals.” The western type of administrative machinery has been substituted in place of what once we had’ said Gokhale in 1905, “the country enjoys now uninterrupted peace and order justice though costly is fairly dispensed as between India and Indian then you have introduced western education with freedom of speech and freedom of writing these are all things that stand to your credit.’ Nehru added in his towards freedom 1942 that there was much truth in the British claim that Britain had brought to India western conceptions of parliamentary government and personal liberties and by transforming British India into a single unitary state it had endangered amongst Indians a sense of political unity and thus fostered the beginning of nationalism. Besides the British could take credit for having first opened Indian’s window to the West and brought her one aspect of western industrialism and science introducing what he called the Heralds of industrialism such as railway telegraph telephone wireless. See Sankaran Nayar told the International Congress in his presidential address in 1897 that the British government in India provided as an alien government a strictly secular rule so that in a multi religious society as in India true impartiality was preserved in respect of social and religious reform.

While acknowledging the undoubted merit of Imperial rule Nehru added a footnote: “ As a matter of fact the changes that have taken place in India during the last century or more have been world changes Have been world changes common to most countries in east and west the growth of industrialism in Western Europe and later on in the rest of the world brought nationalism and the strong unitary state in its strain everywhere.” Nehru on the other side was also of the view that India would have developed in the field of industrialism without the British consent or developments. On the economic side gokhale held the view that British rule had produced disastrous results in that significant attention had been paid to raising the living standards of the people due to the growing military expenditure and the increasing home charges dadabhai Naroji held that,”….. The material destruction and impoverishment of India….. was mainly caused by the unnatural treatment it received and the hands of its British rulers in the way of subjecting it to a large variety of expenditure upon a crushing foreign agency both in India and England whereby the children of the country were displaced and deprived of their natural rights and means of subsistence”. According to Tagore and Nehru the economic evils arose from the From the dictator conception of the state which the British applied to India.” In India”,wrote Ravindra nathTagore(1941) in his crisis in civilization ‘the misfortune of being governed by a foreign race is daily brought home to us not only in the callous neglect of such minimum necessities of life as adequate provision for food clothing educational and medieval facilities for the people but in an even unhappier form in the way the people have been divided among themselves.2

Nehru again was of the view that the British only used to protect their own state and leave the other things and at the same time the expenditure on its protective and administrative functions were terribly heavy and swallowed up most of the revenue. The economic and cultural needs of the citizens were not looked after and universal education, improvement of public health care of the poor, and the insurance of worker against illness old age and unemployment were totally neglected.

The main defect according to Gokre walls the steady dwarfing of the race in consequence of its exclusion from power. Our natural abilities owing to sheer disuse are growing less and less and this stunting is in my opinion an enormous evil this apart narochi held that the British ruling class in India did not supply the leadership which people could expect of them they were foreigners and socially they held themselves aloof. Dada bhai Naorijii in 1880 Said  that, The British rule has its own nemesis without the guidance of elderly wisdom and experience of their own natural leaders the education which the rising generations are now receiving is naturally leading them into directions which bore no good to the rulers and which instead of being the strength of the rulers as it ought to be and can be will turn out to be their great weakness.3

Nehru finally 1942 said that an authoritarian system of government and especially one that is foreign must encourage a psychology of subservience and try to limit the mental outlook and horizon of the people at the same time it must crush much that is finest in youth enterprise spirit of adventure originally pep and encourage sneakiness rigid conformity and a desire to cringe and please the bosses.

Gokulay while stating the demirates of the alien rule stated in 1905 that there were lots of defects in the bureaucracy established by the British years in India bureaucracy according to him was full of defects especially he pointed three of them as the system is highly centralized and the key officials serve the country only for a limited. They are not in a position to be able to identify themselves constantly with the interest of the people, the exclusion of the Indian educated classes from power creates discontent the officials look at every question in relation to the maintenance of their own authority the interest of the people are subordinated to this consideration.5

From 1757 the British had used their control over India to promote their own interest but it would be wrong to think that the basic character of their rule remained the same throughout it passed through several stages in its long history of nearly 200 years. The nature of British rule and imperialism is also its Policies and impact changed with the changing pattern of Britain’s own social economic and political development. To begin with that is even before 1757 the East India Company was interested only in making money it wanted a monopoly of the trade with India and the E so that there would be no other English or European merchants or trading companies to compete with it. The company also did not want the Indian merchants to compete with it for the purchase in India or state abroad. In other words company wanted to say sell its products at as high price as possible and buy Indian products as cheap as possible so that it would make the maximum profit.4 This would be possible if there was ordinary trade in which various companies and persons competed it was easy enough to keep out it’s English competitors by using bribery and various other economic and political means to persuade the British government to grant East India Company Monopoly of the right to trade with India and the east but the British laws could not keep out the merchants and trading companies of other European nations. The East India Company had therefore to vague long and fierce wars to achieve their aim since the trading areas were far away across many seas the company had to maintain a powerful Navy. The powerful Navy dit had a great cooperation in establishing a British Empire in India from 1757 onward.6

An important feature of British rule in this stage was that no basic changes were introduced in the administration, the judicial system, transport and communication or the methods of Agriculture or industrial production and business management or in the educational and intellectual fields.7 At this stage british rule was not very different from the traditional empires which collected agricultural surplus from its territories though it was much more efficient in doing so.

Following in the footsteps of their predecessors the British felt no need to penetrate to the villages so long as their economic surplus was successful sucked out through the traditional machinery revenue collection and were geared to the single aim of making the collection of revenue more efficient.

In the intellectual field no attempt was made to spread modern ideas which were changing the entire way of life in the West. Only two new educational institutions were started during the second half of the 18th century 1 at Calcutta and the other at Banares both were Centers for traditional Persian and Sanskritic learning even the Christian missionaries were kept out of the company’s domains it should also be remembered that India was conquered by the East India Company at a time when the era of the great mercantilist trading corporations was already over in Britain within British society the company represented the dyeing and not the rising social forces as a result of British rule.8

As a result of British rule india was transformed by the mid of the 19 century into a classic colony. It was a major market for British manufacturers A big source of raw material and footstuffs and an important field Further investment of British capital its agriculture was highly taxed for the benefit of imperial interests ,the bulk of the transport system, The Indian Army acted as a chief instrument for maintaining the far flung British empire and protecting and promoting British imperial interests in East, southeast Central and West Asia and northeast and South Africa modern mines and industries foreign trade coastal and international shipping and banks and insurance companies were all under foreign control india provided employment to thousands of middle class Englishmen and nearly one third of its revenue was spent in paying salaries to Englishmen.

The historical validity of the ideals for the scope and survey of examination can be referred or left over to political and economic historians but it is here relevant to state that Nehru added that it would be observed to blame for all India’s ills on the British but we should also take responsibility on our soldier and we may not shrink it it is unseemly to blame others for the inevitable consequences of our own weaknesses which should be overcome.9 Naroji wrote,” True, british rule Will Benefit both Britain and India my whole object in all my writing is to impress upon the British people that instead of a disastrous explosion of the British Indian Empire as must be the result of the present dishonorable unbritish system of government, there is a great and glorious future for Britain and India to an extent inconceivable at present if the British people will awaken to their duty, will be true to British instincts of fair play and justice.” Tagore has noted that his good fortune has orphaned brought him into close touch with really large hearted Englishman without the slightest hesitation I may say that the nobility of their character was without parallel in no country or community have I come across such greatness of soul such examples would not allow me wholly to lose faith in the race which produced them.10

Almost all Indian economy and social development were completely subordinated to British economy and social development Indian economy was integrated into the world capitalist economy in subordinate position and with a peculiar international division of labor during the very years after 1760 when Britain was developing into the leading developed capitalist of the world india was being underdeveloped into becoming the leading Backward colonial country of the world in fact the two processes were interdependent in terms of cause way and effect the entire structure of economic relations between Britain and India involving trade finance and technology continuously developed colonial dependence and underdevelopment.

Conclusion 75 years in the life of a nation is not very long the idealism of liberty ,equality and fraternity are yet to be fully realized in Indian society however we have gone through a long path which characterizes Indian democracy of 75 years in subsequent decades. Indians of my generation felt proud as the world acknowledged the free and Democratic climate of a nation where by all familiar criteria, democracy is not allowed to fail.what What will raise Indians standing is not a muscular aggressive or divisive ram but a United Nation where Indians trust one another once Gandhi in 1921 said you have persuaded Muslim and Hindu to sit side by side on the political platform and to crack a whip together at the British star but how far down in their hearts and minds does this sense of unity penetrate it’s a question which always needs to be answer history has always necessarily dependent on debate and revision so it’s very important for the contemporary historians as well as the people of India today to know the realities of the past and attacks on the past are also attacks on the sentiments of many Indians so before as a historian and scholar we should always be very much apprehensive towards the findings of the events in history so this paper is a looking beyond the merits and demerits of the British rule in India when the Indian subcontinent is celebrating at 75 years of Democratic independence.
1. Appadorai. A. Indian political thinking in the 20th century from Naroji to Nehru an introductory survey oxford University Press ,1971 2. Burrell .Sydney. A handbook of western civilization beginning to 17 00 second edition john Willy and sons New York ,1972 3. Pal Bipin Chandra. The new spirit a selection from the writings and speeches of Bipin Chandra pal Calcutta sinha Sarvadhikari and company, 1907 4. Prasad Rajendra. All the feet of Mahatma Gandhi Bombay Asian publishing house, 1961 5. Nehru Jawahar Lal. Towards Freedom (autobiography),the John DayCompany NewYork,1942 6. Naroriji Dada Bhai Poverty and Unbritish role in India Swan Sonnenschien and company London, 1901 7. Mukherjee Haridas and Mukherjee Uma Sri Aurobindo and The new thoughts in Indian politics Calcutta, 1964 8. Nehru Jawahar lal Glimpses of world history ,London 1949 9. Harrap. A. Masters of political thought vol 3 George G Harrap and company London, 1969 10. Bose Nirmal Kumar Selections from Gandhi Navjeevan publishing house Ahmedabad,1948