P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- V August  - 2023
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation
Intervention of China and China as A Factor on India-Bangladesh Relationship: A Study with Recent Trend
Paper Id :  17988   Submission Date :  15/08/2023   Acceptance Date :  22/08/2023   Publication Date :  25/08/2023
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Pijush Kr. Khan
Research Scholar
Department Of Political Science
Ram Krishna Dharmarth Foundation University
Ranchi, Jharkhand, India,(First Author)
Renuka Poodar
Assistant Professor
Department Of Political Science
Ram Krishna Dharmarth Foundation University
Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Abstract Bangladesh and India is close neighboring country sharing with common culture, heritage, language and long boundary. India is a first country who recognizes Bangladesh as an Independent sovereign country. But after assassination of SeikhMujiburRahaman, India Bangladesh relation was affected. ZiaurRahman was taken Pro China attitude instead pro Indian attitude. After restoration of democracy in 1992, there were Begum khaleda Zia became prime minister and taken China as a Close friend. But after that Sheihhasina assumed the power through 1996 Election and diplomacy of Bangladesh had been changed. In 2001, Bangladesh national party reelected, Begum Zia was prime minister. After that, China -Bangladesh signed various treaties, MOU especially in the defense sector. But recent time, India- China relation is not good. China is constantly trying to improve the relation with Bangladesh through the assistance of various projects in Bangladesh. There are also some irritations in India Bangladesh relation. China wants to get benefited from this irritation. India istaken various measures to prevent Chinese intervention in Bangladesh .India is trying to improve bilateral relationshipwith Bangladesh.
Keywords Diplomatic, Geostrategic, Conflict, Treaty, Connectivity, Displaced, Blood Neighbor.

India and Bangladesh remarked as a close blood neighbor there are numerous similarity between two countries from various aspect two countries have common history cultural heritage physiography Bangladesh has publicly acknowledge India's role in 1971 freedom movement and nation building of the country from 1972 India was one of the first country recognize government of Bangladesh but from 1972 there are ups and downs in India- Bangladesh relationships. there are various factor who is your affected into Bangladesh relation Dam on the various factor China is an important factor of India Bangladeshi relationships China also a neighboring state of India and Bangladesh people of Bangladesh and Society are very much affected from Bangladesh China relationships in 1971 Liberation war China was in Pakistan side and remarked as an “all-weather friends of Pakistan “and China gave veto against the UN membership to Bangladesh in the year 1972 .But from 1975 China Bangladesh relation history Kali increased in 1978 Chinese official paid their first visit in people Republic of Bangladesh in the year 2013 China launch belt and Road initiative and in 2016 Bangladesh officially join this belt and Road initiative and there are studying place in China Bangladesh relation now Bangladesh first trading partner is China instead India defense cooperation between two countries has been main area of cooperation do Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina assured India there will no impact on Indo Bangladesh relationship by China- Bangladesh relationships. Prime minister of Bangladesh also stated that Bangladesh India relationships as a “blood relationships”.

Objective of study

1. To find out Historical Background of India- Bangladesh and Bangladesh- China Relationship.

2. To Examine Chia – Bangladesh partnership in various Sectors including defense, Economic and Development.

3. To analyses Chinese intervention in Indo- Bangladesh relationship.

4. To study India’s response on Chinese intervention in Indo- Bangladesh friendly relation.

5. To find out some recommendation after concluding this study.

Review of Literature

Review of related literature help us to gain various knowledge of previous work in the same field. It also helps us to acquire knowledge different segment of respective fields. A researcher has Finds Research Gap of particular research by the help of Review of related literature. I, have reviews several literature in my study, some of them are briefing below-

Datta, sree Radha, Bangladesh Relation with china and India: A analysis, Institute of Defense studies and analysis,(September,2008) analyze influence of China in South Asia this comprehensive relation of Bangladesh China in contrast to India Bangladesh relation she has elaborately discuss rationalization of Bangladesh China relationships and its impact of on security of India and also impact of various bilateral agreement of India Bangladesh.

Ranjan  ,Amit, “The Making of Bangladesh – China Relation” institute for south Asian studies , Singapore, discussed hegemony of South Asian small countries like Bangladesh is a Chinese strategies in present era. Historically they are not supported Liberation war of Bangladesh even they are opposed to freedom struggle of Bangladesh. When Bangladesh applied to United Nation for a membership, China provided veto power against Bangladesh. But trade between two countries has grown from 2002 when Bangladesh National Party formed government in Bangladesh. He also discuss about the China visit of H E Sheikh Hasina and several of agreement on infrastructure, power, development communication between China and Bangladesh. The author stated China's interest into Bangladesh as a matter of concern (Ranjan, Amit).

Kamruzzaman, Muhammad, International Journal of Social Science and human research, April 2021 in his article showedBangladesh China bilateral relation current trend analysisis an article when analyzed conceptual Framework with historical background of India China relation .The learned author try to find out various pattern of Bangladesh China relationship with a special reference to Sheikh Hasina period from 2009. He also discussed diplomatic aspect of bilateral relationship between Bangladesh and China and future area of cooperation.

Li,Amily ,Balancing India and China: the impact of foreign relation on Bangladesh (2018)Western University, discussed Bangladesh economic relation with India and China and which would be matter of tension  for India, the second largest trading partner of Bangladesh. He analyzed summary of cooperation and conflict in India-Bangladesh relation and need of Bangladesh to grow Bangladesh -China relationships. Hefined Bangladeshi government initiative; try to balancing into economic power with India and China for its own interest.

DuttaDrSujit Kumar China Bangladesh India triangular cooperation option for Bangladesh journal of Indian Research (January to June 2021) try to analyzed new paradigm of cooperation among India, China Bangladesh .He stated Bangladesh as a geo strategic strongest country among the three countries i.e.  India,  Bangladesh, and China. Bangladesh having a strategic balance with India and China as two countries is equally important for Bangladesh

Islam Mohammad shariful and HussainDelwar 2021 understanding Bangladesh relation with India and China: dilemmas and response, journal of Indian Ocean region, briefly discussed China issue in India Bangladesh relation .The authors are find that, India and China have interest in Bangladesh for their presence as a leader of South Asian region .They also discussed in this paper India China clashed at the Galwan Valley in June 2020 and Sino- Indian contemporary border conflict. Competition of India and China over small country like Bangladesh in South Asia is being discussed.

The above mention literature analyzed china factors in India – Bangladesh relationship in various perspectives but according to me, there is no systematic analysis. “Intervention of China and China as a factor on India -Bangladesh relationship: A Study with Recent Trend”So, Research Gap has been found. There should necessary to analyze my topics in other perspective.

Hypothesis The Research study based on flowing Hypothesis-
1. There is strong historical Background of India- Bangladesh relation.
2. China- Bangladesh relation has no Strong background as India-Bangladesh relation.
3. In recent time Pro- China activity in Bangladesh is a matter of concern for India.
From the various method of study, I have chosen Historical, Analytical, Descriptive method of study. My research study is based on qualitative Research. Content analysis method has a major part in my study. I have used various government official report, press release and others reports. I have also taken various suggestions from the Expert of Foreign policy and Renewed Academician of Political Science and International relation. The whole Research work isdone by Neoliberal theoretical Background.

After doing Some Research Work in the topic, “Intervention of China and China as a factor on India -Bangladesh relationship: A Study with Recent Trend”, I have fined various aspect of the study. Major Finding and analysis are given below-

India and Bangladesh share 4096 kilometer boundary (Bammi, YM, 2010). Two countries have same culture history and linguistic similar similarities. In 1947 undivided India divided into India and Pakistan. There was two parts of Pakistan East Pakistan and West Pakistan.  There was huge difference in cultural linguistics and social structure between East and West Pakistan. There was unconditional dominance by West Pakistan on East Pakistan.  So Liberation struggle was formed in East Pakistan. By the long history of Liberation struggle East Pakistan emerged as an independentNation Bangladesh in 1972 under the   leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman. India Bangladesh relation was initiated by the first day of liberated Bangladesh. There was unconditional support of India behind the Liberation struggle of Bangladesh. Bangladesh publicly acknowledged many times role of India in their freedom movement. 1972 Indira Mujib treaty initiated a golden phase bilateral relation between India and Bangladesh. But in in 1975 MujiburRahman was assassinated. After that Regime of general ZiaurRahman and Hussain Muhammad Ershad was not friendly for India. After 1992 democracy restoration in Bangladesh, but Bangladesh national party under the prime minister ship of Begum Khaleda Zia assumed the powers of Bangladesh. Mrs. was Pro Pakistani and Pro China minded. After that in 1996 Awami league was assume the power, Sheikh Hasina the daughter of bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman became a prime minister of Bangladesh. But in 2001 election BNP leaded by Begum Khaleda Zia recapture the power of Bangladesh. From this time Begum Khaleda Zia was signed various deals with China. After (2006 to 2008), administration of caretaker government of Bangladesh comparative improved. In 2009, Bangladesh Awami League was reelected by the people of Bangladesh. From 2009 there is continuous improvement of Indo- Bangladesh relationship. But recent time there is presence of Chinese intervention in India Bangladesh relationship. Even Awami league government ,under the prime minister ship of Sheikh Hasina demanding various assistant from China which is a major concern for government of India.

(Graphics by Business Insider Bangladesh)

Collected from- https://www.businessinsiderbd.com/world/news/5593/bangladesh-under-pressure-from-india-china-over-joining-quad .

The diplomatic relation between China and Bangladesh started by general ZiaurRahman who adopted the policy to face East in 1975(Dutta, 2021) When the former prime minister of Bangladesh, Ms. Khaleda Zia, visited China in 1991, following the restoration of democracy there, she was especially thankful for the assistance of China offered during the hurricane that year in Bangladesh.(Ranjan , Amit).In 1996, Sheikh Hasina , Then prime Minister of Bangladesh paid an official visit to china and two countries made some agreements on bilateral issues. But there were new momentum on Bangladesh China relationship began with Era of Begum Khaleda Zia, Who came back in power in 2002.She Adopted look east policy for Bangladesh (Sarker, Noor Mohammad, 2014). In the year 2002,Khaleda Zia, then prime minister of Bangladesh visited China and signed a defense cooperation agreement Bangladesh was buy different types of military equipment from China. Bangladesh and China celebrated their Friendship year in 2005.China was an invited by Bangladesh in SAARC 2007.From 2009 there is significant development of Bangladesh China relationship. China announced 97 percent Bangladeshi product would be exempted from tariffs from 1st July, 2010.India was Bangladesh's largest trading partner till 2004, but place of India was replaced by China from 2004. Bangladesh and China jointly launched belt and Road initiative (BRI) in 2016; India has criticized these types of initiative up gradation of Bangladesh power system which would have benefited to over 2.5 million rural people (Hassan, 2019). In 2010 Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh Prime Minister visited to China and two countries were agreed to build development and connectivity project in Bangladesh.

Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina,paidan official Visit to China in06th to 11thJune 2014.This visit Bangladesh and China make “Deeping the closer comprehensive partnership of cooperation“both countries are agreed to Deep cooperation in agriculture,trade, investment, health, education Technology”(Joint statement by People Republic of China and people Republic of Bangladesh, 10th June2014).  . In, 2014, Bangladesh and china provided a Joint statement,by which both country were agreed to build Comprehensive cooperation in economics and Trade (Joint statement by People Republic of China and people Republic of Bangladesh, 10th June2014). President of China xi jinping visited Bangladesh in October 2016 and signed 27 deals that was a milestone of Bangladesh- China relationship. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,  paid a state visit to China in July 2019 which strengthen bilateral relationship  and two countries assured corporate with each other in water ,power, resource, infrastructural support. In the same year, China provided 2500 tons of Rice to the displaced   rohingyapersonal who are taking shelter at Bangladesh.

Analysis of India Bangladesh defense cooperation is incomplete without China Bangladesh relation. China is a biggest supplier of arms to Bangladesh. Security expert of India always observed that China Bangladesh bilateral relationship. Recent purchase of two submarines from China to Bangladesh is a matter of concern for India's security dilemma.Stakeholder of Bangladesh said that, purchase of submarine is a part of armed forces vision 2020 which is the adopted by government of Bangladesh, they also said that submarine of modern technology will boost the confidence of new generation officer of Bangladesh Navy.

But there are several analyses that Bangladesh’s China policy is a counter balance to India. Many Geo- politicians believe that India is an only country that is surrounded Bangladesh by three side and India becoming Global power in the world. In this circumstance Bangladesh wants to maintain a healthy relationship with China and India.State of Myanmar there was expectation to Bangladesh India would help then to repatriation process of rohingya into their Homeland Rakhain state. But, government of India not take any active measure to resolve rohiga crisis to Bangladesh.

As per report of 2019 by a leading English newspaper of Bangladesh, China might interest 50 Billion US dollar in next 15 years in Bangladesh (The daily star 15 December 2019). Bangladesh setup a US dollar 400 million joint venture with a China belonging company which would be provided 500 megawatt power by 2023 (The Financial Express, 29th August 2019)

Bangladesh is a second largest defense customer of China Bangladesh got the two submarine from China in 2016( The Diplomat ,20th January,2017)International peace Research institute says that  between 2016 to 2020 procured 17% of all Chinese defense Exports while Pakistan was top customer procuring 38% of Chinese defense export (the print 7th April 2023). Strong China minded lobbies are active in Bangladesh and those trying to establish a positive narrative towards China through Newspaper editorial column, TV show discussion and debates, Govt. of India must be careful about it (Mukherjee, 2020).

 Bangladesh is an important country for Both India and China due to Its Geopolitical significance (Islam, 2021).But in recent time china investment in various projects of Bangladesh is matter of concern for India. In fact it is true that, Pro china lobby in Bangladesh developing by local Media and some Government official (Mukherjee, 2020). Bangladesh stated that Chinese policies of Bangladesh not affected Indo- Bangladesh Relation, as India and Bangladesh already embarked as a “Blood Neighbor” .Bangladesh foreign Minister Abdul Momen said that “ Position of Bangladesh always clear, we want peaceful coexistence not conflict”(Dhaka Tribune 17th June 2020). So, Bangladesh does not want to compare India with China. Sheikh Hasina , PM of Bangladesh said that, Bangladesh foreign policy is based on “Friendship to all ,malice to none” (Bhaumik, 2022) But from the Indian perspective it is matter of concern for India. Especially from bloody clash between armed forces of India – China, the relationship between two countries not positive in the present perspective. India china clashes on the border issue frequently take place in past year (2021-2022). Many expert of foreign policy suggest that India should concentrate more careful with maintain relationship with Bangladesh. After Covid 19. India provides assistance to Bangladesh in vaccination, health care, connectivity, infrastructural development in Bangladesh. Bangladesh gets lot of Covid vaccine from India at free of cost.Peoples to peoples contact in the civil people of India- Bangladesh are strong point for India which is not present in Bangladesh- China relationship. But India should more careful with Bangladesh to prevent Chinese Intervention into good relationship between India- Bangladesh. After all discussion we can say that, the entirehypotheses which are taken by the Researcher are proved.


My present study is an attempt to review Chinese intervention in India- Bangladesh relation.I has discussed about my research with some limitation. Bangladesh decided to maintain good relation with two big powers. Bangladesh is benefited from development assistance and economic assistance from china and India. India. India is an emotion for Bangladesh. Bangladesh emerged as sovereign country by the help of India. There are various bonding between India- Bangladesh over decades to decades. But, some issues Likes Migration, Teesta water issue creates some irritation, China uses this irritation as an opportunity in Bangladesh. India should prevent these chines intervention to Bangladesh by peaceful negotiation and settlement of different issues including solving of Teesta water issues with Bangladesh.


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