P: ISSN No. 2394-0344 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- X January  - 2024
E: ISSN No. 2455-0817 Remarking An Analisation

New Trends in Data Warehousing and Data Analysis

Paper Id :  18462   Submission Date :  12/01/2024   Acceptance Date :  20/01/2024   Publication Date :  25/01/2024
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Simrat Kaur Bhangu
Computer Science
Govt. College For Girls
Ludhiana,Punjab, India

This abstract delves into the dynamic landscape of data warehousing and analysis, highlighting emerging trends that shape the way organizations manage and derive insights from their vast datasets. The paper examines the pivotal shift towards cloud-based data warehousing solutions, emphasizing their scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, it explores the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms into data analysis, showcasing their role in automating decision-making processes and uncovering hidden patterns. Furthermore, the abstract sheds light on the importance of real-time analytics in today's fast-paced business environment, outlining how technologies like in-memory computing contribute to quicker and more responsive data processing. The paper also touches upon the rising significance of data governance and privacy concerns and also emphasizes the growing role of data lakes and the adoption of modern data architectures in accommodating the ever-expanding variety of data. In conclusion, this abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the new trends in data warehousing and analysis, offering insights into the evolving strategies that organizations employ to harness the full potential of their data for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Keywords Data warehousing, Cloud Computing, Business Intelligence system,Big Data, Inventory Control System, ETL( Extract, Transform, Load), Data Analysis.

The value of Data warehousing  are in many business firms and organizations depends on Information based management systems, and information is collaborated from data analysis, so information based management systems considered data warehouse as their core elements. Data warehousing Projects and Technologiesare highly vital to Business Organizations in terms of their efforts in time and investments.As the digital landscape continues to advance, exploring new trends in data warehousing and data analysis becomes imperative for staying at the forefront of information management. This research paper delves into emerging methodologies, technologies, and paradigms shaping the field. From cloud-based solutions to real-time processing, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape, offering insights into how organizations can harness these trends for enhanced data storage, retrieval, and analytical capabilities.

Aim of study

The aim of the study on new trends in data warehousing and data analysis is likely to explore emerging technologies, methodologies, and practices in handling and analyzing large datasets. This research paper may aim to identify advancements, challenges, and potential applications, contributing valuable insights to the evolving landscape of data management and analytics.

Review of Literature

Author doesn't have direct access to databases or specific literature. However, for a research paper on new trends in data warehousing and data analysis, consider reviewing recent academic journals, conference proceedings, and reputable articles in the field of data science, information systems, and database management. Look for works discussing innovative technologies like cloud-based data warehouses, real-time analytics, machine learning applications, and advancements in data processing techniques. References given below.

Some recent trends Include:

1.Cloud-Based Data Warehousing: Growing reliance on cloud-based solutions like AWS Redshift, Google Big Query, or Snowflake for scalability and flexibility. Governments are increasing moving towards cloud-based Data warehousing cost-effectiveness, and accessibility.In a cloud based data warehouse (DW), business users can access and query data from multiple sources and geographically distributed places[1].

2.Big Data and AI- Powered Analytics: Utilizing big data and artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to automate, manage and analze large volumes of diverse data sources for insights and decision-making.

3.DataOps: An approach combining agile methodologies and Develops principles into data analytics workflows to enhance collaboration, efficiency, and to speed of delivering insights.

This discussion follows on a paper discussing introductory topics in next generation and current trends inwarehousing & data analysis which covered the foundational elements of a modern data analysis and data warehousing.

The Most Important Data Warehouse Trends

1.Cloud Computing:- is a technology that enables users to access and use computing resources (like servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and more) over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. Rather than owning and maintaining physical hardware or infrastructure, cloud computing allows individuals and businesses to utilize these resources on-demand from a cloud service provider. It offers scalability, flexibility, cost-efficiency, and the ability to access data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. The emergence of cloud computing has made a tremendous impact on the Information Technology (IT) industry over the past few years, where large companies such as Google, Amazon and cost-efficient cloud platforms, and business enterprises  seek to reshape their business models to gain benefit from this new paradigm[2]. In  cloud computing, 3 models are used such as Software as a Service (SaaS) is a model where software applications are hosted and provided by a third-party vendor over the internet With IaaS, users can access and manage fundamental computing resources such as virtual machines, storage, networking, and other infrastructure components without having to invest in or maintain physical hardware and PaaS typically offers a complete environment for developing, testing, deploying, and managing applications, including tools and services for coding, version control, database management, and  more.

Figure:  Models of Cloud Computing

Some Emerging Trends for 2024 in Cloud Computing:-The first under the Cloud Computing trends is the introduction of the Citizen developer. Google is also heavily invested in machine learning and its significance to their AI roadmap. This also includes for Better AI/ML and also the secret sauce for cloud is the potential for automation. Cloud providers are developing disaster recovery solutions that enable businesses to quickly recover from disruptions such as natural disasters or cyberattacks.Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that is being integrated with cloud computing to create new applications and services.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing market in which cloud providers are investing. It develops solutions to help businesses manage and process a plethora of data generated by IoT devices.

2. Hybrid data warehousing:- In the hybrid warehouse the conceptual design relies on the graph-based multidimensional model for representing the integrated global schema andBloom filters are almost always beneficial when communicating data in the hybrid warehouse that integrates two massively parallel and heterogeneous data platforms, Broadcast joins can only be used in limited cases, because the data involved is usually very large. Data warehouses store vast amount of historical information ranging from very distant to very current transactions. For this purpose, data in the warehouse is frequently  combined or condensed making it uncomplicated to scan and query and access[3]. A study carried out by other research on the data warehouse system reviewed below. Okerenke, (2015): provide a hybrid framework for security issues in Data warehouse (which comprises the use of Username/Password and Token generation). The bottleneck in this work was that the system can only use password-based verification where Usernames are often a mixture of the individual’s first name and last name, this makes them guessable[4].

3. Real-time data processing:- A Real Time Data Warehouse (RTDW) can be termed as a system that represents the features and the actual situation of the organization. Two techniques are used to achieve real-time data warehousing one is using the Change Data Capture (CDC) technique and the integration of change data capture with existing ETL processes to maximize the performance of ETL and achieve real time ETLIn the contrary, migrating the data into data warehouse using conventional ETL tools has a latency problem with the large volumes of data sets because ETL processes consume substantial CPU resources and time for large data sets.

4Self-service analytics:-Self-service BI is defined as business users being able to generate the reports they need throughout their daily work cycle without seeking the help of their IT department , As per Gartner. The need for Self-service data analytics is inevitable as it supports the business in making the right decisions.

5.Artificial intelligence and machine learning integration:-In data warehousing, integrating AI and ML involves leveraging these technologies to enhance data analysis, predictive modeling, and decision-making within the warehouse. This integration can optimize processes like data cleaning, pattern recognition, and predictive analytics, enabling better insights and informed business decisions. AI and ML algorithms can be applied to improve data quality, automate ETL processes, and extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data stored in the warehouse.

6. Data virtualization:- Data visualization plays a significant role in data warehousing by presenting complex data in a visually comprehensible manner. It allows users to grasp insights, patterns, and trends within the data more easily through charts, graphs, dashboards, and other visual representations. Tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Qlik are commonly used for effective data visualization in data warehousing systems.

7. Metadata management:- Metadata management in data warehousing involves the organization, storage, and management of metadata—information about the data stored in the data warehouse. It includes details such as data source, structure, relationships, definitions, and usage. Effective metadata management ensures data quality, improves understanding of the data, assists in data governance, and helps in facilitating data integration and analysis within the data warehouse environment.Metadata is essential for the successful operation of data files, as it acts as the underlying data that helps maintain and manage the namespace, permissions, and address of the file data blocks[5]. Metadata access in the distributed file system can be increased by Caching and prefetching operations[6]. Metadata is available for re-use by other applications, and has a built change management system facilitating a check-in/check-out system with history and audit trails.

8. Data lakes and data warehouses convergence:-The convergence of data lakes and data warehouses involves blending their capabilities to create a unified and flexible data management infrastructure. It combines the scalability and agility of data lakes, which store raw and unstructured data, with the structured, optimized querying of data warehouses. This convergence aims to improve accessibility, reduce data silos, and enhance analytics by allowing organizations to efficiently store, process, and analyze diverse data types in one place.

Data warehousing  trends in inventory Control  system:- In the inventory realm, data warehousing trends often revolve around real-time analytics, AI-driven inventory optimization, cloud-based solutions, and the integration of IoT sensors for enhanced tracking and management of inventory levels. There's also a focus on scalability, flexibility, and predictive analytics to anticipate demand fluctuations and streamline supply chains.

Datawarehousing in Govt. Sector:- In the government sector, data warehousing plays a crucial role in consolidating disparate data sources, enabling better decision-making, enhancing transparency, and improving services. Trends involve adopting secure cloud-based solutions, implementing robust data governance policies, utilizing big data analytics for citizen services, and ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR or HIPAA for sensitive data handling. Additionally, there's an emphasis on interoperability to facilitate data sharing among different government departments while ensuring data security and privacy.

Datawarehousing trends in Transanction Control  System:- For transaction control systems, data warehousing trends include the integration of real-time data processing, the use of advanced analytics for fraud detection and prevention, implementing blockchain for secure and transparent transactions, leveraging machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection, and optimizing data architectures to handle large volumes of transactional data efficiently. Additionally, there's a focus on ensuring data integrity, scalability, and compliance with regulatory standards like PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).

Datawarehousing trends in Artificial Intelligence:- In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), data warehousing serves as a critical foundation by providing a consolidated, organized repository of data. Trends in this space involve integrating AI algorithms directly into data warehouses for real-time analytics, implementing AI-driven data preparation and cleansing, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) for querying data, employing AI-powered data governance for quality assurance, and leveraging machine learning to optimize data warehouse performance. The goal is to enable AI models to access high-quality, diverse data efficiently, thereby enhancing AI's capabilities in decision-making and predictive analytics.

Datawarehousing in Robotics:- In robotics, data warehousing is crucial for storing and managing vast amounts of data generated by robots. Trends include leveraging data warehouses to collect, process, and analyze sensor data from robots, using machine learning algorithms within data warehouses for predictive maintenance of robots, implementing real-time analytics to improve robot performance, and integrating data warehouses with robotics systems to enable better decision-making and autonomous actions. Moreover, there's a focus on optimizing data storage and retrieval to support the rapid processing required for real-time robot operations.

Datawarehousing in Business Intelligence:- Data warehousing in business intelligence (BI) involves consolidating and organizing data from various sources to support BI initiatives. Current trends encompass the integration of cloud-based data warehouses for scalability and accessibility, the use of in-memory processing for faster analytics, the adoption of data virtualization to access disparate data sources in real time, the implementation of self-service BI tools for easier data exploration, and the utilization of AI and machine learning for predictive and prescriptive analytics within the data warehouse. Overall, the goal is to enable businesses to make informed decisions by providing comprehensive, timely, and actionable insights derived from the data warehouse.

Datawarehousing in Medicines:- In medicine, data warehousing trends focus on leveraging comprehensive patient data for improved healthcare outcomes. This includes integrating electronic health records (EHRs), genomic data, medical imaging, and IoT-generated health data into centralized data warehouses. Other trends involve implementing predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms for diagnosis and treatment planning, utilizing data warehouses to facilitate research and drug discovery, enhancing interoperability among healthcare systems for seamless data sharing, and ensuring data security and compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA. Additionally, there's an emphasis on patient-centric approaches, such as personalized medicine, enabled by insights derived from these integrated data sources within the warehouse.

Datawarehousing in Engineering Work:- In engineering, data warehousing trends focus on centralizing diverse data sources like CAD models, sensor data, simulations, and maintenance records into unified repositories. Current trends involve leveraging cloud-based data warehouses for scalability and collaboration among engineering teams, implementing advanced analytics for predictive maintenance and performance optimization, utilizing IoT integration for real-time data streaming and monitoring, and employing machine learning for anomaly detection and process improvement. Additionally, there's a push towards utilizing data warehouses for simulation-based design and enhancing data-driven decision-making across the engineering lifecycle.

Main Text

The ETL design process – Metadata is defined that describes the data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading processes that move and reformat data values to meet the business needs for which the warehouse is being developed. Wizards help the source and target definitions process, and an easy –to-use template process designer is used to design data flows. Advanced transformations are available to join, split, filter, and cleanse the data as needed.Extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes extract data from internal and external sources of an organization, transform these data, and load them into a data warehouse (DW)[7].ETL conciliation tasks [8], were modeled with relational algebra and applied to a real-world ETL scenario [9].

Figure: ETL design process

There are a number of excellent data analysis software tools:

1. Python- Widely used for data analysis due to libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn, offering extensive functionalities for data manipulation, statistical analysis, and machine learning.

2. R: Known for its statistical analysis capabilities, R provides a vast array of packages for data manipulation, visualization, and modeling.

3. Tableau: A powerful tool for visual analytics, allowing users to create interactive and shareable dashboards.

4. Power BI: Microsoft's business analytics tool that enables data visualization, sharing insights across organizations, and connecting to various data sources.

5. Excel: Although not as sophisticated as other tools, Excel remains widely used for basic data analysis, especially for smaller datasets and quick calculations.

6. SQL: While not a standalone tool, SQL (Structured Query Language) is crucial for querying and managing relational databases, a fundamental aspect of data analysis.The choice of tool often depends on the specific requirements of the analysis, the size of the dataset, the necessary functionalities, and the user's familiarity with the tool. Each of these tools has its strengths and weaknesses, catering to different aspects of data analysis. What kind of data analysis or tasks are you considering these tools for?

The biggest advantage of data warehousing and data analysis is the ability to predict future trends, outcomes, or behaviors based on historical and real-time data. This predictive capability allows companies to anticipate market trends, customer preferences, operational needs, and potential risks. By analyzing patterns and relationships within the data, businesses can make informed forecasts and predictions, enabling proactive decision-making and strategic planning.Predictive analytics, a key component of data analysis, uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and make predictions. This capability helps companies in various ways, such as forecasting sales, anticipating consumer demands, optimizing inventory, managing resources more efficiently, and even predicting potential failures or issues before they occur.

IDW/DA Design Requirements

Data warehousing is the process of integrating data from multiple internal and external sources and making it available for use in business analysis.Data analysis involves the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and interpreting data to discover meaningful insights, trends, patterns, and relationships.Companies will undertake data warehousing and analysis for a variety of reasons such as to:

i. Decision Making

ii. Business Intelligence

iii. Performance Monitoring

iv. Customer Insights

vi. Risk Management

vii. Operational Efficiency

The IDW/DA Mission

The primary mission of the IDW is to link the knowledge warehouse and the data warehouse processes with operational system to bring quality, functionality and information sharing. The IDW knowledge warehouse like the DW contains information about the business, this information helps to control the process, reporting from both OLTP and DW data. The DW will contain data in support of knowledge warehouse specific business goals by presenting data from a historical data, data validation.

DW/DA Withfirst generation business intelligence

The integration of data warehousing and data analysis with first-generation business intelligence marked a significant milestone in enhancing organizational decision-making.BI software and organizational strategy into BI Remedies, and to ensure the on-going achievement of the objectives associated with the BI process[10]. BI software products, on the other hand, are assets which are readily available in factor markets.[11].  Similarly, BI software implementation services can be purchased and the on-going maintenance of BI solutions can also be outsourced. Early BI tools leveraged structured data from data warehouses, providing a foundation for reporting and basic analysis. However, limitations such as rigid reporting structures and slower data processing hindered real-time insights. Despite these constraints, the combination of data warehousing and first-generation BI laid the groundwork for understanding historical trends and making informed decisions. This symbiotic relationship paved the way for subsequent generations of BI to address shortcomings, ultimately evolving into more dynamic, real-time, and user-friendly solutions. Acknowledging the historical context is crucial for appreciating the continuous advancements in the field of business intelligence.

DW/DAWithSecond generation business intelligence

The second generation of business intelligence (BI) witnessed a notable evolution in the integration of data warehousing and data analysis. During this phase, BI tools became more user-friendly, offering interactive dashboards and ad-hoc querying capabilities.But successful management of BI also requires a close alignment of IT and business throughout the whole BI solution life cycle,[12] in particular matching decisions and requiring information,[13] asking the right questions, gaining and maintaining topmanagement support and championship,[14] and end-user ‘buy-in’, etc. Data warehouses played a crucial role in consolidating and structuring diverse data sources, enabling a more comprehensive analysis. The advent of second-generation BI also addressed some limitations of its predecessor by focusing on quicker data processing and improved scalability. The synergy between data warehousing and BI during this period empowered organizations to gain deeper insights into their data, fostering a more proactive and agile decision-making process.

Overall, the collaboration between data warehousing and second-generation BI marked a pivotal step forward in enhancing analytical capabilities, setting the stage for further advancements in business intelligence.


Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data to discover useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. Analysis of large dataset requires more computational complexities. The major issue is to handle inconsistencies and uncertainty present in the datasets. In general sense ,systematic modeling of the computational complexity is used.[15]. It involves various techniques, such as statistical analysis, machine learning, and visualization, to extract meaningful patterns and insights from raw data.

Figure: Data Analysis- Process

1. Scalable Data Analysis*

Scalable data analysis refers to the ability to efficiently handle and process increasing volumes of data as the dataset grows in size or complexity. It involves designing systems and methodologies that can handle larger workloads without sacrificing performance. This scalability is crucial for applications dealing with big data, ensuring that the analysis can be extended to accommodate larger datasets and evolving requirements without significant degradation in speed or efficiency.

2. Accoutable Solution For Scalable Data Analysis*

An accountable solution for scalable data analysis involves implementing a robust infrastructure, utilizing appropriate technologies, and adhering to best practices. Key components include:

Distributed Computing: Employing distributed computing frameworks like Apache Hadoop or Apache Spark to distribute the workload across multiple nodes, enabling parallel processing and scalability. An accountable data analysis solution involves a comprehensive approach to ensure accuracy, transparency, and ethical use of data. Key components include: Data Quality Assurance, Data Governance, Documentation and Metadata, Version Control, Ethical Considerations, Audit Trails, Transparent Reporting, Data Security, Collaboration and Accountability, Continuous Monitoring, By integrating these elements into the data analysis workflow, organizations can build an accountable solution that not only delivers accurate insights but also upholds ethical standards, data governance principles, and transparency throughout the entire analytical lifecycle.

Optimized Algorithms:  Designing and utilizing algorithms that are optimized for parallel processing, reducing the time complexity

2.1. Benefits Of New Trends

Computational Efficiency: Learning is computational intensive, so reducing data,speed up the process and implies more efficiency.

Reduced human/Expert Intervention: Labeling cost is high, so asking the domain expect is not always possible due to limited resources.

Better Accuracy: As learning process requires time, we can reach better accuracy more quickly selecting better examples and features.

Cost Effectiveness: Data collection is expensive even without labelling, reducing the cost of data collection can be a main target in real life applications

1. Solving Scalability Issues with New trends

For scalability issues in data warehousing, cloud-based solutions, especially those utilizing server less architecture, offer elastic scalability. Distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark and technologies such as Kubernetes help manage increased workloads efficiently. In data analysis, employing distributed processing frameworks, parallel computing, and leveraging cloud resources for scalable storage and computation can address scalability challenges. Additionally, optimizing algorithms and adopting data partitioning techniques contribute to enhanced scalability in both data warehousing and analysis.

New trends in data analysis emphasize augmented analytics, which combines machine learning and natural language processing to make data insights more accessible. There's a shift towards real-time analytics, leveraging technologies like streaming data processing and edge computing. Data democratization is gaining importance, promoting self-service analytics for non-technical users. Also, ethical considerations in data analysis, such as privacy and bias mitigation, are becoming integral aspects of the approach.


To sum up, exploring the new trends in data warehousing and data analysis reveals a transformative landscape marked by advancements in real-time processing, advanced analytics, and integration with cutting-edge technologies like machine learning. While acknowledging current challenges, the future holds promising prospects for enhanced decision-making capabilities and actionable insights. Embracing these evolving trends not only ensures more efficient data utilization but also positions organizations at the forefront of innovation in research and business intelligence.

Limitation of the Study Limitations of data warehousing include potential data integration challenges, high implementation costs, and the need for on-going maintenance. Future scope involves advancements in real-time data processing, enhanced analytics capabilities, and increased integration with emerging technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. Improving data governance and addressing privacy concerns are also crucial for the evolving landscape of data warehousing and analysis.

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