ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.  UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL.- VIII , ISSUE- XII January  - 2024
Innovation The Research Concept

Objectives of Teacher Education at Primary and Secondary Level

Paper Id :  18722   Submission Date :  11/01/2024   Acceptance Date :  16/01/2024   Publication Date :  20/01/2024
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Babita Rani
Assistant Professor
National College Of Education
Sirsa,Haryana, India

Teacher education plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality of education at both primary and secondary levels. This paper explores conceptual understanding of objectives that guide teacher education programs, emphasizing their significance in fostering effective teaching practices and student learning outcomes.

At the primary level, the objectives of teacher education are multifaceted. The objectives of teacher education at the primary level are to prepare educators who are knowledgeable, skilled, reflective, and compassionate professionals capable of meeting the diverse needs of young children and fostering their academic, social, and emotional growth in primary school settings.

Similarly, at the secondary level, teacher education objectives extend to meet the unique demands of adolescent learners. The objectives of teacher education at the secondary level are to prepare educators who are knowledgeable, skilled, reflective, and student-centered professionals capable of meeting the diverse needs of adolescents and fostering their academic, social, and emotional development in secondary school settings.

Overall, the objectives of teacher education at both primary and secondary levels converge on the overarching goal of preparing educators who are competent, compassionate, and committed to fostering optimal learning experiences for all students. By addressing the diverse needs of learners and cultivating effective teaching practices, teacher education programs serve as catalysts for educational excellence and societal advancement.

Keywords Objectives of Teacher Education, Primary and Secondary Level.

Teacher education refers to the formal process of preparing individuals to become teachers. It encompasses a comprehensive program of study and practical experiences designed to equip prospective educators with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to be effective in their roles.

Objective of study

This paper explores conceptual understanding of objectives that guide teacher education programs, emphasizing their significance in fostering effective teaching practices and student learning outcomes.

Review of Literature

For this paper, many studies of various authors and researchers have been reviewed in which some are as Kapur, Radhika (2018). Concept of Teacher Education, Murty, S. K. (2005). Teacher education in Indian society, Mustafa, S. (n.d.). Historical Development of Teacher Education in India, Saxena, N.R., Mishra, B.K., & Mohanty, R.K. (2012) Teacher Education, Sharma, S.P. (2007) Teacher education: Principles, theories and practices etc.

Main Text

The concept of teacher education includes several important components:

i. Academic Preparation: Teacher education programs typically include coursework in educational theory, pedagogy, child development, curriculum design, assessment methods, classroom management, and educational technology. This academic preparation provides prospective teachers with a solid foundation of knowledge about teaching and learning.

ii. Practical Training: In addition to academic coursework, teacher education programs often incorporate practical experiences, such as student teaching or internships, where aspiring teachers work in real classroom settings under the guidance of experienced educators. These hands-on experiences allow prospective teachers to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and develop their teaching skills.

iii. Professional Development: Teacher education is a continuous process that extends beyond initial preparation. Educators are expected to engage in ongoing professional development throughout their careers to stay current with best practices, educational trends, and advancements in their field. This may include attending workshops and conferences, participating in collaborative learning communities, pursuing advanced degrees, or seeking certification in specialized areas.

iv. Reflective Practice: Effective teacher education encourages reflective practice, where educators critically analyze their teaching methods, assess student learning outcomes, and identify areas for improvement. Reflective practitioners engage in self-assessment and seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, and students to continuously enhance their teaching effectiveness.

v. Ethical Considerations: Teacher education programs also emphasize the importance of ethical conduct and professionalism. Prospective teachers learn about their responsibilities to students, colleagues, parents, and the broader community, as well as ethical considerations related to teaching practice, such as maintaining confidentiality, respecting diversity, and promoting equity and inclusion.

Overall, teacher education plays a vital role in preparing educators to meet the diverse needs of students, create inclusive learning environments, and contribute to the improvement of education systems. By providing aspiring teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support, teacher education programs aim to develop competent, caring, and reflective professionals who can make a positive impact on student learning and achievement.

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Objectives of teacher education at primary level

Teacher education at the primary level aims to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to effectively teach young children (typically ages 5-11) in primary or elementary school settings. The objectives of teacher education at the primary level include:

i. Understanding Child Development: Teachers should have a deep understanding of child development theories and milestones, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. They should be able to apply this knowledge to create developmentally appropriate learning experiences and support the holistic growth of each child.

ii. Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Teachers need a strong foundation in pedagogical content knowledge, which includes an understanding of the curriculum, subject-specific teaching methods, and effective instructional strategies for teaching literacy, numeracy, science, social studies, and other primary school subjects.

iii. Differentiated Instruction: Teachers should be able to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in their classrooms, including students with varying learning styles, abilities, interests, and cultural backgrounds. This involves adapting teaching methods, materials, and assessments to ensure that all students have access to meaningful learning experiences.

iv. Classroom Management: Effective classroom management is essential for creating a positive and productive learning environment. Teachers need to establish clear expectations, routines, and procedures, manage transitions, and address behavioral issues promptly and effectively to promote a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

v. Promoting Literacy and Numeracy: Teachers play a critical role in developing students' literacy and numeracy skills during the primary years. Teacher education programs should focus on equipping teachers with research-based strategies for teaching reading, writing, mathematics, and other foundational skills, as well as fostering a love of learning and inquiry.

vi. Integration of Technology: In today's digital age, teachers need to be proficient in integrating technology into their teaching practice. Teacher education programs should provide training on how to effectively use educational technology tools and resources to enhance instruction, differentiate learning, and promote digital literacy skills among students.

vii. Assessment and Feedback: Teachers should be able to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress, identify learning needs, and provide timely and constructive feedback to students. Teacher education programs should emphasize the importance of using assessment data to inform instructional decisions and support student learning.

viii. Collaboration and Professionalism: Teachers should collaborate with colleagues, parents, and other stakeholders to support student learning and well-being. Teacher education programs should cultivate a professional mindset, ethical behavior, and a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development among prospective teachers.

Objectives of teacher education at secondary level

Teacher education at the secondary level focuses on preparing educators to teach adolescents, typically ages 11-18, in middle school and high school settings. The objectives of teacher education at the secondary level include:

i. Subject Matter Expertise: Secondary school teachers need a deep understanding of the subjects they teach, including content knowledge, concepts, theories, and methodologies. Teacher education programs should ensure that prospective teachers have a strong foundation in their chosen subject areas, enabling them to effectively teach and facilitate student learning.

ii. Pedagogical Content Knowledge: In addition to subject matter expertise, secondary school teachers need pedagogical content knowledge, which involves understanding how to teach specific subjects in ways that are accessible and meaningful to students. Teacher education programs should provide training in subject-specific teaching methods, instructional strategies, and assessment techniques tailored to the needs of adolescents.

iii. Differentiated Instruction: Teachers should be able to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in their classrooms, including students with varying learning styles, abilities, interests, and backgrounds. Teacher education programs should prepare educators to adapt teaching methods, materials, and assessments to ensure that all students have opportunities for success.

iv. Classroom Management: Effective classroom management is essential for creating a positive and conducive learning environment in secondary schools. Teachers need to establish clear expectations, routines, and procedures, manage student behavior proactively, and address disciplinary issues promptly and fairly to promote a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

v. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Secondary school teachers play a crucial role in fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills among students. Teacher education programs should equip educators with strategies for promoting inquiry-based learning, higher-order thinking, and metacognitive skills, enabling students to become independent and lifelong learners.

vi. Integration of Technology: Teachers should be proficient in integrating technology into their teaching practice to enhance instruction, engage students, and promote digital literacy skills. Teacher education programs should provide training on how to effectively use educational technology tools and resources, including multimedia presentations, online resources, and collaborative platforms.

vii. Assessment and Feedback: Teachers should be able to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments to assess student learning, monitor progress, and provide constructive feedback. Teacher education programs should emphasize the importance of using assessment data to inform instructional decisions and support student growth and achievement.

viii. Collaboration and Professionalism: Teachers should collaborate with colleagues, administrators, parents, and other stakeholders to support student learning and well-being. Teacher education programs should cultivate professionalism, ethical behavior, and a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development among prospective teachers.


At the primary level, the objectives of teacher education are multifaceted. Firstly, it aims to equip teachers with foundational knowledge in child psychology, pedagogy, and curriculum development, enabling them to understand the diverse needs and learning styles of young learners. Secondly, teacher education endeavors to cultivate instructional strategies that promote active engagement, critical thinking, and socio-emotional development among primary students. Thirdly, it emphasizes the importance of fostering a positive classroom environment that nurtures inclusivity, respect, and collaboration, thereby fostering a conducive learning atmosphere for all students. Additionally, teacher education at the primary level focuses on instilling effective classroom management techniques, enabling teachers to create structured and orderly learning environments conducive to academic growth.

Similarly, at the secondary level, teacher education objectives extend to meet the unique demands of adolescent learners. Firstly, it aims to deepen teachers' subject matter expertise and pedagogical content knowledge, enabling them to deliver rigorous and comprehensive instruction across various academic disciplines. Secondly, teacher education at the secondary level emphasizes the cultivation of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and independent learning habits among students, preparing them for higher education and future career endeavors. Thirdly, it underscores the importance of fostering positive teacher-student relationships built on trust, mutual respect, and effective communication, thereby enhancing student motivation and engagement in the learning process. Additionally, teacher education endeavors to equip teachers with assessment and evaluation strategies that provide timely feedback and support student progress towards academic mastery.

Overall, the objectives of teacher education at both primary and secondary levels converge on the overarching goal of preparing educators who are competent, compassionate, and committed to fostering optimal learning experiences for all students. By addressing the diverse needs of learners and cultivating effective teaching practices, teacher education programs serve as catalysts for educational excellence and societal advancement.


1. Balwaria, R., & Gupta, P. (2014). Historical perspective of teacher education in India. International Educational E-Journal, 3 (1), 54-65.

2. Kapur, Radhika (2018). Concept of Teacher Education. Retrieved from

3. Murty, S. K. (2005). Teacher education in Indian society. Ludhiana: Tandon Publications.

4. Mustafa, S. (n.d.). Historical Development of Teacher Education in India.

5. Saxena, N.R., Mishra, B.K., & Mohanty, R.K. (2012). Teacher Education. Meerut: R. Lal Depot.

6. Sharma, S.P. (2007). Teacher education: Principles, theories and practices. Vikash Publishing House.

7. Sharma, S.R. (1992). Teacher education in India. Anmol Publication.

8. Singh, L.C. (1990). Teacher education in India: A resource book. Delhi: NCERT


