P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No.  UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.- XIII , ISSUE- IV October  - 2024
E: ISSN No. 2349-9443 Asian Resonance
Morphological And Taxonomical Status Of Heliconema Mastacembeli Sp.Nov. From A Fresh Water Fish Mastacembelus Armatus(Lacepede) With A Key To The Genus
Paper Id :  19303   Submission Date :  2024-10-08   Acceptance Date :  2024-10-19   Publication Date :  2024-10-24
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Sadhana Gupta
Assistant Professor
Zoology Department
Sant Kavi Baba Baijnath Govt. P. G. College, Harakh,
Barabanki,U.P., India

In the  systematic  perspective , the field of parasitology has been shaped during the 20th century to focus on diverse assemblage of taxa. Morphological  study , the underpinning of taxonomy and systematics is now replaced by other new studies but in author’s view morphological homologies can be best established by the careful and accurate examination of cuticular , surface structures and other anatomical structures rather than diverting studies towards utilising wide array of other technique available.

A new nematode fish  parasite  Heliconema  mastacembeli  sp. nov. belonging  to the family Physaloperidae have been collected from the body cavity of fresh water fish Mastacembelus armatus(Lacepede) in district Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. This new species differs from its congeners in having 12 rows of tessellated longitudinal cuticular ridges in the posterior quarter of body , eight pairs of caudal papillae, the preequatorial vulva without elevated lips and  in having the spicule length ratio 1:2.7. An identification  key to the species of Heliconema Travassos, 1919 is given.

Keywords Fish Parasite, Nematode, Mastacembelus Armatus, Physalopteridae, Uttar Pradesh.

Description of parasite:  Body elongated, filiform, cuticle striated, striations 0.02-0.04 apart  from each other in males and 0.03-0.06 in females. Mouth dorsoventrally  elongate with two lateral lips each bearing  amphids and two submedian papillae. Inner surface surrounded by a cephalic collarette which extends posteriorly on lateral alae. Inner surface of  each lip bearing a conical tooth.  Oesophagus long, divided into two parts, anterior muscular and posterior glandular, joining intestine through muscular and sclerotized valve. Excretory pore  near junction of muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus.

Male: Body 15.88-24.16 long, 0.33-0.44 wide near middle part of body. Collarette 0.18-0.21 in diameter. Cervical papillae 0.20-0.26 from anterior end. Muscular oesophagus 0.40-0.53 in length, 0.07-0.09 in width. Glandular oesophagus 2.17-3.37 long. 0.12-0.16 wide. Entire oesophagus 2.57-3.90 long. Oesophageal  intestinal valve 0.06-0.07 long. Nerve ring at 0.21-0.32 and excretory pore 0.37-0.45 from anterior end. Spicule dissimilar and unequal. Left spicule longer, 0.49-0.62 in length having tubular shaft tapering to a fine point distally. Right spicule relatively short 0.18-0.22 long, arcuate thicker than left spicule with proximal end capitate,   spicule length ratio 1:2.7. Gubernaculunm absent. Caudal alae approximately three times to length of tail containing eight pairs of pedunculated papillae. Prenal papillae 4 pairs arranged in two groups of 2 pairs each, postanal papillae 4 pairs arranged in three groups 1,2,1 pairs. Tail coiled ventrally, 0.27-0.35 in length. Ventral cuticle forming twelve rows of tessellated longitudinal cuticular ridges in posterior quarter of body.

Female:  Body 20. 16-35.25 long, 0.50-0.62 wide near the junction of oesophagus and intestine. Cuticle striated transversely. Entire oesophagus  2.57-3.79 long (muscular 0.39-0.42 in length ,0.07-0.12 in width and glandular 2.17-3.37 in length, 0.09-0.17 in width). Oesophageal intestinal  valve 0.07-0.08 long. Nerve ring at 0.28-0.41 and excretory pore at 0.46-0.58 from anterior end. Vulva pre-equatorial  9.19-15.18 from anterior end with indistinct vulvular covers. Tail 0.15-0.29 long with bluntly rounded tip.


                   Host    -     Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepede)

                  Location-     Body cavity

                  Locality   -    Lucknow

                  Prevalence-   15 male and 25 female specimens from 22 hosts out of 120

Objective of study
The present study aims to disclose the number of species evolved during the different environmental changes and thus strengthening the biodiversity of life. This is the ground level study aiming to finding out different pseudocoelomates affecting the life of fishes and finally affecting the life of life of human population, reducing the nutrients. The present study is also useful in revealing the infestation of parasite in a particular fish.
Review of Literature

Travassos (1919) erected the genus Heliconema with Heliconema heliconema as its type species from a mammal Echidna catenata from Trinidad, West Indies. Ogden (1969) reviewed and recognized five species viz. Heliconema heliconema Travassos (1919), Heliconema longissima Ortlepp (1923), Heliconema brevispiculum Baylis (1934), H. ahiri Karve (1941) and Heliconema baylisi Ogden (1969). Bilquees and Khanum (1970) described Heliconema hamilonii from Mugil hamiltonii from Pakistan. Fusco and Palmieri (1980) described another species Heliconema serpens from a snake and indicated that Heliconema hamiltonii described by Bilquees and Khanum (1970) was a species inquirenda because the description was based only on female specimens which did not agree with the emended generic description given by the Ogden (1969). The author is in agreement with Fusco and Palmieri. Fabio (1982) pointed out another species Heliconema izecksohni from carvinorous characoid fish Hoplias malabaricus from Brazil. Threlfall and Carvajal (1984) added Heliconema psammobatidus from a Chilean skate, Psammobatis lima 125 Physalopterndae from Chile. Gupta and Duggal (1989) added Heliconema kherai from Mastacembelus  armatus from Ropar (Punjab). Damin and Heqing (2001) added Heliconema minnanensis collected from chondrichthys  fish another species Chiloscyllium plagiosum from Taiwan strait, Fujan, China, Liang etal.(2013) recovered  Heliconema hainanensis from Uroconger lepturus  South China sea. Another new species added by Moravec et.al (2019) Heliconema monopteri from Osteichthyes fish Monopterus cuchia. It has not been researched back in 2023-24 so no review of literature is available. Researcher has given all the latest reviews which she has found during her research.

Hypothesis Morphological study of parasite Heliconema mastacembeli n.sp. can help in finding out the specificity of parasite. For instance parasite that attach to host of a certain size might not be able to attach to host that are larger or smaller. Parasite can deplete the nutrient reserve of their host through metabolic competition and more of that it can also change the physiology, behaviour and morphology of their host.
Fish Mastacembelus armatus were obtained from local fish market of Lucknow. They were dissected and parasites were collected from body cavity. Out of 120 examined 15 males and 25 females were recovered. The nematodes obtained were washed in physiological saline and then fixed in hot 70% ethanol. For light microscope the nematodes were cleared using glycerine. Drawings were made wiyh the aid of Zeiss drawing attachment. Specimens used for scanning electron microscopywere postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated through a graded acetone series, critical point dried and sputter coated with gold; they were examined using a JEOL JSM -7401 F scanning electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 4 kV (GB low mode). All measurements are in micrometers unless otherwise indicated.
Result and Discussion

The present species differ from Heliconema minnanensis Damin and Heging, 2001 in the presence of tessellated longitudinal cuticular ridges in the posterior quarter of body instead of its complete absence. The present species further differs from H. heliconema, H. brooksi, H. brevispiculum, H. serpens, H.psammobatidus and H. kherai in having 12 rows of tessellated longitudinal cuticular ridges in the posterior quarter of body instead of 40 or more rows in H.brooksi, 20 in H. heliconema and H. brevispiculum, 15-17 in H. kherai, 14 in H. psammobatidus and 8-9 tessellated ridges in H. serpens. The present species resembles closely to H. longissima, H.baylisi, H.izecksohni and H. ahiri in having 12 rows of tessellated longitudinal ridges but differs from all of these in having eight pairs of caudal papillae instead of nine pairs in H. longissima and H. baylisi, seven pairs in H. izecksohni and eleven pairs in H. ahiri. The present species further differs from H. baylisi, H. izecksohri and H. ahiri in having the spicule length ratio 1:2.7 instead of 1:1.5, 1:3.7, 1:1.3 respectively. These differences are sufficient to create a new species with the specific name Heliconema mastacembeli sp.nov. This name has been given after its host  

 Key to species of the genus Heliconema Travassos, 1919.

1. Males with 14 or more longitudinal ridges in posterior quarter of body; females with prominent vulvular covers.                   --   2

Males with less than 14 tessellated longitudinal ridges; females with indistinct vulvular covers.-- 5 2.Males with 18 or more longitudinal ridges.         --  3

Males with 14 tessellated longitudinal ridges; spicule ratio (right: left) averaging 1:4.2.

                                               Heliconema psammobatidus

                                               Threlfall and Carvajal, 1984

3.Males with 20 longitudinal ridges.                –4

 Males with 40 or more tessellated longitudinal ridges; spicule ratio (right left) averaging 1:10.6

                                                  H. brooksi   Crites and Overstreet, 1991

4. Spicule ratio averaging 1:12.7 (and possibly 1:20), caudal papillae 10 pairs, tessellated longitudinal ridges present.

                                                      H. heliconema    Travassos, 1919 Spicule ratio averaging 1:2.4, caudal papillac 10 pairs; longitudinal ridges non tessellated.

                                                        H. brevispiculum  Baylis, 1934   

 5. Males with 12 tessellated longitudinal ridges; caudal papillae 7, 8, 9 5. or 11 pairs; spicule ratio averaging 1:1.5, 1:2.7 or 1:3.7           - 6

Males with 8-9 tessellated longitudinal ridges; caudal papillae 8 pairs; spicule ratio averaging 1:1.7

                                                        H. serpens  Fusco and Palmieri, 1980

6. Caudal papillae 7 or 11 pairs; spicule ratio :1.3 or 1:3.7                 --7

Caudal papillae 8 or 9 pairs; spicule ratio averaging 1:2.7 or 1:1.5                  --8

7. Caudal papillae 7 pairs; spicule ratio averaging 1:3.7

                                                   H. izecksohni  Fabio, 1982

Caudal papillae 11 pairs, spicule ratio averaging 1:1.3

                                                   H. ahiri  Karve, 1941

8. Caudal papillae 8 pairs; spicule ratio 1:2.7

                                                 H.mastacembeli sp.nov.

9.  Spicule ratio 1:2.7

                                              H.longissima Ortlepp. 1923

Spicule ratio 1:1.5

                                               H. baylisi Ogden, 1965


                                  PLATE-22 Fig. 1-6

                         Heliconenma mastacembeli  sp.nov.

                        1. Anterior end of body. Lateral view

                        2. Posterior end of male. Lateral view

                        3. Posterior end of female. Lateral view

                         4. Vulvar region. Lateral view

                         5. Eggs.



                                     PLATE-23 Fig. 1-2

                              Heliconema mastacembeli sp.nov.

                        1. SEM of anterior end showing teeth.

                        2. SEM of posterior end of male showing longitudinal cuticular ridges.


The present sp. Heliconema mastacembeli new to the Science adding one of the new taxonomical species thus strengthening biodiversity. Key to the species given will be helpful to further researchers to identify another new species as there is always a probability of evolution of new one as small changes when accumulate in environment give rise to number of new animals which are biodiversified adding to much our animal life.

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